Consultation “Loud voice. Your child talks loudly all the time. Screams often"

During the period of speech development, many children are in a hurry and slur their words. If this phenomenon is permanent, then we can talk about the presence of tachylalia. This disorder is characterized by an acceleration of the child’s speech rate. “Swallowing” of endings, distortion and repetition of words, and changes in articulation may also be observed. Tachylalia can cause problems not only in speaking, but also in reading and writing.

Some parents do not pay attention to the fact that the child speaks quickly. However, it is worth understanding that tachylalia can be a symptom of a neurological pathology. For example, increased rate of speech often appears in children with anxiety disorders.

Distinctive features of tachylalia

If a child begins to speak very quickly, this is not always a cause for concern. In nervous disorders, tachylalia is also accompanied by:

  • stammering, repeating and swallowing sounds or words;
  • fussy and rapid physical activity;
  • an excited state during sleep;
  • memory impairment;
  • irritability and aggressive behavior;
  • difficulties with writing and reading;
  • improper breathing while the child is saying something (the baby is in a hurry to say a sentence without having time to take in air);
  • decreased attention and inability to concentrate.

The child may have problems adapting to society. Such children often interrupt, talk non-stop and do not listen to questions. If you notice such manifestations in your child, it is better to seek help from specialists. In this case, the participation of a neurologist, speech therapist and psychologist may be required. The sooner parents pay attention to the fact that their children speak quickly, the better the problem is corrected by specialists.

Where is the border?

The “talker” child has not yet fully formed personal boundaries; he does not know what is his and what is not his. Parents easily invade his life and his body, both with actions - for example, washing in the bathroom, helping in the toilet, and with words. For example, they say - and often continuously - what the child needs to do at each moment of time: do not sit, read, eat, walk, talk, stand, sit upright. That is, the child is accustomed to being invaded with the help of a continuous stream of words, and does exactly the same with family members. Yes, of course, it’s normal to help a small child with everything, and to talk like a radio for a while when you teach him to talk. But gradually, as they grow older, parents take a mental step back, giving the child more and more independence and separate space, and he learns to do the same with adults in the family and outside the family. Learns to leave them with their own affairs for a while in order to realize their interesting ideas.

Sometimes a child who talks a lot “talks out” his real experiences and secrets. Not wanting to talk about something, he talks about everything in the world, twisting loops like a hare, confusing his tracks, or a bird leading away from the nest. Sometimes he does this deliberately (usually over the age of 6-7 years) - then it may look as if he is lying or making up all sorts of nonsense. And sometimes unconsciously, and even he himself does not really know what he is hiding, it is important for him not to approach scary topics. In such cases, it is worth thinking about what might actually worry and frighten him so much, try to carefully discuss it with the child or show him to a child psychologist. Because behind hidden experiences, various neurotic symptoms often begin to form, which help the psyche hide the terrible thing away.

Why did the child begin to speak quickly and unintelligibly?

The reasons why children speak quickly and slurred have not yet been precisely established. Experts have identified several provoking factors leading to tachylalia. It could be:

  • heredity. According to recent studies, most children suffering from rapid speech rate have relatives with the same problem;
  • neurological problems. They can be caused by infections, injuries and diseases of the nervous system.

If a child speaks quickly and indistinctly, then do not panic. Contacting specialists will help identify the cause of the violation and correct it.


ela, hello. What you are describing does not seem to be a violation of syllable structure. The baby keeps the number of syllables well. For now, you have the right to skip sounds and replace them with simpler ones in articulation. The speech therapist at the clinic should have recommended your child to attend a speech kindergarten immediately after making a diagnosis of speech development disorder. This is a good opportunity to help a child without additional financial costs. Experienced speech therapists work in kindergartens. Young people are provided with methodological support. It is not very clear your desire to resort to the help of students. There are very good students who are ready to help for little money. But you must be aware that in essence you are paying for the student’s internship, and even providing your own child as a testing ground for this practice. If you are not very interested in the final result, but what is important is a pleasant and inexpensive process, look for this information on message boards about educational services. Better yet, advertise yourself that you are looking for help from senior speech therapists. They will respond. There is no point in talking about a diagnosis “in absentia”. If you are a Muscovite, come to the Center for a consultation. We will clarify the diagnosis and help with the choice of literature. Tiger Games is well protected. They don't work without a disk. It will not be possible to make a “left” copy. You'd be better off spending that money on good study guides and books. The sanatorium in Ivanteevka is a sanatorium for children with severe speech impairments. A regional child can receive a referral there from the regional children's clinic (RCP), where the district speech therapist, in turn, gives the referral. Muscovites have the opportunity to receive free help at the CHILDHOOD Center in the city of Domodedovo. Only it seems to me that you are looking for difficult paths. You need to look for help closer to home: a clinic, a kindergarten... As for articulatory gymnastics, then (if it is indicated!) it can be done without a speech therapist in the form of a game. But during the consultation, the speech therapist should show how to perform the exercises correctly and which exercises are suitable for your baby.

We also recommend, if possible, reading books on the formation of syllable structure. Listen to Kosinova's seminar on the formation of syllable structure. Go to a speech therapist for a consultation so as not to interpret

Good luck.

Work to correct tachylalia

When correcting tachylalia, an integrated approach is required. You may need to take medications, work with a psychologist, teacher and speech therapist. If a child speaks quickly due to organic lesions of the central nervous system, then treatment involves eliminating the underlying disease. For tumors, surgery may be required; for injuries, neuroprotective therapy may be required. Nootropic and sedative drugs are often used.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also relevant for tachylalia. Children who speak quickly are prescribed massage of the collar area, electric sleep, and so on. A child with a psychiatric illness may need appropriate help.

An important part of eliminating the problem is sessions with a speech therapist. Teachers teach children to speak measuredly and calmly. Group classes are the most effective. At the first stages of treatment for tachylalia, the child’s speech is limited. Then the number of exercises gradually expands, involving:

  • question and answer games;
  • silent reading;
  • learning poems and songs;
  • speaking in public and so on.

Teachers carefully monitor how the child speaks, and then analyze each mistake in detail. Classes with a speech therapist must be attended regularly. Correction of the pathology may take 9-12 months. At this moment, it is important for parents to follow the specialist’s recommendations and talk to the baby very calmly and quietly. If a child talks too quickly, then you need to ask him simple questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

How to deal with this?

  • Monitor: what the child says, how much, whether it makes sense...
  • Help him express his thoughts correctly, make sure that he understands that if he says anyhow, then no one will hear him, but do not talk about it directly.
  • Say the phrase “I heard you,” if the reason is the fear of “not being heard,” then this will very quickly help improve the situation.
  • Invite your child to play the “pause” game, let him pause for half a minute before saying something, and then voice it out.
  • No matter how tired you are, listen to your child; if you don’t want to listen to empty chatter, you can listen to real problems.
  • Send your child to vocal, choir and public speaking classes. Experts are confident that singing helps redirect “talkative” energy into a beautiful sound.
  • The game “riddles” is perfect, but with their help the child must formulate his thoughts and desires.
  • Understanding that parents are listening attentively also helps reduce vocabulary flow.

Remember that when a child talks too much, this is not a disease, it is rather some kind of defect, but most often such children grow up to be very sociable, artistic children who understand society and their problems very well. The main thing is to find a use for the child’s abilities and you yourself will not notice how he begins to speak less, more quietly and to the point.


The prognosis of tachylalia depends on the cause of its occurrence. It is also important to take into account the mental and emotional development of the baby. In addition, overcoming problems with tempo and speed of speech depends on the participation of others. It is important that the child feels the support of his parents and regularly studies with the teacher.

Tachylalia tends to recur. Therefore, after normalizing speech, parents should ensure that the baby does not speed up during a conversation. As a rule, the pathology is considered overcome if relapses are not observed within 12 months after the end of classes.

If your child speaks quickly and you don’t know what to do, then seek help from specialists at the NEAPL Speech Therapy and Psychology Center. Experienced teachers will identify the problem,, if necessary, refer you to specialized doctors and carry out competent correction of the pathology.

I can't be silent

- Baby, please be quiet, at least for one minute! - Mom, I can’t, honestly, not for a minute! — my friend’s child answered sincerely. Do you know such children? The child has perfectly developed speech, it seems he can tell anything and everything, he can’t help but comment on the cartoon he’s watching, and tell his neighbor in the elevator that mom shaved her legs yesterday - just like dad shaved his beard. You definitely won’t get bored with such a child! But sometimes you want to be at least for a short time in silence, to turn off the incessant chatter for a while. And also have time to stop the child before he spills all the family secrets and manages to put you in an awkward position. But such children bring parents one undeniable bonus: you always know what happened to them during the day, what they did, what was done to them, what they ate, who they played with, what they watched, and whether they were offended.

Often parents, in order to take a break from the constant home radio, do not particularly listen to their child. They just sometimes nod or say “yeah” so that he feels the presence of the interlocutor, and in the hope that someday he will speak out and stop. But constant speech activity also has its own reasons, and these reasons do not always rest only on the innate character and temperament: “What can we do with him, if he was born like that.”

Assumption two

Talking in a dream can be a kind of compensatory reaction that helps us move more easily from one phase of sleep to another.

Our sleep is heterogeneous; it is divided into four phases: three of them are slow-wave, one is fast-wave. Somnologists have noticed that we speak mainly during the first phase, when our sleep is still superficial and shallow. The phases of rapid and slow sleep alternate throughout the entire time we are in the kingdom of night, going through the cycle required by it in 90-120 minutes. The first phase on average accounts for 2-5% of this time. About 3-4 minutes out of two hours. In general, there is not much to tell. But, muttering something, during these minutes we manage to plunge into a deeper, more restorative sleep.

Advice to parents: if the baby says a few phrases without waking up and then falls into a deeper sleep, there is no reason to worry. This is how he lulls himself to sleep. This is why we sing lullabies to babies, repeating something monotonously, so that they move more easily and calmly to the phases of deeper sleep. Stroke the baby babbling in his sleep, say: “Sleep, sleep, quietly, quietly,” and with a calm heart, close the door to his room.

Assumption three

It concerns very young children who are just beginning to speak. For them, individual words and phrases spoken in a dream can be a reflection of new experience, new knowledge accumulated in reality. Scientists have noticed that puppies, for example, often begin to bark in their sleep before they first try to do it in reality. Likewise, babies can first pronounce new words in their sleep, and then pronounce them consciously while awake.

Advice to parents: in this case, you can only rejoice - the baby is growing, gaining knowledge...

How we get back to normal tempo:

1. This is breathing exercises.

People with a fast pace have shallow clavicular breathing (they have enough breath for 1-2 words, and are forced to “eat” or swallow the ending of the 3rd word). It is necessary to open your diaphragmatic breathing so that you have enough breath for a full sentence of 5-6 words!

2. Exercises for mobility of the speech apparatus.

this is NOT pronunciation of tongue twisters!!!
A typical mistake of many - don't repeat it!

3. Speech therapy exercises for diction accuracy!

4. Rhythm of speech

(this is a set of exercises with air intake and speech rhythm)

Assumption four, alarming

Talking may be one of the symptoms of some pathology of the nervous system. But then other symptoms must be present, for example:

  • talking in his sleep, the child becomes red, sweats, and drools;
  • screams, has nightmares, experiences asthma attacks;
  • grinds teeth;
  • wanders around the house like a somnambulist;
  • wakes up in a wet bed;
  • After waking up, he cannot come to his senses for a long time, demonstrating confusion of consciousness.

Advice to parents: in this case, the child must be shown to a doctor. Prepare for a conversation with a neurologist. Observe:

  • How often does your child talk in his sleep?
  • he speaks only a few words or phrases or gives an hour-long story;
  • Is there a fixation on any one topic?
  • whether his speech is intelligible or not;
  • Did what he is talking about happen in reality or is it pure fantasy?

Your answers will help the doctor make a more accurate diagnosis.

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