Card file of games for the development of breathing card file on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic

Three themed games to automate sounds and develop the correct air flow

Three themed games to automate sounds and develop the correct air flow

“The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. We must not only give him time to play, but we must imbue his entire life with this game. His whole life is a game."

Makarenko A.S.

Play is not only a leading activity for preschool children, it is also an accessible, interesting, and exciting form of interaction with children. With the help of games, the development of both mental and mental abilities, as well as the development of speech components, is carried out in a more interesting and accessible way.

The games that I prepared for children were dedicated to the Halloween holiday. To make games I needed: paper, a color printer, laminating film, a laminator, scissors, thread or thin fishing line, and a needle.

Before I started playing with the children, I asked the children what they knew about this holiday and whether they celebrated it at home. Then I give the concept of what Halloween is, the attributes of this holiday, who gave rise to the development of this celebration and how it is celebrated.

Game "Pumpkins"

Goal: automation of set sounds, formation of phrases - sentences, development of attention, counting.

Progress of the game: The speech therapist shuffles the cards so that they are not in order, then puts them on the table with the words “... the pumpkins fell and broke in half, help me collect the pumpkins. For each number you need to find the same number of seeds.”

During the game, the speech therapist monitors how the child pronounces and automates the sounds that have already been made; if the child pronounces words incorrectly, the speech therapist corrects them. The speech therapist also pays attention to whether the child can form phrases and sentences; if not, the speech therapist helps.

The pumpkin cards are not mine, I found the pictures from the wonderful teacher #classesKonyakhina.

Game "Magic Web"

Goal: automation of delivered sounds, formation of phrases - sentences, development of the correct air flow, development of spatial representation.

Progress of the game: The speech therapist lays beetles on the web in advance (if possible, arrange the beetles so that the fasteners - threads are not visible), mixes the cards so that they are not in order, then asks the child to first blow on the web so that the bugs do not fly away – we blow 5 times, then blow so that, on the contrary, they all fly away at once.

During the game, the speech therapist monitors how the child pronounces, automates the sounds that have already been made; if the child pronounces words incorrectly, the speech therapist corrects them. The speech therapist also pays attention to whether the child can form phrases and sentences; if not, the speech therapist helps.

Game "Witch"

Goal: automation of delivered sounds, formation of phrases - sentences, development of the correct air flow, development of spatial representation.

Progress of the game: The speech therapist lays bats around the witch in advance (if possible, arrange the mice so that the fasteners - threads are not visible), mixes the cards so that they are not in order, then asks the child to first blow on the cobweb so that the bugs If they don’t fly apart, we blow at least 5 times, then blow so that, on the contrary, they all fly apart at once.

During the game, the speech therapist monitors how the child pronounces, automates the sounds that have already been made; if the child pronounces words incorrectly, the speech therapist corrects them. The speech therapist also pays attention to whether the child can form phrases and sentences; if not, the speech therapist helps.

The children, of course, enjoyed playing, fulfilling the basic conditions of the game; some children began to come up with their own rules. The games lifted our spirits and awakened the spirit of this mysterious holiday.

Afonshina Larisa Andreevna, teacher speech therapist-defectologist

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  2. Speech therapy games for automation and differentiation of sounds
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