Summary of organized educational activities “Berry”

Text of the book “Tell children about garden berries”

E. Emelyanova Tell children about garden berries


People have been growing grapes for several millennia.
Back in the 5th millennium BC, it was known in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine. Then it began to be cultivated in the states of Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylon, as well as Egypt. In the wild, grape stems twine around trees like vines. This property of grapes is still used today. Wild grape bushes are used to make decorative hedges.

Wild grapes have small, sour berries. To keep the grapes large and sweet, winegrowers trim off excess branches. Nutrients are not wasted on new stems and leaves, but are supplied to ripening berries. Cultivated grapes were obtained as a result of numerous crossings of wild grapes growing in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Asia Minor.

A special role was given to grapes in Ancient Greece. Already at that time, people learned to extract juice and wine from grapes.

Grapes spread throughout Europe further and further north. It came to Russia at the end of the 16th century. The first vineyard was founded at the monastery in Astrakhan. Peter I issued a decree on the cultivation of grapes in the villages of the Don Cossacks.

Grapes are eaten fresh, compotes and juices are prepared from them. The properties of the berries are also preserved in dried fruits. In ancient times, dried grapes (raisins) were taken with them on military campaigns.

Depending on the variety, grape berries can be round or elongated, as well as red, dark blue or white-green. In total, more than 5 thousand varieties of grapes are known in the world.

Even the temperature at which it grows affects the taste of grapes. If it is dry and warm, the berries turn out sweet and juicy, and if it is cold, the grapes become sour.

The best grape varieties are grown on the slopes of hills and mountains. It is especially good to plant these berries on the eastern slopes, which are warmed by the sun's rays in the morning. The most famous vineyards are located in France, Italy, Spain and Crimea.


On a string-stalk
there is a pile of sweet berries
on a large dish. (Grape)


Frequent and cold rains - no bees, no grapes.


I was walking in the forest, carrying strawberries.
I was looking for them, picking them. I’ll bring it to kindergarten and treat all the kids. (A. Brodsky)

Strawberry bushes grow in forests, forest ravines, thickets of bushes, and in river and stream valleys. The stems with bright red berries droop all the way to the ground - hence the name of the plant. Strawberries are an incredibly aromatic and tasty berry. Its scientific name is “fragaria”, which means “fragrant”.

Strawberries are often called strawberries. In fact, strawberries, although similar to wild strawberries, are a different type of plant. Strawberries have small berries, so they are not used for breeding.

To collect wild strawberries, you will have to work hard. The berries hid under green leaves. You need to bend down to the ground, lift the leaves - then you will notice the strawberries.

Garden strawberries were developed in the 18th century. The French officer A. Frezier brought five strawberry bushes from Chile to Europe. They were planted next to a Virginia strawberry bush from North America. This is how garden strawberries appeared. Currently, about two thousand of its varieties are known; more than a million tons of berries are harvested every year in the world.

People nicknamed strawberries the “queen of berries” for a reason. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. Medicinal decoctions of dried berries and strawberry leaves are drunk for sore throats and colds.

Peasants in Rus' associated July 9 with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. It was as if she had appeared after long wanderings in the strawberry fields, where the city of Tikhvin now stands. If you eat a glass of strawberries on this day, you will recharge yourself with energy for the whole year.


Like a stitch, on the path
I see scarlet earrings. I found this earring. I bent down for one, and came across ten! (Strawberry)


Strawberries are red - don’t waste oats in vain.

When they mow, they bring strawberries home.


a full basket
of raspberries home. I'll make some jam, there will be a treat for friends in winter! (T. Shorygina)

In the temperate zone of Eurasia, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East, common raspberries are found. Raspberry bushes reach a height of two meters.

Raspberry thickets can be seen in forest clearings and edges. Berries, like red lanterns, strewn the branches. The berries on the upper branches, closer to the sun, ripen earlier than others.

In the first year of life, raspberries have grassy shoots with thin thorns. There are no flowers or fruits yet. In the second year, the stems become woody and white flowers form on them, and then small green berries appear. They sing and turn red.

Raspberry fruits are collected from small drupes that are pressed tightly together. Each small drupe contains a hard seed. Forest animals and birds eat raspberries with pleasure. The bear especially loves her.

Raspberries contain sugars, vitamins, organic acids, pectin and tannins. Tea made from dried fruits is a diaphoretic and antipyretic. An infusion is brewed from the leaves - “raspberry tea”, which is used to gargle for sore throat and inflammation of the larynx. Raspberry jam is very useful for colds.

On August 17, Avdotya Day, peasants went into the forest to pick raspberries. On this day, guys do not choose brides - they are all as beautiful as a red raspberry. A guy in a raspberry patch will be lost in thought, and then a girl will appear to him; he will rush to hug her, and instead of the beautiful maiden there will be a raspberry bush, or even a bear feasting on raspberries.

Peasants determined the date of sowing rye based on the degree of ripening of raspberries. Raspberries were collected for future use, dried, and prepared into jam and juices.


Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes.
These children, birds and bears love beads very much. (Raspberries)


Avdotya Malinovka – forest raspberries are ripening.

If you didn’t put a raspberry in your mouth, you never saw life.


The berry tastes good,
But go ahead and pick it, The bush is covered in thorns, like a hedgehog - That’s why it’s called a blackberry.

Blackberries are similar to raspberries - black with a bluish bloom, sweet and sour. But with raspberries, ripe fruits are easily torn from the receptacle, leaving the berry in your hands, hollow inside. A blackberry is not so easy to pick from a bush - the fruit is separated from the branch along with the receptacle.

Blackberries are common in Eurasia and North America. Grows in damp forests, forest ravines, in river and stream valleys. Blackberry bushes are taller than raspberries - up to 2 meters, and very prickly, hence the name of the plant. Blackberries often grow strongly, forming impenetrable thickets together with other shrubs.

Blackberries contain sugars and organic acids, carotene, vitamins B and C. The berries are used fresh and processed. An infusion of leaves is used for colds, intestinal disorders, and sore throat. Fragrant tea made from dried fruits and leaves is beneficial.

Garden blackberries are grown on private plots. Blackberry varieties have been developed that have no thorns on their stems. However, they do not tolerate temperature fluctuations well and do not take root well in cold climates.

Cultivated blackberries are grown mainly by amateur gardeners. The best varieties of blackberries - “Texas” and “Izobilnaya” - were bred by the famous Russian scientist I.V. Michurin.

There are 500 varieties of blackberries, more than raspberries. But breeders are unable to cross raspberries with blackberries. Scientists managed to obtain a hybrid of blackberries with another relative - dewberry, which is also called creeping blackberry. The dewberries have even more thorns than the blackberries, but the berries are very tasty.


Dressed like a hedgehog,
And crawling like a snake. (Blackberry)


early spring
this year I planted my own cherry tree. Now look: Overtaking me, My cherry has grown over the summer (G. Boyko)

In ancient times, cherry was considered a magical tree with unlimited healing properties, and it was recommended to rub sore spots on the trunk. The ash left after burning a cherry tree was also considered healing. In Europe, cherries began to be grown in the 1st century AD. Much later it was brought to Rus'. The first cherry orchards appeared in our country in the 15th century.

Cherries have dark red, sour fruits. They even came up with a color - cherry. There are sour varieties of cherries, and there are sweeter ones, for example, Vladimirskaya. The English Early variety is a hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry. Its berries are very sweet.

Cherry berries contain many useful substances, vitamins, and metal salts. Cherries are considered one of the most versatile berries, which can be perfectly mixed with all other fruits, and the result will be excellent.

end of introductory fragment


People have been growing grapes for several millennia. Back in the 5th millennium BC, it was known in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine. Then it began to be cultivated in the states of Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylon, as well as Egypt. In the wild, grape stems twine around trees like vines. This property of grapes is still used today. Wild grape bushes are used to make decorative hedges. Wild grapes have small, sour berries. To keep the grapes large and sweet, winegrowers trim off excess branches. Nutrients are not wasted on new stems and leaves, but are supplied to ripening berries. Cultivated grapes were obtained as a result of numerous crossings of wild grapes growing in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Asia Minor. A special role was given to grapes in Ancient Greece. Already at that time, people learned to extract juice and wine from grapes. Grapes spread throughout Europe further and further north. It came to Russia at the end of the 16th century. The first vineyard was founded at the monastery in Astrakhan. Peter I issued a decree on the cultivation of grapes in the villages of the Don Cossacks. Grapes are eaten fresh, compotes and juices are prepared from them. The properties of the berries are also preserved in dried fruits. In ancient times, dried grapes (raisins) were taken with them on military campaigns. Depending on the variety, grape berries can be round or elongated, as well as red, dark blue or white-green. In total, more than 5 thousand varieties of grapes are known in the world. Even the temperature at which it grows affects the taste of grapes. If it is dry and warm, the berries turn out sweet and juicy, and if it is cold, the grapes become sour. The best grape varieties are grown on the slopes of hills and mountains. It is especially good to plant these berries on the eastern slopes, which are warmed by the sun's rays in the morning. The most famous vineyards are located in France, Italy, Spain and Crimea. RIDDLE On a string-stalk There is a pile of sweet berries - On a large dish. (Grapes) FOLK SIGNS • Frequent and cold rains - no bees, no grapes.


I'll bring a full basket of raspberries home. I'll make some jam, there will be a treat for friends in winter! (T. Shorygina)

In the temperate zone of Eurasia, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East, common raspberries are found. Raspberry bushes reach a height of two meters. Raspberry thickets can be seen in forest clearings and edges. Berries, like red lanterns, strewn the branches. The berries on the upper branches, closer to the sun, ripen earlier than others. In the first year of life, raspberries have grassy shoots with thin thorns. There are no flowers or fruits yet. In the second year, the stems become woody and white flowers form on them, and then small green berries appear. They sing and turn red. Raspberry fruits are collected from small drupes that are pressed tightly together. Each small drupe contains a hard seed. Forest animals and birds eat raspberries with pleasure. The bear especially loves her. Raspberries contain sugars, vitamins, organic acids, pectin and tannins. Tea made from dried fruits is a diaphoretic and antipyretic. An infusion is brewed from the leaves - “raspberry tea”, which is used to gargle for sore throat and inflammation of the larynx. Raspberry jam is very useful for colds. On August 17, Avdotya Day, peasants went into the forest to pick raspberries. On this day, guys do not choose brides - they are all as beautiful as a red raspberry. A guy in a raspberry patch will be lost in thought, and then a girl will appear to him; he will rush to hug her, and instead of the beautiful maiden there will be a raspberry bush, or even a bear feasting on raspberries. Peasants determined the date of sowing rye based on the degree of ripening of raspberries. Raspberries were collected for future use, dried, and prepared into jam and juices. RIDDLE Red beads hang, looking at us from the bushes. These children, birds and bears love beads very much. (Raspberries) PROVERBS AND SAYINGS Avdotya Malinovka - wild raspberries are ripening. If you didn’t put a raspberry in your mouth, you never saw life.

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I was walking in the forest, carrying strawberries. I was looking for them, picking them. I’ll bring it to kindergarten and treat all the kids. (A. Brodsky)

Strawberry bushes grow in forests, forest ravines, thickets of bushes, and in river and stream valleys. The stems with bright red berries droop all the way to the ground - hence the name of the plant. Strawberries are an incredibly aromatic and tasty berry. Its scientific name is “fragaria”, which means “fragrant”. Strawberries are often called strawberries. In fact, strawberries, although similar to wild strawberries, are a different type of plant. Strawberries have small berries, so they are not used for breeding. To collect wild strawberries, you will have to work hard. The berries hid under green leaves. You need to bend down to the ground, lift the leaves - then you will notice the strawberries. Garden strawberries were developed in the 18th century. The French officer A. Frezier brought five strawberry bushes from Chile to Europe. They were planted next to a Virginia strawberry bush from North America. This is how garden strawberries appeared. Currently, about two thousand of its varieties are known; more than a million tons of berries are harvested every year in the world. People nicknamed strawberries the “queen of berries” for a reason. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. Medicinal decoctions of dried berries and strawberry leaves are drunk for sore throats and colds. Peasants in Rus' associated July 9 with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. It was as if she had appeared after long wanderings in the strawberry fields, where the city of Tikhvin now stands. If you eat a glass of strawberries on this day, you will recharge yourself with energy for the whole year. RIDDLES Like a stitch, on a path I see scarlet earrings. I found this earring. I bent down for one, and came across ten! (Strawberries) FOLK SIGNS Strawberries are red - don’t eat oats in vain. When they mow, they bring strawberries home.

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