Recommendations for parents on the lexical topic “Autumn” consultation (senior group)

What kind of sun is it in autumn?

So, summer has gone into oblivion.
The time has come for clouds and rain, gradually rolling towards the cold. Do you remember? Imagine that we thought for a moment and raised our eyes to the luminary. The sun in autumn... How welcome it is! After a bright summer, there is so little warmth. This lack is sometimes felt more strongly than hunger. Because literally our entire body strives for the rays. Every cell yearns for the gentle rays. It's also sad! Why? Yes, the Sun just moved away from the Earth. It perceives this distance, which we perceive as a decrease in the intensity of heat, differently. It seems that it misses the green planet. The luminary lacks the radiation of its inhabitants. And on a gloomy and cloudy day, what comes to mind? What is the sun like in autumn? Amazing! It will peek out from behind the clouds, like a smile on the face of a capricious child. I immediately want to live and create. Now autumn is approaching winter. Gloomy days wander in continuous succession. And it seems that he forgot about the planet Sun in the fall. “Which luminary?” - you ask. - “We’ve already forgotten what it looks like.” So, is the autumn sun greedy? It's so rare for us

looks in. Or it is tired and needs rest.


Lexical topic: Autumn

Children should know: - the names of the autumn months; — the main signs of autumn; — what happens to the trees, how the grass has changed, the meaning of the word “leaf fall”; - what animals and birds do in the fall; - what people do; - what gifts autumn brought to people; — why they say “golden” about autumn. Expanding children's vocabulary: names: autumn, September, October, November, months, leaf fall, rain, clouds, puddles, wind, fog, dampness, bad weather, freshness, nature, harvest, garden, vegetable garden, fruits, vegetables, supplies, trees , leaves, forest, birds, animals, slush, winter, weather, withering, haze, sky, sun, people, clothes, umbrella; signs: early, late, autumn, dull, sad, golden, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, stormy, rainy, damp, crimson, bare, fading, sad, wondrous, beautiful, lush, migratory, wintering; actions: fly, rustle, fall, rustle, crumble, advance, come, frown, say goodbye, fly away, coo, clean, tear, collect, dig, dress, get ready, fade, turn yellow, dry, drizzle.


Grammatical structure of speech

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes “Call it affectionately”

Rain - rain, little rain, sun - sun, puddle - puddle, tree - tree, wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf, cloud - cloud, forest - forest, garden - garden, bird - bird.

Formation of the plural of nouns in the genitive case “One - many” Month - months, tree - trees, rain - rains, fruit - fruits, puddle - puddles, vegetable - vegetables, harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves, garden - gardens, bird - birds, vegetable garden - vegetable gardens, slush - slush, umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement “Say with the word “autumn””

The sky (what?) is autumn, the wind (what?) is autumn, the alley (what?) is autumn. The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Formation of qualitative adjectives “Tell me what the weather is like?”

What is the weather like in autumn if it rains? - rainy, . the wind blows - windy; If it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold; if it's cloudy - cloudy, . damp - raw, . gloomy - gloomy, . sunny - sunny, . clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives “One - many” An autumn day has arrived - autumn days have arrived, there is a yellow leaf on the tree - there are yellow leaves on the trees, a dark cloud is floating - dark clouds are floating, there is a big tree - there are large trees, cold rain is falling - cold rains are falling, a strong wind is blowing - strong winds are blowing, a warm jacket is hanging - warm jackets are hanging, a flock of birds is flying - flocks of birds are flying.

Lexical structure of speech

Retelling the story "Autumn"

After summer comes autumn. Leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow, red, and fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds and it rains. They are not like in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold. At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, the sun is still warm, and there are many flowers in the flower beds. This is golden autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn, there are few sunny days, the sun does not heat well, and it becomes cold. The cold freezes the water, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the daytime heat. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. These are migratory birds. Animals are also preparing for winter. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having stored up fat reserves over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their fur coat to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice). Insects hide in old stumps, snags, and climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted. In the fall, the crops are harvested: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden. People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots.

Search for antonyms for “Say the opposite”

Early autumn - late autumn, a cheerful day - a sad day, a sunny day - a cloudy day, a white cloud - a black cloud, . cold - hot, . good - bad.

Search for the corresponding concept “I’ll start, and you finish”

People are dressed in autumn (what?) - . ; schoolchildren go with their briefcases (where?) - . ; the leaves on the trees have become (what?) - . ; flowers in the flower beds (what did you do?) - . ; birds fly away (where?) - . ; animals do for the winter (what?) - . ; people collect in forests, gardens, fields and vegetable gardens (what?) - .

Construction of the monologue “Tell me about autumn according to plan”:

1) when autumn comes; 2) autumn months; 3) signs of autumn in nature; 4) the beauty of golden autumn; 5) what birds and animals do in the fall; 6) human labor in the autumn period; 7) autumn clothes.

Finding factual errors “Correct errors”

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to make provisions for the winter: the hedgehog - honey, the squirrel - nuts, the bear - cabbage, the fox - apples. Birds flew in from the south. The children put on their Panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide and seek, made a snowman and fed crumbs to the birds.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up, and the bare bushes look sad. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow. The winter crops are just turning green in the fields. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine. The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling. The waters rustled like a fast stream. The birds flew away to warmer lands. A.N. Pleshcheev

In the morning we go into the yard - the leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet and flying, flying, flying. (Autumn.)

Dry - wedge, wet - damn. (Umbrella.)

They often call me, they wait for me, and when I come, they hide from me. (Rain.)

Yellow leaves are flying, rustling underfoot. The sun is no longer hot. When does all this happen? (In autumn.)

All the trees have fallen off, Only the spruce trees are turning green, It rains day and night, There is mud and puddles at the gate. (Autumn.)

Outdoor game “Hello, autumn!”

Host: Hello, autumn! Children: dance in a round dance. Hello, autumn! It's good that you came. We, autumn, will ask you, What did you bring as a gift? Simulates making pies. I brought you flour - Children: That means there will be pies. Host: I brought you some buckwheat - Children. The porridge will be in the oven. Simulates cutting vegetables. The presenter brought you vegetables - Children, both for soup and cabbage soup. Presenter Are you happy about pears? They spread their hands, showing a deck of honey. Let's dry the children for the winter. Presenter Brought honey too - Children Full deck! Host: And apples are like honey! For jam, for compote. Children: You brought apples, you brought honey, You brought us bread, and brought us good weather as a gift? Host: Are you happy about the rain? Children: We don’t want it, we don’t need it! Whoever gets caught in the rain will drive now. They run away, “hiding from the rain.”

Musical and rhythmic exercise Autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves, we sit on the branches. The wind blew and they flew. We flew, we flew, and sat quietly on the ground, the wind came again and picked up all the leaves. He turned them over, twisted them and lowered them to the ground. Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

Autumn scattered leaves, (open and close fists) and painted them with a brush. (They make smooth movements with their palms up and down.) We will go to the autumn park, (They “walk” with the fingers of both hands.) We will collect bouquets of leaves. (They cross their palms with their fingers spread out.) A maple leaf, an aspen leaf, (They bend their fingers one by one, starting with the thumb), an oak leaf, a rowan leaf, a red poplar leaf and jumped down onto the path. (jump from the chair and land squatting on the carpet) I. Mikheeva

Let's talk about the roles:

- Sun, sun, where are you from? - I am from a golden cloud. - Rain, rain, where are you from? - I am from a thundercloud. - Wind, wind, where are you from? - I'm from the far side. - Leaf, leaf, where are you from? - From the birch country! From the manual by G. Bystrova, E. Sizova, T. Shuiskaya

Call AUTUMN Goals: to develop general speech skills, intonation expressiveness of speech, voice power. Autumn, autumn, We invite you for a visit. Stay for eight weeks: With abundant grain, With the first snows, With leaf fall and rain, With the migrating crane.

One, two, three, four, five - bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

We will collect leaves. - clench and unclench your fists

Birch leaves - bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

We will collect oak leaves,

We’ll take an autumn bouquet to mom – her fingers “walk” across the table.

Look at the pictures with your child and name the signs of autumn nature:

I. Levitan “October”

I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”

F. Vasiliev “Before the rain”

I. Levitan “In the forest in autumn”

Sunrise in autumn

When the luminary, tired of summer work, shows its face, it is a real holiday. It no longer throws all its rays into a gentle attack on nature. It surveys from its height the results of past work. Looking into every corner of the Earth, it evaluates what requires urgent intervention and where it is possible not to appear. Have you not paid attention to the fact that sometimes the Sun comes out for a minute and does not appear all day. This means that nature does not need his greatness today. And there are days when it shows almost summer activity. So, it decided that it wasn’t finished. Nature needs its life-giving energy. In autumn, the luminary importantly rolls out from behind the horizon. It radiates not only energy, but also contentment

long-standing works. And even a little sadness from the inevitable parting.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic games and exercises on the lexical topic “Autumn” for children in the senior speech therapy group.
The presented material will greatly facilitate the speech therapist’s work in planning tasks for the teacher.
Card index of games and exercises on the lexical topic “Spring”
This material may be useful to speech therapists in preschool educational institutions.
Card file of games and exercises on the lexical topic “Mother’s Holiday.”
This material can be useful for speech therapists on the lexical topic “Mother’s Holiday.”
Card file of games and exercises on the lexical topic “Fruit.”
This speech material is intended for speech therapists and group educators compensatory orientation for children with severe speech impairments
Card index of games and exercises on the lexical topic “Fruits.”
This material is intended for speech therapists and teachers of compensatory orientation groups for children with severe speech impairments.

Card index of games, exercises, fiction on the topic “Insects” for senior preschool age.

Card index of games, exercises, fiction on the topic “Pisces” for older preschool age.

Sunset in autumn

Every day parting with a luminary is like breaking up with a loved one. There is no certainty that it will return tomorrow. The sun can, offended by something of its own, simply hide behind the clouds. Like a capricious prima donna, she went backstage and didn’t come out for the applause. So it leaves the earth under the cover of the atmosphere. Or maybe for a long time and leisurely leaving the expanses of the controlled atmosphere. When leaving, it examines nature, like a zealous owner drawing up a work plan for tomorrow.

In autumn, our luminary becomes mannered and important. It gave all the affection in the summer. Now he himself needs rest and attention. This is what happens, have you noticed? In the summer, people complain about the heat, become capricious and swear. Where does their anger go in the fall? At this time, everyone falls in love with a random ray of light, quickly learning to thank the huge luminary for every visit. Its tenderness in autumn is especially beautiful!

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