Summary of a lesson on speech development “Autumn clothes, shoes, hats” outline of a lesson on speech development (preparatory group)
Shoes for girls When choosing shoes, you need to take into account the style and models of outer and main clothing.
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound “Sh” letter “Sh”
Article: OBJECTIVES: 1. Clarify the pronunciation of the existing sound “SH”. Achieve correct pronunciation of the isolated sound “Ш”. Learn
Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Letters E, E”
Text of the book “Teaching preschool children to read and write. For classes with children 3-7 years old" Lesson plans for
Sounds [G] [G`]. Letters G, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
The phoneme [g] is pronounced as /g/ in northern Russian dialects, /ɣ/ in southern Russian dialects (northern border
Summary of the frontal lesson in the senior group with OHP on the topic “Indoor plants”
“KNOW THE PLANT” Didactic task. Find a plant by name. Game actions. Competition to see who can find the plant faster. Rules.Having found
TECHNOLOGY OF Speech Therapy CLASSES according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Implementation of a system-activity approach in speech therapy classes with children with speech disorders (at the stage of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities - TNR).
How to prepare a child for school - advice from Olga Azova I believe that cooking
“Methods and techniques for working with children with SLD on speech development” methodological development in speech therapy (senior group) on the topic
Article: In the development of a child, all cognitive processes are interconnected. And violations arising in one of
Card index of homework on lexical topics “Autumn”, “Mushrooms”
“Autumn” No. 1 Read poems to the child and discuss them. (Memorize a poem of your choice.) Autumn
Recommendations for the relationship between speech therapist and educators in the correctional and developmental process
Article: A child masters speech with the help of hearing, so it is very important to pay attention to the development of auditory
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution “Useful Products”
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group. Proper nutrition Comprehensive development lesson
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