Setting and correcting defects in the pronunciation of the sound [Ts] methodological development on the topic
By the time they reach 4 years of age, most children can pronounce whistling sounds such as “Ts.” Some
First acquaintance: speech pathologist or speech therapist, find 10 differences
Speech therapists and defectologists - they work in the same field, have a general education and similar
We use the “Story Pictures” technique to determine children’s understanding of moral standards
Date: March 23, 2021 Author: Irina Gift Category: School The ability to distinguish good from bad
Subcortical nodes
Principles, tasks and methods of speech therapy work for dysarthria
Forms of speech therapy work for dysarthria Forms of speech therapy work with children with dysarthria include:
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Introduction to vowel sounds”
Trainer “Vowels and consonants”. Vowels and consonants Start. — presentation of the Simulator “Vowels and
Practicing sound pronunciation in front of a mirror
Sounds "G-G". Speech material on automation and differentiation of sounds.
Progress of the lesson on automating the sounds [K] and [G] The lesson must be carried out using a mirror.
Features of development of children 3 years old (“Munich diagnostics”)
Development calendar: how the world is perceived and what a child can do at 3 years old
Features of the development of children 3 years old (“Munich diagnostics”) On the one hand, three-year-old children are constantly
Child with ODD, session with speech therapist
The number of children suffering from GSD (general speech underdevelopment) is increasing every year. Such a defect is detected
Norms of speech development
Effective exercises to improve diction in children and adults
The development of diction and articulation is an important part of the formation of speech culture. The child masters beautiful pronunciation
Stuttering is manifested by a violation of the rhythm and fluency of speech
Methodology for eliminating stuttering according to Harutunyan teaching and methodological material on speech therapy (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
The name of Lilia Zinovievna Harutyunyan (Andronova) is well known to everyone who has in one way or another encountered
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