Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound “Sh” letter “Sh”


OBJECTIVES: 1. Clarify the pronunciation of the existing sound “SH”.
Achieve correct pronunciation of the isolated sound “Ш”. Learn to determine the position of the lips and tongue when pronouncing the sound “Ш” 2. Automate the sound in speech. Teach the child to correctly pronounce and articulate this sound in straight syllables, in words with straight syllables with stress on the syllable, in poetry and in phrasal speech. 3. Development of phonemic awareness. Distinguishing the sound “Ш” in a series of sounds. The ability to hear and identify sounds in words. 4. Development of memory, auditory attention: bringing linear memory to 4 units. Learn to memorize words in a given order. 5. Development of fine motor skills of the hands by influencing the active points of the palms with a su-jok ball. VISUAL MATERIAL. 1. Toys whose names contain the sound “SH” (cat...). 2. Subject pictures: hat, cat, T-shirt, washer, shampoo, towel, fur coat, pipe, car, basket.

PROGRESS OF THE LESSON 1. Organizational moment Show the child a toy (cat). The word cat has the sound "sh". - We will learn to pronounce this sound correctly. Hiss like a cat: Sh-Sh-Sh... Show the child a toy (snake). Let's sing the snake song. Say the sound “Sh” for a long time with one exhalation: Sh-Sh-Sh...

Clarify the articulatory structure. - Let's remember where the sound “Ш” lives, the tongue at the top, resembles a “cup shape”. The lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward, the teeth are close together but do not touch, the tip of the tongue is wide, raised to the palate (behind the alveoli), but does not touch it, forming a gap. The lateral edges are pressed from the inside to the upper molars, not allowing a stream of exhaled air to pass along the sides.

2. Syllable warm-up. - Let's play, I tell you the syllables, and you clearly repeat after me: Sha-sha-sha Shi-shi-shi Asha-asha-asha Ashi-ashi-ashi Sho-sho-sho Shu-shu-shu Asho-asho- asho Ashu-ashu-ashu She-she-she She-ashe-ashe

3. Automation in words with straight syllables, with emphasis on the syllable with the sound “Ш”. - Now, let's sing a song: sha-sha-hat sha-sha-puck sha-sha-chess sha-sha-shampoo sha-sha-mine sha-sha-step sha-sha-champignon sha-sha-stir sha- sha-ushanka sha-sha-breathe sha-sha-decide sha-sha-horse sho-sho-seam sho-sho-whisper sho-sho-bag sho-sho-fluff sho-sho-pot sho-sho-top sho- sho-cock sho-strap sho-sho-mouse

Shu-shu-noise Shu-shu-joke Shu-shu-joke Shu-shu-joking Shu-shu-skimmer Shu-shu-joker Shu-shu-fur coat Shu-shu-make noise shi-shi-screen shi-shi-jug shi-shi-car She-she-neck She-she-whisper She-she-target She-she-whisper She-she-breathe She-she-beg She-she-carry shi-shi-tire ashi-shi-spikes shi-shi-sew shi-shi-thorn shi-shi-sewing shi-shi-sizzle shi-shi-rosehip shi-shi-shilo

4. Automation of the sound “Ш” in phrasal speech. - Let's play the game "Parrot." I say a phrase, and you repeat after me. Dasha has chess. Masha eats stew. Yasha has millet porridge. Yasha's car has tires. Natasha hangs her fur coat in the closet. The cat has ears on the top of its head. Pasha rolls a bear on a car. Chess and checkers are in Dasha's closet. The naughty ones were making noise and playing pranks. Someone hisses under the rose hips. It is convenient to remove the champignons with a slotted spoon. The minx tore her shorts. Shura has wide trousers. The driver needs to check the tires. Miners extract coal at the mine.

5. Finger gymnast. A poem using Su-jok technology. - Now listen to the new poem “Our Masha” Our Masha got up early, counted all the dolls: Two nesting dolls on the window, Two Tanya on the pillow. - Take a magic ball, roll it between your palms and pronounce this poem with me clearly and correctly.

Development of phonemic awareness and auditory attention. (Working with an object picture). (Words with the sound “Ш” in different positions). - Look at the pictures and name what is shown there. “Now I’ll name the words, you clap your hands if you hear the sound “SH.” Pictures: hat, cat, T-shirt, washer, shampoo, towel, fur coat, pipe.

6. Development of memory, auditory attention. “And now I’ll tell you a few words in a row, and you try to remember them and repeat them, be careful!” Noise-joke-fur-cat

7. Summary of the lesson. “You’ve done well today, and you’ve learned to pronounce the sound “Sh” clearly and correctly.” You worked hard and deserve a sticker as a reward! Homework: learn the poem “Our Masha.”

Summary of GCD in the preparatory speech therapy group. Topic: “Sound “Sh”

Summary of direct educational activities in the pre-school speech therapy group ONR in the educational field “Speech development” Topic: “We repeat the sound “SH”, we complete tasks.”
Program objectives: Educational area “Speech development”:
- To form (automate) the skills of clear pronunciation of the sound “Ш” in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, independent speech of children;
— Determine the place of the sound “Ш” in words. — Develop phonemic perception, speech creativity, sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing. -Continue to develop coherent speech (monologue and dialogic). -Develop the communicative function of speech. - Develop mental activity. — To foster in children a culture of dialogical speech. — To cultivate in children the desire to speak beautifully and correctly; -Develop children's grammatical structure of speech and intonation expressiveness of speech. Educational area “Cognitive development”:
- Form cognitive actions, develop curiosity and cognitive motivation.
— Develop imagination and creativity. — Form ideas and relationships between objects in the surrounding world. — Expand the experience of orientation in the environment, develop curiosity. - Develop memory; operations of logical thinking (analysis, comparison); attention; visual, auditory and tactile perception. Educational field “Social and communicative development”:
- Develop monologue and dialogic speech.
-Cultivate social motives in children (motive to learn, desire to help). -Cultivate interest in collective activities, the desire to actively participate in these activities. Area “Physical development”
- Develop coordination of movements.
— Develop fine and gross motor skills. Area “Artistic and aesthetic development”
- Develop fine motor skills, visual imagination, development of independent creative activity.
Dictionary: words with the sound “SH”. Preliminary work: Introducing the sound and letter “Ш”. Naming words based on a given sound from the text. Game “Name it affectionately” (sound “SH”). Exercises to develop phonemic hearing. Guessing riddles. Naming words without a given sound. Finger gymnastics, physical exercises. Tongue twisters, introduction to oral folk art. Determining the place of a given sound in a word. Coming up with words for the proposed syllable. Equipment: an envelope with a poem and tasks with a picture of Masha, a presentation for the lesson, toys (a bear, a cockerel, a matryoshka doll, a tumbler, a dog), a cat’s hat, blanks on paper with a ball template, green and red pencils, the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” series "For the first time in first class".
Course of the lesson
Introductory part. 1. Children stand in the middle of the group. Organizing time. Speech therapist: Hello, guys. Children say hello. Speech therapist: This morning I received a letter from a girl you all know (on the envelope there is a picture of Masha from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”), and in it is a poem. Listen to him carefully. What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh? This cone flopped, rustling. A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge. Insects rustle in the rose hips. What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh? Noise and rustling near the hut. Speech therapist: What sound do you think was most common in this poem? Children: sound "Sh". 2. Goal setting: Speech therapist: Correct.
Today we will play with the sound “SH”. Remember the words with the sound “Ш” from this poem. Children: bump, plopped, rustling, bumblebee, hornet, noisy, fumbling, porridge, rustling, rosehip, insects, noise, rustling, hut. Children sit on chairs. Main part.

3. Speech therapist: Say the name Masha affectionately.
Children: Mashenka. Speech therapist : Remember and name the names of the children in our group whose names contain the sound Sh. Children: Sasha, Lyubasha, Polyusha, Vanyusha, Nastyusha, Trosha, etc. 4. Speech therapist : Guys, there was not only a poem in the envelope. There is a letter in it, I will read it to you now. Hello guys! I learned that you know a lot of sounds and letters. And that’s why I’ve prepared games and tasks for you, I hope you’ll like them. My friends will be watching you. When you complete all the tasks, a surprise will await you. 5. Speech therapist: Guys, it seems to me that I hear someone (pronouncing the sound Ш in open and closed syllables). Repeat after me: interrogatively “Sha-sho-shi?”, “ash-osh-ush?”; with the request “Shu-sho-shu”, “ish-ush-ash”; affirmatively “shta-shto-shtu”, “ashp-oshp-ushp”; joyfully - “shva-shvo-shvy!”, “ashv-ushv-ishv!” Nobody here. It seemed! Guys, who do you think it was? Children: Mice. 6. Speech therapist : Probably Masha spoke about these friends in her letter. I wonder who else is helping Masha? Let's try to find out if we solve riddles (guessing riddles). The heroes of the riddles (toys) are arranged in a group. Clubfoot and shaggy, he warms his paws in the den. In the summer he loves to go for walks and protect animals. And in winter, under the howling of a blizzard, he sleeps in a snowy hut. (Bear) A bird walks around the yard, waking up the children in the morning, There is a comb on the top of its head, who is it? (Cockerel) There is a Sashenka doll inside the wooden Mashenka. Open the doll Sashenka, and there is little Dashenka. And in sister Dashenka there is little Pashenka. (Matryoshka) Even if someone tells her a fairy tale or sings a song to her, she still won’t put her to sleep. She gets up every time. (Tumbler) I won’t let a stranger into my house, I’m sad without an owner. (Dog) What can you name a dog so that its name contains the sound “SH”? (Ball) Guys, let's try to find these characters in our group (children look with their eyes). 7. D/i “Count it” Speech therapist: How many friends Masha has - helpers! Remember the answers (children's answers). The answers are shown on the screen and the children check. Let's count them (first bear, second cockerel, third matryoshka, etc.) 8. Speech therapist: What a great fellow you are! Now let's rest a little and continue completing the tasks. Physical exercise - game “Mice” (performed in the middle of the group) The mice came out one day to see what time it was. One-two-three-four, the mice pulled the weights. Then a terrible ringing sound was heard - the mice ran away. 9. D/i “The sound is lost” (Words with missing sounds) Speech therapist: Let’s play the game “The sound is lost.” I will pronounce words without the “Sh” sound, you must correct me and say the word in full: kama., mal., .lyapa, .apka, .uba, we_ka, ko_ka, lie_ka, mo_ka, cro.ka, opu.ka. Speech therapist: Well done, you did it! 10. D/i “Say the sentence correctly” Speech therapist: Guys, Masha wrote a story about her sister Dasha. Listen, I want to read it to you: “Give Dasha a cat; Dasha walking with the cat; She puts panties on the cat; Dasha is a loving cat." Somehow the story turned out to be incomprehensible, probably Masha wants to confuse you, you mischief maker! Let's try to correct errors in the text? Children: yes! The speech therapist reads the sentences again, and the children pronounce them correctly. 11. Speech therapist : Guys, how many of you remember the tongue twisters about Masha and her friend the bear? Children: Masha washed her neck and ears in the shower. Puffy Mishka puffs like a chubby little thing. Funny jokes from Masha and Mishutka. A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka is. Masha is stirring the porridge, Misha is stirring Masha. Masha sewed a fur coat, a hat and pants for her brother. Speech therapist: Well done! 12. Speech therapist: The next task is from Masha. Three diagrams appear on the screen. Children remember what they mean. You need to determine the place of the sound “Ш” in words. I will name the words, and you must determine the place of the sound “Ш” in the word: hat, chocolate, fur coat, bag, cat, frog, reed, baby, pencil. Everything is correct! 13. Now remember the words that begin with a syllable: SHI - tire, rose hip, awl, thorn, thorns, ... Words that end with - SHKA: cat, mouse, pillow, ... Good! 14. Let's stretch our fingers, they will be needed for the next exercise. Finger gymnastics “Ball” Inflate the ball quickly, the fingers of both hands are gathered in one pinch, gradually move them apart, It becomes a big “sh-sh-sh” without taking each other apart, slowly spread your arms to the sides Suddenly the ball bursts clap your hands Air comes out to blow in the palm of his hand He became thin and thin again, gather his fingers into a pinch 15. Reflection. Speech therapist : Now I will hand out a drawing of a balloon. If you liked the activity, color it green; if not, the ball should be red. You can sign the leaflet. Make a note of how you worked. Raise your balls, let's look at them. 16. Final part. Speech therapist: What tasks were difficult for you? You tried very hard today, answered questions well, played, well done! And here is the promised surprise from Masha (cartoon series “First time in first grade”)

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