Project “Correction of oral speech disorders in primary schoolchildren”

How can dysgraphia be expressed at an early age?

What you need to pay attention to by the age of four years of child development:

  • on how the baby speaks: does he pronounce the sounds correctly, are there any omissions of syllables, for example “motolok” instead of “hammer”, or increases their number - “komanata” - “room”, rearranges them “devore” - “tree”, not distinguishes hissing sounds from whistling sounds "siska" - "bump", does not distinguish between the sounds l-r - "kaltina" - "picture", replacing sounds in the syllables "gebemot" - "hippopotamus", inserts consonants into the syllable "orange" - "orange" ", swaps sounds "nisichka" - "titmouse".
  • Does the baby coordinate different parts of speech with each other when composing phrases and sentences? He should not make such mistakes as, for example, “many plates”, “near the table”, “candy is on the table”, “drinking from a glass”.
  • only if children do not use words in conversation, but know their meaning or use them correctly, for example, “bottom” - “stand”, “window” - “window sill”.
  • Do they make mistakes in the names of young animals, for example, “pig - piggy, little pig”, “cow - bulls”.
  • the fact that the baby has a poor vocabulary; if he does not understand the lexical meaning of what he is talking about.
  • to the fact that children’s stories show incorrect changes in endings (many “dogs”, “bear cubs”, “roads”), nouns do not agree with adjectives (“dog’s nose”, “fur hat”, “rabbit’s ear”).
  • the fact that the baby does not know enough general concepts, knows “toys”, “clothes”; does not distinguish domestic animals from wild ones, does not distinguish vegetables from fruits.

If you have discovered at least one of the above signs of your child’s incipient dysgraphia, these are already the first calls to contact a specialist.

A child at the age of seven , when he masters writing skills, hears and pronounces words to himself, but misses letters and syllables in their writing, “writes” letters incorrectly, distorts them - these are the first signs of future dysgraphia. In the absence of organized, regular assistance from experts who understand the root causes of speech pathology, these defects cannot be eliminated.

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