Gymnastics in verse card index (senior group) on the topic

How often do we exercise? How often do we do this with our children? Many people will probably answer these questions: “Rarely. Even less often." Meanwhile, the benefits of physical exercise can hardly be overestimated for both children and their parents.

Regular physical exercise makes the body more resilient, increases its resistance to various viruses and infections, and strengthens muscles. It’s not without reason that in children’s educational and health institutions, exercise is a mandatory component of the daily program.

Charging is fun

The main reason for not doing exercises is our laziness. It seems boring and we don't know many moves for her. Our children will come to our aid. Start doing children's exercises with your child and at the same time you will complete the entire set of necessary exercises with him. And, in order not to waste a lot of time searching for the right movements, and not to get bored during home physical education, try doing fun exercises in poetry with your baby. On the Internet you can find a great variety of texts for such activities. Choose in advance what you and your baby will like and start your wonderful warm-ups. You can prepare different texts so that the child does not get tired of doing the same exercises day after day. We offer you several exclusive “charging” verses with explanations of the movements. Get ready to exercise Get ready to exercise! Stretch (we pull our arms up) and smile (we smile). Back straight, step wider - We march like this! (we start walking in a circle, straightening our back). We suddenly freeze in place (we stop) - we begin to stretch our neck (we make rotational movements with our heads). We will sit down for a little bit (we squat), and then we’ll hit the road again (we start walking in a circle again). We will go around the whole earth, To come to our home again (they stop). Spikelet (Starting position - squatting) A spikelet grows in a green field (slowly we begin to stand up) It is no longer low, but not high either (we continue to slowly straighten up) He will stretch out his hands to the sun (we gradually raise our hands up) And he will become taller than the flowers and herbs (stretched arms up and stood on tiptoes). And cranes will fly over the spikelet (we run and wave our arms like wings), To the distant countries of the beautiful Earth, And under the spikelet an ant will crawl (we get on all fours and crawl) - He is preparing food for the children for the winter. Our ear will ripen, it will suddenly become heavy (we stand up and raise our arms up), And our friend will lower his head low (we lower our torso, keeping our legs straight). We will take the ear of grain to the mill (we walk in place and pretend to carry the ear of grain on our backs), so that they can grind a lot of flour for our future use. Then we’ll bake pies from it (we pretend with our hands how we make pies), And we’ll be happy with our spikelet (clap our hands). Who do I look like? I swim in the sea like a fish (with our hands we imitate how fish swim), I jump briskly like a ball (we jump high), I like to spin quickly, like a dodger spins in a circus (we spin around ourselves). I fly like a butterfly in the sky (we wave our arms like wings, running and jumping), I crawl along the ground like a snake (we lie on our stomach and depict the movements of a snake, or we squat down and depict a crawling snake with our hands), I gallop like a free horse ( we gallop like a horse, shuffling with our legs), I chug-chug like a train (we run in a circle, using our hands to imitate the movement of the wheels, and say: “Chuk-chukh!”) Like a tree I bend (we bend in different directions), in the wind, that blows from the river, I can blink, beautifully, (we close our eyes, then open our eyes) like fireflies in the forest in summer. And just like Vaska, the kitten, (we get on all fours and run) I can play for a long time, and then, tired and sleepy, I quickly run to bed (we place our hands under our cheeks, pretending to be asleep).

Exercise “Jerks with arms up”

Are you looking for energy? We will deliver it for you! We clenched our hands into fists and set our feet a little wider.

And jerks upward with your hands... One! Two! Three! Four! And we change hands ourselves, We draw a vertical in the world.


The flower says to the flower The flower says to the flower: Pick up your leaf. (Children raise and lower their hands.) Go out onto the path and stamp your foot. (Children walk in place, raising their knees high.) Shake your head and greet the sun in the morning. (Rotate your head.) Tilt the stem slightly - Here is a charger for the flower. (Bends.) Now wash yourself with dew, shake yourself off and calm down. (Shaking hands.) Finally, everyone is ready to greet the Day in all its glory.


The sun is floating in the sky. A strong wind bends the grass. There is water babbling in the stream. The fox wags its tail. A snail crawls along a leaf. The lizard climbs quickly. The elephant nods its head. The squirrel catches its tail. The bear is digging for roots. Kvochka is raking leaves. A wild cat catches a fish. Squeeze with your paw and immediately into your mouth. A duck is swimming in the river. And a snake crawls in the grass. The frog jumps quickly. The bunny's ears perked up. The butterfly sits quietly. The fish sleeps underwater. The little sparrow is jumping. Chirps cheerfully. And the crow is walking. Finds something. In the blue, blue sea. A dolphin swims. And he walks in the snow. Little penguin. Jumps and jumps. The bunny is young. The dog is itching. With my back foot. Little gray mouse. He sits in a hole. And the bear is in the den. He snores until spring. The cat woke up. The back arches. Little kitten. The ear is washed. A cunning bear climbs a tree. Honey ate enough and began to roar. Our dog loves to play. Run and jump, bite, lick. A huge eagle descended from the sky. In the morning a wonderful flower blossomed. The trees wave their branches beautifully. The Chukchi in the north are dancing merrily. A little white kid butting his horns. A red foal kicks its legs. A brown bear cub is tumbling in the grass. A fluffy kitten is digging in the sand. The back was arched by a worm. Puff out your cheeks, hamster. Already crawling among the stones. The lightning hawk is faster. The hedgehog curled up and became round. He turned around and ran. The clouds are floating quietly. Everyone is growing healthy!


For body and mind

Exercises in verse will contribute not only to the physical development of your child, but also to the development of his speech. You can explain many words that children still do not understand, for example, “for future use,” “dodger,” “marching,” etc., and thereby enrich their vocabulary. Some words are not entirely clear even to adults. Some words and expressions are not used in the area where we live, some are not used in our family or the society in which we are located. Before you start exercising in verse, read all the texts and prepare an explanation of all new and incomprehensible words for the child. To do this, use dictionaries on the Internet and paraphrase them into your child’s language. You can easily explain something without the help of special literature. This way, you will not only have fun while exercising with your child, but also a great opportunity to bond with him. Ask your child what he thinks this or that word means, how he imagines this or that expression. Find out what your child understands from what you read and what needs to be explained to him.

Cool poems about gymnastics by gymnasts

All-Russian Gymnastics Day is usually celebrated on the last Saturday of October. The sports holiday was approved in 1999, its initiator was the Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics. Gymnastics is an ancient sport, known and popular back in Ancient Greece. In Russia they learned about it at the end of the 18th century, and the first gymnastics competitions were held in Moscow in 1885. On the holiday, thematic events are held in cities and small towns of the country: demonstration performances by gymnasts, master classes from professional athletes and competitions in sports, acrobatic and rhythmic gymnastics. One of the goals of the holiday is to attract as many people as possible to feasible sports activities.

We celebrate World Gymnastics Day today, We will perform any exercise freely, We know the horizontal bar and parallel bars, and we love the goat, It is needed for gymnastics, but love for us is not evil.

We train all day, half a day we do the splits, After all, sport brings us health, success awaits us squared away! There is flexibility, agility, strength, power, and we can do everything, And now we won’t have to go to the doctor for a long time.

Exercises are done in the morning by a pensioner and a schoolboy, a military man, a doctor, a millionaire, and Uncle Vasya, a janitor. Gymnastics is important for everyone, and no matter who you are, do exercises, go out into the yard on the horizontal bars!

Happy Gymnastics Day! Let victories await you, gymnast, And let worries, sadness and troubles go away forever together.

You are such a fighter, you will never be lost! May you, ahead of others, occupy any pedestal!

Gymnasts are brave people: They don’t wait for offerings on a platter, But I plow all day long, And everyone lives in the gym.

Relief muscles, figure - Gymnastics sculpts, Draws beautiful athletes (There are no similar ones in other sports)

And it strengthens the inner spirit, And adds vitality. This activity was able to collect all our human sympathies.

I congratulate you on the holiday of gymnasts, You inspire the whole world with your beautiful movement.

Beauty and grace are so harmonious in you, And with every performance Everyone is amazed again.

I want to wish you great victories and win new golden awards.

We celebrate the day of gymnastics - a holiday of flexibility and plasticity, a holiday of rise and fall, a holiday of tears and inspiration.

From simple exercises at home, to Olympic victory, gymnastics is familiar to everyone. The holiday is common - All-Russian.

Congratulations to gymnasts and gymnasts on your All-Russian Day! I wish you good health, and happiness to warm your home.

I wish you good luck in the competition, and only victories at the Olympic Games. Let all problems be easily solved. Live many, many long years.

Gymnastics! You must believe Not everyone will open the door. It is for those who are graceful and will perform a difficult pirouette. Who can ride the parallel bars Not just like that, but to fly. Create a magical figure, And sculpt yourself into a sculpture For unconditional beauty. For this, receive flowers, Awards, cups, congratulations, Gymnasts! Inspiration to you all!

Leg swing, ribbon spiral. How graceful beauty! And how sweet are the moments, How beautiful is that leg!

Jump, jump, our bird; You were floating above the carpet. You are like a fairy tale, a fable, You sow tenderness all around!

You are beautiful, sophisticated, everyone dreams of you! But, like the bright Madonna, You are pure in your beauty.

Happy holiday to you, gymnast! You are a girl’s ideal, an amazing fairy tale that I dreamed of.

Hello gymnasts! And fireworks! And honor! Russia was glorified by its sports people! Beautiful, slender, flexible, strong. They are great - all Russian gymnasts! Congratulate the athletes, let there be medals, It would be nice if they gave a bonus for the holiday, After all, an incentive for sports is a great thing, A rich gymnast does not spare his body! And again Russia brings victory! Gymnasts" Hello! And fireworks! And honor!

On Gymnastics Day, I wish you achievements, amazingly brilliant victories, awards, only joyful excitement, a lot of happiness, a sea of ​​​​fulfilled hopes!

Your flexibility surprises everyone a lot, and in plastic you are definitely the best, May endless and brilliant success shine for you like a beautiful star!

A slide, a step, a throw, a touch, a pose - period. Swing, lunge, turn, jump - and both cheeks caught fire!

The whole World is filled with beauty and grace of movement. Like a butterfly, a gymnast takes off in succession, having mastered the training.

A gesture, a turn of the shoulder, a wave, the supple flexibility of the body. The soul is like a thin string stretched to the limit.

But the visible lightness of the hands, the elasticity, the severity of the clear lines - great daily work. Creators of your own destiny, girl!

Fans' eyes light up when there is perfection on stage. You - “Bravo, grace!” - shout. It is pure bliss to contemplate you!

A girl is spinning on the carpet, Flying up in a dance like a white bird, The girl is spinning. Music, light, flickering ribbons, smiles on faces. Seconds compressed into one instant The most important thing in life is flight. A girl with a ribbon hovers over the carpet, That which is watered with tears and sweat. The pain of failure and despair is an hour, The severity of fatigue, broken fingers, Ups, downs, crying at night - Everything is forgotten in the fiery dance! There is only music, dance and you - The bold flight of a graceful body, There are no worries, no worldly fuss - If only mom would look, look. If only all this would last for centuries. The music ended, the tape fell. Pause. And from afar, a sigh of admiration from the huge hall. The applause will subside, the lights will be turned off, the ribbons and clubs and balls will be folded. Evening, trolleybus, backpack on shoulder. Tomorrow at seven. Everything will start all over again!

In a swing of the foot, a spiral of ribbon... How graceful beauty! And how sweet are the moments, How beautiful is that leg!

Jump, jump, our bird; You hovered over the carpet... You are like a fairy tale, a fable, You sow tenderness all around!

You are beautiful, sophisticated, everyone dreams of you! But, like the bright Madonna, You are pure in your beauty.

Happy holiday to you, gymnast! You are a girl’s ideal, an amazing fairy tale that I dreamed of.

Girls have different dreams: Or to get married, or to win a beauty contest, Some want to be a captive of the Caucasian, And some want to be a famous gymnast.

To win at the Olympic Games, To become a favorite all-Russian, And a monument will be erected in my native city, And maybe the president will have an eye on it.

Where beauty and grace are united, The flight of a ball, a mace, a wave of ribbons, Graceful movements are beautiful, Like a flight of fancy in dreams.

We wish you sporting achievements, Awards, victories and soars to the skies, Loyal judges and worthy opponents, Gold medals, success, miracles.

May achievements be easy, May you reach your goal so easily, May your title be Master of Sports, May your rewards be only gold!

We congratulate the athletes - gymnasts, we wish you success, friends. Both athletes and enthusiasts are undoubtedly waiting for victory - not in vain.

You will be noticed among thousands of contrasts, and your efforts will be fully appreciated. True, rest does not happen often, the country is waiting for the winners.

On the last Saturday of October, I started the day by jogging for good reason: We celebrate All-Russian Gymnastics Day on this day, That’s why I run through the park like a deer!

You, of course, are not a gymnast, But I will congratulate you, I will send you a strong handshake in a letter.

Get up from the couch, warm up, Bend over, jump, turn around, Take the jump rope from your daughter - Nothing is a pity for the dad!

And jump joyfully, eagle, so that the holiday will come to your house.

Gutta -percha people Bend up and down, Athletes teach us a Gymnastics lesson!

There is no limit to perfection There are no words for delight, Lightness, plasticity of movements, You are more beautiful than the gods!

To you - successful performances, Easy take-offs and jumps, Amazing movements, Patient coaches!

On Ser-Russian Gymnastics Day, this is another reason to congratulate everyone involved in this sport in our country. May your path to the podium be quick, may those around you appreciate your merits, and may the awards from world competitions become the property of the fatherland. May your future be as bright as Olympic gold.

Those who do exercises are flexible like erasers. We have an All-Russian Holiday: Gymnastics Day.

To everyone who cares about their health There is a message: I want it to be hot. People are eager to exercise.

It will be nice for the people to develop the body with the spirit and monitor their health at any time of the year.

Let gymnastics for joy be found for everyone, and then success will be established among the people.

Masters of gymnastics, Equipment of all connoisseurs, I hasten to congratulate Athletes and amateurs on the holiday!

May excellent health always be with you, So that you always take all the first places!

A healthy mind in a healthy body! And just for this purpose, do gymnastics, my friend, do it not tomorrow, but now.

On the day of gymnastics I wish: Perseverance, vigor and strength. So that every day, starting with her, only brings joy!

There are definitely no more beautiful girl gymnasts in the world ! We wish you victories and loud applause!

The gymnast, performing flawlessly, flew like a feather on the carpet, and the ribbon sparkled with a bright spark, taking the spectators’ breath away.

Now she stands on the pedestal, The whole audience died here today, And she holds the cup with fragile hands, They will call her the queen of sports.

And tomorrow it will be in this hall again, And sweat, and tears, and routine work, And let it be! She is now on a pedestal, And this moment is more valuable than all minutes!

In gymnastics, step by step, a person moves towards progress, Behind each successful act is a long process of training.

The viewer is delighted with the beauty, He sees neither pain nor tears, But behind this there is a lot of work And dreams about the sports victory.

Strength, agility, beauty and grace are intertwined in this holiday. Will, courage and motivation are intertwined in an inextricable unity.

On the seventh day of gymnastics we celebrate today, We will perform any exercise freely, We know the horizontal bar and parallel bars, and we love the goat, It is needed for gymnastics, but love for us is not evil.

We train all day, half a day we do the splits, After all, sport brings us health, success awaits us squared away! There is flexibility, agility, strength, power, and we can do everything, And now we won’t have to go to the doctor for a long time.

Exercises are done in the morning by a pensioner and a schoolboy, a military man, a doctor, a millionaire, and Uncle Vasya, a janitor. Gymnastics is important for everyone, and no matter who you are, do exercises, go out into the yard on the horizontal bars!

Flexibility , lightness, beauty and grace, Gymnastics is a majestic sport, Russia celebrates a special day, Let the champion find the reward!

You have been living in gymnastics for so many years, And you don’t miss training, I know you will take gold at the Olympics, You inspire delight with your flexibility.

Happy holiday to you, good luck and victories, health, win all the medals, I know for sure that success awaits you, new prospects and unknown distances!

Day of healthy bodies and spirits, enviable shapes, flexible plasticity. The mood is “fun” - On the great day - the day of gymnastics.

I wish everyone to be fit, cheerful, flexible, very brave, with their head in sports and proud of their body.

all gymnasts and gymnasts from the bottom of our hearts, We wish them flexibility, Only great achievements, May their injuries pass, Happiness will not leave them, They win and take risks, Do not lose their strength!

Russian gymnastics, above all praise, She conquered everyone, the world applauded her, Today, on Gymnastics Day, I congratulate you, I wish you ease and plasticity in movements, So that you bend, do not break, from life’s problems, Joy and happiness, I wish you all, everyone, everyone!

Congratulations on All-Russian Gymnastics Day. I wish you high achievements, unbreakable success, incredible determination and good health. May life be full of happiness, joy, love, grace and plasticity.

celebrate the day of gymnastics - a holiday of flexibility and plasticity, a holiday of rise and fall, a holiday of tears and inspiration.

From simple exercises at home, to Olympic victory, gymnastics is familiar to everyone. The holiday is common - All-Russian.

Lightness , great grace, elaborate plasticity. Gymnastics has long fascinated us all.

Happy beautiful day to everyone who has dedicated their lives to such a beautiful sport and given their soul and passion to it.

Where to look for fresh charging ideas

In addition to ready-made exercises in verse, you can use ordinary children's poems for home physical education. Take appropriate texts and act out what they say as you go. This will help you out when you find yourself with a child in nature or with your grandmother in a village where there is no access to the Internet. Here's how you can turn nursery rhymes into exercises: Giraffe (Samuel Marshak) Picking flowers is easy and simple For small children, (we sit on our haunches and pretend to pick flowers) But for those who are so tall, It’s not easy to pick a flower (we stand with our legs straight, socks, and “picking flowers”, bending over but not bending the knees). Boat (Agniya Barto) Sailor's hat, Rope in hand (we march in place), I'm pulling the boat Along a fast river (we start moving as if we're pulling a boat), And frogs are jumping at my heels (we crouch and jump) And they ask me: - Take it for a ride, captain! (we wave our hand). Elephant (Agniya Barto) It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep (we put our palms under one cheek, as if we were sleeping), lay down in the box on his side. The sleepy bear lay down in bed (we place our palms under the other cheek), Only the elephant does not want to sleep (we get down on all fours). Sleep shakes his head (we stand on all fours and shake our heads), He sends his bow to the elephant (we bow).

Play exercise for kids

Having started speaking not so long ago, children will happily answer the teacher together with their peers, especially if the question is asked in verse, while simultaneously reinforcing the spoken words with action - shaking, turning their heads. For kids, play exercises are an opportunity to have fun and usefully spend time playing with the teacher and with each other.

Let's start with a warm-up:

I will ask, and you will answer by saying “yes” or “no”. -If the sun has risen, is that very good? - YES!

  • Children nod their heads while performing the forward head tilt exercise.

- If it rains outside the window, shall we go for a walk in the yard? - NO!

  • Children turn their heads to the sides.

— Are all the kids rushing to kindergarten in the morning? - YES!

  • Head forward again.

— When everyone goes to bed, can the kids “light up”? - NO!

  • Turns the head to the sides.

*** Poems about vegetables, berries, and fruits are especially interesting for children. We use them for the main set of exercises.

Our cheerful garden, You can pick it straight into your mouth!

  • The kids walk in several columns, as if between the beds

Here are ripe strawberries, tanned in the sun. Look around, when you find it, add it to our basket!

  • Bend forward, turn your head to the sides. The kids make grasping movements, run up to the teacher and put an imaginary strawberry in the box.

Here's a green cucumber, it's doing well in the garden! You rip it off, grab it by the sides!

  • Children bend down and “pluck” cucumbers, first from one side, then from the other.

The pumpkin grew in the garden, so round! I'll quietly approach her and touch her sides.

  • Take a few steps forward and bend over.

*** We finish the exercise with poems about flowers, doing breathing exercises.

There are flowers of unprecedented beauty in the front garden! And how they smell! The guys will just gasp!

  • Children take in air and exhale through their nose, making the sound “mm-mm-mm-mm!”. At the same time, they pat the wings of the nose with their fingers.

Two in one

If you are bored with just exercises, and your baby asks you to play with him, do an exercise-game. Such warm-ups begin as physical education in verse, and end with a game element. It is better when several children participate in the exercise-game. When planning a children's party, you can also use such game physical education minutes in the program. Kroshka and Masha The little mouse is called Kroshka (they squat down and squeak like mice). The little mouse is hiding here (we point our finger at ourselves). The mouse runs out at night for a walk (we run in different directions), begins to jump noisily and laugh (we run, jump, laugh). But, as soon as the cat suddenly says “Meow” (everyone freezes in place), the Mouse freezes - everything around is quiet... Imagine, our Little One is Afraid of the Cat Masha! (everyone scatters in different directions, and the leader plays the role of a cat and, meowing, catches up with the “mice”) Heron , Bear walks with club feet, spreading his paws strongly (we depict how the bear walks, waddling), Squirrel jumps through the forest - Red-tailed princess (bounce) . A turtle walks into the field very smoothly and without fear (we get on all fours and move slowly). The horse is trotting and will give you and me a ride (we run, kicking our legs like a horse). Well, the heron, the miracle bird, the long-legged maiden, stood like a candle on one leg all evening! (Everyone tucks one leg in and stands in such a way that who can stand it as long as possible. The leader counts: one, two, three, etc., waiting for the losers. Whoever lasted the longest while standing on one leg won). Be active in activities with children, show your interest so that children are involved in fun physical education with joy. Show all the movements clearly, help the kids depict them correctly, give enough time for each new exercise. If the kids liked, for example, a line from a poem where they need to jump, give them the opportunity to do this longer. Repeat the exercises that the children liked, and replace the texts that the children did not like with others.


Do you all do exercises in the morning? Let's do it together. The sun looked into the crib, One, two, three, four, five. We all do exercises, We need to sit down and stand up. Stretch your arms wider, One, two, three, four, five. Bend over - three, four. And jump on the spot. On the toe, then on the heel. We all do exercises. (Children make the movements mentioned in the poem, repeating the words after the teacher.)



You are overcome by drowsiness, (Yawn.) Are you reluctant to move? Come on, do this exercise with me: Stretch up, stretch down, (Hands up, stretch.) Wake up completely. Extend your arms wider. (Hands to the sides.) One, two, three, four. Bend over - three, four (Torso bends.) And jump in place. (Jump in place.) On the toe, then on the heel. We all do exercises.


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