COLLECTION “Speech therapy tasks for the summer for younger schoolchildren”
Stuttering, incorrect sound pronunciation, reading and writing problems prevent children from adapting to school and achieving success.
Literacy lesson “Sounds (G), (G”). Letter G, g. Lesson plan for reading (grade 1) on the topic
Lesson summary on the topic “Sounds [g], [g'] and letters G g, Gg” Purpose of the lessons:
Speech games and exercises for children of senior preschool age card index (senior group) on the topic
Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children onto the carpet and picks up a ball: “Let’s play
Project “Correction of oral speech disorders in primary schoolchildren”
How can dysgraphia be expressed at an early age? What you need to pay attention to already
Speech therapy lesson summary Topic: “Proposal. Word".
Speech therapy lesson summary Topic: “Proposal. Word". Speech therapy lesson summary Topic. Offer. Word. Goals: consolidate
Frontal lesson in the senior speech therapy group “Ryabinka” on the topic “Friendship Holiday” Vowels and consonants sounds and letters
Lesson summary No. 3. Topic: “Consonant sounds” A series of literacy lessons for children
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Autumn clothes, shoes, hats” outline of a lesson on speech development (preparatory group)
Shoes for girls When choosing shoes, you need to take into account the style and models of outer and main clothing.
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound “Sh” letter “Sh”
Article: OBJECTIVES: 1. Clarify the pronunciation of the existing sound “SH”. Achieve correct pronunciation of the isolated sound “Ш”. Learn
Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Letters E, E”
Text of the book “Teaching preschool children to read and write. For classes with children 3-7 years old" Lesson plans for
Sounds [G] [G`]. Letters G, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
The phoneme [g] is pronounced as /g/ in northern Russian dialects, /ɣ/ in southern Russian dialects (northern border
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