Card index of didactic games for speech development for children 6-7 years old

Joint word games for adults and children in the preparatory group

Verbal games in older preschool age are one of the main methods of consolidating and deepening knowledge, and they need to be organized every day, gradually increasing their complexity. The teacher needs to monitor the dynamics of children’s development and mastery of new knowledge in order to give optimal load (for example, in the game “Guess the Animal” you need to add descriptions of animals of tropical countries, polar zones, and the ocean as preschoolers become familiar with them in class).

Older preschoolers also like games of a competitive nature, since their psyche is much more stable than at a younger age, they do not perceive losing as painfully as before; on the contrary, they are able to recognize and correct their mistakes. Almost any word game can be turned into a small competition or quiz, the main thing is that it is held in a friendly, comradely atmosphere, and everyone without exception receives awards at the end.

The quiz can also be used at matinees, then it will be conducted by the main game character

Table: examples of word games for seven-year-old children

Educational area and tasks of gamesName and course of the game
Social and communicative development To form in children an idea of ​​positive models of behavior in society, to cause rejection of negative qualities and actions, kindness, humanity, the ability to be friends, mutual assistance, sympathy for someone else’s misfortune.
  • “Evaluate the action” The teacher describes imaginary situations in which their peers or heroes of fairy tales, cartoons find themselves, the children evaluate what happened, tell who did the right thing, who did the bad thing, and why.
  • “Good deeds” The teacher tells the children that they have become wizards and can do miracles. Then he shows pictures (illustrations for literary works or plot ones). Preschoolers say what kind deed they would do for the characters depicted in the pictures to help them in trouble. Even the most unusual and incredible answers are accepted, since the game is also aimed at developing creative, imaginative thinking.
Cognitive development (familiarization with society) Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about professions, relationships in the family, develop the ability to choose words to describe objects and people, cultivate respect for work, family and friends.
  • “City of Masters” The teacher invites children to imagine themselves walking around the City of Masters. In the windows of every house where the master lives, his works and products are displayed. What will we see in the window of a blacksmith, potter, seamstress, artist, pastry chef? What sounds will we hear, what smells will we smell as we pass by them?
  • “Friendly family” The teacher voices the situation: we are visiting a family where everyone helps each other, but everyone also has responsibilities. What does mom do, who helps her, how? How do they help grandparents and fathers, how do they take care of children?
  • You can also offer children the games “What does anyone need for work?”, “What do people drive?”, “Pick up a gift for your grandmother and mother,” “Call them affectionately,” “What kind of mother?”
Cognitive development (familiarization with nature) To consolidate the understanding of natural phenomena and objects, the relationships between them, to cultivate environmentally appropriate behavior and ecological culture.
  • “Ecological chain” Educator: - What can’t a butterfly live without? (No flowers). What can flowers not live without? (Without land, water). Why? How are they connected?
  • “Twelve months give gifts” Educator: - The month of January is coming to us, what does it bring to us? (New Year tree, snow, frost, sledding). What does April bring? August? Etc.
  • “What nature asks us for” Educator: - The flower asks us... (don’t tear me down). The tree asks... (don’t bark at me). The moth asks... (don't catch me). The stream asks... (don’t pollute me).
  • “It’s the other way around” The teacher describes the seasons, making deliberate mistakes: “Winter has come, snow has fallen, children go into the forest to pick mushrooms. Autumn has come, the leaves on the trees have turned green.” Children correct mistakes and explain their opinions.
Cognitive development (mathematics) Improve understanding of time and space, strengthen quantitative and ordinal counting skills, and cultivate interest in mathematical games.
  • “Count further” The teacher starts counting from one, stops at any number and invites the child to continue counting. You can also use ordinal numbers (first, second, third), counting in reverse order, in pairs and triplets, moving beyond the first ten.
  • “Find around you” Children are asked to find round, triangular, square-shaped objects around them and clearly name them (I see a round clock, a square picture, an oval table).
  • "Where is"
  • The teacher invites preschoolers to describe where far and close objects are located, which of them are further, closer, higher or lower, larger or smaller.
  • “Parts of the day” Children answer the questions: “What did you do in the morning? What's during the day? What is the sky like in the morning? Which one in the evening? When do we have lunch and dinner? Etc."
Speech development Strengthen children’s understanding of speech units (sound, word, sentence), improve the ability to identify sounds in words, select a word with a certain sound, and come up with sentences on a specified topic. Cultivate interest in books, reading, folklore.
  • “Catch the sound” Children highlight the necessary sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word.
  • “Orchestra” Children pronounce sounds and syllables, imitating playing musical instruments, so that together they make a semblance of music. This game requires preschoolers to skillfully control the pace of speech, the timbre and volume of their voice, and teaches them to take their breath in time.
  • “Finish the sentence” Children are asked to complete a sentence on a wide variety of topics: “In Africa they live... (elephants, zebras, rhinoceroses). Water can... (flow, wet, dissolve). In our flowerbed they bloom... (daisies, snapdragons, roses). The puppy rejoices when... (they feed him, play with him, the owner returns). This game can be used to monitor children's knowledge of all topics covered during the year.
  • Games based on fairy tales “Describe the hero”, “Whose object?”, “Remember the song of the fairy tale hero”, “Let’s change the ending of the fairy tale”, “The hero of the fairy tale got lost”. Such games teach children to fantasize and freely build their own imaginary fairy-tale world.

Progress of the game.

Children sit down so that they can put chips on the table. The teacher explains the rules of the game : “Children, now I will read you Korney Chukovsky’s poem “Confusion”

1. It will contain many fables. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable by placing a chip will notice another fable - put a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more fables will win. You can put down the chip only when you yourself have noticed the fable.”

First, a small part of this poem is read. The poem is read slowly, expressively, places with fables are emphasized. After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called “Confusion”

Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the fables he noticed. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has placed more chips than fables in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game and asks him to be more attentive next time. Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, since the game requires a lot of mental effort. Noticing from the children's that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game children who noticed more fables and explained them correctly
should be praised “What does anyone need?”

Purpose of the game . Exercise children in the classification of objects, the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Quizzes for children 6–7 years old

A quiz is a type of word game in which the host voices questions and the players give answers. Can be carried out in all educational areas. Preschoolers most often play quizzes in teams, but prizes should be given to both the winning and losing teams so that children do not lose interest in quizzing as an activity. When children name the correct answer, it is better to reinforce it by showing the corresponding picture or slide.

Table: riddle questions for a quiz on author's fairy tales

I threw a net into the sea and caught a magic fish. (Grandfather from the fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”) The girl is beautiful, unloved by her stepmother. I accidentally went to the ball and lost my shoe there. (Cinderella). He is cheerful and not angry, This sweet eccentric. With him is the boy Robin, and his friend Piglet. For him, a walk is a holiday, and he has a special scent for honey. This plush prankster Bear... (Winnie the Pooh).
I am a wooden boy, and here is the golden key! Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina - They are all friends with me. I stick my long nose everywhere, My name is... (Pinocchio). A boy in a blue hat, from a famous children's book. He is stupid and arrogant, and his name is... (Dunno) While eating rolls, a guy rode on a stove. He rode around the village and married the princess. (Emelya).
Grandfather and grandmother lived sadly. And they blinded their daughter. She always helped them, but she avoided the fire. (Snow Maiden). A beautiful girl found herself in the forest. She met seven dwarfs in the forest. (Snow White). He can speak meow. He knows how to be the best friend. He helps his master and boldly eats the cannibal! (Puss in Boots).

Photo gallery: illustrations for author's fairy tales

The image of a positive, cheerful character will cheer up children during the quiz

When showing children a picture of a hero, you can pay attention to his beautiful outfit

For children in the preparatory group, you should choose illustrations in which the characters are dressed in national costumes

This hero can even come to the children and help conduct a quiz

Fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin can be included in the quiz, but a separate game can be played based on them

The quiz should be preceded by a deep study of the topic to which it will be devoted, so that all children feel confident and comfortable.

Progress of the game.

The teacher reminds the children of the game “Who can name the most actions?”

He says: “In this game you named what actions a person of a particular profession performs.
And today we will remember what people of different professions need to work. I will call the person by profession, and you will tell me what he needs for his job.” "Shoemaker!"
- says the teacher.
“Nails, a hammer, leather, boots, boots, a car, a paw,”
the children answer.

The teacher names professions familiar to children of this group : doctor, nurse, teacher, nanny, janitor, driver, pilot, cook, etc.

If children do not lose , you can offer the opposite option. The teacher names objects for the work of people of a certain profession, and the children name the profession.

“Reads, talks, teaches to draw, sculpt, dances and sings, plays”

“, says the teacher and throws the ball to one of the players.
,” he answers and throws the ball to her.

In this game, as in other games where the rules provide for the ability to respond quickly, it is necessary to remember the individual characteristics of children . There are slow children. They need to be taught to think faster, but this should be done carefully. It is better to call such a child to answer first, since at the beginning of the game there is a large choice of words . The teacher encourages the child with the words: “Vitya quickly found the right word. Well done!"

It is the speed of response that is emphasized.


Purpose of the game . Exercise children in the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, etc.

Progress of the game.

Children and teacher sit in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game : “Today we will come up with sentences. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word "close"

and I’ll give Misha a pebble. He will take the pebble and quickly answer:
“I live close to the kindergarten
Then he will say his word and pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him.” The word in a sentence must be used in the form in which the person guessing suggests it. So, in turn (in a circle),
the pebble passes from one player to another. If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them. This game is played after children have become familiar with the word and sentence.

"Say it differently"

Purpose of the game . Teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Progress of the game.

The teacher says that in this game the children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he names.


, suggests the teacher.
Children name words; "Huge, large, enormous, gigantic"


“Pretty, good, beautiful, charming, wonderful”


“Damp, damp
Etc. When preparing to play the game , the teacher selects words in advance that have a number of synonyms.
It is better to write down these words so as not to remember them for a long time, since the game takes place at a fast pace. The teacher can, by analogy with this game, develop other games , for example: he names some noun, and the children select suitable epithets for it. So, to the word “sea”

children select epithets “calm, stormy, quiet, azure, menacing, stormy, beautiful, southern.” The child who remembers more words should be praised.

All these games can be played during a lesson in your native language (as part of the lesson)


"Choose a word"

Purpose of the game . To develop children's intelligence and the ability to select words that have the right meaning.

Progress of the game.

Somewhere in a free space at one end of the yard or area there is a group of people playing . This is home. At a distance of several steps from the house - the farther the better - some kind of mark is placed and a line is drawn. This is a forest where different animals live. The hunter, one of the players, goes to this forest. Standing still, he says the following words: “I’m going into the forest to hunt, I’ll hunt for.”

Here he takes a step forward and says:
hare" ; takes the second step:
bear" ; takes the third step:
wolf" ; fourth step:
fox" ;fifth:
badger." . With each step the hunter names an animal. You cannot name the same beast twice. You can’t name birds either, but if you play bird hunt, you only need to name birds.

The winner is the one who reaches the forest, naming a new animal with each step. The one who could not do this returns home, and the next one goes hunting. The unsuccessful hunter may be allowed to go hunting again. Perhaps this time the hunt will be successful.

Note. Based on the principle of this game , you can play the game “Fisherman”

The game is played in the same way. The fisherman says: “I’ll go fishing and catch it.
pike, crucian carp, perch,” etc.

"Come up with a proposal"

Purpose of the game . speech activity and quick thinking in

Progress of the game.

The teacher, addressing the children, asks them questions, for example: “Remember what you can sew”

Children's answers . “Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, boots, fur coat, etc.”
“Socks, stockings, mittens, scarf
“Should I tie it?”
“Shoelaces, rope, scarf, ties
“A cap, a scarf, a hat, a Panama hat, a peakless cap, a cap, a Budenovka
“Put it on?”
“Coat, dress, stockings, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, sundress, tights

The teacher names the words he has previously planned. Children give answers by choosing words that match their meaning.

"Make no mistake"

Purpose of the game . Develop quick thinking, consolidate children's knowledge of what they do at different times of the day.

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