Conversational or everyday style of communication in Russian

Report on the topic “Social and everyday eloquence”

Social and everyday eloquence

This is a kind of eloquence in the sphere of use: speech mastery in the everyday sphere, contributing to the cultural enrichment of everyday verbal communication, the establishment and cultivation of its forms that reflect national traditions, spiritual values ​​and healthy hedonism of existence.

Plato and Aristotle paid significant attention to friendly conversation as a subject of rhetoric. Aristotle considered having a good friend to be the main component of happiness: conversation ennobles people, enriches them, and gives them joy. But life communication is far from limited to conversations between friends. These are also business negotiations, table speeches, literary, scientific, political disputes and intimate explanations. All these are elements of culture and everyone should have them for self-affirmation, satisfaction, and pragmatic goals.

Social and everyday eloquence is realized in such genres of speech as monologue and dialogue (eulogy in a variety of variants, of which the most notable are the welcoming and anniversary speech, as well as the farewell speech - a funeral speech; colloquial story and colloquial conversation; table speech and toast). Any colloquial speech work can also be considered from the perspective of rhetoric: dialogue-argument, everyday conversation, etc.

This type of eloquence is not associated with practical goals, but with the intention of establishing and maintaining good relations between people, giving honor to the worthy, affirming optimism, promoting entertainment, useful and pleasant pastime in informal communication, i.e. ethical and aesthetic tasks here are more important than logical ones.

The peculiarities of this kind of eloquence were given attention back in the ancient tradition (epideictic, i.e., solemn laudatory speeches were already distinguished as an independent type of eloquence).

Features of everyday communication

1. Speech is often spontaneous, unprepared, and reflects a moment’s mood, feeling, impulses. It clearly expresses the individuality of each subject.

2. Dialogue predominates, although there is polylogue. Some lines may seem incomprehensible outside the text. The term “situational speech” is inherent in such communication.

3. The emotional level of everyday communication is extremely high.

4. A huge role is played by non-verbal means of communication, paralinguistic codes, and the entire “flow of life” taken into account when analyzing discourse. For the same reason, omissions, hints, and allusions known only to the interlocutors are appropriate.

5. Literary norms are not always observed. Styles - from colloquial for literature with elements of pathos to colloquial and everyday with elements of vernacular and dialects.

6. In other types of language (except for internal dialogue), genres are clearly distinguished. In everyday language this possibility is weakened; the speech standards here are reduced. Only in certain situations is it possible to speak in the genre of an anecdote, to deliver a panegyric.

Everyday communication, at first glance, is a private matter, but one cannot deny its social nature: it is born like a whirlpool in personal contacts not only in the family, but also beyond it. Everyday communication develops sociability in every person, develops flexibility in the use of language, a sense of humor, expressiveness of speech, the ability to behave at ease in society, and relieve tension in relationships.

The sphere of everyday speech and its linguistic means is still poorly studied: all linguistics is built on the material of literary texts, mainly written. Only in recent decades have studies begun to appear in the field of colloquial vocabulary, colloquial syntax, phonetics, and nonverbal means of colloquial speech.

What makes your conversational style unique?

Another name for colloquialism. The word "conversational" comes from the Latin colloquium, meaning "conference" or "conversation".

As a literary device, colloquialism refers to the use of informal or everyday language in literature. All expressions tend to be geographical in nature, as colloquial expressions often refer to a regional or local dialect.

These can be words, phrases or aphorisms. Native speakers understand and use colloquial expressions without realizing it, while non-native speakers may find colloquial expressions difficult to translate. This is because many colloquial expressions are not literal uses of words, but idiomatic or metaphorical statements.

Colloquialism is similar to slang, but the definition of colloquialism has some key differences. The vocabulary of speech allows you to expand its standard potential.

Examples of conversational style in literature

Example #1 When you die, the grave will correct you. I hope to hell that when I die someone has the common sense to just throw me in the river or something. Anything other than putting me in a damn cemetery. People come and put a bouquet of flowers on Sunday and everything. Who needs flowers if you're dead? No one. (The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger)

J.D. Salinger's most famous book is famous for the fact that the narrator, Holden Caulfield, addresses the audience in a very informal way.

The book was banned in many places for 12 years for its use of profanity, which is a prime example of colloquial language. This passage also contains colloquial phrases such as “the grave will mend” and “hope of hell.”

Example No. 2 Everything will be like other people’s. Office work, two days off, family, weekend barbecues, three-piece suit, mistress, divorce, lawsuit, compensation. In the meantime, I need another dose, purely to make it easier to reschedule the application. A little codeine on Monday. And everything will be new. (Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh)

In his 1993 book Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh created a consistent writing style to imitate the Scottish accent.

For non-Scottish speakers, it may take some time before the logic of the book's language begins to make sense. The book even comes with a glossary of the words and everyday expressions he uses.

Example #3 Bardolph: What a meeting, Nim. Nim: My respects, Lieutenant Bardolph. (Shakespeare's Henry V)

This is a simple example of a narrative story in everyday speaking style. Although modern readers may think that Shakespeare's works sound extremely dated, at the time he was famous for his remarkable ability to hear people actually talk.

This example from the beginning of Act II in Shakespeare's play Henry V shows how people greeted each other in common language. The conditions for the functioning of colloquial speech imply a combination of other styles. Russian colloquial speech is not much different from foreign language, however, the features of colloquial speech are respected.

Example #4 What's the benefit of learning to do it right when it's hard to do it right and there's nothing wrong with doing it wrong and the wages are the same? (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain)

An example of one of the genres of conversational style of speech. Mark Twain's book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is famous for its use of everyday expressions. Twain used a variety of accents, slang, and locals to make his characters sound like real Americans of the time.

This passage contains the double negative “no problem” and the everyday term “exactly the same.” The properties of spoken language allow it to flexibly maneuver between styles, refreshing narratives.

Linguistic features of everyday language

The linguistic features of the conversational style can be characterized by two epithets - informal and free. It is allowed to use diminutive endings, abbreviations, phraseological units, dialectisms.

Varieties of everyday speech allow you to verbalize the same thought in different words, even those whose meaning does not coincide with the meaning of the object or phenomenon.

For example, “I’m going to the glass” (steklyashka is a glass store or a store located on Steklyanaya Street).

The characteristics of colloquial speech are expressed not only in the context itself. These are also non-verbal signs.

Differences between colloquialism, slang and jargon

Colloquial speech is similar to slang and jargon, as they are two other ways of informal communication.

The difference is that slang words are used by certain social groups, such as teenagers, while colloquial expressions can usually be understood across age and socioeconomic barriers if all speakers are in the same geographic region.

Colloquial vocabulary may contain elements of jargon, but this is not always the case.

Like slang, jargon is used only by certain groups, but it often refers to words used in a particular profession. For example, the way lawyers speak is so specific to their profession that it is often called "legal."

Other professions that rely on the exchange of complex information also use jargon, such as scientists, doctors, and businessmen.

Functions of spoken language:

  • transfer of information;
  • communication;
  • narration;
  • artistic coloring of the text;
  • stylistic turns.

Trends in the development of conversational style of speech show a high rate of integration of slang and phraseological units, and pragmatics and stylistics of everyday speech are gaining popularity in all types of information sources. The simpler the better.

Morphological features

Morphological features of colloquial speech allow common mistakes in colloquial speech to be integrated into a conversation without special emphasis. Surzhik and dialects are a vivid example of this.

Business conversation, as a special type of oral speech, must comply with all the rules of the language, but the syntax of colloquial speech does not always correspond to the rules of the Russian language. Pronunciation may differ from spelling, but over time, spoken language began to be written down in the text in the same way as it is heard. For example:

I'll go outside today - I'll go outside today.

From a spelling point of view, this is not correct, but the framework of the conversational style allows for such spelling and word formation. The characteristics of everyday style are originality, individuality, and a special color of speech.

The meaning of colloquialism in literature

The authors will often use everyday expressions to make the dialogue sound more authentic.

For example, a contemporary novel author would probably choose the greeting "Hey, how are you doing" rather than "Good afternoon."

They can also use this structure to situate the writing more decisively in a specific time period and/or place. Conversational speech allows you to do this.

When used improperly, everyday expressions often become unpleasant for the reader. In fact, authors should avoid excessive use of dialect, such as distorting words for the purpose of shortening (“now” - “right now”) in colloquial culture.

However, when used correctly, readers can feel trust in the author. Writers may also unconsciously use colloquialisms if they are not accustomed to business mannerisms. The stylistic features of the conversational style will be discussed below.

Characteristics of conversational style

Let's look at what clearly distinguishes this style in the field of correspondence and dialogue.

Rules for conducting personal correspondence

The very name “personal correspondence” implies the absence of rules, because no one except two people will see the correspondence.

However, general rules of etiquette apply to everyday speech:

  • greetings. You need to introduce yourself, explain the reason and topic of the dialogue;
  • tact. Do not interrupt, wait until the end of the phrase or until the interlocutor passes the “baton”;
  • maintaining objectivity. Do not get personal unless the topic implies it;
  • clear narration. You should not deviate from the topic until it is finally discussed;
  • It is better to post everything that does not directly relate to the topic at the end, when the main problem is solved.

Following these rules and recommendations, you will get efficient correspondence that will resolve all issues as quickly as possible. A letter to a friend in a conversational style can be written without punctuation, using the features of personal correspondence (emoticons, special characters).

Conversational style dialogue is the standard dialogue that can be heard between two people on the street or in a public place.

Phone conversation

This type of communication is best used as a telephone conversation. Its main function is to announce the announcement of the meeting and draw up the agenda, agreeing on the meeting. Both in personal and business terms, important issues are resolved during a meeting, since the telephone will not convey emotions, intonation, gestures, and so on.

If the call does not carry an information load and does not solve the problem, you don’t have to adhere to the rules. Everyone decides for themselves how to conduct a conversation, but one cannot ignore the norms in colloquial speech.


Colloquial speech is used not only in personal conversation, but also in literature, newspapers, blogs, and notifications.

Main distinctive features and rules:

  • if the conversation is not published, it is less demanding on the rules of conversational style, but more demanding on the rules of etiquette;
  • Abbreviations and changes in word formation rules are allowed;
  • spoken and written language may differ from each other.

It can be used in combination with other styles, for example, journalistic, if it is appropriate in the context.

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