Didactic games for enriching vocabulary with modeling elements
Summary of speech therapy entertainment “Celebration of correct speech”
Autumn holiday in kindergarten in the senior speech therapy group. Scenario Scenario of the autumn holiday for
Lesson notes on literacy and writing “The letters Ш,ш and sound [ш]”
Lesson notes "Introducing the sound [Ш]" Lyudmila Polyukhova Lesson notes "Introducing the sound [Ш]"
Summary of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language in the senior group [Transport]
Summary of a speech therapy lesson with TRIZ elements on the topic “Transport” in the preparatory group. Summary of a speech therapy lesson
Card index of didactic games for children 5-6 years old. card index (senior group)
Development of children aged 6: what you need to teach your children The world around is changing rapidly, and
Consultation “Loud voice. Your child talks loudly all the time. Screams often"
During the period of speech development, many children are in a hurry and slur their words. If this is a phenomenon
Summary of a speech therapy lesson with a group of students with a speech certificate: OHP level 4. 1 year of study. Topic: “Hard and soft consonants.”
Lesson summary in the Russian language Hard and soft consonant sounds, their designation in writing
How to teach a child to read: important rules and effective techniques
Every parent who cares about the importance and role of reading in the lives of their children thinks about
Speech games and exercises for children of senior preschool age card index (senior group) on the topic
Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children onto the carpet and picks up a ball: “Let’s play
Frontal lesson in the senior speech therapy group “Ryabinka” on the topic “Friendship Holiday” Vowels and consonants sounds and letters
Lesson summary No. 3. Topic: “Consonant sounds” A series of literacy lessons for children
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