Differentiation of vowels U-Yu in writing in words and sentences

Differentiation of vowels I-Teaching and methodological material on the topic

Differentiation of letters I-U


• teach children to differentiate visual images of letters, in particular I – U; • develop visual-spatial orientation; • develop sound analysis skills; • develop fine motor skills; • develop logical thinking.

Organizational moment The bell rang for everyone, So the lesson has begun, Time to check if everything is in order, Pencils, pen and notebook. We came here to study, not to be lazy, but to work. We work diligently, we write carefully.

Look at the letter elements and build two vowel letters from them.

What letters did you get?

— How many elements are used to write each letter?

Which elements are the same?

How are these letters different?

Formulate the topic of the lesson (Letters i-u). Let's compare: What do the sounds I and U have in common? What group of sounds do they belong to? Are these sounds vowels or consonants?

How are these sounds different? (position of the lips when pronouncing them)

Now let’s compare the letters (handwritten letters and, y are posted on the board):

What elements does the letter u (y) consist of?

Do these letters have the same elements?

What element differs between the letters and, y? Posted on the I-U board.

Let the one whose name contains the letter I or U stand up.

Tamirlan, Stanislav, Marina, Konstantin, Kirill, and whoever doesn’t, name any name with the vowel I or U. (Ira, Ilya, Nikita..) Find the same sound in the words: - saw, three, willow; - bow, bus, iron.

Look at the pictures. Write only the letter separated by a comma:

duck, plum, onion, fork sound, peace, rice, knock, tiger, circle, mushroom, onion, street, fluff Check u, i, u, i. Who can remember the words using the letters written down?


Let's sit quietly, without moving,

Let’s start the exercise: (straighten up, raise your chin, bring your shoulder blades together.)

Let's close our fingers in locks

Let's raise it higher and bend the back,

Now we will take a deep breath (Hands down behind our heads.)

And we give our legs a rest (stretch your legs under the desk and shake them)

Breathe once and breathe twice, (lower your clasped hands)

It's time for us to get to work.

Finger gymnastics.

I’ll rub my palms hard, put them finger to finger, lock them and keep them warm. I’ll release my fingers, let them run like bunnies.

Find and circle the syllable indicated at the beginning of the line.

Gu woo tu su boo gu gu ru mu doo gu hu su gu shu lu mu gu butu

Bi vi ti si bi hee vi ri bi bi vi si bi shi li mi gi bi pi

Lu hu lu mu tu lu fu gu tu lu mu zhu tu pu lu ru hu mu su doo

Zi hi qi mi ti mi zi li fi gi zi si si mi zhi ti pi ti zi

Guess the riddles.

  • — Once my dad bought us a ballet at the theater... (ticket)
  • - Ahmed deftly makes big flowers out of flowers... (bouquet)
  • - Walruses swim, crawl... (snakes)

Make words from scattered letters.

Girt (tiger), filtu (shoes), klu (bow), chukar (handle), kitin (threads), hidu (perfume), shurag (pear), sug (goose), lapi (saw), shupka (gun), monk (horses), isgu (geese), ilup (bullets), anul (moon).

Return the ball by changing "I" to "Y" or vice versa.

- Mushrooms are gross, sprat are coarse, judge. Tour - shooting range, drink - path, squeak - start, linden - magnifying glass, bear - front sight.

Compare words by meaning and sound. Write down any pair of words.

Lesson summary: What do the sounds I-U have in common? How are these sounds different? (by the position of the lips when pronouncing them) What elements does the letter and (y) consist of? Do these letters have the same elements? What element differs between the letters and, y? Well done! You have completed all tasks!


Differentiation y-yu

Topic: Differentiation


  • teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonants before the letters U and Yu;
  • develop students' phonemic awareness;
  • develop skills in sound, syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • develop children's coherent speech.

I. Organizational moment. Setting lesson goals.

— Two girls came to our lesson, one of them is called Lyuba, and the other is Lusha. The speech therapist puts a picture of two girls on the board.

— What vowel comes after L in the name Lyuba? (Yu) - What vowel comes after L in the name Lusha? (U) - Today we will get to know the letters U and Yu even closer and find out how they differ from each other.

II. Main stage

— One of the girls in a blue dress. The letter U in her name makes the preceding consonant hard. What is her name? (Lusha) - The other girl is wearing a green dress. The letter Y in her name makes the preceding consonant soft. What is her name? (Lyuba) - Let's write their names in a notebook. If these are names, with what letter do we write them? (Capitalized) - The word Lusha has the letter U, let's underline it in red. What does the consonant sound sound like before the letter U? (firmly) - What color do we use to indicate a hard consonant? (blue). — Let’s underline the letter l, which denotes the sound [l], with a blue pencil. — The word Lyuba contains the letter Y, let’s circle it with a red pencil. What does the consonant sound like before the letter Y? (softly) - Let's underline the letter l, which denotes the sound [l,] with a green pencil.

Differentiation of u-yu at the syllable level.

- Now I will name the syllables, and you pick up the cards of the corresponding color. If a syllable has the letter U, a blue card, if there is a letter U, a green card. Boo, byu, ku, kyu, lu, lyu, mu, mu, knock, kyum, knock, num, boop, duf.

- Let's fill out the syllable table orally. The speech therapist points first to the consonant letter, then to the vowel, and the children read the resulting syllable.

Differentiation y-yu at the word level.

- Look at the pictures. Which words have the letter y, which ones have y? Divide your notebook into two columns. In the first column we will write words with the letter U, in the second column - with the letter Y. Words in the picture (pigeons, turkey, rooster, chicken, people, chandelier, seal)

- Underline the letter U with a red pencil, circle the letter Y with a red pencil. - What color do we emphasize the consonant before y? (blue) - What color should we underline the consonant before yu? (green) - Why? (the letter yu softens the consonant that comes in front)

— Lyuba and Lusha have prepared another surprise for us - a crossword puzzle. The speech therapist puts a crossword puzzle on the board. - Let's help the girls solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Toy (spinning top) 2. Magnifying glass (magnifying glass) 3. Enemy of flies (spider) 4. Birds’ mouth (beak) 5. Women’s clothing (skirt) 6. Whoever undresses him sheds tears (bow)

- Let's check if we guessed everything correctly. The speech therapist puts the solved crossword puzzle on the board.

Physical education minute.

- Let's rest a little and do some exercises together with Lyuba and Lusha. I will name the words, if they contain the letter U, you stretch your arms forward, if Y, then raise your arms up and reach for the ceiling. Words for charging: meadow, shark, backpack, remote control, key, chair, hook, circle, velor, knock, tooth, dish.

?Differentiation y-yu in sentences.

- Lyuba and Lusha are very glad that you guessed everything right. But they have one more task. Make up sentences with each of the words. We will write down the most beautiful sentences in our notebooks. Example sentences: Onions grow in the garden. There is a magnifying glass on the table. The spider weaves a web. Mom bought a skirt. Lyuba plays with a spinning top. The bird has a strong beak.

- Underline all the letters U that appear in the text with a red pencil, circle the letters U. Take a blue and green pencil and highlight the consonants before the letters U and Yu.

III. Summary of the lesson.

What letters came to visit us today for class? (U and Yu) What does the consonant sound like before the letter U? (firmly) What does the consonant sound like before the letter Y? (softly) Remember and name the words that contain the letter U, the letter Y.

Author of the material: Medvedeva Oksana Vladimirovna

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