Speech therapy rhymes and chants for children 4-5 years old

Children's poems for speech development. Every child develops and becomes familiar with the world around him through speech. From the age of one month, babies begin to prepare to pronounce sounds. At the initial stage, they demonstrate this by humming, the next step is already accompanied by the pronunciation of syllables. When a child clearly learns to speak syllables, he will try to put them into words. After this, children develop the skills to connect words in the form of phrases and sentences. Your baby's ability to speak develops through reading and learning nursery rhymes. Rhyme helps children understand poems more easily and remember them better.

Speech development in preschool children: lecture

Contents of the lecture

  1. Tasks of speech development and education of preschool children
  2. Child speech development from birth to school
  3. Child speech development from birth from 0 to 6 months
  4. Child speech development from birth from 6 months to 1 year
  5. Child speech development at 1 year
  6. Child speech development at 2 years old
  7. Child speech development at 3 years old
  8. Speech development of a child aged 4–5 years
  9. Speech development of a child aged 5–6 years
  10. Speech development of a child aged 6-7 years

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Table: Speech development of a preschool child

Child's ageSpeech standards: what you should be able to doSpeech development techniques

For a child aged 2 years

Children's poems for speech development. From the age of 2, children can read speech therapy poems. They are excellent at training the pronunciation of certain sounds and reinforcing clearly defined letters and syllables. 2 years is the right age to teach a child such rhymes.

Cat - midge

A cat sat on the window

The cat wants to eat a midge

Cat grabs a midge with its paw

Where is the midge? Not to be seen.

Heap - cloud

The wind from the sea drives the cloud

We rake the leaves into a pile

Rain cloud in the sky

The pile of garbage is large.

Pechka - river

The owner lit the stove

The little frog jumped into the river

Coal flared up in the stove

The frogs have a house in the river.

Funny speech therapy poems for children


We'll collect all Oksanka's whims in a big sleigh, We'll take them to a distant forest, Farther than the sea, farther than the mountains! And we’ll leave them near the Christmas tree... Let the evil wolves eat them!


If in our kitchen they cry for a long, long time, the toads begin to croak loudly in our kitchen, the water lilies will bloom, the sedge will rustle, and you will have to build a high bridge in the kitchen. Come across the bridge. Dear guests. Bring us handkerchiefs. Clean, dry.


It's dark at night Fish, fish, where do you sleep? A fox trail leads to a hole. A dog trail leads to a kennel. Belkin's trail leads to the hollow Myshkin to the hole in the floor It's a pity that in the river there are no traces of you anywhere Only darkness, only silence Fish, fish, where are you sleeping?


For a child aged 3 years

Children from three years old are suitable for poems that are easy to understand by ear and quite understandable. They must teach the child to correctly pronounce sounds that the baby does not yet know how to pronounce. After reading one poem to their child, parents can ask questions about what they read. The child must accept what this poem is about and draw certain conclusions. At their leisure, close family members of the baby can independently compose short quatrains and conduct activities with him.

An example of rhymes for speech development for children aged 3 years.


The plane is flying,

The plane hums: “Oooh!”

I'm flying, flying, flying!

I’ll fly wherever I want!”

Should your child be vaccinated: read our article HERE


Listen to the story, don't be bored

Yes, notice mistakes.

Grandson loves vegetables:

Pear, apple, onion

And carrots and lemon -

He is friends with vegetables.

Hedgehogs laugh

The groove has two boogers

They sell pins to hedgehogs. You can't help but laugh! Everyone can’t stop: “Oh, you stupid boogers!” We don’t need pins: We ourselves are studded with pins.”

For a child aged 4 years

Children's poems for speech development. Children aged 4 years really like to listen to rhymes that contain animals, birds, insects, and seasons. They can be cheerful and sad, funny and instructive. All works are sure to evoke certain feelings in the child: joy, compassion, pity. Often, after reading a poem about those who are in trouble or trouble, children feel responsible for them and want to help them. Of course, relevant topics in poems for their age are the seasons, animals, everyday objects and things.


We ask mom for a fur coat - So autumn has returned to us. We'll walk in fur coats and collect mushrooms. I'll pick a bouquet of daisies and weave a wreath myself. Admire the daisies, Our winter is winter. The following poem trains the pronunciation of the letters: “r” and “l”.



In an anthill under a willow, ants live beautifully. Their house is a fairy-tale palace, Every resident in it is a fighter. From childhood they learn to shoot, to protect the queen - mother. But the queen does not spin; she lays white eggs. Ants protect their royal eggs. And they live in a happy country In a palace under an old willow tree. You can invite your child to memorize and repeat this poem.


Dressed up the legs in new boots. You walk, legs, straight along the path. You walk, stomp, don’t splash through puddles, don’t walk into the mud, don’t tear your boots.

A fun song for speech development with movements


The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder. And the cry of a bird only makes my heart sadder. Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea. All the trees shine in a multi-colored dress.


Here it is, a fragrant bread, With a fragile twisted crust. Here it is, warm, golden, as if filled with sunshine. And He came to every house, to every table. In him is health, our strength, in him is a wonderful warmth, how many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him.


Autumn holiday in the forest, both light and fun. These are the decorations Autumn has hung here: Each golden leaf is a little sun, I will collect it in a basket and put it on the bottom. I take care of the leaves... Autumn continues At home, at home the holiday does not end. Each golden leaf is a little sun, I will collect it in a basket and put it on the bottom.


Long-legged, barefoot The rain splashed down the road. The mischievous one, just in case, was tied to his mother-cloud. Rain, rain, what are you pouring? Why don't you let us go for walks? When we go to bed, you can pour and pour again.


Volodya sat down for lunch and spilled soup on the stool. There are crumbs on the left, crumbs on the right, Chicken legs on the parquet floor. And the compote trail leads straight to dad's office. If this cute boy starts playing in the room, come to the cleanup day - clean the room.


For a child aged 5 years

Parents should know that their little one at the age of five will not focus his interest on any one object. On this basis, when choosing poems, you should focus on works that use things that are understandable to a child. If you need to learn a poem, it should be short and simple.

Where is whose house?

The sparrow lives under the roof, In a warm hole there is a mouse's house. The frog has a house in the pond. A bird's house - a warbler - in the garden. - Hey chicken, where is your house? He is under his mother's wing.

Physical exercises in kindergarten


I climbed onto the horse and hold on with my hands. Look at me. I went to my mother.

cat house

Ding-dong, ding-dong, The cat's house caught fire. A chicken is running with a bucket, But she didn't get there, She spilled the water.

For a child aged 6 years

Children's poems for speech development. One of the main aspects for a baby is his family. Poems on this topic are very suitable for children aged six. Thanks to these works, the child understands and realizes that it is most correct to value and love in life, and learn to set priorities correctly. Preschoolers will be pleased to read a warm and touching work to their close family members.


Dad reads books to me. I value my friendship with him. I’ll retell each fairy tale out loud for Dad. I’ll retell it out loud. Then I’ll take the book. I’ll read it aloud to dad. Dad will retell the story. It will take my breath away. That’s how we read to each other. We retell it out loud. And it’s so fun in the apartment. And it’s so fabulous all around.

How to properly develop a child physically while he is small?

Children at this age will be no less interested in riddles about family members.

Who will teach us how to hammer a nail, not as a joke, but seriously? Who will teach you to be brave? If you fall off your bike, don’t whine, And scratch your knee, and don’t cry? Of course... (Dad)

He will always treat you with jam, he will set the table with treats, Lada is our sweetheart, Who? - Dear... (grandmother)

A very relevant topic for children aged six is ​​saying goodbye to kindergarten.

Goodbye, kindergarten!

The kindergarten gave us a lot of knowledge and skills into the world of discoveries, adventures and success! And now we are invited to visit the school - 1st grade! Let learning give you joy every day and every hour!

How to prepare a child for school? What to do? How to practice?

Poems for practicing consonant sounds

Fighter sounds

In addition to vowels, there are others. You don't know which ones? They all have to go through many difficulties on the way! Sometimes it’s a rise, sometimes it’s a ravine. The enemy built a fortress here. And behind it is a steep hill, a descent, a fence, in the fence there is a crack. Where is all this? I'm waiting for an answer from you now... Yes, barriers are built by lips, cheeks, tongue and teeth. Their sounds must win, There is no time for boredom! We understand perfectly well: Sounds do not beat in vain! After all, without the noise of that war, the sounds will not be heard! There, in the struggle, a sound will be born, Fear is unknown to it. What are the names of those fighters, the brave fellows? And my friends are just awesome! These are consonant sounds!

Sounds [P], [P']

The lips clenched tightly, tightly! It was as if a paper clip was compressing the lips. How can sound get through here? After all, the dam is on the way! The sound broke through the barrier and was our reward. We pronounced it, But without a voice, alas! [P] is a deaf plosive consonant, he likes to be next to a vowel: Up and un, al and op: SOUP and CRACK, DROP and STOP. Pu and pa, pu and po: BULLET, STICK, DUST, POTS. Can be as hard as a stone: GUNS, FLOOR, PARQUET AND GUY. Or soft, like down: FIVE, SAND, LETTER, ROOSTER. Let's quickly remember those words, Where in the beginning there was [PA]: DADDY, PASTA, DESK, STEAM, I hear [PA] - I write fire. And now on [PO] the words: SHELF, FIELD, KIDNEY. Yes? Where can you find [PU] in words? PUMA, POUGH, POUGH, POOTH. Well, [PY] - in WAD and PYSHKA, VACUUM CLEANER, HURRY. [P'E]: PENALTY CASE, COOKIES, FEATHERS, PEACH, PETYA, FOAM, SONG. [P'I]: PENGUIN, PIE, PISTON, SAW, BEER AND PEONY.

Parsley visiting the guys

Parsley came to visit us. They brought donuts, pies and donuts. - Eat, boys! And they didn’t forget the girls, they bought them gifts: PIES and BUNES. - Eat, girlfriends! The treats are rightfully on the table! But Parsley brought them here to us for a reason! They will conduct a survey: - Who will answer the question: What is the sound, my friend, First in the word PIE? It's the same in COOKIES. What is your opinion? We also have CAKE, an impossible meal! The first sound in it is soft, melting, Like fluff flying through the window - The sound has changed a little. I apologized to you. Became different in the words: PAMPUSHKI, DADDY, PASTILLA and BUNCH. Got it? He became hard. Important, puffing, proud! But at the same time, PAMPUSHKA, GINGERbread, PASTILLA and BUN are still just as fresh and tasty, Not stale and not insipid!

Sounds [B], [B']

Our guest is Buratino

I am a cheerful Pinocchio. I have a basket in my hands. In it you will find a BANANA, A JAR, A BUIL, A DRUM. Who can quickly tell me what sound lies at the bottom? He broke through the dam of his lips and became sonorous, like the voice of trumpets! If there is an obstacle on the way, he agrees. Repeat! Bah! Yes, there is also a BERET, a BANDAGE, BINOCULS and a TICKET, and underneath them there is a different sound, Soft! Do you know which one? We need to find these sounds: [B] and [B'] in words. Listen to the poem, You will find a bag of words!


Teddy bear and squirrels

The brown bear lay down in the DEN, MUMBLING that he had been RUNNING a lot. He glanced at the road. He sees: guests are at the doorstep. Bah! Who do I see? SQUIRRELS! Have you played enough with burners? Those, chattering with each other, The whole crowd fell in: - We galloped carefree, We didn’t see the Angry Wolf. BOOM! — A cone fell from a branch. WHAM! - Are we really that good? BAM! - And we hit the toothy thug on the forehead! He vowed to catch us and rip everyone's tails off. And now we are afraid to get off the pine tree to pick mushrooms! Say a word for us, Protect us from the evil wolf! And we'll pick up a basket full of raspberries for you. We'll bring a BARREL OF HONEY AND clean up the DEN.

Say the word

There’s a whole mountain of wool, He’s been nibbling grass in the morning. Roundhorn, pugnacious, stubborn. Loves to live in the steppe... (ram).

Anyone will wake us up in an hour, and will not allow a failure in the service. The couch potato and sleepyhead are the enemy, And his name is... (alarm clock).

Like a beautiful maiden, below the waist is a braid. It turns green near the Belostvolnaya forest... (birch).

Compote and jam, juice, tomato, jam, cream are stored in it. True, the bottle is unreliable, It’s not for nothing that it’s... (jar).

She perched herself on a tree stump. The tail is like a red light. Defenseless, small in appearance, But agile, jumping... (squirrel).

Oily and rosy, They can’t live without sour cream. Nostrils... (pancakes) are fragrant and tasty.

Don’t forget to buy it, present it to the controller, answer to it, Because it... (ticket).

Thick-skinned, but not ugly, He has a huge mouth. He chews a lot, and is called... (hippopotamus).

Digs the ground like a plow, A modest worker... (badger).

Differentiation of sounds [P] - [B]

Beech sounds

These sounds compressed my lips. Ugh! what beeches they are! Don't want to talk? You'll have to open your mouth! Here is the sound (P] - always deaf And so shy! We know that it is consonant And stands consonant everywhere: And in the beginning, and in the middle, And, of course, at the end. But [B] is completely different, You are now you'll understand which one! Voiced - only at the beginning of the word: BULL, LOAD, BISON, BAGROV. In the middle - not always: Shibko, timidly, fish. Yes? But at the end - never! Trouble is possible with it here! Mushroom, tooth, pillar , club. It didn’t ring a bell, but became deaf. But then - mushrooms, pillars - We hear it ringing again.

Squirrel problems

The squirrels came running to the bear and asked him to throw off the cones: “Help us, dear, shake the Christmas tree with the pine tree!” Winter is already upon us, and we need a lot of supplies! And our pantries are empty, After all, there are not a lot of mushrooms in the forest! There were acorns, and the pig had to give in! Here the clubfoot stood up, swung his powerful paw - There was only a rumble in the forest, Cones were falling into the grass. Squirrels collect cones and say “Thank you!” bear - Winter is not scary now, Let's fill the bins!

  • “Let's help Pinocchio talk. From the experience of working as a speech therapist." Article from the magazine "Preschool Education". File in Word format (40 Kbt),
  • The same file in a zip archive (15 Kbt).

For a child aged 7

Most children are older and study poems by many famous poets: Pushkin, Ershov, Marshak, Mikhalkov, Chukovsky and other authors. Poems for remembering months, days of the week, numbers and letters are very good for training your memory.


Eternally following each other The months go in a circle: In January and February Snow lies all over the earth. In March and April the sound of drops can be heard. As the snow and ice melt, May will come to us with flowers, But in June and July it will become hot as in a saucepan. And in August and September we will reap the harvest. In October and November, the forest beast will fall asleep in a hole, and when December comes there will be a holiday - New Year! Let's buy a new calendar and January will come again.

The letter a

Without the letter A you cannot write mom, Without the letter A you cannot write dad. And many of the words that you hear, without the letter A, you also cannot write. Well, for example, the word drum, Or, say, hare and wild boar. That's why we need the letter A, That's why the letter A is important to us. It’s not for nothing that no matter what you say, She is in first place in the Alphabet.


Unit, unit - The number is thin, like a knitting needle. She is very slender, visible to everyone. She is the first to sing a song, she is always the first to dance, from this number every day we count down all our affairs. There is an excellent motto, children, that one is responsible for everything, the Musketeers honor it,

They are eager to fight for one.

Don't know what to cook for a children's party? Read our article “WHAT TO PREPARE FOR A CHILD’S BIRTHDAY”

Go, spring, go, red

Go, spring, Go, red! Bring a rye ear, a sheaf of oats, a big harvest to our land!


“There are three hens on the street...” They are fighting with a rooster, Three girls are looking through the window, They are looking and laughing.


The rain was pouring down in buckets. I opened the gate and saw a Stupid Snail in the middle of the yard. I tell her: “Look!” You’re getting wet in a puddle... - And she told me from the inside: - It’s outside! And inside me there is spring, It’s a wonderful day! - She answered me from a tight shell. I say: “There is darkness everywhere... You can’t escape the cold!” And she answered: “It’s nothing.” It's outside! And inside me there is comfort: Roses are blooming, Wonderful birds are singing And dragonflies are shining! “Well, sit with yourself!” I said with a smile And said goodbye to the funny Silly Snail... The rain stopped a long time ago. The sun is halfway around the world... And inside me it’s dark, cold and damp.


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