Master class by a speech therapist for parents “Attentive Ears”

Master class for parents of senior speech therapy group “Speech therapy games with mom”

Press the spoon tightly against the lips in front of the lips, folded into a tube, with the convex side and make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.

Stretch your lips into a smile. Use the convex part of a teaspoon to make circular movements around your lips clockwise and counterclockwise.

Take a teaspoon in your right and left hand and make light patting movements on your cheeks from bottom to top and top to bottom.

Circular movements with teaspoons on the cheeks (from nose to ears and back).

Patting teaspoons on the cheeks with both hands simultaneously from the corners of the mouth stretched in a smile to the temples and back.

Games with cotton balls and bottles, candles

"Air Football"

. Stretch your lips forward with a “tube” and blow for a long time on the ball (lying on the table in front of the child), driving it between two cubes. The options depend on your imagination. You can offer the child to blow on a pinwheel, small toys that easily roll on the table, or cotton wool (blow from the palm).

"The Singing Bottle"

A directed air stream can be produced well if you invite the child to blow into a small, clean bottle (from the drops). When an air stream hits the bottle accurately, a peculiar humming or whistling sound is heard (“steamboat humming”). Children really like this.


Be careful not to puff out your cheeks. To do this, you can lightly hold them with your fingers.

You need to drive the ball in one exhale, not allowing the air stream to be intermittent.


Buy small colorful candles and play with them. You light candles and ask the child to blow on a blue candle, then on a yellow candle, etc. You need to blow slowly, the inhalation should not be noisy, and you cannot puff out your cheeks. First, you can bring the candle closer to the child, then gradually remove it.


Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your upper lip so that its side edges are pressed together and there is a small groove in the middle. Then blow gently upward onto your nose. Complication:

Attach a piece of tracing paper or cotton wool (1.5 cm x 1.5 cm) to the tip of the nose and blow it off; with the right air stream, it flies upward. In order for the tracing paper to easily attach to the nose, you need to slightly moisten it (pass it along the tip of the child’s tongue).


The lower teeth do not “pull” the tongue upward.

Do not clench your tongue with your teeth.

The exhalation is smooth and long. This exercise trains the exhalation necessary to pronounce hissing sounds.

“Sweet exercise” (exercises with lollipop).

L: You might be surprised, but a round sweet lollipop is an excellent speech therapy simulator. Unwrap the candy canes and let's play a little. Squeeze the lollipop with your lips and try to hold it for 5-10 seconds. Holding the lollipop with your lips, try moving the stick first from top to bottom, then from side to side. Open your mouth slightly, lips parted into a smile, make a cup, put lollipop in the cup and try to hold the lollipop with your tongue only. Raise your wide tongue to the sky, press the lollipop “fungus” to the palate. Move the lollipop along the midline of your tongue from tip to root and back 5-10 times. During the performance of articulatory gymnastics, you will see how, at first, when children perform exercises, tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is observed. Gradually the tension will disappear, movements will become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 3 “Solnyshko”, Adamovka village, Orenburg region

Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” DECEMBER 2017 Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist of the highest category N.V. Makarova Dear participants! Today I will conduct a small speech therapy master class with you. I will show you a set of exercises for individual work in production and automation of sounds. The basis of the proposed system is forms and methods of work using proprietary didactic games and manuals. We all know well that it is easier to prevent shortcomings than to eradicate them.

Quote: Without speech there is neither consciousness nor self-awareness (Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky)

Motto: Listen - and you will know, look - and you will understand, do - and you will learn, make us better!

Equipment: 1. Individual mirrors 2. Cotton pads. 3. Cotton swabs. 4. Finger cap. 5. Cocktail straws.

6. Cups with a lid, 7. Staging speech therapy probes. 8. Oral cavity “RATATUSKA”. 9. Tongue theater. 10. Balloons. 11. Butterfly made of papyrus paper. 12. Pinwheel. 13. Plastic lips for the development of an air stream. 14. Massage ball with spikes “Hedgehog”. 15. "Su-jok". 16. Ball with rubber bands. 17. Clothespins. 18. “Baby Elephant - Elephone” - for the development of phonemic hearing.


1. Generalization of teaching experience on the topic. 2. Exercises for setting and automating sounds. 3. Reflection on experience: B) what was useful (interesting). C) what do you remember about the master class?

Goal: Providing generalization, systematization and dissemination of personal pedagogical experience to a wide audience of preschool teachers. Objectives: 1. Creating conditions for the professional development of a teacher, during which experience is gained in the formation of speech exercises for the normal speech development of children of senior preschool age. 2. Formation of an individual style of creative pedagogical activity in the process of innovative work. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of preschoolers with disorders of general and speech development. A chain of unfavorable factors leads to the fact that already in the middle group of kindergarten we find up to 60% of pupils with speech development disorders. The most important indicator of children’s preparedness for school is their level of speech development. After all, first the child masters auditory speech. Correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation at an older age is much more difficult than preventing them in the early stages of a child’s development. Work on the sound culture of speech includes the following sections: • development of movements of the articulatory apparatus (articulatory gymnastics); • consistent work on correcting problematic sounds. • prevention of speech disorders. Working as a speech therapist in a public preschool, I would like to note the difficulties that I encounter every day. First of all, this is the fact that a speech therapist at a speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it, as is customary in speech kindergartens. The work of a speech therapist in a kindergarten, which does not have specialized groups in its structure, is structured taking into account the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. Classes are short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (2-3 times a week) and are designed for a 6-month or 12-month training period. The speech therapist is forced to become involved in the learning process on the day the child attends his classes. Children with speech disorders themselves receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily, like children in a speech therapy kindergarten. Thus, in my work, the need arose for close interaction and mutual assistance between the speech therapist and educators, the speech therapist and parents. Both of them are deprived of specialized correctional hours for working with children who are speech pathologists. For this purpose, I have developed a certain set of master classes for teachers and parents, which is called “Home Speech Therapy Lessons.” Today we will get acquainted with one of the main topics of the master class complex, this is “Secrets in the work of a speech therapist teacher in producing and automating sounds.” How to explain to parents in accessible language what speech is? (Building a house) And now let’s move on to the sections in which work on producing sounds is carried out:

Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus

In order for sound pronunciation to be clear, you need strong, elastic and mobile speech organs - tongue, lips, soft palate. Since all speech organs are made up of muscles, they can therefore be trained. Gymnastics aimed at developing the speech organs is called articulation. Such gymnastics helps strengthen speech muscles and prepares the basis for clear sound pronunciation. You can come up with fairy tales that will help children cope with some speech difficulties. Playing them with children, we see that the production of sounds goes faster, and children show keen interest even when performing very difficult articulation exercises.

Working on gross and fine motor skills

Children with speech impairments often have deficits in gross motor skills. Body movements and speech motor skills have common mechanisms, so the development of fine motor skills of the hands directly affects the development of speech. That is why the development of fine motor skills should take a strong place in activities with the child. Children with speech delay have poor coordination of fine motor skills of their fingers. And as a result, dysgraphia (writing impairment) may develop. The higher the child’s motor activity, the better his speech develops.

Development of correct speech breathing

The key to clear pronunciation of sounds and clear diction is well-established speech breathing. Children are given daily exercises to develop speech breathing.

Development of phonemic hearing

The ability to focus on sound - we develop auditory attention. A small child does not know how to compare sounds, but he can be taught this. The purpose of exercises for the development of phonemic awareness is to teach the child to listen and hear.

The joint work carried out with educators and parents shows that close cooperation in conditions of limited exposure and the use of speech therapy techniques helps in quickly solving problems of correctional intervention.

Thus, the effectiveness of the work of the teacher-speech therapist increases, the percentage of children with speech defects before entering school decreases, and the percentage of children graduating with literate speech and correct pronunciation increases.

So, the main organ of the articulatory apparatus is the TONGUE!

Practical part

And now, I invite you to attend such speech therapy classes and participate in them with me, and my assistant will help me conduct them, meet Oral Cavity, RaTaTuShkA.

I always start the practical part of my master class with these words:

“Rejoice at even small achievements, strive for perfection, as it has no limit!”

Stage 1 in producing sounds –


We will begin with you by performing articulatory gymnastics. Why do we do it? In order for you to feel what facial muscles are and that you really have them. In total, as cosmetologists say, we have more than 200 facial muscles. Girls, do not be afraid to grimace, because a frozen grimace creates wrinkles, and articulatory gymnastics, which constantly changes the face, only pumps up the muscles, and almost all speech therapists maintain a beautiful oval face for a long time. In real life, you and I do several actions during a conversation: we talk and look, talk and listen. And sometimes to introduce sound into speech you need to do not one, not two, but several actions. Thus, you and I will talk and perform the action with the help of our assistants: I have the oral cavity, the participants have the Tongue Theater.

1. We extend and stretch our lips forward as much as possible, while saying: UNDERSTANDING - and so on 8 times. 2. A mouse crawls along the wall: PEEP-PEEP ———EEEEEE. We stretch our lips forward as much as possible and pronounce UUUU, and while stretching our lips as much as possible we pronounce EEEE. 3. Let’s do the “Football” exercise. We take turns pressing our tongue on one side of the cheek, then on the other, literally pushing the cheek apart. We accompany the action with a voice similar to the sound U. Do not forget that when performing this exercise we have a sharp tongue, a hard tip. And so 8 times. 4. They say that there is a gene for curling the tongue. Let us roll up the tongue into a tube and blow on the tip of the tongue. If you can’t make a straw, we make a “cup” like this. 5. Exercise “Clock”. Touch your tongue to the left corner of your mouth and fix this position. The same with the right corner of the mouth. 6. Exercise “Mushroom”. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate (the tongue is suctioned) and hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 8. 7. Exercise “Delicious jam”. Using the wide front edge of your tongue, lick your upper lip and then your lower lip. 8. Exercise “Horse”. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide spade-shaped tongue to the palate and tear it off with a click. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move while performing this exercise. 9. Exercise “Drum”. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Using the wide tip of your tongue, tap the palate behind your upper teeth, pronouncing the sound D-D-D repeatedly and clearly. At first the sound is pronounced slowly, then the tempo accelerates. Make sure that the D sound is pronounced very firmly.

Now tell me, how do you feel? Do you feel a rush of blood? Tingling? That's good, we got all our 200 facial muscles working!

Don’t worry if you don’t quite succeed, after a while everyone succeeds!!! Group classes help children adapt, while individual classes help them set the volume. There are cases when it is impossible for a child to make hissing sounds and the sound R, this is due to a shortened hyoid frenulum, then I refer such children to an orthodontist.

Stage 2 –


Speech breathing exercises

1. Inhale air through the nose (do not raise your shoulders, exhale should be long and smooth, you must make sure that your cheeks do not puff out (you can hold them with your hands first) 2. Blow the butterfly off the tip of your nose. 3. Storm in a glass. We take two plastic transparent cups. In one we pour a lot of water, almost to the brim, and in the other we pour a little. We invite the child to play “a storm in a glass” using cocktail tubes. To do this, blow into a glass with a lot of water through The tube is weak, but you can blow strongly into a glass where there is little water. The child’s task is to play so as not to spill the water. 4. Inflate the balloon without inflating the cheeks. 5. Pinwheel, lips.


1. Massage ball. 2. Ball with rubber bands. 3. Clothespins. 4. Sujok therapy.

Stage 5 -


We have done articulation gymnastics, worked on fine motor skills, and now it’s time to move on to sound production. In this case we will use the sound [P]. To correctly pronounce the sound P, it is necessary to make the tip of our tongue tremble. This is where we need to once again recall the “Drummer” exercise. (I show 1 person using a speech therapy probe, the rest I try to do the same, only using my finger and fingertip myself).


If you hear it, clap

An adult pronounces a number of sounds (syllables, words); and the child with his eyes closed, hearing the given sound, claps his hands. (The child does not see your articulation).

Little teacher "Baby Elephant - Elephon"

Tell your child that his favorite toy wants to learn how to speak correctly. Ask your child to “explain” to the toy the name of this or that object. At the same time, make sure that the baby pronounces the words correctly and clearly.

*** An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first letter (forota, korota, morota, gate, porota, horota). The child’s task is to clap his hands when he hears the correct pronunciation.

Game "Telegraph"

To play you need cut strips of paper and a pen. You send a telegram: “The baby elephant is sick.” The young telegraph operator lays out as many strips as there are words in a sentence. And then on each strip he draws as many circles as there are syllables in the word. The “baby elephant is sick” telegram will look like this: two paper strips with three circles on each. And I would like to end my master class with a beautiful poem that characterizes me as a teacher - speech therapist.

We practice the sound P in isolation and in syllables. “Rib – fist – palm – clap”

Now we will make the following movement: rib - fist - palm - clap (I show). And now you will understand the stages of growth in introducing sound into speech. We do all the movements together. 1. rib – fist – palm – clap; 2. r – r – r – r; ra - ra - ra - ra; ro - ro - ro - ro; ru - ru - ru - ru; ry - ry - ry - ry.

3. ra - ro - ru - ry

Great, well done! Difficult? Difficult.

And I would like to end my master class with a poem that characterizes me as a teacher - speech therapist: Patience and creativity, Perseverance and victory - These are the main stages in the work of a speech therapist. All Nadi, Vani, Vitya Must speak, And it depends on you - To be it or not to be. My heart aches for everyone. Everyone wants to help. More than once the question: “What to do?” Haunted me all night. Sometimes you walk with bags, And your tongue “fungus”, Or “horse” clicks, Or your lips “proboscis”. Suddenly the engine starts to crackle several times in a row and you catch the wary gaze of those walking by. So day after day - Now down, now up The tongue flies, Not every one of you could work so persistently. And... sounds appeared And perhaps syllables followed, And then the words already went along the right path. At the very first meeting, We often hear: “Datte,” And at parting, a clear: “Health and happiness to you!” And without false modesty I am not ashamed to admit that I am really proud of my profession! This concludes my master class, thank you very much everyone for your help and attention!

Next >

“The Tale of the Cheerful Tongue for Moms and Dads”

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

Bunina Olga Vladimirovna

MBDOU DS No. 76 “Snowdrop”



— Introduce parents to articulation gymnastics

— Create a positive emotional attitude towards speech therapy sessions

— Develop the creative skills of parents


— Individual mirrors

— Interactive board (to show articulatory poses)

— Booklets describing articulation exercises


It is recommended to conduct a master class in a group of 8-10 people (small group) in order to relieve stress, increase the efficiency and quality of the proposed work


The speech therapist greets the parents, and the topic of the master class is announced. We throw a flower into the circle and ask, passing the flower, to call each other affectionately. The flower is returned to the speech therapist.

“How affectionately and beautifully you called each other! Articulation organs, which actively develop in a child in the first 5 years of life, are responsible for beautiful and correct speech. Therefore, it is at this age that the articulatory apparatus should be actively developed. Today we will try to learn how this can be done not only in speech therapy classes, but also at home.”

“Pay attention to the slide (slide show), which indicates the fundamental rules for conducting articulatory gymnastics :

- should be carried out daily in order to consolidate skills (2 times a day)

- maintain consistency in movements

- we carry out at a slower pace at first, then we can speed it up

- exercises with the child are carried out in front of a mirror in a playful way

- the articulatory position should be held for 5-10 seconds, gradually increasing the time

- monitor the accuracy and correctness of execution

- prevent the child from becoming overtired

- articulation gymnastics should not bore the child and be interesting

“There are quite a lot of articulation exercises, and in order to remember them, listen to the fairy tale about the Merry Tongue, which will help not only you and your children carry out tongue exercises with interest and ease.”

We ask parents to pick up mirrors.

“All the exercises that we will perform will be broadcast on a slide; the main task is to monitor the correct execution of the pose in an individual mirror.” The speech therapist performs it together with the parents and explains if necessary.

In one beautiful house (we open our mouth wide) lived the Cheerful Tongue (we show him). Early in the morning he woke up and looked out of the window (slide show). In Tongue's house there was a floor and a ceiling (slide show), and he loved to jump from floor to ceiling (slide show). One day, Tongue decided to paint the ceiling red (exercise “Painter”, slide show). One fine sunny day, Tongue went with friends to play football (Exercise “Football”, slide show) and the ball hit the fence (Exercise “Fence”, slide show).

There was a horse grazing behind the fence (exercise “Horse”, slide show), which was frightened by the ball and galloped away very quickly (exercise “Horse” at a fast pace). Cheerful Tongue repaired the fence and went to swing on the swing (exercise “Swing”, slide show). Near the swing there grew a large spruce tree, which was covered in thorny needles (exercise “Needle”, slide show).

The tongue was afraid of pricking himself, so he decided to ride down the slide (exercise “Slide”, slide show). Near the slide, Tongue noticed a small fungus (exercise “Mushroom”, slide show), and a snake was sleeping under it (exercise “Snake”, slide show). But the sun hid behind the clouds, evening came and Tongue decided that it was time to go home.

At home, he poured delicious raspberry tea into a cup (exercise “Cup”, slide show). The tea was very hot and the tongue blew on it (exercise “Cup and exhale”, slide show). He ate a sweet tube (exercise “Tube”, slide show) with jam (exercise “Tasty jam”, slide show) and tired (exercise “Shovel”, slide show) went to bed. What a fairy tale!

Try with your child to come up with your own fairy tale about the life of the Merry Language from those suggested in the booklet.

Articulation exercises

  1. "Smile."

The lips are stretched (smile), closed teeth are visible. You should hold your lips in this position for 10-15 seconds.

  1. "Tube".

The lips are closed and extended forward in the form of a tube. You should hold your lips in this position for 10-15 seconds.

  1. "Proboscis".

The lips are tightly closed and stretched forward with tension as far as possible. You should hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds.

  1. "Spatula".

Place the relaxed wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it for a count from 1 to 10 . The upper lip is raised and does not touch the surface of the tongue.

  1. "Needle."

Stick the narrow tailbone of the tongue out of the mouth without touching the lips. Hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 10.

  1. "Angry Kitty"

The mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, the back of the tongue is raised, and the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10.

  1. "Groove".

Stick your wide tongue out of your mouth and bend its side edges upward. Blow gently onto the tip of your tongue. Perform 3-4 times for 5-7 seconds.

  1. "Sail".

Open your mouth wide, place the wide tip of your tongue behind the upper front teeth on the tubercles, bend the back slightly forward, press the side edges against the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Perform 2-3 times.

  1. "Cup".

Open the mouth wide, raise the wide tip of the tongue, pull it towards the upper teeth (but do not touch them), the lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Perform 3-4 times.

  1. "Fence".

The teeth are tightly clenched, the lips are in a smiling position. Perform 5-6 times for 10-15 seconds.

  1. "Horse".

Suck the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Clicking is done with a change in tempo (slow - faster - very fast). Perform 10-15 times.

  1. "Fungus".

Open your mouth wide. “Suck” the surface of the tongue to the palate, while strongly pulling the lower jaw down. Perform 5-6 times.

  1. "Painter".

Open your mouth wide. Use the wide tip of your tongue to sweep across the palate from the upper teeth to the uvali (small tongue) and back. Perform at a slow pace 5-6 times.

  1. "Woodpecker".

Open your mouth wide. Use your tongue to hit the cusps behind your upper teeth with force. At the same time, the child pronounces the sound “d”, imitating a woodpecker: d-d-d-d-d (15-20 seconds).

  1. “Drive away the mosquito.”

The upper and lower lips touch the protruding tip of the tongue. A strong air stream directed at the tip of the tongue sets it in motion - the tongue trembles.

  1. "Biting the tip of the tongue."

Lips in a smiling position. Biting the tip of the tongue is done 8-10 times.

  1. "Swing".

The mouth is wide open. The tip of the tongue is located behind the upper teeth on the cusps, then falls behind the lower teeth. Perform 15-20 times.

  1. "Ball Rolling"

The lips are closed, the tongue makes circular movements (as if around the lips) from the inside of the mouth. The movements are performed first clockwise (5-6 circles); then counterclockwise (5-6 circles). The speed of tongue movement can be changed.

  1. "Watch."

The mouth is slightly open. The “narrow” tongue moves from one corner of the mouth to the other, trying not to touch the lips. The exercise is carried out at a slow pace, counted by the teacher, or accompanied by the words: tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. Execution time is 20 seconds.

  1. "Delicious jam."

Use the wide tip of your tongue to hug your upper lip and remove your tongue into the mouth. Do not close your mouth. Perform 5-6 times.

  1. "Snake".

The mouth is open. Stick your tongue forward as far as possible, tense and make it narrow. Extend the narrow tongue as much as possible and retract it into the back of the mouth. The movements are performed at a slow pace, perform 5-6 times.

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To My World




Educational project “Speech therapy school for parents”


Antikyan Inna Vladimirovna,

teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category,

MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten "Semitsvetik"

gp. Andra, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Tyumen region

Educational project “Speech therapy school for parents”

as an effective form of teacher-speech therapist interaction

with the family of a child with disabilities

(from work experience)

All of us, practicing teachers, can note with regret the fact that recently the number of children with various developmental delays has been steadily increasing. There are plenty of reasons for the birth of such “special” children in the modern world: these are unfavorable environmental conditions, physical and mental ill health of future parents, intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, various pathologies during childbirth, as well as serious diseases suffered by the child in the first years of life, when his brain is especially actively developing.

When a child with special educational needs comes to kindergarten, it is often the speech therapist who becomes his main teacher, close friend and guide to the world of children and adults around him. To teach the means of communication, to develop the ability to build a dialogue with people around him, to gain self-confidence - this is most important, in my opinion, in the work of a speech therapist with “special” children.

Based on my work experience, I can say that a good, lasting positive result of correctional work is possible only through well-structured joint activities of the speech therapist teacher and the family of a child with disabilities. And here my main task as a specialist is to organize and coordinate such a system of work with preschool teachers and the child’s family, during which all participants in the educational process will be actively involved and maximally interested in success!

Communicating for several years with parents of children with disabilities, I noted that they are often reluctant to attend and participate with their children in collective events and projects implemented in preschool educational institutions, preferring individual forms of interaction with a speech therapist teacher.

But we all know: a child’s speech actively develops only in the process of communication, and the more diverse the forms of this communication, the more successful the process of correction of the child’s speech and mental development as a whole will be.

We can also observe that not all parents know and think about how valuable the first years of life are for the development of a child, when with competent comprehensive medical and pedagogical influence and parents’ awareness of problems in the child’s development, it is really possible to compensate for them and give the opportunity for the baby to live and develop normally.

Therefore, I saw the need to create and implement such an educational project as the “Speech Therapy School for Parents,” considering it as an effective form of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and the family of a child with disabilities.

The goal of this project is to involve the family of a child with disabilities in joint educational, correctional, developmental and educational activities aimed at the child mastering the communicative qualities that he will need for full communication with the world around him, in accordance with his physical, mental and age characteristics .

This project has been implemented annually for many years; initially it was focused on interaction with all parents of children attending preschool educational institutions.

However, in recent years, along with the traditional annual meeting topics, master classes for parents such as “Prevention of sound pronunciation disorders in middle preschool age. Implementation of interaction between kindergarten and family” or “Home speech therapist: game techniques for automating sounds in children” (Appendix 1), I include in the annual planning the topics of meetings directly aimed at providing speech therapy assistance to families raising “special” children.

For this purpose, the most effective, in my opinion, is a combination of collective and individual forms of work with parents.

According to my observations, many mothers raising children with special needs are closed about the development of their child, are embarrassed by this problem, or, worst of all, may not recognize and disagree with the fact that the problem really exists and it needs to be solved as as quickly as possible without wasting precious time.

In such a situation, the teacher-speech therapist needs to be a subtle psychologist and tactfully, and with reasoning, explain to the mother the essence of the problem and possible ways to solve it. Of course, not everything depends on the speech therapist, but we, as specialists, can competently influence the attitude of parents to existing problems in the development of their children.

Of course, in many respects, the result of correctional work depends on the coherence in the work of the entire teaching staff. Here, the speech therapist teacher also acts as a coordinator and curator, since, having special knowledge in the field of defectology, special pedagogy of psychology, he is able to familiarize teachers with the specifics of working with children with developmental disabilities through seminars, master classes and business games.

Activities taking place at the “Speech Therapy School for Parents” are planned in advance, but during the year this plan is subject to correction, since the project is open, person-oriented and is designed to provide real and truly necessary assistance to the parents of a child with disabilities.

How does it work and what are the secrets of successful mutual communication between a speech therapist and families raising “special” children?

Firstly, we must help the mother overcome her lack of confidence in her strengths and teaching abilities and show her that, if desired, it is the mother who can become the best teacher for the child: a defectologist, a psychologist, a speech therapist... but if she is really interested do everything possible for the development of your child. At each individual lesson, I take photos and videos of fragments of the lesson and send them to parents. If something becomes unclear to them, I provide clarifications and recommendations.

Secondly, we need to try to make parents our allies, so that together, helping each other and the child, we can achieve a good result of correctional work. Therefore, we invite mothers to open individual practical classes, clearly demonstrating how to properly work with a child at home, how to interest the baby and keep his attention. Very often, the speech therapist’s assistant is the older children in the family or fathers, who, as you know, are closer to the child in terms of interest in play and are not so burdened with household chores. I also suggest that parents make interesting educational aids for their children from scrap materials, using original ideas from the Internet.

Thirdly, we will show and tell the family about every slightest success of the child and teach parents to celebrate the child’s successes, praise him and motivate him for further achievements. It turns out that not all parents know how important praise is for a child.

Fourthly, we can unobtrusively introduce parents of children with disabilities at our meetings so that they have the opportunity to informally discuss educational problems and share special techniques with each other or simply speak out on topics that interest them.

Fifthly, when we see that both mother and child have already gained some confidence and readiness to communicate with children and parents in the group, we gradually involve them in participating in micro-group, general group, and then in general kindergarten events.

For example, Pasha K., a child with level II of general speech underdevelopment, with the help of his mother, participated in the defense of the parent-child project “Our Author’s Tongue Twister” and, with difficulty overcoming embarrassment, nevertheless uttered the tongue twister composed by his parents.

And after completing the preparatory school group, Pasha, having moved to the III level of speech development, became more confident, agreed to participate in the online Olympiad and took a prize. The child overcame his fear of public speaking and gladly took part in a speech therapy quest and began to communicate more actively with peers and adults.

Seeing the success of their child and receiving the support and help of a speech therapist, parents become active participants in the correctional and speech therapy process. They take part in events and project activities at the preschool educational institution.

In my experience, the long-awaited result of such systematic rapprochement and cooperation with a family raising a “special” child, as a rule, is a trusting relationship between parents and child with a speech therapist, which contributes to the successful correction of the child’s speech and his mastery of the necessary communication skills.

Annex 1.

Activity plan for the “Speech Therapy School for Parents”

for 20__-20__ academic year

Individual counseling at the request of parents - on Wednesdays from 17.00 to 18.00

No. Month Event Topic, purpose Interaction with colleagues
1. September Parent meeting for parents of older preschoolers and children with disabilities.

Individual consultations for parents of children with disabilities.

“Results of speech therapy diagnostics, individual correction program”

Target. Recommendations for parents for conducting home speech therapy sessions

Coordinating time with teachers
2. October Master class for parents of middle school children and children with disabilities.

Booklets for parents

Workshop for parents of older children and children with disabilities.

Decorating the parent's corner.

“Prevention of sound pronunciation disorders in children 4-5 years old through interaction between kindergarten and family”

Target. Introducing parents to game techniques for preventing speech disorders

“Speech of children 4-5 years old”

“How to do articulation gymnastics at home”

"Articulation and breathing exercises"

Coordinating time with teachers
3. November Workshop in a pre-school group

Master class for parents of children of the second junior group, children with disabilities.

Creating booklets for parents

Maintaining a “Speech Pathologist Page” on the preschool educational institution website

“Features of correctional speech therapy work with children 6-7 years old”

“How to develop the speech of a child from 2 to 4 years old. Speech Stimulation Tactics"

“What to do if the child does not speak”

“Games for the development of speech hearing”

Coordinating time with teachers
4. December Reading competition in the preparatory school group (together with 1st grade)

Decorating the parent's corner

Maintaining a “Speech Pathologist Page” on the preschool educational institution website


Goal: introducing children and parents to Russian poetry

“We study together. New Year's Day"

"Special child in preschool educational institution"

Coordination with educators, teacher and Deputy. Head of VMR during the event, joint speech training for children
5. January Master class for parents of children in the preparatory group and children with disabilities.

Maintaining a “Speech Pathologist Page” on the preschool educational institution website

Decorating the parent's corner

“Home speech therapist: game techniques for automating sounds in children”

Target. Introducing parents to game techniques for automating sounds

“Stuttering appeared. What to do?"

Goal: To familiarize parents with the symptoms of stuttering and methods for eliminating it

"Developing breathing"


Introducing parents to play techniques for developing breathing

Coordinating time with parents and teachers
6. February Participation of children with disabilities in a distance competition

Maintaining a “Speech Pathologist Page” on the preschool educational institution website

"Life is interesting"

“How to teach a child to read correctly”

7. March Master class in the preparatory group

Maintaining a “Speech Pathologist Page” on the preschool educational institution website

“How to prepare a child’s hand for writing?”

Target. Introducing parents to effective techniques for preparing their hands for writing

“Pre-school preparation of children. Preparing your hand for writing"

Together with teachers of the preparatory school group
8. April Open Integrated Entertainment

Open demonstration of GCD in the middle group

"Journey to the Stars"

"Spring surprises of Smeshariki"

Purpose: to demonstrate to parents the speech achievements of children

Together with the physical education instructor and teachers

Together with the music director

9. May Joint entertainment for children and parents of the older group, children with disabilities.

Final event in a preparatory school group, with the participation of children with disabilities.

Conversation with parents

"Birthday of Sound"

Purpose: to demonstrate to parents the speech achievements of children

Speech therapy quest “Journey to the Kingdom of Correct Speech”

Purpose: to demonstrate to parents the results of children’s speech achievements

Results of speech therapy examination of children

Together with teachers of the senior group

Together with teachers of the preparatory school group

10. June Joint leisure activities for parents and children

- younger preschoolers

- older preschoolers

"Children Protection Day"

"Orange Summer"

"Russia Day"

"An incredible journey along unknown paths"

During a year Conducting open individual lessons with children jointly with parents Goal: increasing the level of parental competence in matters of speech development of children with disabilities Coordinating time with parents


  1. Bachina O.V. Samorodova L.N. Interaction between a speech therapist and the family of a child with speech impediments. M., 2009
  2. Chirkina G.V. The role of the family in the correction of congenital developmental disorders in children. M., 2004

Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0006086

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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