Differentiation of sounds Zh-Kartoteka on speech therapy on the topic

Collocations (174)

  • toad strangles
  • greedy for money
  • bloodlust
  • thirst for personal gain
  • thirst for fame
  • pathetic words
  • pathetic man
  • miserable existence
  • Joan of Arc
  • fried facts
  • fried priest
  • hot guy
  • Hot Summer
  • hot sun
  • burning cold
  • waiting by the sea for weather
  • waited, waited, and lost his hopes
  • waiting for the cancer to whistle on the mountain
  • chewing gum
  • burned with a verb
  • burning incense
  • wand of love
  • desire to know
  • desire to sleep
  • wishes come true
  • desired answer
  • it would be desirable
  • wish well
  • much to be desired
  • wish happiness
  • I wish you
  • good luck
  • wishing evil
  • iron will
  • Railway
  • railway transport
  • iron health
  • with an iron hand
  • iron age
  • iron curtain
  • iron Horse
  • iron sheet
  • iron character
  • iron Man
  • yellow card
  • yellow press
  • yellow-throated chick
  • yellow leaves
  • yellow house
  • yellow devil
  • gastrointestinal tract
  • gallbladder
  • pearl of the Adriatic
  • son's wife
  • bride and groom
  • feminine logic
  • female
  • female half of humanity
  • women's affairs
  • women's team
  • female
  • female genital organ
  • woman's happiness
  • aged woman
  • divorced woman
  • free-spirited woman
  • woman of easy virtue
  • ginseng tincture
  • diet victim
  • victim of social temperament
  • kidnapping victim
  • sacrificing personal interests for the benefit of others
  • HDD
  • cruel joke
  • alive, smoking room
  • living water
  • live music
  • living memory
  • Live nature
  • manpower
  • lives on other people's bread
  • lives one day at a time
  • lives on a yellow ticket
  • lives by his own mind
  • lives for today
  • live don't worry
  • life-giving moisture
  • live communication
  • living silver
  • living word
  • Living being
  • livejournal
  • keen interest
  • living organism
  • living portrait
  • living directory
  • living labor
  • picturesque maples
  • you'll tear your tummies out
  • poisonous animal
  • animal world
  • living in the imagination
  • living alone
  • living high
  • lived life to the fullest
  • real money
  • living relics
  • alive organisms
  • in a lively manner
  • liquid currency
  • liquid glass
  • liquid crystal display
  • life shell
  • life position
  • life prose
  • life force
  • life situation
  • life attitude
  • Vital energy
  • vital
  • vital organ
  • vital
  • vital
  • vital
  • life credo
  • living space
  • life circumstances
  • vitality
  • life difficulties
  • life conditions
  • vital signs
  • life values
  • life aspect
  • life experience
  • life process
  • life path
  • life meaning
  • vitality
  • lifestyle
  • standard of living
  • life cycle
  • not happy with life
  • life abounds
  • life on earth with its hardships and sorrows
  • life is not sweet
  • life goes on
  • life is good
  • subumbilical vein
  • housing stock
  • living space
  • House
  • residential complex
  • housing area
  • housing stock
  • it will be fat
  • fat cat
  • body fat
  • everyday prose
  • everyday little things
  • everyday situations
  • sea ​​of ​​life
  • mountain dweller
  • provincial resident
  • live get along
  • step on the gas
  • zhor attacked
  • die is cast
  • priest of justice
  • priest of Themis
  • priestess of love
  • priestess of hired love
  • crane click
  • how creepy
  • it's scary how much

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with “ж” (at the beginning of the word – Ж). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing J.

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Differentiation of sounds [Z]-[F]

  • Speech therapist.No
  • Sound differentiation
  • Differentiation of sounds [Z]-[F]

1) Make sounds


tongue below, lips smiling

(see articulation of sound [Z])


tongue up, lips rounded

(see articulation of sound [Zh])

The sounds are voiced, hard consonants, colored blue.

2) Pronounce (read) syllables

  • zha-za
  • same-ze
  • zho-zo
  • for
  • ju-zu
  • zo-jo
  • life
  • zu-zhu
  • zy-zhi
  • ze-same
  • lady - lady - for - lady
  • zhi - zhi - zhi - zhi
  • zu - zu - zu - zu
  • jo-jo-zo-jo
  • ze - same - ze - same
  • for - for - zha - for
  • azna-azna
  • Izhma-ism
  • weather-waiting
  • rain-winter
  • if-if
  • find out
  • uzno-uzno
  • azna-azna
  • izma-izhma

3) Come up with words with the sounds [Z] and [Zh] at the beginning and in the middle of the word, make diagrams




Bunny Z



Yolk F

If the child does not know the letter, draw a picture and color the corresponding cell (the place of the sound in the word) blue.

4) Pronounce (read) syllables, words in pairs


  • sting-hall
  • heat-dawn
  • base barge
  • lying-birch
  • fire-bazaar
  • sorry, fill it up
  • sunset jacket
  • lie-lick
  • lawn bunny
  • keep - dare
  • run-knit
  • plant-say


  • Zhora-Zoya
  • meadow pattern
  • haystack - cart
  • peephole flag
  • duty-watch
  • one jump


  • tooth beetle
  • wandering and gnawing
  • I'm knitting and carrying
  • I walk and crawl
  • I see from below
  • I look below

zhi-zi, zhi-zi

  • knives-basins
  • hedgehog-carts
  • lie down and take it
  • liquid-unsteady
  • goatskin
  • saffron milk caps
  • fat bubble
  • red-gray
  • hedgehog-tongues
  • walk-show
  • make money

other combinations

  • maybe it's too late
  • rain-clove
  • important-different
  • everyone is much
  • road-locomotive
  • frosty cake
  • wait - be late
  • friendly-heavy
  • taiga-tearful
  • alarming-menacing
  • monetary-useful
  • wait-a-carnation
  • bookish-moody
  • prankster installer

5) Pronounce (read) words with sounds [Z] and [Zh]

  • rod
  • life
  • pinch
  • iron
  • neigh
  • deposits
  • charge
  • run in
  • yellowness
  • owe
  • detain
  • swirl
  • deserve
  • lighter

6) Conjugate sentences

  • I took Zhenya's skis.
  • I noticed a snake in a puddle.
  • I skied with Zina.
  • I called Zhenya and Zina to dinner.
  • I showed Zoya and Zhanna the hedgehog.
  • I light an iron lighter.


  • I made a wish.
  • You made a wish.
  • He (she) made a wish.
  • We made a wish.
  • You made a wish.
  • They made a wish.

7) Say (read) sentences

  • Zakhar loads the gun.
  • Zhenya deserved the award.
  • The dog lay and licked his paw.
  • Zhenya was cutting rye bread.
  • We have large ore deposits.
  • Zhenya helped detain the enemy.
  • I held an iron nail in my hand.
  • The foal ran into the yard and neighed.
  • A green moth landed on a yellow stem.
  • He shouts to the whole market as if there was a fire.
  • We will go to the meadow and take a haystack from it.
  • The bunnies sat at noon near a puddle on the lawn.
  • We tied the Bug to the booth so that she wouldn’t run away.
  • An iron saw squealed and a heavy hammer pounded.
  • The green star has lit up, let's launch the spaceship there.
  • The sun did not spare the heat for a good tan, and the wheat and rye were tanned too.

8) Pronounce (read) and retell the text

For strawberries

Zhenya and Zina went to the forest to pick strawberries. They had bodies. But there were few strawberries in the forest. Near the birch tree Zhenya noticed a hedgehog. The hedgehog did not run, but curled up into a ball. Zhenya put the box on the ground. He called Zina. They wanted to take the hedgehog. Zina began to hold the box. Zhenya took a stick and rolled the hedgehog into the box.

Zhenya and Zina ran home. Instead of strawberries they have a live hedgehog. At home they gave the hedgehog milk. Zina wanted to leave the hedgehog. But Zhenya gave it. him into a living corner. There was already one hedgehog there. Hedgehogs have more fun together.

9) Learn a poem by heart

On the green lawn of the Bully there lived bunnies, There lived snakes and bear cubs, And snakes and hedgehogs. In the starry sky, fireflies lit lights, so that neither animal nor bird would get lost in that forest.

Suggestions for automating the sound of F (speech material):

My wife put the saffron milk caps in the roasting pan for frying. I'm already closer to the cottage. I am knitting a yellow jacket for my husband. Jeanne had a yellow jacket. The swindler cheats and lies terribly. Report as required. Zhenya lived on the floor below. A hedgehog runs across the lawn. The snakes are already in a puddle. Angela has a pearl necklace. The beetle buzzes zh-zh-zh... A skier runs along the track. Zhenya is chewing blackberries. A crane circles over a puddle. Tansy smells tender. Zhenya's dad is an artist. The husband is waiting for his wife. The bear cub is chewing grain. You need to put gelatin in the jelly. The installer needs a hacksaw. Every year the tree is decorated for Christmas. Zhenya has live snakes. It really can't sting. The hedgehog needs a beetle for dinner. The vest has no cuffs. Zhanna has a leather jacket. A woman chews gum. Zhanna and Zhenya are having dinner. The hedgehogs are waiting for their mother hedgehog. Zhanna has a paper toad. A bug buzzes over the jasmine. A friend is guarding the house. Life in a foreign land is still worse than at home. I'm chewing gum. I will express a common desire to live together. I need a yellow book. Zhora presses the sandpaper. Zhora works as a journalist for a magazine. I'm waiting for the baby hedgehog to be born. A fireman runs to a fire. The pajamas have no cuffs. Beetles buzz over tansy. Zhenya and Zhora live together. I can use a hacksaw. The firefighters ran towards the fire trucks. Hedgehogs lived at the foot of the mountain. The beetle buzzed and buzzed under the orange lampshade. The pole was reinforced with cobblestones. The tokens were placed in paper bags. We were forced to wait for the jury's decision. The toad lived and lived in a liquid puddle. Waiting and catching up is worse. We live and chew bread. Living life is not a field to cross. I don't care about fat - I wish I could live. Heat gives rise to wind, coolness gives rise to rain. He runs like he's on fire. Live and live and make good money. Friendship is friendship, and service is service. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake. Live and don't worry. Snakes don’t live where hedgehogs live. Hedgehogs don't live where grass snakes live. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

Games for differentiating sounds Z - Z

Speech therapy games to reinforce the pronunciation of difficult sounds

Differentiation of sounds Z-Z in games
Author: Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Goal: differentiation of sounds Zh-Z. Objectives: 1. To develop in preschoolers correct sound pronunciation, the ability to differentiate the sounds Z-Z in their speech, and to use them correctly. 2. Using a didactic game, diversify the work on consolidating correct sound pronunciation and interest children. Description: The main activity of preschool children is a game, during which the child’s spiritual and physical strengths are developed: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. It is known that didactic games are an effective means of speech therapy work with children.
These games contribute to the formation of correct sound pronunciation in a child’s speech. These games can be conducted by both a speech therapist and a teacher. This work will be useful to speech therapists, speech therapists, educators, and parents. Content

“Repeat, don’t make a mistake.”
The child listens carefully and then repeats after the speech therapist.
For-zha-za Hare, toad and goat, Zhi-zy, Roses, reins and basins.
Zhi-zy-zhi, Floors, basins, walruses. I play this game both with one child and with a group of children (we arrange, for example, a competition “Who can say it better”)
An adult asks the child to guess what sound is heard in the catch.
Having heard the sound, the child must show the corresponding letter (F or Z). This game can be played with one child or a group of children. Listen carefully and guess!
Select the right sounds! Roses, puddle, fence, golden, knives, tear, giraffe, smell, goat, beetle, alive, star, bouju, vase, angry, live, leather, Zhanna, Zoya, umbrella, acorn. This game can be modified: offer the child (children), after hearing what sound in the word, “buzz” or “itch”;
to the sound Z - clap (crouch), and to the sound Z - stomp (jump). “Complete the sentence correctly”
Add the syllable ZU or ZHU
I am a heavy load ve... (zu).
I’m taking my sister to kindergarten... (zhu). I’ll tell you something secretly... (chew). I withered the bow... (chew). I lick ice cream with my tongue... (chew). I will pick the prickly rose... (zu). Add the syllables ZY or ZHI.
In winter we need sleds and skis... (zhi).
Goats are grazing in the meadow... (zy). Tears are streaming down your face from resentment. There are sharp butts on the table... (zhi). You told me a fairy tale... (live). Add the syllables ZA or ZHA.
There is a red rose on the table... (for).
To sew a jacket, you need good leather... (leather). A cat is grazing in the meadow... (for). From the rain on the asphalt there is lu... (zha). Today it will rain and thunder... (for). I play this game both with one child and with a group of children.
With the group we organize a competition “Who is faster” - it is important not only to say quickly, but also to pronounce the sound correctly. Game with Parsley “Confusion”
The Parsley doll comes to visit and amuses the children by saying incorrect sentences.
The children must correct Petrushka. This game can be played with one child or with a group of children. The bunny plays with Zhanna. Zhenya is painting the fence. The beetle caught Zakhar. The hedgehog feeds Lisa. Zhora holds the umbrella. Skiing on Zina. The earth is crawling over the hedgehog.

We recommend watching:

Cognitive and developmental lesson on sound automation F for children 5-7 years old Didactic game for children 5-7 years old Speech therapy leisure in the preparatory group Winter tongue twisters and poems for automating and differentiating sounds

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