How to work with your child with speech impairments. Advice from a speech therapist to parents


There are more and more children with speech problems.
Therefore, parents are increasingly turning to a speech therapist for help. Most believe that they do not need to do anything - let a specialist handle the correction. But the effectiveness and success of classes depends on how accurately parents follow speech therapy recommendations. There are also preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of speech disorders. The advice of a speech therapist is needed not only by parents, but also by educators and teachers. Because they can include in their classes some exercises for speech development and sound pronunciation correction. Usually the specialist draws up a memo in which he gives general recommendations and individual advice for each speech defect.

General recommendations

To ensure that a preschooler does not have difficulties with sound pronunciation, articulatory gymnastics should be performed every day. All it takes is 10 minutes. The baby is asked to pronounce vowel sounds, while you form the basic position of the lips and a strong, long exhalation.

In addition to these exercises for the lips, include tasks for the tongue (hold it on the lower lip, raise and lower it, move it from side to side). When the child gets older, include more specific exercises to form the necessary groups of sounds. The very first baby masters the articulation of whistling, then hissing and sonorant sounds.

Do finger exercises with your baby, do applique work with him, teach him how to use scissors. Use all types of activities in which differentiated finger movements are formed. Buy clothes with buttons and laces - this has a beneficial effect on the development of finger motor skills, which also affects speech development.

While reading, use intonation and read with expression. Be sure to ask your child what you read about and what he liked. You don’t have to finish reading the sentence, but invite the child to come up with a continuation himself. Encourage his imagination.

Be sure to monitor the quality of your speech. Speak clearly and understandably so that the baby remembers the correct pronunciation of sounds.

There is no need to babysit with preschool children - this is normal when communicating with a baby. But as the child gets older, he begins to perceive such speech as the norm, which leads to the appearance of speech disorders.

A child’s communication with adults plays an important role in the formation of speech skills. Therefore, both parents and teachers should monitor their speech. And encourage your child to use it in every possible way. These are general recommendations that will help develop the necessary speech skills in your baby.

Modern approaches to the study, training and education of children with developmental problems

Ways to enhance communication in children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) The role of communication for the development of a child’s speech and personality cannot be overestimated. Speech as a means of communication arises and develops in the process of communication. On the problem of learning the semantic side of a word by children with level III SEN. The formation of a child’s vocabulary is closely related to the development of his cognitive activity. Mastering a word reflects, first of all, the process of the relationship between thinking and speech in the child’s mind. On the issue of the specifics of understanding nonverbal means of communication by children with disabilities, psychologists and psycholinguists have convincingly proven that nonverbal means play a huge role both in communication and in the processes of speech production and speech perception. Peculiarities of communication culture in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment In the process of socialization, a person masters language, behavior patterns, norms and rules of communication, and learns cultural ideals.

When to contact a speech therapist

Parents can cope with some speech disorders that are not caused by underdevelopment of the speech centers of the brain on their own. A speech therapist will help you choose exercises in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and determine the structure of the speech defect. The success of correctional work depends on this.

A speech therapist works in a preschool educational institution, so most parents do not seek his help before the age of three. But if you notice that:

  • The child’s first words and phrasal speech appeared much later than that of his peers;
  • he does not speak;
  • poorly understands spoken speech;
  • does not seek to communicate with others;
  • his speech is difficult for other people to understand.

In this case, consultation with a speech therapist is necessary. He may advise contacting other specialists if the child has a complex speech disorder and needs complex intervention.

Tips for dyslalia

Dyslalia is one of the simplest and most common speech disorders. With this defect, parents should monitor their speech more closely, because one of the reasons for its appearance is a social factor. The most attention is paid to articulatory gymnastics - you need to do it every day for 10 minutes a day. The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the child.

An adult does gymnastics together with a child - he will quickly master the correct position of the organs of articulation. Voice your actions. When working with young children, you can do it in poetic form and show pictures.

In case of dyslalia, the speech therapist gives homework assignments for the development of phonemic hearing. Ask your baby to do something when he hears the desired sound. Come up with a fairy tale about the sounds you are practicing.

Dyslalia is a disorder that can be easily corrected. And parental participation in training will increase its effectiveness.

Anxiety, fear and anticipation

Anxiety and foreboding For some people, anxiety occurs so often and with such intensity that the person practically becomes incapacitated. Anxiety and worry Anxious anxiety and foreboding have three aspects in common: fear, uncertainty and the desire to act. Anxiety and the future Anxiety is a feeling associated with the future. A person feeling anxiety does not feel it about what has already happened or even about what is happening, but he is worried about what might happen. Anxiety, guilt and depression Let us consider the relationship of anxiety to guilt and depression - two feelings that are more complex psychologically and are inherent only to a person. Guilt and depression People suffering from neurotic guilt can be conveniently divided into those who feel themselves to have already committed some kind of crime, and those who feel themselves capable of committing it at any moment. Depression and grief Melancholic depression can be considered a form of grief , in which bereavement is an internal loss created by melancholic fantasy in the presence of some internal authority destroyed. ShameShame is a feeling of humiliation caused by the awareness of a guilt or deficiency that makes a person ridiculous or offends property rights, decency or decorum.

Tips for dysarthria

With this speech pathology, not only a speech therapist, but also a neurologist and defectologist treat the child. Often parents are afraid to give their baby medications prescribed by a neurologist. But they help normalize the functioning of the speech centers of the brain.

Parents should understand that dysarthria is a disorder that can take a long time to correct. Your child needs to do articulatory and finger exercises every day, and play didactic games to practice sound.

The success of correctional work depends on how accurately parents comply with the speech therapist’s requirements. With dysarthria, it is very important to pay attention to the development of grammatical structure and coherent speech. While walking, pay your baby's attention to his surroundings. Describe to him the flowers, birds, animals you see. Practice counting skills and word agreement according to the recommendations of a speech therapist, selected in accordance with the structure of the defect.

A massage course is useful for dysarthria - speech therapy and general to normalize muscle tone.

It is important that parents often ask the child about his impressions so that he develops the skill of coherent speech. Correcting dysarthria requires complex work, because it is a complex speech defect and only general exercises will not help cope with this disorder.

Parents should not scold their child if he has difficulty automating sound. Regularity of classes and patience are the main components of success in correcting complex speech defects.

Anxiety and Anxiety

FearFear is first and foremost something that can be felt. This feeling is of the nature of displeasure. Defense processes and their interactions with fear There is a close interaction between fear and defense mechanisms. Interdependence of fear and anxiety Anxiety and fear have a common ontological basis, but in fact they are different. Interaction of fear with other emotions as forms of anxiety In early childhood, danger associated with the loss of objects.

Tips for working with alalia

Parents of an alalik child must attend not only speech therapy classes, but also a defectologist. They definitely need to consult a neurologist, who will prescribe the necessary medications to stimulate the functioning of the speech centers. Many parents console themselves with examples of children who speak late without any help. But such children have a large delay in speech development: sound pronunciation and syllable structure are distorted, speech is incomprehensible to others, etc.

If at three years old your child does not speak or communicates only in simple phrases, do not hesitate to make an appointment with a speech therapist. Parents alone will not be able to bring their child’s speech development closer to normal. Such children are often offered a specialized kindergarten, and if the form of alalia is particularly complex, then even home schooling.

Such children need to be trained every day, the duration of classes depends on age. Physiotherapeutic procedures are mandatory for them; swimming lessons will be useful. Alaliki often refuse to speak because they are accustomed to the fact that their loved ones understand them without words. Some children do not want to communicate because it is a difficult activity for them.

Therefore, the main task of parents of such children is to encourage them to communicate.

This does not mean that you need to ask your baby to speak complex words right away. It is important to achieve any vocal reaction in the initial stages. Gradually increase your requirements for speech quality. Encourage your child even for small achievements.

Constantly comment on your actions. The purpose of this is not for the child to repeat everything after you - in this way, you expand and clarify his vocabulary. Play more role-playing games with him - this way you will carry out corrective work on the baby’s behavior.

Children with alalia are characterized by increased fatigue, are often capricious, and have no desire to do everything on their own. Parents need to develop in them the necessary self-service skills that will simplify the process of socialization of the child. Alalia is a complex speech pathology, so special learning conditions are created for such children. Parents need to be patient, because you will not get quick results. But if correctional work was started early, and parents follow all the recommendations of specialists, then you will be able to correct the defect as much as possible and integrate the baby into a normal speech environment.

Problems that many people face

No matter how much parents would like, children often experience difficulties in communicating. The task of caring parents is to identify the problem in time and offer an intelligent solution.

The child stutters

Overcoming stuttering is a complex, labor-intensive and lengthy process that requires an integrated approach. When faced with stuttering, you must try to eliminate the problem as early as possible. The ideal option is to go to an appointment with a specialist when the speech defect has just managed to manifest itself. It is also worth undergoing a comprehensive health examination.

Parents themselves can also help their baby, for this you should:

  • Maintain a strict daily routine , including eight hours of sleep at night.
  • Talk to your child slowly, calmly, and quietly . Avoid harsh gestures and strong expressions of emotion.
  • Do not push the child during a conversation , listen to him carefully and calmly.
  • Show affection more often , do not criticize the baby.

The child “chokes” on words and speaks too quickly

Children rarely speak quickly and clearly, most often they are small. With a fast pace of speech comes other problems: swallowing words and sounds, stuttering, stumbling. This problem is often associated with overexcitement and excessive emotionality of the baby, so there is no need to worry - you can deal with the problem yourself.

First , reduce the amount of emotional stimuli. Perhaps the baby experiences too many emotional turmoil during the day, which is why he simply cannot contain the flow of words. Or maybe you spend too little time on emotional conversations, so your child is trying to “squeeze the maximum” out of every minute?

Secondly , teach your child to speak slowly. This can be done in the form of a request, periodic reminders, or even a game of “Who can say it slower?” - as convenient for you and your child. After regular training, the child’s speech will slow down somewhat and reach the “golden mean”.

If you cannot solve the problem on your own, contact your pediatrician. The fact is that fast speech can be a sign of illness - tachylalia. Tahilalia is characterized by a rapid speech flow, the elimination of which involves a psychologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist and neurologist.

The child speaks slowly and monotonously

Often the opposite problem arises - the child pronounces words too slowly and drawlingly. This situation is more serious; we recommend immediately contacting a speech therapist to identify possible bradyllalia.

However, you can alleviate the child’s condition and help cope with the problem faster:

  • Listen carefully to the baby, do not express your impatience. The child should not feel embarrassed when talking, and should not “squeeze” in order to talk as much as possible.
  • Speak at a normal pace. Many parents, following their child, begin to slow down the rhythm of speech - this should not be done. The child should have an example of correct speech to strive for.
  • Learn poetry and tongue twisters. Let the child learn to increase the rate of speech in sentences that are familiar to him.

The child does not pronounce sounds

If a child under 3-4 years old confuses, swallows or replaces sounds, this is normal. The main thing is that by the age of 5 these manifestations have passed and the child can pronounce all speech sounds correctly and clearly. Thus, up to 5-6 years of age, problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds can be solved at home, and later, contact a speech therapist.

Practicing individual sounds is not that difficult. To begin, show your baby the correct articulation when pronouncing a sound: sit him in front of you so that his eyes are at the level of your mouth and clearly pronounce the sound many times. When the baby learns to repeat the movements and begins to produce something similar to the desired sound, begin to practice skills using tongue twisters for this sound.

Speech problems occur in 50% of children, so do not panic - your anxiety will be passed on to the child and this will only worsen the situation. If you have questions about your child’s speech development, you can always ask them to the speech therapists at the Generation .

Tips for stuttering

With this speech pathology, it is important to normalize the state of the child’s nervous system. Therefore, parents are advised to take their children for swimming, dolphin therapy, horseback riding - all this has a beneficial effect on the emotional state. Also, one of the causes of stuttering is improper speech breathing. Children with stuttering are recommended to practice singing, which creates a strong and prolonged exhalation.

It is very important for this speech pathology to observe the features of all stages of correctional work. The most difficult thing to observe is the stage of complete silence - during this period it is necessary to protect the child as much as possible from the flow of information and a person who stutters should not speak at all at this stage or only in a whisper.

Parents should ensure that a child who stutters communicates with the person closest to him emotionally. This way, you will reduce the risk of seizures while talking. Adults should create a speech environment that is as comfortable as possible for a child who stutters.

Practice certain speech patterns with a stutterer: how to behave in a store, at a party, etc. Thus, he will not be afraid to communicate with others. The main task of parents of a child who stutters is to normalize his nervous system and create a favorable, relaxing emotional environment.

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