Poems with the sound Zh: learning poems based on visualization

Poems for the sound “Zh” will be very useful when automating this sound. Memorizing poetry is useful in itself for strengthening memory. And memorization for the purpose of automation is doubly useful.

It is with the help of poems on the sound “F” that the child will quickly enter into the everyday and active speech. But it must be remembered that first the sound “Zh” must be fixed in syllables, words, phrases and sentences.

Poems with the sound “Zh” will be easier to memorize if you follow some rules. You can find the rules below.

Important rules:

  1. State the title of the poem, if available.
  2. Look at the picture for the poem, discuss with your child who or what is drawn there.
  3. Read the poem in full: expressively and slowly. If an adult recites it by heart, children perceive such text better. This is a note.
  4. Explain words you don't understand to your child.
  5. Say ALL words with the sound “Zh” . Remind your child that the sound “Zh” must be pronounced correctly.
  6. Read the poem again.
  7. An important condition is that the poem is memorized in its entirety , without dividing into rows and columns.
  8. Play: read the beginning of the line, and the child finishes the rhyme; you are the first line, and the child is the second, etc.

It is better to memorize poems with the sound “Zh” in a playful way and using visual aids.

Speech material:

Got scared

The hedgehog, the hedgehog and the little bear were frightened.


A beetle is buzzing in an iron can. The beetle doesn't want to live in a tin. The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter, I feel sorry for the poor beetle.

Grandpa Hedgehog

Grandfather Hedgehog, Don’t go to the bank: The snow has melted there and is flooding the meadow. You'll get your feet wet, Red Boots!


Zhenya went out for a walk and began to beg the rain: “Rain, rain, wait, Rain, rain, don’t rain.” We don’t need you, we don’t need puddles either.” The rain didn’t bother Zhenya, the rain continued to run.


In the morning I’m buzzing, I’m waking up the flowers. I'm circling, buzzing and driving honey...

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, where are you sticking your nose? Zhu-zhu-zhu! zhu-zhu-zhu! I'm putting things in order!

baby crane

My paper crane, There are no shawls in the blue sky. So that the cranes don’t drive you away, my little crane.

Gray hedgehog

I am a gray hedgehog, No head, no legs, Humped back, harrow on my back. Let me live here, I will guard the tower. There are no better guards in the world than us, forest hedgehogs.

Poor hedgehog

The poor hedgehog is shivering, He can’t do everything: His skin has turned blue and his face has grimaced. His mother is worried: “The worries will multiply - the poor hedgehog is shivering.”


I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here, I buzz, I buzz, I look, I lie and don’t bother. I've been buzzing all my life.


It's raining, it's more fun, You and I are friends. We have fun running barefoot through puddles.

Spiny hedgehog

The hedgehog walks without paths, does not run from anyone. A hedgehog covered in thorns from head to toe. How to take it?

Letter Z

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a branch. I’m sitting on a branch, repeating the letter “F” all the time. Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in the spring and summer.


A fat toad sits and looks around. After all, she needs a beetle for dinner. The toad really needs the beetle.


I'm flying and buzzing: Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm tired of buzzing, I'm tired of flying. I’ll sit under the chamomile and look at the chamomile.

On the lawn

On the lawn, on a daisy, a Beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with daisies.


Rain, rain, water. There will be a loaf of bread. Rain, rain, let it rain, Let the peas grow.

Beetle and hedgehog

A beetle once buzzed so loudly that even the hedgehog trembled. The beetle did not threaten the hedgehog; the hedgehog still ran away.


The leaves have turned yellow. The oak tree drops acorns. Ripe, heavy, pick up the acorns.


zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha There are hedgehogs here. zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu Somehow I came to the hedgehog. Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi Show me the hedgehog. zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I'm not friends with snakes. zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha Already leaving the hedgehog.


zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi There are floors in our house. zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha There are two floors below me. zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha There are two floors above me. same-same-same, same-same-same What floor am I on?

Fire trucks

Five fire trucks in a row waiting for the guys. Five cars have been waiting for firefighters in the garage for a long time. It was Zhenya's birthday. Zhenya was expecting Uncle Zhora, Aunt Dasha, Misha, Masha and Natasha for his birthday. At this time, the store receives one hundred cars. In the store window, a bright red car is burning like fire. All five guests will know about her. Each guest from the store carried a fire truck. That’s why there are five cars in a row waiting for the guys. Zhenya is also waiting. There are five of them. Come play.


I don't ask the greedy guy for anything. I won’t invite a greedy person to visit. A greedy person won't make a good friend; you can't even call him a friend. Ya. Akim.

Ground beetle

The ground beetle came running and pressed the buzzer. The ground beetle buzzed - the ground beetle ran away.

The snake was stung by a wasp

There are miracles in the world: a snake was stung by a wasp. It stung him in the stomach. It hurts terribly. Here! And the doctor hedgehog said to the snake: “I don’t find anything. But still, I think it’s better for you to lie on your back until your stomach heals. Here". N. Voronel, R. Mukha.

One step

One step, two steps, left, right boot. I teach Alyosha to stomp a little. G. Lagzdyn.


A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle. The casing is heavy on the beetle. E. Blaginina.


A beetle is buzzing and circling above Zhora. Zhora is shaking all over with fear. Why is Zhora trembling so much? The beetle buzzes quite harmlessly. A. Starodubova.

Vacuum cleaner

- Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, where are you sticking your nose? - Ju-ju-ju! Ju-ju-ju! I'm putting things in order. A. Maslennikova.

Letter Z

“Ju-zhu-zhu, I’m sitting on a branch, I keep repeating the letter F. Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in winter and summer.” Beetle-bug answered lesson. Instead of the words “the stream is babbling,” he wrote “a bug is buzzing.” G. Vieru.


Rain, rain, rain! All fields, hurry up! Do not spare water, water the gardens. V. Suslov.


The stream runs, runs, runs! The stream is trembling, trembling, trembling! - Stream, from where and where? — I’m running to the river from under the ice. V. Suslov.


(Counting.) “Zhu” and “zhu” - the cockchafer, the June beetle, the rhinoceros beetle, the swimming beetle, the son beetle and the father beetle, the ground beetle, the beetle beetle flew into a circle - they all got caught in my net!

Don't hurt the toads

- Here is a toad, a toad! Let's run away! Natasha and Maya are trembling, and the toad answers them: “Oh, you!” After all, I'm not bothering you. We live quietly by the water, eating bugs and midges. There is no harm from toads for children, just as there is no harm from cats. You don't need to offend toads and there's no point in running away from them.

The story of the hedgehog

There was a boundary across the field. There we met a hedgehog. We looked at the hedgehog without screaming or squealing. We looked at the hedgehog, keeping our mouths closed. We looked at the hedgehog, he ran away from us... N. Slepakova

Hedgehog and fox

The hedgehog runs along the paths and slides on the ice. The fox says to him: “Let me translate!” The gray hedgehog answers: “I have two pairs of legs - I’ll cross it myself!” S. Marshak.

Beetle and ox

The beetle was buzzing in the thick sedge, the ox was lying in the sun. The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed. The ox lay, lay, lay. And then he asked: “Tell me, why are you buzzing like that?” The ox beetle answered fervently: “It’s clear, I’m not buzzing for nothing.” I live and don’t bother because I buzz! P. Voronko.


The mouse cooked millet porridge in a green mug. A dozen kids are waiting for dinner. Everyone got a spoonful - not a grain was left! S. Marshak.

I can't find any mushrooms

I walk, walk, walk, but I don’t find any mushrooms, and there’s still only red fly agaric in the basket. V. Nezval.

Bear cubs

The bear cubs didn’t know that hedgehogs inject themselves and let’s play with the hedgehogs as with bear cubs. Suddenly the cubs burst into tears: “Hedgehogs are splinters!” The hedgehogs got scared: they brought out tongs and knives and let’s take out the thorns one by one. E. Kotlyar.

In the forest

I've been walking in the forest since morning. I was completely wet from the dew. But now I know about the birch tree and the moss. About raspberries, blackberries, about a hedgehog and about a hedgehog whose needles are shaking. N. Matveeva.

Count it

The hedgehog bought boots at the market. Boots that fit your feet - for yourself, a little smaller - for your wife, with buckles - for your son, with clasps - for your daughter. And he put everything in a bag. How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family? And how many boots did the hedgehog buy with them?

Where are the clasps?

In the summer, it’s very hot for a bear cub in a cage at the zoo. It’s good to take off your fur clothes in this heat. He is looking for a clasp to take off his clothes. O. Krieger.


Rain, rain, have fun! Drip, drip, don't be sorry! Rain, rain, more - the greenery will be thicker. Just don’t kill us, don’t knock on our window.


The beetle buzzes: “I walked and walked, I found a yellow pebble.” - It's an acorn! “You’re wrong,” the giraffe says to the beetle. “Well, hang it on a branch,” the beetle says to the giraffe. G. Sapgir.


Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog Picking blackberries. The red-sided fox also wants to profit. The godfather thought: Hedgehogs have dark needles. E. Orphan.

Ginger cat

The couch potato red cat lay down on his stomach. I want to eat, but I’m too lazy to toss and turn. So the red cat is waiting, Maybe the bowl will crawl up?


There in the rye, the boundary is red. I once sat on a hedgehog. And I thought: “A hedgehog looks like freshly cut rye.” And I deliberately sat down on the rye and realized: the hedgehog looks like rye. M. Bertenev.


The hedgehog, the hedgehog and the hedgehog lived together in peace and quiet. Hedgehog and hedgehog for hedgehogs They stored everything. Here is a hedgehog near the path. He sees a mushroom on a thick stalk. The big hedgehog needs a mushroom: The hedgehog is waiting for a mushroom for dinner. The hedgehog wished the hedgehog: “Don’t be sorry for the hedgehog’s legs!” And the hedgehog ran away, holding a mushroom in her paws. The hedgehog ran further... A yellow leaf lay in a puddle. The hedgehog will string a leaf on needles, run closer to the hole, put it there for the hedgehogs, Let them lie warm in winter! I. Lopukhina.


From her feet to her ears, the hot shower washes Zhenya, and the shower pours water on both the top of her head and her stomach. The hot rain washes Zhenya from the top of her head to her legs, washes her neck, washes her ears, how good it is in the shower! I. Lopukhina.


And two snakes and two hedgehogs live in the apartment with us, Two siskin friends sing over us all day long. And about our two snakes, Two hedgehogs and two siskins They know in our new house All twelve floors. S. Mikhalkov.


The crane would be friends with the toad if the toad wanted friendship. V. Lunin.

baby crane

The little crane took the acorn, threw the acorn and caught it. He will probably very soon be a circus juggler. A. Pudval.


If you didn’t live Near a blackberry tree, But if you lived Near a strawberry tree, Then you have the usual Strawberry Jam, And a completely unusual Blackberry Jam. M. Yasnov.

Poor hedgehog

The poor hedgehog is shivering, He can’t help himself, His skin has turned blue and his face has grimaced. His mother is worried: “The worries will multiply - the poor hedgehog is shivering.”

Bee song

In the morning I’m buzzing, I’m waking up the flowers. I'm circling, buzzing and driving honey...

Poems for the sound “Zh” will be very useful when automating this sound. Memorizing poetry is useful in itself for strengthening memory. And memorization for the purpose of automation is doubly useful.

Poems with the sound “Zh” and memorizing them are a very exciting activity. They can be told not only while sitting at the table, but also on the way for a walk, jumping, playing, climbing a gymnastic wall, etc.

Physical activity will additionally stimulate the cerebral cortex, improve blood circulation, and thereby facilitate the memorization process.

Memorize poems with the sound “F” without getting bored and get joy from it!

About the letter Z

“Once upon a time there was a letter “Zh”. She was grumpy and mischievous. And no matter who came to her, she buzzed at everyone. A will come to her, ask for tea - she will say “ZHZHZHZHZH”, O will come to her: “Let’s play ball!” - she “ZZZZZZZHZHZHZHZHZH.” And she decided that she would live alone.

She was tired of other letters. I went into the forest. It goes, goes, and buzzes. I saw a spider and screamed at it “ZZZZZZZZH!” But the spider turned out to be deaf, it finished its web and ran away, and while F was Buzzing at the spider, she became completely entangled in this web. She sat in the web and hummed quietly to herself (she felt scared), and began to cry.

But F isn’t crying, “Henna, henna, henna!” and not even “iiiiiiiii”, but “zhzhzh-zhzhzh-zhzhzh”, because she is still F). But the letters don’t leave each other in trouble. They went into the forest to look for J, heard her buzzing, and helped her get out of the web. The letter Z was so happy that it began to buzz not in a grumpy and menacing “ZHZHZHZH”, but joyfully and gratefully “Zhzhzh!” Zhzhzh!

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