Lesson notes for senior speech therapy group Topic: Sound [U]

Notes on teaching literacy in the senior group “Sound and letter U”

Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic: “Sound and the letter U”

Date: 09.24.2021

Responsible: Chigak O.A.


Teach children to analyze a sound series consisting of two vowel sounds; introduce the letter Uy; exercise the ability to navigate the plane of a sheet (directions: top to bottom and bottom to top).


A set of pictures, a plot picture, a panel of letters; sheets of paper with the task “The letter U is lost.”

Progress of the lesson

1. 1. The teacher tells a story, emphasizing the sound [u] in his voice.

- Today I will tell you about a little bee. Her name was Ulya. One early morning Ulya flew out of the hive house. She flew to the meadow beyond the distant forest to collect honey. Ulya hummed cheerfully:

Oooh, ooh, ooh

I'll collect a lot of honey!

Near the pond, Ulya saw a duck. Mother duck taught ducklings to swim.

Ulya flew on. She looks at her friend crawling on a pebble. “Good morning, really!” - “Good morning, Ulya!” The bee flew on, singing:

Oooh, ooh, ooh.

I’ll collect honey for everyone!

2. - What song did Ulya sing? (Uh-uh.)

The bee's song is similar to the sound [u]. Remember the words with the sound [u] from the story about the bee Ulya (if the children cannot remember, the teacher asks leading questions).

- What sound do these words begin with? (With the sound [y].) Highlight this sound in the words with your voice.

3. Articulation of sound. When pronouncing a sound [y], the lips are in the shape of a tube, the tongue lies behind the lower teeth, the air passes calmly and smoothly, without encountering an obstacle in its path, the sound is pronounced with the voice (the vocal cords vibrate).

Characteristics of sound.

— What do we call sounds that are pronounced with the voice and do not meet obstacles in the mouth? (Vowel sounds.) So the sound [y] is a vowel.

II. 1. — Flying through the forest, Ulya heard someone shouting: “Aw.” It was the girl who got lost. Ulya tells her:

ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,

Come after me. I'll take it out.

Ulya took the girl out of the dense forest and brought her all the way to the house. The girl had a little brother. The baby cried: “Waaaaa The bee left him some honey. And she flew on.

The teacher invites the children to remember how the lost girl screamed in the forest (ay)

and a crying baby in the crib (

How many sounds do you hear in a word?
(The teacher sings a-a-a - oo-oo-oo,
oo-oo-oo - a-a-a.)
What is the first sound in a word? What's the second sound? What sounds are these? (Vowels.)

Working with circuits - sound beads (both beads are red sounds).

2. The teacher suggests remembering and repeating Uli’s songs.

Physical education minute

Game "Wind".

The wind blows in our faces: "Oooh-ooh-ooh"

Children fan their faces with their hands and briefly pronounce the sound “U”.

The tree swayed.

Raise your arms up, tilt left and right.

The wind blows quieter, quieter: “Uh-uh-uh...”

Stretch your arms forward from your chest and pronounce the sound “U” quietly and for a long time.

The tree grows higher and higher.

Raise your arms up and stretch.

A strong wind rushed in: “Oooh!”

Leave your arms up, swing to the sides and pronounce the sound “U” loudly.

And he tore off all the leaves.

They throw their hands down and relax.

3. Pronunciation of the sound “U”

in words.

The teacher shows the children pictures, the children name them, emphasizing the sound “U”

: Duck, Iron, Onion, Cactus

III. 1. Introducing the letter.

Educator: What does the letter U look like? Let's write the letter U with our finger in the air. First the stick, then the twig.

2. Game “The Letter U is Lost”


- Guys, take the leaves. Among the letters, find the letter “U”

and outline with a red pencil.


What sound were you introduced to?

What sound is this?

Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic “Sounds [a], [u]. Letters A, U"

author: Gantseva Marina Arkadyevna

Teacher-speech therapist Federal State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 568", Yekaterinburg

Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic “Sounds [a], [u]. Letters A, U"

Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group

on the topic “Sounds [a], [u]. Letters A, U"

The summary was compiled by:

Gantseva M. A. (teacher-speech therapist)

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 568", Yekaterinburg


  • clarify the concept of “vowel sounds”;
  • learn to differentiate the sounds [a], [u];
  • learn to highlight the first sound in a word;
  • learn to select words with a given initial sound using visual support and without it;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, reading syllables (ay, ua);
  • fix the graphic image of the letters A, U;
  • develop memory;
  • cultivate curiosity, interest in sounds and letters;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards things (aids used in class).


  • laptop, projector, speakers, presentation; cards for continuous reading of syllables (au, ua); magnetic board, red chips (magnets); letters A, U; pointer; diagram for determining the place of a sound in a word, red chip;
  • for children: individual mirrors; diagrams for determining the place of a sound in a word; sound pencil cases (with chips in red, green and blue); notebooks; cards for continuous reading of syllables (au, ua); cash registers; simple pencils, counting sticks (letter set).

GCD move:

  1. Introductory part. Game "Memorize and repeat"
watermelon – shark – orange
pineapple – apricot – Africa

album – stork – arch

morning - street - ear
Ulya - mind - mustache

already - knot - clever

Articulation gymnastics

. “Window”, “Tube”, “Window - tube”, moving the lips with a “proboscis” to the right and left, “Horse”.


  1. Main part:

1) “Sounds [u], [a], we know you!”:

— What sounds did we study? (A, U) Let's remember about them, everything we know.


- How is Anya crying? (A)


- How does a wolf howl? (U)


- Now listen to me and guess who it is: Anya or the wolf? (The speech therapist pronounces the sounds [a], [u] several times, the children guess everything together and individually)


Clarification of the articulation of sounds [a], [u].

Children tell the snail about the articulation of the sound [u], and Aibolit - about the articulation of the sound [a].

The articulation analysis plan appears gradually in the presentation:

  1. lips
  2. teeth
  3. language
  4. how the air comes out of the mouth (freely) - a “breeze” flies out (picture)

Guessing sounds from silent articulation.


- What color are the sounds [a], [u]? In what color castle do the sounds [a], [u] live? (Children choose)


Characteristics of sounds (vowel sounds). Children tell Dunno.

- What is the sound? (Vowel) Why? (Air comes out of the mouth freely).

- What is the sound? (Vowel) Why? (Air also comes out of the mouth freely).


2) Game “Name the first sound in the word.”

The speech therapist and children take a diagram to determine the place of a sound in a word, put a red chip in the first window (the sound at the beginning of the word)

Pictures appear on the screen, children name them by highlighting the first sound and clicking on the chip. Children name the first sound (all together and individually).

Pictures: pineapple, stork, duck, bus, iron, fishing rod, shark, oranges, snail, duckling, apricot, street.

3) Didactic game “Guess the word” (based on pictures).

SLIDE No. 10

The speech therapist says: “I will make words. To guess a word, you will need to add the first sound to it - [a] or [y]. Pictures will help you guess the words.” Vocabulary material: ...pelsins, ...tyug, ...bus, ...tenok, ...bricot, ...fabric, ...litka, ...daughter, ...kula, ...faces, ...nanas, ...ist..

4) Physical exercise “A or U?”

The speech therapist pronounces the sounds [a], [u]. Children, if they hear the sound [a], pretend to be a stork; if they hear the sound [u], they pretend to be a Cheburashka with big ears.

SLIDE No. 11

— Guys, let's talk about the letter U.

SLIDE No. 12

5) Letter U.

  • Showing a letter.
  • Finding a letter in the cash register.
  • “How many elements does the letter U have? What are these elements? What does this letter look like?
  • Laying out letters from sticks.
  • Game “Right - Wrong” (Children determine whether the letter U is written correctly)

SLIDE No. 13

  • Drawing a letter in the air (On the screen there is a slide with animation - a snail is crawling, helping to correctly draw the letter U in the air).

SLIDE No. 14

  • Game “Identify the sound U”. Children name the pictures that appear on the letter U, emphasizing the sound [u]. Perform finger exercises:

- “Fishing rod” - show the index finger of the right hand (the other fingers are clenched) and rotate the thumb of the left hand.

- “Snail” - first depict a snail with one hand (show the index and middle fingers - “horns”), move the hand along the table (“the snail is crawling”), then with the other hand.

- “Iron” - depict an iron (put one hand palm down on the table, the other hand on top, “iron”).

- “Duck” - show “beaks” with hands.

SLIDE No. 15

6) Game “Decorate the letter U”

. Children take turns naming words with the sound [y] at the beginning of the word. Each child says a word, and flowers appear on the screen (on the letter U).

SLIDE No. 16

— We remembered everything we know about the letter U. Now let's talk about the letter A.

Letter A - first letter a

alphabet (Children notice that the word “alphabet” begins with the sound [a].

7) Letter A.

  • Showing a letter.

- Guys, find the letters A on this slide (the speech therapist calls one child to the board, he shows the letters with a pointer: A, a)

  • “How many elements does the letter A have? What are these elements?

SLIDE No. 17

  • Laying out letters from sticks.

SLIDE No. 18

  • Finding a letter in the cash register.
  • What does this letter look like?

SLIDE No. 19

  • Drawing a letter in the air (On the screen there is a slide with animation - watermelons are moving, helping to correctly draw the letter A in the air).

SLIDE No. 20

8) Game “Decorate the letter A”

. Children take turns naming words with the sound [a] at the beginning of the word. Each child says a word, and flowers appear on the screen (on the letter A).

SLIDE No. 21

Analysis and synthesis of the syllable AU.
The speech therapist shows a picture of Uli (Ulyana).

— Ulya went into the forest. There were a lot of mushrooms in the forest. While picking mushrooms, she went far into the forest and did not notice how she lost her way. Ole became scared. She remembered a short but very necessary word. If you shout, they will hear you and come to your aid. What word is this? (Aw!)

Children slowly pronounce the “word” AU in chorus and in rows.

- Name the first sound in the word Au (A). What is the sound? (vowel). It is indicated by a red chip (Children place the red chip on the table, and the speech therapist on the magnetic board).

- Name the second sound in the word Au (U). What is the sound? (vowel). Label it.

- The first sound is [a]. The second sound is [u]. What happened? (AU) Let’s “read” the word. I lead with a pointer, and you slowly sing each sound in the word (AU).

- Now let’s designate the sounds with letters. Let's read the word (using a card for continuous reading of the syllable AU).

SLIDE No. 22

10) Analysis and synthesis of the syllable UA


The speech therapist shows a picture of a crying child.

— The baby cries: “Wow!”

Children slowly pronounce the word UA in chorus and in rows.

The syllable UA is parsed similarly.

SLIDE No. 23

11) Typing syllables


SLIDE No. 24 with the inscription “Well done!”

  1. The result of GCD. Reflection.

- Name words with the sound A. Name words with the sound U.

Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic “Sounds [a], [u]. Letters A, U"

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