Five easy movements will prolong the youth of your face
Benefits of facial massage: improves blood circulation; regeneration improves due to increased oxygen supply to cells
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation A-Z” (for students in grades 1-2)
Progress of the lesson Organizational moment. Psychostudy “Smile” All the children gathered in a circle (speech therapist and children
children with speech disorders
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders
Introduction Relevance of the topic Children with speech disorders are children with developmental disabilities
Imaginary plot
Forms and methods of developing imagination in preschool children
Creative imagination is the “engine” that launches the creation of a completely new work or image. Thanks to
“SSSpeshilki” A game for automating the sound C in words.
Automation of sound C in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases In order to diversify the work on
Effective methods and techniques for working with children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions
Article: When eliminating speech disorders, speech therapy is the leading intervention, the main forms of which are education,
Softening defect. Specifics of the work. methodological development in speech therapy on the topic
Home / What to do if a child softens his consonants? Have you noticed about your children,
Classes with a speech therapist
What parents need to know about diagnoses in a child with speech pathology
Speech therapist diagnoses In recent years, unfortunately, speech disorders in children are becoming more common
The emergence of labiodental sounds was associated with the advent of agriculture
N, Sh. M, [x'1; occlusive fricatives (affricates) [ts], [h]; trembling (vibrants) |р], [р'] (see Fig.
Consultation for teachers “Expressive speech”consultation on speech therapy
For every person, speech is the most important means of communication. The formation of oral speech begins from the very
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