What can our “Syllables on the Road” do?
— Allows the child to form visual and auditory associations based on symbols for the gradual production of sounds and learning correct pronunciation.
— Create conditions for staging and automating sounds that are difficult for a child in the form of play-based learning situations that are modeled during syllabic reading (together or following an adult).
- Allows the introduction of plot-based physical education minutes and dynamic pauses into classes on correcting sound pronunciation and nurturing the sound culture of speech, teaching literacy.
— In an unobtrusive form, they create motivation in the child to learn letters, support the first attempts at reading and writing (form interest in tracing the contours of letters).
— In the form of competitive game situations, children develop their skills in reading syllables with consonant clusters.
— Develop an orientation towards the system of road signs, include them in the experience of motor improvisation of a group of children, and form an attitude towards use in real life. Preparing for the game From 2 to 5-7 children (from 3 to 10 years old) can play together with an adult. This could be a speech therapist, an additional education teacher, a teacher, or a parent.
Didactic manual “Sound tracks”
"Magic Sound Tracks"
Play aids made of felt for automating sounds for preschoolers with speech and language development disorders.
Teacher speech therapist:
Borodulina Tatyana Sergeevna
g.o. Shchelkovo, 2021
"Magic Soundtracks"
Play aids made of felt for automating sounds for preschoolers with speech and language development disorders.
Formation of correct sound pronunciation is one of the most important stages of speech therapy work with preschoolers with severe speech disorders.
The work of consolidating a given sound in speech is one of the most monotonous and lengthy, requiring the child to repeat the material multiple times. Therefore, children often complete tasks without interest.
In addition, modern preschoolers are spoiled by an abundance of toys and gadgets. And it is quite difficult to interest them in class.
Solving problems of activating cognitive activity and increasing the motivation of children, using the principle of a personal approach, the speech therapist is in a constant search for unusual ideas, translating them into new technologies and techniques.
One such technique is to use felt soundtracks at the initial stage of sound automation.
The purpose of using these aids is to induce impaired speech sounds and automate them.
In addition, they promote the development of fine
motor skills , which is especially important for children with severe speech pathologies.
The manuals are very bright and instantly attract the attention of preschool children.
Magical soundtrack "Cold Breeze".
Goal: automation of sound [C]isolated and in syllables.
Felt guide is intended for preschool children
Application: individual form of work.
Game option:
The child takes a breath and continuously pronounces the sound [C], while simultaneously moving the snowflake along the ribbon. After the child has the correct sound, it is best to immediately consolidate it in syllables. Speech therapist: Let's sing songs for a snowman: SA, SO, SU, SY, AS, OS, US, IS - at the same time, while pronouncing the syllables, the child moves the snowflake without stopping, making sure the correct pronunciation.
Magical soundtrack "The Wasp's Song".
Goal: automation of the sound [З] in isolation and in syllables.
Felt guide is intended for preschool children
Application: individual form of work.
Game option:
The child takes a breath and continuously pronounces the sound [Z], while simultaneously moving the snowflake along the ribbon. After the child has the correct sound, it is best to immediately consolidate it in syllables.
Speech therapist: Let’s sing songs for the snowman: ZA, ZO, ZU, ZY, - at the same time, while pronouncing the syllables, the child moves the snowflake without stopping, making sure the correct pronunciation.
Magical soundtrack "visiting by car."
Goal: automation of the sound [P] in isolation and in syllables.
Felt guide is intended for preschool children
Application: individual form of work.
Game option:
The child takes a breath and continuously pronounces the sound [P], while simultaneously moving the snowflake along the ribbon. After the child has the correct sound, it is best to immediately consolidate it in syllables.
Speech therapist: Let's sing songs for the snowman: AR, OR, UR, IR RA, RO, RU, RY - at the same time, while pronouncing the syllables, the child moves the snowflake without stopping, making sure the correct pronunciation.
Annex 1
I present
to your attention sound tracks
made from felt:
At your disposal
- 2 playing fields (the first - with voiced consonants and vowels and the second - with voiceless consonants and vowels that make up syllables: each field consists of 7 horizontal “roads” and 10 vertical “paths”),
— 10 cards with images of road signs (mandatory, warning, etc.),
— 16 cards with images-symbols of “semi-finished products” for producing difficult sounds (whistling (S, S', Z, Z', Ts), hissing (Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch) and sonorous sounds (R, R', L, L)) ,
— 2 sets of contour letters of the Russian alphabet. Children and adults select cars and toys for moving around the playing field, a cube for determining the number of steps - “movements” along it, an hourglass or a stopwatch (timer) for calculating the “speed of movement”.
Graphic tracks to automate sounds in a playful way
Irina Prokhorova
Graphic tracks to automate sounds in a playful way
To help specialists and parents
Graphic tracks for automation of delivered sounds
The process of automating sounds is long and labor-intensive. Therefore, the main task of the speech therapist and parents is to make it interesting and effective.
Many scientists and practicing speech therapists have proven the importance of combining pronunciation skills with movement and the discovery of multifaceted possibilities for their influence on the mechanism of speech development. Taking these statements into account, in the course of practical correctional activities, the “Graphic Tracks” technique was developed.
The essence of the technique is that the child, pronouncing words, phrases, sentences (depending on the stage of sound automation) with automated sound, draws step-by-step schematic images as shown by the speech therapist or parent, resulting in a series of similar pictures. The pictures turn out funny, sometimes illogical, which causes an emotional uplift in children. After drawing, the child can repeat sequentially everything that he drew, that is, compose a coherent story.
The task takes no more than 7 minutes to complete.
As a result of this exercise, the child pronounces the given speech material more than 100 times without fatigue or loss of interest in the task. Parents note that children are happy to do such exercises at home on their own. This indicates the positive impact of such tasks on the child’s cognitive activity.
Below are options for “Graphic tracks” for automating the “L” sound. The speech therapist or parent draws one element, pronouncing a word or phrase, the child repeats this element 5 - 8 times until the end of the line. The number of words in a sentence may vary depending on the capabilities of each child (this condition must be discussed with a speech therapist individually for each child).
First track "Tent"
Provided that the child draws 6 pictures on a line and then repeats the entire text, he will pronounce 147 words with an automated sound.
1. Draw a triangle without a base: “Mila has a tent.”
2. Inside the triangle, draw a circle: “There is a horse in the tent.”
3. Below the triangle is a horizontal line: “Tent on the lawn.”
4. At the top of the triangle, draw a vertical stick: “There’s a stick on the tent.”
5. Draw a triangle on the stick: “There is a flag on the stick.”
6. On the side of the “tent” we draw a “tick”: “There is a swallow on the tent.”
7. On the side and just above the “tent” we draw an oval: “There is a cloud above the tent.”
8. The “sun” peeks out from behind the “cloud” - a semicircle: “Behind the cloud is the sun.”
9. Rays extend from the semicircle: “The sun has rays.”
10. We draw a circle around the entire drawing: “Mila has a cute tent.”
General text:
Mila has a tent. There is a horse in the tent. Tent on the lawn. There is a stick on the tent. There is a flag on the stick. There is a swallow on the tent. There is a cloud above the tent. The sun is behind the cloud. The sun has rays. Mila has a cute tent.
Second track “Mila on the Lawn”
Provided that the child draws 6 pictures on a line and then repeats the entire text, he will pronounce 193 words with an automated sound.
1. Draw a circle: “Here is Mila.”
2. Draw two small circles in a circle; the phrase can be said once, or you can say it while drawing each circle: “Mila has blue eyes.”
3. Draw a squiggle in a circle: “Mila has a cute nose.”
4. Draw an arc at the bottom of the circle: “Mila has a smile.”
5. On the top of the circle we draw curls: “Mila has blond (white) hair.”
6. Even higher on the circle we draw a triangle: “Mila has a cap on her head.”
7. Draw a triangle under the circle: “Mila has a white (blue, yellow, chocolate) dress.”
8. On the left and right of the triangle we draw sticks: “Mila has skillful hands.”
9. At the ends of the sticks we draw circles: “Mila has palms.”
10. On one of the circles we draw an oval: “There is soap in the palm.”
11. At the bottom of the triangle we draw two parallel sticks: “Mila has nice legs.”
12. Draw ovals at the ends of the sticks: “Mila has white galoshes.”
13. Under the picture there is a horizontal line: “Mila on the lawn.”
General text:
Here's Mila. Mila has blue eyes. Mila has a cute nose. Mila has a smile. Mila has blond (white) hair. Mila has a cap on her head. Mila has a white (blue, yellow, chocolate) dress. Mila has skillful hands. Mila has palms. There is soap in the palm. Mila has nice legs. Mila has white galoshes. Mila on the lawn.
Third track "Kolobok"
Provided that the child draws 6 pictures on a line and then repeats the entire text, he will pronounce 114 words with an automated sound.
1. Draw a circle: “This is Kolobok.”
2. Draw two small circles in a circle, the phrase can be said once, or you can say while drawing each circle: “Kolobok has eyes.”
3. Draw a squiggle in a circle: “Kolobok has a nice nose.”
4. Draw an arc at the bottom of the circle: “Kolobok has a cheerful smile.”
5. Draw a “tick” on the circle: “Kolobok has a tick on his head.”
6. Draw ovals on the sides of the circle: “Kolobok has palms.”
7. In one “palm” we draw a stick with a rectangle at the end: “The bun is carrying a shovel.”
8. Draw ovals under the circle: “Kolobok has bast shoes.”
9. At the bottom we draw a wavy line: “Kolobok is walking through the swamp.”
General text:
This is Kolobok. Kolobok has eyes. Kolobok has a nice nose. Kolobok has a cheerful smile. Kolobok has a tick on his head. Kolobok has palms. Kolobok carries a shovel. Kolobok has bast shoes. Kolobok walks through the swamp.
“The fourth track “Volodya and the Shark”
Provided that the child draws 6 pictures on a line and then repeats the entire text, he will pronounce 161 words with an automated sound.
1. Draw a semi-oval: “Volodya has a boat.”
2. Just below we draw a wavy line: “Boat on the waves.”
3. Draw a circle on the semi-oval: “Volodya is in the boat.”
4. On the side of the semi-oval, draw a small triangle with a dot: “There’s a shark behind the boat.”
5. Draw two small circles in a circle: “Volodya saw a shark.”
6. In small circles in the center we draw dots (pupils): “The shark scared Volodya.”
7. Draw an oval at the bottom of the circle: “Volodya shouts: “Shark!”
8. On the circle we draw small lines (the hair stands on end): “Where is Volodino’s oar?”
9. On the side of the circle we draw a stick with an oval at the end: “Here is Volodino’s oar!”
10. From the “oar” we draw several small lines in the direction of the “shark”: “Volodya does bam-balabam!” This word was invented by a child; you can replace it with any other sound complex.
General text:
Volodya has a boat. Boat on the waves. Volodya is in the boat. There's a shark behind the boat. Volodya saw a shark. The shark scared Volodya. Volodya shouts: “Shark!” Where is Volodino's oar? Here is Volodino's oar! Volodya does bam-balabam!
Stories for graphic tracks with other automated sounds are created in a similar way. If you are interested in this gaming technique, get creative and make up your own stories)
And perhaps your story will inspire someone else, and together we will make children’s speech brighter
Approximate speech material for strengthening the skills of accurately reproducing the syllabic structure of a word
Often, when working on the syllabic structure of words, speech therapists find it difficult to select speech material. I offer speech material on lexical topics that I have developed for practicing words of complex syllabic structure.
Approximate speech material for strengthening the skills of accurately reproducing the syllabic structure of a word during the reflected pronunciation of individual words, sentences, learning rhymes, poems (on lexical topics) for children 5-7 years old.
Theme "Vegetables"
Oblong Hardworking
Half a cellar of turnips Half a container of peas Well done cucumbers Green and white lips
Our Filat is never to blame. Filat’s mother is to blame.
What's that squeak? What's that crunch? What kind of bush is this? How can I live without crunch if I am cabbage?
Theme "Fruits"
Oval Rounded
Oblong Hardworking
Above the roof is a pear, On the pear is Andryusha.
The boy goes to the doctor: “My stomach hurts.” - What did you eat? — I ate a peach. It's green and not ripe! The doctor gave drops for the eyes: “Let them take 10 times a day. Maybe you’ll better understand what you’re putting in your mouth!”
Theme "Garden"
Pours Pours Waters Fills Adds Drains
Gardener (nitsa) Gardener (nitsa) Summer resident (nitsa)
Pickled Canned
But if only it weren’t in Africa But if only we had not onions, not radishes, but pineapple growing! No one would believe it, Neither Grishka nor Mishka, They would say: “This is a cedar cone!”
Forest theme
Will run will run will run away will survive will run away
Timber truck, forest worker, logging.
A spider under the ceiling A scarf under a cap A cat rolling a skein A spider tearing a web.
"Forest Joke"
Between the fir trees and pines the calf lost its mother - Where is mother? I don’t understand! - Mu! - Here I am, my dear! Mu!
The hedgehog puffs and winces: “What am I to you, a cleaning lady?” I can’t remove the forest! Keep clean!
Theme "Mushrooms and berries"
Dry Marinate Mushroom pick Mycelium Boletus Boletus Milk mushroom
In a copse on a hill, Egorka was picking mushrooms. At the bridge under the bush there are two foxes, two sisters.
Varvara was finishing the jam, grumbling and saying.
Merry clearing
Amanitas and toadstools are having fun in the clearing. Where are the chanterelles? Where are the morels? Saffron milk caps? Borovichki? Milk mushrooms and mushrooms? Don't play hide and seek! I’ll see you in the leaves and put you in the basket!
Theme "Migratory Birds"
White-winged Light-winged Swallows Cranes Swifts Goldfinches Redpolls Loud-voiced Sharp-billed Insectivore
The swift-winged swallow flew out of the nest. The starling settled in the birdhouse.
Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and swifts are chirping in the grove. Starlings and tits are funny birds!
Theme “Wintering birds”
Sharp-billed Black-eyed Pied-headed Long-tailed Red-breasted Ruffled Gray-eyed Waterfowl
A disheveled sparrow crawled out of the puddle. A black-eyed crow flew over the field. A white-breasted magpie perched on the fence. The crow missed the little crow. A grumpy raven was stealing yesterday's cheesecakes.
The magpie chirps: “I am motley, I am the sister of the other magpie.” And he repeats his story forty times in a patter: Quail, quail swaddled, swaddled, barely swaddled.
Forty forty for their own forty Forty shirts scribble without quarreling. Forty shirts were stitched on time. 40 magpies immediately quarreled.
Theme "Body Parts"
Hardworking Blue-eyed Green-eyed Brown-eyed Knees Elbows
Snub-nosed Egorka climbed up the hill.
Adults and teenagers came to the photo studio to take pictures.
Theme "Dishes"
Juicer Bread Slicer Vegetable Slicer Samovar Coffee Pot Pepper Shaker Herring Bowl Salad Bowl Tureen Bread Box
Delicious Atlantic herring was placed in the herring bowl. A fresh, delicious salad was placed on the table in a plastic salad bowl.
Once upon a time there were dishes: a teapot, a cup, a dish, a knife, a fork and a spoon, a saucepan and a ladle. The dishes were friends with food, the dishes were friends with water, and they were friends with the man. She fed him delicious food.
Theme "Clothing"
Model Cut out Sew Knit Restore Dressmaker Cutter Sewing workshop Fastener button Tape Pocket
A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.
About Fedya.
Who squeals like a pig Early in the morning on a weekend? All the neighbors behind the wall are surprised in their sleep. Let no one be surprised. This is Fedya getting dressed! He got tangled in his pants. He sits on the floor in tears. Grandma looks on in alarm, wiping his glasses. Or Fedya got his feet tangled up. Or his shoes got tangled up.
Theme "Hats"
Baseball cap Peak headscarf Scarf Considering Buying
A disheveled boy puts on a baseball cap. The brave captain tries on a cap.
Theme "Shoes"
Come up Model Sew Upper Sole Heel Velcro strap
Tired hunters pulled off their boots.
Caring hedgehog - Hedgehog, choose boots for your dear wife's feet! - Thank you! I'll give her shoes!
Theme "Winter"
Ice Snowfall Snowmobile Snowscooter Snowdrift Snowballs
In the spacious yard, the kids made a snowman. Prokhor floundered and floundered in the snowdrift, but did not flounder.
What kind of ridiculous person made his way into the twenty-first century? Carrot-nose, broom in hand, Afraid of the sun and heat!
Theme "New Year's holiday"
Glass Chocolate Marmalade Multicolored Garland I'll rejoice I'll spin I'll dress up I'll dance
Costume performances
Games, jokes, songs, dances! Masks flash here and there! You are a bear, and I am a fox! Such miracles!
Topic "Food"
Rolled oatmeal Semolina Buckwheat Cookies Curd Bread Cake Marinated Canned
There are a lot of perishable foods in the refrigerator. Early in the morning I bought a ram bagel.
"Fun Store"
We open a store, sell food, A crocodile buys Vegetables and fruits - How much does a zucchini cost? - Zucchini - a snout! - Give me two zucchini! - Give me two dimes!
Raccoon customers came to the store from work. Buy from the seller Two pickled cucumbers The seller says: Two kopecks cucumber! - Give us a cucumber! - Pay the seller!
— Tell us about your purchases! — What kind of shopping? - About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping!
Theme "Pets"
Body Konura Polkan Long-eared Long-tailed White-maned White-tailed Short-tailed short-haired Long-haired
A blunt-lipped bull, a blunt-lipped bull.
"The Mistress and the Cat"
- Why are you black, cat? — I climbed into the chimney at night. - Why are you white now? — I ate sour cream from a pot. - Why did you turn gray? - The dog rolled me in the dust! - So what color are you? - I don’t know that myself!
Theme: “Wild animals of our forests”
Thick-footed Thin-tailed Badger Squirrel Hare Fox Bear Wolf Badger
The fox trail confuses the hunter.
In the yard there is a slide. Under the slide there is a hole. In this hole the mole is guarding the hole.
"Hare Love"
The hare proudly walked through the forest He led the hare like a princess To the tops of his long ears The hare was in love with her But he couldn’t decide to get together and confess. True, the hare understood that it was awkward to remain silent on the road. He was just looking for words. And when he found it, he said: “You are like that, you are like that, you are like a carrot.”
- Tell me, dear hedgehog, what is good about hedgehog fur? “He’s so good, little fox, that you can’t take him with your teeth!”
Topic: “Wild animals of warm and hot countries”
Thick-footed Thin-tailed Long-necked Big-eared Long-whiskered Herbivores Arctic wolf Mollusks Algae
The antelopes began to rush about as the lions were nearby. Valentin and Valentina watched as the lions and cubs rested under a palm tree.
Monkey Violetta Goes to the ballet studio, While training at the ballet barre. The legs of this ballerina are like magic springs: The ballerina flies away into the clouds in two leaps.
Every day in front of the audience Performs with a group of lions In a captain's white jacket Tamer Ivanov
Pisces theme
Long-tailed Redfin Fish Products Fisherman Fish Hatchery Swordfish Angelfish Aquarium Flounder Gills Scales Torso Tail Abdomen Fins Eggs Bones Mollusks Algae This aquarium is a small pond Multi-colored fish live in it!
Make a flatbread from the bread. Don’t eat it, don’t eat it, little fish. You’ll taste the flatbread and you’ll be on the ladle!
"About crucian carp"
Once upon a time a crucian carp gave a coloring book to a little crucian And the crucian carp said: - Color the fairy tale, little crucian! There's a little crucian on the coloring page. Three funny little pigs.
Theme "Our city"
Landscaped Multi-Storey Courtyard
A stream of pedestrians moves along the pedestrian crossing. There is huge construction going on at the intersection of two avenues.
"About a Clown"
- Where did you buy, senor, this red tomato? - That’s an impolite question. It’s my own nose!
Theme "Our street"
Institution Hairdressing salon Well-equipped
The bus stop was constantly crowded with people. A crowded tram moves along the sidewalk. Thirteen- and fifteen-story buildings are lined up along the street. Pedestrians use an underground passage to cross a street overloaded with traffic.
In the hairdresser in the morning, watching the master at work.
Having broken through the asphalt with difficulty, a blade of grass exclaimed sternly: “Where did the highway come from on my way?”
Theme "House and its parts"
Multi-storey Single-storey Iron Slate Polyurethane Stone Panel Brick Block Foundation Entrance Basement Attic Loggia Window Antenna
At the intersection, builders built a fourteen-story building.
A crane approached the construction site. A huge crane was a huge crane.
The mice are talking: “Two cats are sitting on the roof and quarreling among themselves behind a tall chimney.” “So the cats are busy?” The mice rub their paws. Let's have some fun and head to the buffet! There will be a festive lunch!
Theme "Spring"
Ice drift Around the clock Primrose Thaws Long-awaited Rainy
The gentle sun dried the glass. A rough centipede hurries along the path.
- Well, Vesna, how are you? - I have cleaning to do! - What do you need a broom for? - Sweep the snow from the hill!
"After the Rain"
What to do after the rain? Jump through the puddles! What to do after the rain? Let the ships go! What to do after the rain? Swing on a rainbow What to do after a rain? Just smile!
Theme "My family"
Hardworking Cultural Caring
On the windowsill lay a stack of fifteen duvet covers and fourteen tablecloths.
Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons - Feofanych.
Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.
The magpie chirps, “I am colorful!” I am the other magpie’s sister!” And repeats his story forty times with a tongue twister.
Who came to me this morning? - Mommy! Who said “It’s time to get up?” - Mommy! Who managed to cook the porridge? - Mommy! - Who poured tea into the cup? - Mommy! Who braided my hair? - Mommy! - Cleaned everything up at home, swept it? - Mommy! -Who as a child loves laughter? - Mommy - Who is the best in the world? - Mommy!
Furniture theme
Wicker Plastic Leather Kitchen Room Office
Wardrobe updated Stool refurbished Armrests restored
A drawer was pulled out of the sideboard in which silverware was stored. In the chest of drawers lay a stack of fifteen duvet covers and fourteen tablecloths.
Counting book
One, two, three, four, five Let's count the furniture: Armchair, chair, sofa, couch, Shelf, wardrobe, bed, banquette.
Theme "Professions"
Tractor Driver Machinist Excavator Operator Electrician Manager Farmer Lumberjack Beekeeper Chimney Sweep.
Pankrat forgot his jack at home, and Pankrat couldn’t assemble a tractor on the tract without a jack!
Machinists and weavers, Tractor drivers and doctors, Lumberjacks and miners, Combine operators and actors - Everyone once came to 1st grade for the first time!
Theme "Bread"
Spine slicer Wheat Rye Chips Cheesecake Muffin Crisp bread Bread products Bakery Bakery Bakery Bakery
Bagel, bagel Loaf and loaf The baker baked the dough early in the morning
The fellow ate thirty-three pies With pie, but all with cottage cheese.
A mountain of grain is an elevator, An excavator is digging the earth, Very strange words, even creepy! A mountain of bread - an escalator? Is an alligator digging the ground? Very strange words, it gave me a headache.
Theme "Transport"
Passenger Cargo Special Airplane Scooter Airplane Helicopter Dump Truck Fuel Truck Milk Truck Diesel Locomotive
Cyclists and motorcyclists stop at traffic lights. The auto repair shop repairs a variety of vehicles. Pedestrians use an underground passage to cross a street overloaded with traffic. Craftsmen have been working in the auto repair shop since the morning.
There is a lot of traffic at the intersection. Where is the traffic light? The road is blocked. The traffic controller gave the vehicle a move, waved his baton: “Well, cars, go ahead!”
The trolleybus rode around the city all week. The trolleybus was terribly exhausted during the week. And the trolleybus wants to lie in bed, but the trolleybus is forced to Run, run, run
Theme "Insects"
Repellent (coloring) Protective (coloring) Variegated winged Big-eyed Long-mustached
All the insects jumped out from under the baseboard. The fly buzzed and buzzed to the spider.
A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle, The casing of the beetle is heavy. A bug crawled along the log, along the log, a butterfly flew by, a bird fluttered.
Who hung lace webs on the aspen tree? — The spider is weaving traps. Be careful, flies!
Koba N.A., teacher-speech therapist
- Speech material for the formation of the syllabic structure of words in children with speech disorders
- The relationship in the work of a speech therapist and choreographer on the development of the sound-syllable structure of a word
- Restoration of the sound-syllable structure of a word in patients with efferent motor aphasia
- Correctional speech therapy session to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in 2nd grade students of a comprehensive school
- Summary of an individual lesson on correcting violations of the syllabic structure of words based on the topic “Autumn. Trees in autumn" (ONR senior group)
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