Project “Golden Autumn” in a group of senior preschool age (6–7 years old)

Autumn is one of the four seasons

It comes after a hot summer and precedes winter.

At first, the transition from one season to another is almost imperceptible. It is still warm, the sun is shining brightly, and the bright flowers delight with their beauty. But gradually the air temperature drops and the length of daylight hours decreases.

And now sometimes the rain starts to fall, and in the sky from time to time you can see migratory birds hurrying south, emitting a long farewell cry.

The healing fruits of the rose hips are ripening, the clusters of viburnum sparkle like flames in the last rays of the sun. Autumn, like a real artist, paints fruits and leaves in bright colors with a huge brush. The forest is becoming quieter, there is no longer the spring-summer hubbub of birds, but there are a lot of mushrooms, and in the gardens ripe apples and pears are pleasing to the eye.

Tired of summer worries and troubles, Nature is preparing for rest. But finally, it pleases us with its stunning and unique colors, and a farewell dance - leaf fall!

And autumn is also a time of inspiration and contemplation, leaves rustling underfoot and cobwebs sparkling in the sun. This warm “Indian summer” is like a wonderful continuation of summer. It's a great time!

Let's tell the children about autumn.

Hello, dear visitors of “Clear Sun”!

Gradually, the warm and sunny summer is replaced by autumn. And we, parents, are faced with the question - how to tell our children about autumn?

I offer you my version, a short story on this topic, and a little later there will be a video presentation.

Autumn is a wonderful and very beautiful time of year. When does it start? According to the calendar, autumn begins on September 1, when many children go to school. Autumn can be early (arrives early) or late (arrives late).

Beginning of autumn.

How can we see the coming of autumn? Autumn comes to us unnoticed, and at the end of August you can notice that the leaves on some trees have begun to turn yellow. The birch leaves turn yellow first. Following the birch, the leaves of linden, maple, elm and other trees gradually lose their green color. They turn red, yellow, orange, brown. This is due to the fact that the sun appears less and less often, it becomes colder and the green color in the leaves disappears.

Only coniferous plants that have needles instead of leaves - fir trees, pines, fir - remain green in autumn and winter. Everything except larch - although it has needles, they turn yellow and fall off in the fall.

At the same time, the weather also changes - the sun no longer shines so brightly, and we put on jackets, coats and raincoats. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.

Golden autumn and leaf fall.

When autumn trees dress in colorful, bright outfits, leaf fall begins. This happens in September or October. Leaf fall is an amazing and very beautiful natural phenomenon!

Fallen autumn leaves cover the ground like a carpet and warm it in the cold winter.

Deep autumn.

The leaves have ceased to fall, the earth is covered with a motley carpet, the trees stand naked, without leaves. The next autumn period is coming - deep autumn. It continues from the end of leaf fall until the first snow. The sky becomes cloudy, leaden gray.

Strong winds blow, cold rains fall, sometimes with snow. Every day it gets colder and colder.


A significant event of this period is snow falling, which quickly melts. This happens at the end of November - beginning of December. But as soon as the reservoirs freeze and the ground is covered with a permanent carpet of snow, winter begins.

This is how you can tell your children about autumn.

Sincerely. Elena Medvedeva.

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To My World



Perhaps you will

Brief description of the autumn months

SEPTEMBER Begins the autumn period in the Northern Hemisphere and the spring period in the Southern Hemisphere. The name “September” comes from the serial number of the month according to the ancient Roman calendar. September was the seventh ("septem" in Latin means seven) month of the year, since before Caesar's reform the beginning of the calendar year was in March. Among the ancient Slavs, the name of the month is consonant with the name of the heather plant. It bloomed precisely during this period. In September, the healing rose hips ripen, the last thunder is heard, the smell of thyme, mushrooms and ripe apples is heard. Migratory birds gather in warm countries.

OCTOBER Mid-calendar autumn. The eighth month according to the ancient Roman calendar (“octo” - eight). The ancient Slavs used zhovten, because the time had come for “zhovtinnya” (yellowening) of the leaves. In October, the air temperature decreases, the number of days with precipitation and fog increases, and frosts are already possible at night. In countries that switch to winter time, October is the longest month of the year (745 hours).

NOVEMBER The final month of calendar autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. In Latin "novem" means nine. Hence the name. The ancient Slavs called the last month of autumn leaf fall, since it was in November that this natural phenomenon took place. November is a month when cold and snow give way to periods of warmth and bad weather. In November, by observing natural phenomena, you can make a fairly accurate forecast for the coming winter and the future harvest.

Stories about autumn for children 6-8 years old

About Autumn for children
Author: Anastasia Sarycheva, student of 2nd “B” class, MBOU “NOSH No. 31”, Stary Oskol Supervisor: Inna Mikhailovna Tatarintseva, tutor, MBOU “NOSH No. 31”, Stary Oskol

This material will be useful to teachers, educators and parents.
Designed for children in older groups of kindergarten and elementary school students. Goal: expand children's understanding of autumn. Objectives: summarize the signs of autumn, develop the ability to determine future weather changes using folk signs.
A story about autumn

Autumn is an amazing time of year. This is a time of change. Nature, like a bear, is preparing for hibernation. The beginning of autumn always makes people happy. Summer does not want to give way and there are still many warm and fine days. This period is popularly called “Indian summer”. At this time, I can’t even believe that September has come and summer has come to an end.

Every day the sun sets earlier and earlier, and the leaves turn different colors. Then the “golden autumn” begins. Autumn got its name because the leaves turn yellow, a color reminiscent of gold. The leaves begin to fall and everything on the street turns yellow - both in the village and on the ground. This surrounding picture has always inspired poets, writers and artists. It was this time of year that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy and others loved to write about.

Autumn has different signs, holidays and characteristics, which we will discuss in more detail below.

History of the name "Indian Summer"

In the old days, it was believed that a witch lives inside every woman and she can, with the power of thought alone, disperse the clouds and bring back absolutely any season. According to another opinion, during the “Indian summer” only young people collected the entire harvest, and older women could relax and bask in the warm autumn sun. The tempera of this period was characterized as "a woman in a period of decline"

In the old days, “Indian summer” began on September 14th. Now there is no clear date because the weather has changed and the rituals are no longer the same. During the Indian summer, harvest time ended and everyone could rest a little before winter. In winter, other chores began - household chores. Women began to spin, embroider, and also make clothes. But that is another story…

Folk signs about autumn

Since ancient times, people have been accustomed to trust signs regarding nature. These signs were passed down from generation to generation and some of them have come down to us.

1. Birds fly in groups - dry and clear autumn. 2. September with thunder - a very warm and snowy winter. 3. Geese and cranes fly slowly - warm autumn. 4. Birch leaves will begin to turn yellow from the top - early spring, from the bottom - late spring. 5. Lots of rowan in rainy autumn. 6. Mosquitoes in late autumn - warm winter. 7. Lots of nuts, but no mushrooms - winter is snowy and harsh. 8. Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter. 9. Lots of acorns - severe winter. 10. Bloom rose hips, peas and dandelions in the fall - for a long and very warm autumn.

Sayings about autumn

Since ancient times, it has been the custom to compose short, weighty expressions that carry deep meaning - sayings. Sayings were invented for different occasions (holidays, sorrows, funny, etc.), as well as for different seasons.

Autumn is no exception. And now I’ll tell you what sayings about autumn I know. In autumn there are seven weather conditions outside. Autumn will not return to summer. A leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn. The autumn rain is fine and long. In autumn the birdlife is also rich. Autumn is stocky, winter is stocked up.

Autumn holidays

In our country there are 5 periods of autumn. These periods are called different natural manifestations. And I will tell you about them now. The first period is the beginning of autumn. Nature has not yet realized that summer is over. There are still many warm days. This period lasts from September 1 to September 13. Then the period of golden autumn begins. This period is very beautiful. Everything around turns yellow and acquires a golden color because of this and its name. This period starts from September 24 to October 14. Then the rainy period begins, which is called deep autumn. It lasts from October 15 to 22. Then the pre-earth begins. During this period it may rain and snow. Foreland starts from October 23rd to November 26th. Then the first winter begins. At this time the first winter begins. The first winter begins on November 27 and lasts until November 30.

In autumn there are many holidays, both Orthodox and state.
Public holidays: Day of Knowledge, Day of National Unity, Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers, Tank Drivers, Mechanical Engineers, Teachers, Educators, Forest Workers, Motorists and others. Orthodox holidays: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Our Lady of Kazan, beginning of the Nativity Fast.

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Forest in autumn

I. Sokolov-Mikitov

The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in the early autumn days. Bright spots of red-yellow maples and aspens stand out against the golden background of yellowed foliage. Slowly circling in the air, light, weightless yellow leaves fall and fall from the birches. Thin silver threads of light cobwebs stretched from tree to tree. Late autumn flowers are still blooming.

The air is transparent and clean. The water in forest ditches and streams is clear. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in the autumn forest. Only fallen leaves rustle underfoot. Sometimes a hazel grouse whistles subtly. And this makes the silence even more audible.

It's easy to breathe in the autumn forest. And I don’t want to leave it for a long time. It’s good in the autumn flowery forest... But something sad, farewell is heard and seen in it.

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