Spelling of the dividing soft and hard sign
Dividing soft and hard sign: rule, examples. When is a soft sign dividing, and when is it softening?
In the Russian language there are no two types of letters to denote hard consonants and soft consonants.
Notes of speech therapy classes on production and automation of whistling sounds
Shmakova Elena Notes of speech therapy classes on production and automation of whistling sounds Production, automation and differentiation
Visual and didactic aid “City of sounds and letters”
SOUND SYMBOLS Welcome! Speech therapy site "Chatterbox" - a site for speech therapists and caring parents!
Classification of consonants
Consultation “Peculiarities of sound production in cases of violation of the structure of the jaw and dentition”
To pronounce consonants, you need an obstacle in the path of the air stream in the oral cavity. What organs
pets pictures for kids
Wild and domestic animals for children: pictures with names and videos
A picture is an image of one or more objects that are interconnected in meaning.
What is passive and active vocabulary and what parents need to know about them
Vocabulary is the number of words that a person understands and uses in speech. What does it have to do with
List of documentation of a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Documents on the working hours of a speech therapist teacher Resolution No. 88 of April 21, 1993 “On approval of standards
Modern theories and methods of speech development of children
Theories and methods of speech development in preschool children Studying speech is an important part of the educational process,
Simple speech therapy exercises for the sound “L”, or how to teach a child to say the letter correctly
The magical age from two to five flies by quickly, when parents are moved by any
Didactic games for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten card index with goals.
Didactic games for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Lapbook “Transport”
Lapbook “Transport” A laptop on the topic “Transport” is intended for children of middle, high school and preparatory
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