Delayed speech development in children: causes, diagnosis and correction

Stages of child speech development

Trajectories of speech development are individual for each child, and therefore psychologists and other specialists in the field of early development do not establish clear standards for speech development in children. It is important to note that an indicator of speech development is not only the number of sounds and words that a child uses to communicate, but also his passive vocabulary, that is, those words that the child understands. Speech skills characteristic of the conditional norm in early and junior preschool age are presented in the table.

Age Speech development
1-3 months Scream.
3-6 months Humming – drawn-out sounds (“a-gu”, “a-gy”, “bu-u”, etc.).
4-5 months Squealing, laughter. Humming in various intonations.
6 months Babbling (syllables “ma”, “ba”).
7-8 months Increasing the number of pronounced sounds, onomatopoeia (“woof-woof”, “pee-pee”), understanding simple words and requests.
9-11 months Simple words (“mother”, “baba”, “give”, “na”).
1–1.5 years Simple two-word phrases (“give yum-yum”, “there’s a pussy there”).
2-3 years Phrases of 2-3 words, the appearance of question words. Naming famous colors, objects, body parts. Learning simple poems, telling short stories.
34 years Phrases of 4 or more words. A stranger can understand a child’s speech.

If there is a strong discrepancy between the child’s speech development level and age norms, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist (neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist) in order to exclude a delay in psycho-speech development. Don't put it off until later.

Physiotherapy in the field of speech impairment correction

Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment in the correction of speech disorders are aimed at improving blood circulation and stimulating the muscles of the articulatory apparatus in order to eliminate speech defects. This direction in speech therapy correction is based on the use of natural factors, therefore such techniques do not pose a danger to the human body.

Today, the following methods of physiotherapy are used in the treatment of speech disorders:

  • chromotherapy (exposure to color);
  • amplipulse therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Biofeedback therapy.

Amplipulse therapy involves exposing vulnerable parts of the body to sinusoidal modulated currents. The procedure helps to strengthen the voice and increase the tone of the articulatory muscles.

Magnetotherapy is a direction in physiotherapy that uses magnetic fields for treatment. This effect makes it possible to achieve normalization of the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, improvement of blood circulation, as well as regulation of mental processes of excitation and inhibition.

Electrophoresis is a method of physiotherapy in which the body is simultaneously exposed to drugs and direct current. Electricity enhances the effects of medications that tone muscles and increase blood flow.

Biofeedback therapy uses a special complex, which consists of a hardware and software component. Exercises allow you to restore the correct physiology of speech breathing, improve blood circulation and normalize the activity of the nervous system.

How does speech development delay manifest itself?

Delayed speech development (DSD) is a pathology characterized by a violation of the timing of the appearance of speech, a reduced vocabulary, and defects in sound pronunciation and grammatical structure of speech. Symptoms of delayed speech or mental development of a child may include the following:

  • Problems with chewing and swallowing food;
  • Constantly open mouth, excessive salivation;
  • Refusal to communicate;
  • Lack of eye contact;
  • Slurred speech, “porridge in the mouth”;
  • Difficulties in understanding speech (does not respond to requests);
  • Inappropriate behavior.

Experts distinguish three degrees of ZRR:

  1. Mild degree of RRD – absence of pathologies of the nervous system. Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere are possible.
  2. Moderate degree of mental retardation - a delay in speech development is combined with lesions of the nervous system. Such children may experience tremors, paralysis of the organs of articulation, tics, as well as various disturbances in the functioning of mental processes.
  3. Severe degree of mental retardation is typical for children with lesions of the speech areas of the brain. In this case, there are serious difficulties in mastering speech in combination with disorders of memory, attention, thinking, and voluntary regulation (self-control).

Timely contact with specialists allows you to identify the cause of the child’s delayed speech development as early as possible and develop an individual plan for correctional and developmental classes.

Depending on the degree of mental retardation, an individual route of correctional work is determined. Children with severe speech development disorders require long-term support from various specialists.

Innovative methods for correcting speech disorders article on speech therapy on the topic


teacher of State Educational Institution SO Yeshi No. 13


Belyakova Irina Anatolevna

Interactive Metronome

A program created by Interactive Metronome (USA) to overcome speech, attention and behavior disorders associated with timing and movement planning.


  • children with ADHD,
  • autism spectrum disorders (early childhood autism (ECA), Asperger syndrome, autistic conditions),
  • mental retardation,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • speech tempo disturbances,
  • children after traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries.

Principle of operation

The Interactive Metronome device (IM - Interactive Metronome) allows you to activate (stimulate) areas of the brain, resulting in improved coordination, attention, memory, perception (including phonemic), cognitive functions, sensory processing, regulation of emotional states and self-regulation. Improves motor functions, rhythm, behavior, reading and writing skills.

IM is an interactive therapeutic computer program. The work is carried out through a touch glove (put on the hand) or a touch panel (step with your foot, moving forward, or with your heel, moving backward). The child must tap the rhythm (clap) with one hand, two hands, or step with one (two) feet, or alternately changing hands and feet. During the session, the child listens to the original metronome ri included in the program. Thus, a deep rhythm is formed, auditory-motor coordination is trained, and a priori the basis is prepared for correcting violations of the syllabic structure of words.

The interactive metronome stimulates brain activity, which is necessary to process sensory information coming from outside. This contributes to the development of the ability to plan one’s activities and stabilizes behavioral reactions. The work is based on the “feedback” principle. The child should clap their hands or stomp their feet in accordance with the rhythmic beeps of the metronome. A sensory glove or sensory mat allows you to evaluate the child’s accuracy in completing a task.

You can start training at the age of 4-5 years.

Tomatis method

The Tomatis Method is a system of auditory training. The goal of the method is to improve the brain's ability to perceive and process auditory information. With the help of training according to the Tomatis method, the listening process is reprogrammed, which, in turn, has a positive effect on understanding spoken language and concentration.


  • children with autism spectrum disorders (early childhood autism (ECA), Asperger syndrome, autistic conditions),
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
  • delays in speech and psychomotor development,
  • impairments of written speech (dysgraphia, dyslexia)
  • disorders of balance function.

Principle of operation

Many children with completely normal hearing have very poor perception and assimilation of what they hear. It seems that while listening, they are thinking about something of their own, do not delve into the words, are inattentive to what is happening, they have to repeat the same thing many times, they give the impression of being inattentive. In noisy environments (for example, at school or kindergarten), these difficulties are exacerbated. The inability to process and analyze information heard leads to problems in learning and inhibits the development of social skills. Audio-vocal training using the A. Tomatis method allows you to teach the brain to correctly perceive surrounding sounds, identify the most important ones among them, process and analyze even those that the child has not “heard” before.

The operating principle of the Tomatis method is sensory sound stimulation. Sound is transmitted in two ways: bone conduction, caused by vibration in the top of the skull, and air conduction, which transmits sound vibrations through the outer ear. TOMATIS devices are designed to create a unique perceptual sound contrast. This effect causes the muscles of the inner ear to contract and relax. This back-and-forth movement is caused by a sudden transition from low frequencies, which do not require any special training from the hearing aid, to high frequencies, which, on the contrary, require special effort from the hearing system. This action is similar to gymnastics for the ear muscles, since through repeated repetition and progressive mobilization of the muscles, the transmission of sensory sound messages to the brain improves.

The use of this method is possible thanks to a special complex device called the Electronic Ear. During the lesson, the child listens to Mozart's music or Gregorian chants through headphones. At the same time, the ECHO filters the music in a certain way, causing the auditory system to work more efficiently. During training, the child can play, draw or engage in any quiet activity. Electronic Ear filters are adjusted individually for each child.


  • epileptic activity
  • acute period of any disease
  • severe arterial hypertension
  • tumor diseases.

An electroencephalogram is required before the appointment. Classes can begin at 3-4 years of age. Auditory training must be long-term, since the brain learns only after 40-45 hours.


Fast ForWord is a computer correction technique developed by leading American scientists in the field of speech disorders, employees of Scintific Learning.

This is a special computer method for correcting disorders of speech development, auditory perception, understanding and awareness of spoken language. With the help of this program, the language center of the cerebral cortex is trained, subcortical pathways are optimized, which helps improve attention and memory development.


  • children with disorders of oral and written speech, speech (phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, general underdevelopment of speech (and when leaving alalia), dysgraphia and dyslexia)
  • with pathologies of auditory perception and underdevelopment of the functions of phonemic analysis and synthesis,
  • children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • mental development delays,
  • attention disorders,
  • autism spectrum disorders (ADD, Asperger's syndrome).

Principle of operation

Human speech is a sequence of rapidly changing sound signals, which, entering the brain through the auditory organs, undergo multi-stage processing by various parts of the central nervous system. If the speed of information processing is lower than the speed of its receipt, the child simply does not have the ability to perceive speech by ear. In most cases, he learns to recognize only a certain number of “slow” sounds, and all the “fast” ones that the brain does not have time to process are eliminated by his subconscious. Incorrect perception of speech in the general case leads not only to disturbances in its understanding, but also to corresponding distortions in the reproduction of words. The child tries to speak as he hears, but what he initially hears is the wrong set of phonemes.

In the 70s of the 20th century, American psychologist Paola Tallal conducted a study in which she found that if the speed of presentation of sounds is slowed down, then children with hearing and speech impairments can assimilate them. Special programs were developed that were individually adjusted to the speed of perception of phonemes of each child with subsequent acceleration to the age norm. Experts immediately noted a positive effect: patients learned new words faster and their diction improved significantly. The result looked truly fantastic. This is how the Fast ForWord technique appeared

The name of the program translates as “Running for the Word” or “Quick Word”. This program does not teach the child to speak. Moreover, it is in English. But this does not at all hinder the effectiveness of its use in different countries. This program trains the auditory perception system, that is, it creates the foundation for speech formation.

How does this happen? In many countries, children who begin to speak different languages ​​use typical combinations of vowels and consonants in their babble, such as “da-da-da” and “ba-ba-ba.” The first words that children utter also usually consist of the following combinations: “dad”, “mom”, “baba”.

For a child with speech problems, distinguishing between these similar sounds remains a big problem for a long time. These children's hearing cannot process typical combinations of consonants and vowels that are pronounced quickly. Children do not have time to hear the beginning of a syllable or how sounds change within a syllable.

This inability to cope with a basic task disrupts all aspects of the child’s language development. The child spends a lot of effort and time trying to distinguish sounds and understand which word was spoken. This causes problems with understanding speech, the pronunciation side of speech, reading and writing. But the problem can be solved with the help of special training.

The Fast ForWord program consists of several series of exercises that train the basic brain functions associated with language skills.

The program is designed like a computer game. The child listens to sounds through headphones and completes tasks from the characters. For example, in one of the tasks the child learns to distinguish between “ba” and “da”. But not in the same way as it could happen in regular classes with a speech therapist! First, the computer artificially slows down the speed of these sounds. A person, unlike a computer, cannot do this. For example, the sound A can be pronounced quickly or slowly, but this cannot be done with the sound B.

First, the child’s brain is trained on slow sounds, then the program gradually increases their speed, bringing them closer to the speed of “fast parts of speech.”

When a child completes a task correctly, something fun happens on the screen. Positive emotions contribute to the production of special substances - neurotransmitters, which help the brain consolidate acquired skills. Therefore, the results of training last for a long time.

Fast ForWord results

  • normalizes brain function in children. Researchers from Standsford University scanned the brains of children with dyslexia before and after the Fast ForWord course. It showed that after the course, the brain function of all subjects returned to normal. Before training, children with dyslexia did not use the same areas of the brain when reading that typical children did.
  • Children's attention and ability to concentrate improves
  • The Fast ForWord program improves not only phonemic awareness, but also the brain’s overall ability to process information. The program also trains the brain's ability to manage time. This leads to an improvement in the child’s performance in all school subjects.
  • helps children with autism. Many children with autism have problems with speech development. As a result of working with the program, the children began not only to speak more, but also became more sociable.


FORBRAIN® (“For the Brain”) is a special device that allows you to train the brain’s processing of auditory information. For training, the child’s own voice and the teacher’s voice are used. FORBRAIN was developed by specialists from Hong Kong.


  • children with various speech and communication problems (developmental disorders of the autism spectrum, alalia, stuttering, dysarthria, etc.)
  • learning difficulties at school.

Principle of operation

FORBRAIN is designed to enable all aspects of audio signal transmission and processing. For this, a vibrating device is used to enhance bone conduction (which is much faster than air conduction) and a special dynamic filter that enriches the sound of speech with high frequencies.

Using FORBRAIN allows you to become a more attentive listener, as well as improve the quality of your voice and speech: the child hears his own voice in an adjusted form, and the brain is forced to rebuild its work in response to these changes.


It is not recommended to use FORBRAIN while taking Tomatis or inTime courses.


This is a method of harmonizing the work of the brain, based on listening to rhythmic music, developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts from Advanced Brain Technologies (USA).

Individualized training involves not only listening to music, but also a variety of motor-rhythmic exercises using your own body, voice, drums and other noise musical instruments. These exercises help maintain an internal sense of rhythm and make rhythm an integral part of life.

It combines two important aspects for brain development: stimulation with sounds of certain frequencies and stimulation with rhythm.


  • children with attention disorders (ADHD, hyperactivity),
  • disturbances in the tempo and rhythm of speech (stuttering),
  • various disorders of written and oral speech (dysgraphia, dyslalia, dysarthria, alalia),
  • developmental disorders of the autism spectrum.

Principle of operation

The functioning of the nervous system is a complex, rhythmic activity involving synchronized interaction between different areas of the brain. In a child with developmental disorders, as a rule, the brain does not work rhythmically enough. Exercises aimed at solving this problem have a beneficial effect on all areas of functioning.

Interaction with rhythmic music inTime stimulates the development of a sense of rhythm, attention, resistance to stress, and the ability to organize one’s thoughts and movements in time. All these abilities develop due to the fact that the training process provides stimulation that improves the quality of the functioning of the brain and the quality of its connections with the body.

inTime training involves listening to musical modules lasting 9 minutes several times a day with motor-rhythmic exercises (bodily percussion and drum exercises). Psychoacoustically modified music is listened to using the Waves™ multisensory audio system and special headphones that provide, in addition to air conduction, sound - bone.

Device “Spectrum” – phototherapy

A physiotherapeutic method of treatment using low-intensity light and laser radiation from different parts of the optical spectrum. It is carried out using the Spectr apparatus (St. Petersburg).


  • violation of muscle tone in the articulatory apparatus and more.
  • immunocorrective,
  • vasodilator
  • anti-inflammatory effect

Operating principle

Many children with speech disorders have one or another problem with the regulation of muscle tone. Muscle tone may be increased or decreased. Sometimes these problems affect the muscles of the speech apparatus only, and in some cases the entire body. Dysregulation of muscle tone in the cervical-collar area is especially common.

Red radiation improves the functioning of nerve tissue and is used in cases where it is necessary to activate muscle function. Green radiation, on the contrary, has a calming effect and is used in cases where it is necessary to reduce muscle tone. These procedures are a good addition to speech therapy and physical therapy classes.

The procedures are absolutely painless and easily tolerated by the child. During treatment, the specialist applies the LED tips of the green or red matrix of the device to reflexogenic zones on the body or face. Depending on the goals of therapy, continuous or pulsed operating mode of the device can be used

Audio-visual stimulation

This is a program for developing a child's intellectual abilities and increasing learning ability.


  • attention disorders
  • behavioral disorders

Principle of operation

Each anatomical structure of our body has its own rhythm. There is a common rhythm for the nerve centers responsible for behavior and learning. In children with attention and behavior disorders, this rhythm can be changed. The technique of audio-visual stimulation not only sets the correct rhythm, but also trains the body to reproduce it itself. This rhythm is characteristic of normal learning, control of emotions and behavior.

Stimulation of two channels at once is used: auditory and visual. This helps form a bond between them. This connection is extremely important, for example, for mastering competent reading and writing.

Auditory stimulation - the child listens to a series of rhythmic sounds through headphones for 7-10 minutes. Visual stimulation - the child sits for 7-10 minutes with his eyes closed in special glasses through which rhythmic flashes of light are given.

You can start classes from about 5 years old (it is important that the child is able to sit for 7-10 minutes with his eyes closed)

Bioacoustic correction

Correction of the state of the brain using classroom feedback. The method was developed by the State Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Physiological Department named after. I.P. Pavlova (from 1992 to 2008), St. Petersburg.


  • Mental development disorders (mental retardation, mental retardation, autistic syndrome).
  • Speech development disorders (dysarthria, dyslalia, OHP, alalia, dysgraphia, dyslexia).
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  • Neurosis-like disorders (tics, enuresis).
  • Tension headaches. Migraine.
  • Consequences of stroke, organic brain damage, traumatic brain injury.
  • Hypoxemic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system of perinatal origin
  • Adaptation to school and preschool institutions.
  • General health improvement and psychoprophylaxis
  • Increasing and supporting the optimal level of the body’s adaptive capabilities and the process of self-regulation.

Principle of operation

Some children with neurological disorders have abnormal brain wave activity. It can be normalized through training on a special device.

Restoration of self-regulation processes is carried out by acoustic stimulation consistent with the current bioelectrical activity of the brain. The presentation of music-like sounds, the parameters of which are consistent with the indicators of the frequency structure of the EEG and synchronous with the events of bioelectrical activity of the brain, creates unique conditions for adaptive stimulation

Sensors are attached to the child's head and record the bioelectrical activity of the brain - EEG. In real time, brain waves are converted into sound signals reminiscent of organ music. The child listens to this “music of his brain” through headphones. We can say about this method in a simplified version: the better the brain activity, the better the music will be.

The method activates the body's natural self-regulation processes. The child’s emotional state and speech improve, the child becomes more sociable and sociable.

Significant EEG improvements are observed.


  • Acute postoperative period
  • Hypertensive crisis
  • High body temperature
  • Early stage after TBI
  • Psychotic state
  • With caution: epilepsy

Logo trampoline

A technique for training brain functions involved in reading and writing. The training was developed by specialists based on visual-vestibular exercises proposed by Samantha Zlotnik, a doctor of optometry from New York.


  • children with reading and writing disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia),
  • children with attention disorders.
  • children learning to read
  • children with stuttering.

Principle of operation

Many children with speech, reading, and writing disorders have difficulty processing visual information. Often these difficulties are associated with impaired interaction between the senses (sensory integration disorder). In other words: the child’s brain does not have time to effectively process information from different channels. For example, a child cannot simultaneously listen to the teacher’s instructions and take notes in a notebook, or complete a task and quickly respond to the teacher’s remarks. When reading, he often loses a line, does not understand the meaning of the words he read, and misses letters while writing.

These workouts help synchronize the functioning of the visual, auditory and vestibular systems. Trampoline jumping combined with reading aloud promotes the development of rhythm and timing, which are essential for successful reading, writing and other learning activities. These trainings are multi-level stimulation of all sensory systems involved in the formation of speech, reading and writing. Exercises also help develop saccadic movements of the eyeballs and increase the field of vision. This is very important reading.

During training, the child rhythmically jumps on a small trampoline and reads out loud the letters (syllables, words) that appear on the screen. Gradually, the reading material becomes more complex. Additionally, exercises are provided to develop spatial orientation and visual perception.

Cerebellar stimulation

A series of rehabilitation techniques aimed at stimulating the functioning of the brain stem and cerebellum.


  • clumsiness, imbalance and coordination of movements (signs of disorders of the brain stem and cerebellum). They are often diagnosed in children with delayed speech and mental development, autism spectrum disorders (early childhood autism (ECA), Asperger's syndrome, autistic conditions), behavioral and attention disorders, and ADHD.

Principle of operation

The cerebellar stimulation program normalizes the functioning of the brain stem and cerebellum. The technique improves:

  • perception of oral and written speech
  • rote reading skills
  • math skills
  • all types of memory
  • sports skills

The results quickly manifest themselves in improved behavior, attention, speech of the child, and academic success. Cerebellar stimulation significantly increases the effectiveness of any correctional classes (with a speech therapist, psychologist, speech pathologist).

A cerebellar stimulation program may include the following techniques:

  • exercises on the Posturograph - a device from Neurocom (USA), created to assess and train balance, coordination of movements, and muscle sense.
  • Learning Breakthrough is Dr. Bilgo's balance board exercise system.
  • exercises on the Wii Fit interactive platform.

Rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

A method of treating diseases of the nervous system using short magnetic pulses. Indications

  • delayed speech development,
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
  • autism,
  • spasticity in cerebral palsy,
  • some forms of epilepsy.

Principle of operation

There are two main modes of rTMS: low frequency and high frequency. With low-frequency magnetic stimulation (5 Hz) – an increase. Low frequency mode is used to treat some forms of epilepsy. Such stimulation of the epileptic focus reduces the frequency of seizures.

The high-frequency mode is used in cases where it is necessary to activate the functioning of certain cortical or subcortical areas of the brain and/or connections between them. When rTMS is performed in high-frequency mode, new functional connections are formed in the brain. The areas of the brain responsible for speech development are exposed to mild stimulation, which activates the activity of these areas, normalizes speech development, and also normalizes the development of cognitive processes (memory and attention).

In addition, the following positive changes are observed:

  • the severity of neurotic symptoms decreases;
  • tension, anxiety and fear are relieved;
  • positive emotions arise;
  • regeneration occurs faster in places where the pathways of the nervous system have been disrupted;
  • vegetative instability decreases;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • improves sleep and mood; anxiety decreases;
  • the feeling of fear and muscle tension decreases;
  • resistance to stress increases.

The rTMS method is a painless and easily tolerated procedure that is performed by a neurologist or neurosurgeon.


The procedure is not performed if the patient has large metal objects in the body, a pacemaker or electronic implants, aneurysmal disease, or in the acute period of any disease.

Transcranial Micropolarization (TCMP)

The therapeutic effect of constant microcurrents on nerve cells of the brain.


  • children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • attention deficit
  • patients with neuroses and neurosis-like conditions
  • delays in mental and speech development
  • behavioral and speech problems
  • autism
  • treatment of children with cerebral palsy
  • as a rehabilitation therapy to eliminate the consequences of injuries and neuroinfectious diseases of the brain and spinal cord

Principle of operation

This is an effective method of “point” impact on individual areas of the brain that work “wrongly” or are unbalanced. A weak direct electric current of very small magnitude using small electrodes stimulates the work of individual parts of the brain, promotes the development of nervous tissue and the creation of new connections between nerve cells.

Since the effect is carried out locally, it is aimed only at those brain structures in which disturbances are observed, and does not affect healthy areas. Stimulation of brain cells using a weak electric current promotes the formation of new interneuron connections and the overall development of nervous tissue - which is why this method is successfully used in the treatment of the consequences of traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfectious diseases.

An individual treatment protocol is drawn up by a neurologist after examining the child and conducting functional diagnostics. During the procedure, a cap with wires is placed on the child’s head; the child does not experience any sensations and can do something: play, watch a cartoon, read a book, draw, etc.


  • acute period of any disease.

Neurodynamic gymnastics (sensory integration)

About forty years ago, Jane Ayres, a speech therapist and psychologist from Oklahoma (USA), in the process of practical work came to the creation of a theory of dysfunction of sensory systems - the theory of sensory integration dysfunction. More than 70% of children who have any deviations in the development of speech, motor and emotional spheres, problems with learning, behavior, communication, have a disruption of the sensory systems.

No part of the central nervous system works on its own: information is transferred from one part to another. Touch helps to see, vision helps to maintain balance, balance helps to feel the position of the body in space and move, movement helps to learn.

Sufficient stimulation leads to an increase in the number of connections between brain cells.

From birth, children develop only if they are constantly stimulated by sensations from their own body and the environment.

This is a system of physical exercises and outdoor games aimed at developing sensorimotor integration - the brain’s ability to combine and process information coming from the senses.


These activities are useful for almost all children, since sensorimotor integration is a mandatory stage in the mental development of every child.

Principle of operation

The formation of sensorimotor integration begins in the prenatal period of life on the basis of three basic systems: vestibular, proprioceptive (sensation of the relative position of body parts and their movement - the feeling of one’s body) and tactile.

Normally, this process should be completed at about 4 years of age, but for many children it occurs much later.

Modern children experience a deficit of motor activity, so their brain does not receive sufficient information about the position of the body in space. The process of formation of sensorimotor integration is disrupted. This interferes with the development of higher mental functions.

Classes are held in a special room where the child can receive various sensations necessary for the maturation of the nervous system.

Neurodynamic gymnastics are outdoor games using special equipment: swings of different shapes and sizes, roller boards, slides, trampolines and many other devices.

These are exercises to develop balance, tactile sensitivity, awareness of space and boundaries of your body, development of bilateral coordination, and proper breathing.

It is very important that the child is active during such activities, since sensorimotor integration is formed only during intentional movements.

This semi-structured interaction with an adult is very important for the development of emotions, thinking and brain-body connections.

Causes and diagnosis of speech delay

If you suspect that your baby has a delay in speech development, you should definitely seek specialized help. The following specialists will help you most accurately determine the causes of RRD:

  • Pediatrician (assessment of the child’s overall development);
  • Neurologist (study of the state of the brain, gross and fine motor skills);
  • Otolaryngologist (hearing test);
  • Psychologist (assessment of the level of mental development);
  • Speech therapist (examination of articulation organs, diagnostics of the level of speech understanding, study of vocabulary, sound pronunciation, grammatical structure of speech, phrasal speech).
  • In some cases, additional examination by a defectologist, audiologist, orthodontist, or psychiatrist may be required.

The reasons for delayed speech development may be the following:

  1. Biological causes: birth injuries, prematurity, minimal brain dysfunction, inflammatory diseases (encephalitis, meningitis), increased intracranial pressure, hearing diseases, heredity.
  2. Psychological reasons: lack of communication, overprotection, poor environment, and so on.

The concept of speech correction. Reasons for deviations

In speech therapy, correction is a set of techniques aimed at eliminating speech defects and mechanisms that led to the development of deviations. There are a large number of causes for the development of defects, which are classified into the following groups:

  • postpartum;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • hereditary;
  • congenital.

Functional causes also include psychosomatic, endocrine and environmental ones. This category includes pathologies caused by disorders of organs involved in speech. Speech therapy correction is aimed at correcting all of the above defects using various methods and techniques.

Correction of mental retardation in children

Methods for correcting and treating speech delay depend on the cause of the disorder and are established by specialists after diagnostic examinations. In some cases, doctors prescribe medication and massages. We will tell you in general terms about how to help your child learn to speak at home. These classes will be a good addition to working with specialists.

  • Verbal communication with loved ones. Communication leads to development. Playing together with adults, emotional intimacy is something without which the harmonious development of the baby is impossible. Try to ask your child questions more often, encourage dialogue and joint exploration of the world.
  • Exploring the world around us. It is necessary to support the child’s cognitive interest in every possible way, develop observation, thinking and imagination. To help your child develop a holistic picture of the world, walk with your child more often, talk and ask questions, read books, play, and conduct experiments.
  • Development of auditory perception. Auditory perception makes it possible to understand speech, recognize various sounds of nature, household noises and hear music. An example of an exercise from this category is the game “Whose Sound?” An adult hides behind a screen and uses objects to make various sounds: rustling a bag, tearing paper, knocking with spoons, ringing a bell, pouring water, and so on. The baby must guess which object each sound corresponds to.

Regularity and consistency are important in speech development. When working with your baby at home, start by practicing simple skills and only when they are accessible to the baby, then move on to more complex exercises.

  • Breathing exercises. The formation of speech breathing is the most important stage in the development of coherent and correct speech in a preschooler. The most effective way to develop it in preschool children is breathing exercises, which contribute to the formation of a smooth and sufficiently long exhalation and practice of pronouncing sounds and syllables. You can read more about breathing exercises in one of our previous articles.
  • Articulation gymnastics. Speech or articulation gymnastics promotes the development of speech organs. Your baby will definitely enjoy these fun exercises and will help him learn to pronounce sounds correctly.
  • Finger games are a unique way to develop a baby. They are a kind of massage and gymnastics for the fingers and toes. The movements are usually accompanied by short, funny poems, and children repeat them with pleasure. For kids, finger games are an independent activity, and for older preschoolers they can become a warm-up between exercises.
  • Development of fine motor skills: playing with water and bulk materials, modeling, appliqué, drawing, lacing and much more. Choose games that your child likes, because pleasure from the process also plays an important role in the development of the baby.


Speech development is a complex process, and it occurs differently for each child. If the baby is healthy, speech development occurs naturally when you communicate with him and talk about the world around him. Your child watches you and tries to copy your speech, so it is important to monitor the correctness of your own speech. It is necessary to create a favorable environment for the child in which he can fulfill the needs characteristic of his age. You can offer your child games to develop fine motor skills, as well as introduce them to articulation and finger gymnastics. If you feel that your baby is experiencing difficulties and the development of his speech is far behind the conventional boundaries of the norm, you must definitely consult with specialists to rule out health problems and delayed speech development.

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