Food products: pictures for children, Doman cards, coloring pages, posters

Drawn pictures

Any product drawings are excellent material for:

  • speech games;
  • conversations;
  • speech therapy exercises.

It is useful to use together both sets of subject cards with images of food and plot pictures of this topic.

Healthy and unhealthy food products are shown separately in pictures for children; it is important to teach children to easily distinguish between them.

Cards with drawn pictures are suitable for:

  • classes;
  • games;
  • exercises.






Canned food


Cereals, pasta

Cookies, bagels, crackers

Brief description of Tema products

Baby food from the Tema brand is represented by the following products:

  • organic cottage cheese (with pear, apple and carrots, blueberries, apricots, banana);
  • fortified kefir (fat content 3.2%);
  • yogurt 2.8% fat with raspberry-rosehip, apple, apricot-banana, prune, banana-strawberry fillings;
  • baby milk;
  • biolact;
  • meat purees (beef, turkey, cockerel, veal, chicken with beef, pork, rabbit, beef with liver, lamb, beef with tongue, beef with heart);
  • meat and vegetable purees (beef with zucchini);
  • meat purees with cereals (beef with buckwheat, beef with rice);
  • juices (clarified apple, clarified apple-banana, clarified pear, clarified apple-apricot, clarified apple-grape, clarified apple-plum, apple-pear with pulp, apple with pulp).

All products are made only from natural and high-quality raw materials, without harmful dyes and flavors.

Doman cards

Use Doman's cards in speech development classes on the topic Products. Bright, clear images with text can be used in games and exercises.

You can also use photos of food. It is important to choose those that have a neutral background, preferably a light one. Of course, photographs should be printed in advance and pasted onto cardboard.

Composition of puree Topic

According to the manufacturer, only natural ingredients are used in the manufacturing process:

  • Rabbit meat, poultry, beef, veal, which is supplied by proven meat plants.
  • Vegetables. The recipe uses easily digestible vegetables that normalize the functioning of the toddler’s stomach and intestines.
  • Potato starch. In purees for children over 6 months old, starch is used to give the dish a thicker structure. Some doctors believe that a small amount of it is even beneficial for a growing organism: it massages the intestines, is a source of energy, and improves stool.
  • Sunflower oil. Saturates the child’s body with vitamin E, F, fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the liver, blood vessels, and heart.
  • Cereals. Rice and buckwheat are considered the healthiest cereals for children.
  • Salt. Small quantities of it are present in the recipes of dishes for children from six months of age.
  • Parsley or dill extract. The puree contains beneficial vitamins A, C and ascorbic acid. This herb improves digestion and appetite in children.

Story pictures

Use story pictures to compose stories with children in the classroom. For these purposes, plot paintings on the themes: “Grocery supermarket”, “At the vegetable market”, “First cucumber”, “Cooking with mom”, “How the orchard feeds us in winter” are suitable.

How to introduce purees for children Topic

Baby puree The topic is introduced as simply as home-cooked dishes.

  • Vegetables. The introduction of complementary feeding to 6-month-old babies begins with grated vegetables. The best product for introducing a new food for the first time is zucchini or pumpkin; they contain a large amount of nutrients. Start with one teaspoon of a new dish at the beginning of feeding. If an allergic reaction or intestinal dysfunction does not appear the next day, you can increase the volume of complementary foods to 150 grams.
  • Fruits. Children's doctors say that until the age of one, a child does not need to eat fruit. They can cause allergic manifestations in the baby. Green apples and pears are the fruit sweets that you can offer your little one in puree first.
  • Meat and meat and vegetable products. The best time to introduce meat dishes is between 6 and 8 months. During this period, the baby actively needs proteins, iron and potassium, which are contained in meat. Concern Tema makes its purees from easily digestible types of meat: rabbit, turkey, chicken. For the first time, we recommend mixing the meat with the baby’s usual cereals or breast milk.
  • Before use, the puree is placed in a baby container and heated in a water bath or in the microwave to the desired temperature. There is no point in reheating leftover food.

Coloring pages

Speech therapists and teachers always use thematic coloring books to develop a child’s speech. Regular coloring not only helps children enrich their vocabulary and learn new grammatical structures, but also helps train fine motor skills, which, in turn, greatly helps activate the speech centers of the child’s brain.

Use pictures of Unhealthy Foods for children to color, this will not only improve speech skills, but also form an understanding of the basics of healthy eating and reasonable dietary restrictions. After coloring, you can have a conversation on the topic “The benefits and harms of the foods we eat.” It is easy to make a small presentation or collage from children's drawings, which can serve as additional visual material.

Brief information about the manufacturer

The company that produces Tema baby food was founded back in 1961.
It all started from the Kyiv City Dairy Plant No. 2. At that time, this enterprise was equipped with the latest technology and produced products that were a huge success among the people of Kiev. In the early 80s, the plant underwent a complete large-scale reconstruction. After this, Kiev City Dairy Plant No. 2 became the leading enterprise in the Soviet Union. On the basis of the above enterprise, it was founded in 1995.

Today it has a new name - “Unimilk”. It was with its curds, which were produced in 50 gram packages, that the Tema brand first became known among the population. The manufacturer produces baby food using new modern technology in accordance with international standards.

In the spring of 2014, it launched a new line for the production of fermented milk products for small consumers over 8 months.

Get an apple

During this game, children will enjoy competing with each other in dexterity. Grab your towels, get your stopwatch ready and get started. It will be fun!

What you will need : a wide bowl of water, apples.

What develops : agility, coordination of movements, muscle strength.

Pour water into a bowl or basin and place the apples in it. Children, one at a time, must remove the floating apple from the bowl without using their hands. The one who does it the fastest wins. If you are at the dacha, you can try another version of the game - for example, hanging apples on a cord. Although donuts would be more suitable for this fun competition game!

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