How to develop memory in a child aged 8, 9, 10: what parents need to know

Memory is a complex of human cognitive abilities and higher mental functions.

In medicine, there are clearly established norms for the formation of memory as a child grows older.

However, in practice, deviations from standard values ​​are often observed.

This article describes the features of memory development in children aged 8-10 years, as well as ways to improve it.

Age norms for memory formation at 8-11 years old

As noted above, each child’s age has its own standards for memorizing and assimilating information coming from the outside world.

Thus, we can highlight the following features of memory formation in children aged 8-11 years:

  • At this stage, there is an active development of voluntary memory - the student begins to set himself a special task to learn certain information. Moreover, the processes of memorization and reproduction act as mnemonic actions,
  • gradually the child begins to master memorization techniques. At first, he uses simpler techniques, for example: reviewing the material, repeating it many times, dividing information into smaller blocks,
  • self-monitoring of memorization results is carried out at the level of recognition. For example, a student looks at a story and thinks that he has learned it because it seems familiar to him,
  • younger schoolchildren (8-11 years old) have more developed figurative memory.

REFERENCE. Parents should keep in mind that if a child has problems remembering this or that material, measures to improve memory should be adjusted taking into account his age and the standards established in medicine.

What types of memory exist

Motor memory

develops first in the newborn. It helps the baby learn to sit, crawl, walk, and hold a spoon or toy.

Emotional memory

at the beginning of life it is more of a reflexive nature: the parent is nearby - the baby is calm, the parent is far away - the baby is lonely. And only by six months does the child begin to remember emotions more consciously and may burst into tears if you show him a toy with which he accidentally hit himself in the face the day before. During this period, the baby easily recognizes family members: he sees his mother and smiles, but he is unlikely to smile at strangers. It is emotional memory that makes recognition possible.


Figurative memory

is formed in babies closer to the age of one year. They not only remember tastes, touches or images, but also create associations associated with these memories. Through figurative memory, the child forms his ideas about the world.

Verbal-logical memory

helps the child formulate and reproduce thoughts. However, this type of memory begins to work if the baby has learned to speak at least 10–20 words.

Short-term memory

Each child has its own volume, since this is an individual ability given by nature. It remains for life virtually unchanged. Short-term memory allows you to perceive new data, immediately sort it and leave only what is needed.

Long-term memory

- the place where data received from short-term memory is sent. This type of memory develops in some children before one year of age, and in others a little later.


necessary to save temporary information. For example, when we add two numbers in our heads, we leave the intermediate sum after adding the tens “in our minds.”

Causes of poor memorization

In practice, there are often cases where a child has memory impairment. This condition is characterized by the inability and inability of the child to preserve, accumulate and use information received by the child when interacting with the outside world.

There are many reasons for the development of this pathological condition. The following are the most common factors that negatively affect the development of memory in a child 8-11 years old, namely:

  • constant stress and overwork, which negatively affect the general psychophysical state of the child,
  • previous somatic diseases, as well as a consequence of seasonal hypovitaminosis,
  • unsuccessful vaccination in early childhood,
  • traumatic brain injury suffered by the child,
  • development of various lesions in brain structures, including tumor growth,
  • diagnosed delay in speech and general development,
  • manifestation of acute and chronic circulatory disorders in the head, atherosclerosis, spasm of cerebral vessels and other pathological changes.

ATTENTION. It should be noted that in most cases, poor children's memory can be corrected and improved. In this case, in no case should this moment be ignored, since in the future poor memorability can lead to the development of psychosomatic, neurological and psychological problems in the student.

It's hereditary

A person can be endowed with good and even phenomenal memory by nature. As well as bad. But you shouldn’t exaggerate genetics either. Because even average memory can be improved. Sometimes the whole point is that the child simply does not know how to memorize.

There are special techniques for this. The most popular example is again known to everyone: “every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” Knowing this saying, a person will no longer forget the sequence of colors of the rainbow.

One of the most famous mnemonics is based on associations. It is often used to memorize foreign words. Well, for example, the English word puddle (puddle) is easy to remember if you make the following association: “paddle” - fell - fell into a puddle.

And, of course, we must remember that repetition is the mother of learning. Memory has its own rhythms, and you need to know them. So that what you remember does not immediately disappear from your head, but settles there for a long time, you need to repeat what you have learned immediately, then after 20 minutes, then the next day, then after 2 days and after another 2 days. If you carry out this entire weekly algorithm, what you have learned will sit firmly in your head.

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How to improve?

It’s worth pointing out right away that solving the problem of poor memory must be approached comprehensively. Today, quite a lot of techniques and methods have been developed to significantly improve a child’s ability to remember information.

The following measures can be identified as effective methods:

  1. Systematically performing exercises with the child aimed at improving memory function and memory training.
  2. Regular reading of children's books, as well as memorizing simple poems, songs, tongue twisters, etc.
  3. Carrying out games with the child that require the use of memory.
  4. Reviewing the schoolchild's nutrition - it is important that the diet contains all the necessary macroelements for the full functioning of the brain and the body as a whole. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods such as: trout or salmon, broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc.

It is also worth noting that your child can also take a course of vitamins. However, in this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT. Some parents prefer to treat their child's memory problems with medication. However, it is important to understand that there is no universal treatment and no “magic” pill that would improve memorability overnight. All measures must be taken together. Moreover, the key to success in the fight against poor memory is systematic classes and exercises with the child.


Currently, quite a lot of different methods and exercises have been developed that are aimed at developing memory functions in a child.

The most effective include the following types of simple techniques that can be used to improve memory processes:

  1. Exercise “Evening review” - you should develop the habit of telling your child every evening about all the events that happened to him during the day. Moreover, the parent should be asked to retell everything in reverse order, that is, start with the events of the evening and right up to the moment of awakening. There may be difficulties at first, so you can ask your child leading questions. In general, this exercise helps to build a sequence of events, develops the ability to analyze, and also improves memory.
  2. Looking at two identical pictures - the child should be shown two identical (at first glance) images and asked to find the main differences. This method will develop not only memory, but also attentiveness.
  3. Exercise “remember everything” - the parent should choose an object and show it to the student (for example, a lamp, a chair, etc.). The latter must examine it carefully without touching it. Next, the child should close his eyes and try to describe in as much detail as possible the object that was shown to him (color, details, size, etc.).
  4. Exercise “What has changed?” — several objects should be laid out in a row in front of the child (for example, a pencil, pen, eraser, etc.) and asked to remember in what order they are located. Next, the student must close his eyes and count to 20. At this time, it is necessary to change the order of the objects. After he opens his eyes, the parent should ask what has changed.


In addition to exercises, there are also various games that help improve children's memory. As an example, there are several game forms that help develop the memorization process. This includes the following:

  1. A game of words and pictures - in this case you need to name several different words (10-15 pieces). Then you need to ask the child to repeat all the words spoken. This game will help develop verbal and logical memory. To improve visual memory, you can show your child several pictures, ask him to close his eyes, and then remove some of them. In the future, he must tell which images are missing.
  2. The game “guess the word” - in this case, the parent must guess a certain word, but not voice it. At this time, the child calls leading questions and thereby tries to find out what word was guessed. For example, questions may include: Is this item edible? What colour? What shape? etc.
  3. Game “Look and Name” - the parent asks the child to look carefully around and name all the objects he sees. For example, it might sound like this: “Name all the objects that are colored green.” Next, the child must look around, then close his eyes and from memory list all the green things that he managed to remember.

It is also worth noting that to improve memory, it is necessary to make family reading a tradition, during which you can read interesting fairy tales and stories to your child, and then retell in detail what you have read. This method of memory development also includes daily memorization of children's poems. Even if it is only 4 lines, it is important that the student memorizes them every day.

Attention diagnostics for preschoolers

Professional diagnostics are carried out by specialists. But parents, with the help of simple attention tests, can easily determine the scale of the problem or its absence. Classes require a minimum of time and available materials:

  1. Prepare cards with pictures of various objects . For kids - as simple as possible, for younger preschoolers - seasons, professions. Give 10 seconds to memorize, remove one card. Children aged 3 should correctly guess problems with 4 cards. For the older ones, make the tasks more difficult, mix up the images, ask them to arrange them in the original sequence.
  2. This test determines attention span. On a sheet of paper, draw a series of geometric shapes, possibly repeating ones . After 10 seconds, remove or turn the sheet over. A good result is if the child was able to repeat the sequence for 5-9 figures (depending on age).
  3. Cut out or print out images of various objects, inscriptions, signs from a magazine . Paste 9-12 fragments onto a sheet of paper, give 20 seconds to memorize the drawing. In children of primary preschool age, the average level is considered to be 7-8 images, which he could subsequently name. For older people, the task should be made more difficult. Ask questions about the number of items, for example: “How many flowers are in the bouquet? or “What animal is there a question mark over?”

These are not only tests, but also excellent exercises for developing attention in children of different ages.

Important! Exercise regularly for 10 minutes a day. Try to conduct activities to develop memory and attention in a playful way.

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