Games for children 5 years old for speech development and advice for parents

Speech development of children 5-6 years old: norms and deviations

Most parents realize that their child needs consultation with a speech therapist when preparing for school. At this age, children begin to be prepared to master reading and writing skills. For this you need a base - competent speech. The classes become more complicated, and some children have difficulties at this stage.

Developmental activity

Norms for the development of children's speech at the age of 5 to 6 years

To determine whether a preschooler has a delay in speech development, you need to know what is the norm by the age of five or six:

  • the child communicates through detailed sentences using facial expressions and gestures;
  • uses generalizing words in speech;
  • correctly uses numerals, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, particles;
  • a preschooler learns to use participial and participial phrases;
  • there is an extensive vocabulary;
  • masters word formation skills (for example, diminutive forms of words);
  • sound pronunciation is almost formed;
  • the syllable structure is fully formed;
  • A preschooler can make up a short descriptive story based on a picture.

Note! During this age period, children's speech is already as close as possible to that of an adult.

Errors occur if the child talks about a phenomenon unfamiliar to him or uses a new word. The sound pronunciation side is almost completely formed: in the fifth year there may be disturbances in the pronunciation of sonorant sounds - R and L.

At this age, a preschooler knows how to use intonation, so theatrical performances are staged with children. At the age of six, he already remembers poems well and can retell short stories. The level of development of children's speech depends on the efforts that adults make to raise the child.


Symptoms of delayed speech development at 5-6 years old

If in the sixth year a preschooler communicates with simple, uncommon sentences or phrases, and the pronunciation of most sounds is impaired, then parents should contact a speech therapist. Adults have difficulty understanding children's speech; it is inexpressive; the child has difficulty memorizing poems and retelling short texts.

Note! In children with speech disorders, the passive vocabulary significantly exceeds the active one. However, he may use some words inaccurately.

The vocabulary mainly consists of nouns, with a smaller number of adjectives and verbs. Phrases and sentences are ungrammatical: agreement norms are violated, prepositions and conjunctions are omitted. If adults notice the above signs, then it is necessary to make an appointment for speech therapy.

Peculiarities of mastering the sound aspect of speech by preschoolers

How to develop a child's speech

We continue the conversation about the development of a child’s speech , which began in the first part of the article devoted to this problem.

The movements of the body and organs involved in speech production have common mechanisms, therefore the development of fine motor skills of the hands directly affects the development of speech. It is for this reason that finger exercises for the development of speech in children should take a strong place in your activities with your child.

Training finger movements will, as it were, prepare a platform for further speech development. You can start training your baby’s fingers within the first 5 months.

Now let's see how you can help your child master their native speech, teach him correct pronunciation, constructing phrases and forming thoughts.

Remember: classes should be held in the most easy, fun and playful way possible. Then they will bring real benefits and bring real pleasure to both of you.

A set of measures for speech development (to be carried out at home):

  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Speech gymnastics
  • Logorhythmics

We do not mention here such areas of work on speech development as speech therapy massage, special exercises for practicing various sounds, developing phonemic hearing, and some others. They are the area of ​​application of exclusively professional knowledge and skills. Here it is better to trust a specialist rather than try to cope with this task yourself.

Benefits for developing fine motor skills:

  • Matryoshka dolls
  • Velvet paper
  • Plasticine
  • Mosaic
  • Laces
  • Beans, peas
  • Semolina
  • Salty dough
  • Counting sticks
  • Multi-colored clothespins
  • Beads
  • Cloths with sewn buttons
  • Stencils
  • Massage ball
  • Wooden construction sets

Fine motor skills:

  • Passive gymnastics - massage for the development of fine motor skills.
  • Active gymnastics - games for the development of fine motor skills: poems and nursery rhymes, finger games, finger theater.

Information for parents

Adults are role models and a source of knowledge for children. Therefore, it is important that parents take an active part in children's development and follow all recommendations of teachers.

Self-diagnosis of speech delay

The speech therapist conducts an examination in kindergarten and selects a group of children with whom he will carry out correction. But you shouldn’t wait for your child to sign up for lessons. Parents should be able to independently diagnose his speech development.

  1. The child is asked to describe the object being shown - a toy or other object.
  2. The adult describes the object, and the preschooler must name it.
  3. You need to check the expressiveness of speech: ask to speak sentences with different intonation and pitch of voice.
  4. The child is shown a picture and asked to describe what is shown in it. If he has any difficulties, the adult asks leading questions. During the story, you need to pay attention to the composition of the sentence, vocabulary and general expressiveness of speech.
  5. Parents should pay attention to the grammatical design of the sentence: agreement of words, use of conjunctions, particles, prepositions.
  6. During diagnosis, the formation of sound pronunciation is assessed.

Diagnostic conversation

Important! When inviting a child to complete tasks, an adult should give an example using his own example. For example, he asks a preschooler to name a word and first pronounces it himself.

In older preschool age, some mistakes are normal, because at six years old, not all children immediately absorb a large flow of information. But with the help of didactic games it is possible to cope with speech errors. Such exercises will also be useful for children with normal development.

How to develop speech in a 5 year old child

It is worth purchasing books by the following authors: Gerbova V.V., Kuznetsova E.V., Razumovskaya Yulia, Tikhonova I.A., Ushakova O.S. In their books, parents and teachers will be able to find lesson notes for speech development for 5-6 year olds that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialists speak at parent meetings, where they explain in detail how to perform the exercises correctly and issue memos with detailed recommendations. The main goal of tasks in working with this age category is to develop coherent logical speech and form a grammatical structure.

The following exercises should be included in the file cabinet:

  • selection of synonyms and antonyms;
  • classification of objects according to one criterion;
  • guessing words from descriptions;
  • Declension of words by numbers and cases;
  • making sentences from words;
  • explanation of the meaning of proverbs and sayings;
  • memorizing poems;
  • performing articulatory gymnastics.

Speech development lesson

Important! When retelling a fairy tale or poem, pay attention to the expressiveness of speech and the clarity of pronunciation of sounds.

Explanatory and other types of speech as the level of development of a preschooler

Talking about the world around you while walking has a beneficial effect on speech development; conversation with the child about how his day went and other topics of interest to him.

Educational online games are popular: in this case, adults do not need to prepare visual material and think through the exercise. But you need to ensure that the time spent at the computer does not exceed 10 minutes. It is better to alternate information technologies and oral exercises.

Active gymnastics: games for developing speech using fine motor skills

Game aids:

  • Butterflies made of colored paper
  • Leaves of colored paper
  • Pinwheel
  • Cotton balls
  • Paper boat

Games for children from 2 months:

  • That's how different they are. Objects of various textures and shapes are placed in the child’s hand. The baby must grab the object and hold it for a while. This exercise develops not only motor skills, but also tactile sensations. It’s good if you comment on what is happening: “This ball is smooth,” “This hedgehog is prickly,” etc.

Games for children from 9 months

  • Prefabricated nesting dolls. First you need to collect one doll, then gradually complicate the game; after 2 years it should be a triple matryoshka.
  • Pyramids. First you need to use a classic pyramid, the size of the rings of which decreases towards the top.
  • Trace along the outline. You need to make cards with images of objects known to the baby, for example, a house, a tree, a car, and paste over their outlines with velvet paper. The essence of the game: an adult guides the baby’s finger along the contour and names the object. Then the outline is covered with beads or peas and the game is repeated.
  • Cups and spoons. The child uses a spoon to pour sugar or semolina from one cup to another. You can also transfer beans, peas or nuts by hand.
  • Modeling from plasticine. You need to start with a cylinder, and over time complicate the tasks: a ball, a carrot, a snake.

During the games, do not forget to comment on your actions and explain to your child everything that you do.

Games for children from 1 year:

  • Strong palms. The child squeezes rubber toys. The best thing is the rubber hedgehog: the needles act like a massager.
  • Mosaic. First you need to lay out simple shapes: paths, flowers, squares, and then move on to more complex ones: houses, cars, Christmas trees.
  • Constructor. The size of the parts and the complexity of the design depend on the age of the baby: you need to start with the largest parts and the simplest structures, for example, building a turret.
  • Beads. The size of the beads also depends on the age of the child. First, instead of beads, you can use balls from pyramids with round parts and string them on a thick cord; then the size of the parts must be gradually reduced, moving on to real beads. For the exercise, medium-sized beads already strung are used. The goal is to teach the child to lay out the outlines of objects from beads. For example, you can lay out a circle, square, heart, spiral, etc.
  • Laces. Since lacing has different contents, it makes sense to play with the lacing process - for example, ask the child to sew a dress for his mother (lace-button) or lace shoes (lace-boot).
  • Magic tray. Sprinkle a thin layer of semolina onto a tray and run the child’s finger over the cereal. The child is then shown how to draw various shapes. At the age of 2 - 3 years, you can draw numbers and letters.
  • Multi-colored clothespins. The essence of the game is to teach the child to independently attach clothespins, and to make the game interesting, you can do this according to a thematic principle: rays to the sun, needles to the hedgehog, rain to the cloud, grass to the ground. Of course, for this you first have to make preparations. This is a rather difficult task for a child. Don't try to achieve results right away. To begin, take the baby’s hands in yours and do the exercise with him.
  • Cinderella. You need to mix white and red beans and ask your child to sort them by color.
  • Funny pictures. Spread the plasticine evenly over a sheet of cardboard and show your child how to lay out drawings using peas.
  • Counting sticks. Show your child how to use counting sticks to lay out different shapes. It is advisable that the counting sticks are not smooth, but ribbed: this serves as an additional massage for the fingers.
  • Little sculptor. Dough modeling (dough recipe: 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, a little water). The advantage of dough over plasticine in this case is that the crafts can subsequently be used as toys.
  • Fasten the button. You will need two pieces of thick fabric. On one of them, sew three buttons of different diameters, in the second, cut loops of appropriate size. First, show your child how to fasten the buttons, commenting on your actions: “We insert the large button into the large buttonhole, the medium button into the middle one, and the small button into the small one.” Then take the child's hands in yours and repeat the exercise. After this, you can invite the baby to try to fasten the buttons on his own. Don’t insist if the baby doesn’t want to or if he can’t do it. This is a very difficult exercise and requires practice to perform successfully.
  • Stencils. It is recommended to start with stencils for internal tracing (it is easier for a child to trace inside than outside) and with the simplest shapes (circle or square). Practical advice: you can buy ready-made stencils, but it is better to make them yourself. The fact is that most standard stencils are small in thickness, and it is inconvenient for a child to trace them, since the pencil keeps slipping off. Therefore, the stencils must be quite voluminous. A good solution is to cut them out of a piece of linoleum or a shoebox.

For a child aged 2 years

Children's poems for speech development. From the age of 2, children can read speech therapy poems. They are excellent at training the pronunciation of certain sounds and reinforcing clearly defined letters and syllables. 2 years is the right age to teach a child such rhymes.

Cat - midge

A cat sat on the window

The cat wants to eat a midge

Cat grabs a midge with its paw

Where is the midge? Not to be seen.

Heap - cloud

The wind from the sea drives the cloud

We rake the leaves into a pile

Rain cloud in the sky

The pile of garbage is large.

Pechka - river

The owner lit the stove

The little frog jumped into the river

Coal flared up in the stove

The frogs have a house in the river.

Funny speech therapy poems for children

Finger Theater

Finger theater is an exciting game that:

  • Stimulates the development of fine motor skills;
  • Introduces the child to the following concepts of shape, color, size;
  • Helps develop spatial perception (the concepts of “right”, “left”, “next to each other”, etc.);
  • Develops imagination, memory, thinking and attention;
  • Helps develop vocabulary and activates speech functions;
  • Forms creative abilities and artistic skills;
  • Introduces basic mathematical concepts.

For children aged 1 – 2 years (using the example of the fairy tale “Kolobok”):

  • First, introduce your child to the characters in the fairy tale. Invite your child to look at and touch the figures. Then put each character on your finger in turn and describe it.
  • Introduce your child to the name of each finger on his hand. For example, you can say this: “I have a Kolobok sitting on my index finger.”
  • Then act out a fairy tale for your child. Place the characters on your fingers and cross your arms. Start telling the story, raising your fingers with the characters as the action progresses. For example, the fairy tale “Kolobok” can be told as follows. Thumbs up with Grandma character. Tell your child that today this hero will bake Kolobok. Rhythmically tap the heels of your palms against each other without releasing your fingers. At the same time, say: “Grandma is kneading the dough.” Using the same principle, play up the appearance of each character.

For children aged 2 – 4 years (using the example of the fairy tale “Kolobok”):

  • Ask your child if he remembers the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Remind him if necessary.
  • Then ask your child to place the characters on the table in the order they appear in the story. At the same time, ask to characterize each of them according to the principle: “Grandma is old, kind, caring; Kolobok is round, ruddy, mischievous,” etc.
  • Ask your child questions about the fairy tale. For example: “Why did grandma decide to bake Kolobok? Why did he leave his grandmother and grandfather? Who did he meet on the way?
  • Then act out a fairy tale in front of the little spectator using a finger theater.
  • At the end, ask your child to act out a fairy tale in front of you using a finger theater. If necessary, prompt him.

Finger games for speech development

The essence of the finger motor skills lesson is to teach the child to use his fingers to depict some objects or living beings. In this case, all finger movements must be explained to the baby. This will help the child understand concepts such as “top”, “bottom”, “right”, “left”, etc. After the child learns how to do the exercises himself, you can try to act out scenes or short fairy tales, distributing the roles among yourself and your little actor (for example, a meeting between a hedgehog and a bunny in the forest). Here are some examples of such exercises.

  • Finger game “Bunny”. The index and middle fingers are straightened, the rest are clenched into a fist. Little man. “Run” with your index and middle fingers on the table. Finger game “Hedgehog”. Clasp your hands, straighten the fingers of one hand and the thumb of the other. Cat. Connect the middle and ring fingers with the thumb, raise the index and little fingers up. Horned goat. The index and little fingers are straight, the thumb is on the bent ring and middle fingers. Butterfly. Cross your hands at the wrists and press your palms with the backs of your hands facing each other, fingers straight; palms with straight fingers make slight movements in the wrists - “butterfly flies.” Glasses. Fold the fingers of your right and left hands into rings and bring them to your eyes.

In addition to these examples, you yourself can come up with many interesting and entertaining exercises for your child to develop speech.

Rules for speech therapy classes at home

The success of home lessons depends not only on the availability of the necessary aids and a work plan agreed upon with the speech therapist. The organization of classes itself is very important. Here are a few simple rules that will help you achieve excellent results:

  • All speech therapy exercises for children should be carried out regularly, but a little at a time. You shouldn’t try to do articulation gymnastics, play speech games, or fill out a workbook right away. It is better to devote a few minutes to each type of exercise, rather than having a whole “speech therapy day.”
  • Do not force them to complete tasks under pressure; educational activities for children should resemble a game. Come up with a simple plot (for example, a journey into the universe of sounds), prepare small prizes (stickers, paper stars), and arrange physical exercises.
  • Praise and support the little student if he makes even the slightest progress. Focus on achievements, even small ones, gradually progress will become more and more obvious.
  • Find good workbooks for home practice. They should not only be professional in content, but also bright, colorful, and exciting. It is ideal if the tasks have interactive elements (the opportunity to add something, draw something). Such material makes it possible to interest a preschooler and clearly shows him the “path traveled” and success.
  • Don't expect instant results, be patient and gentle perseverance. The process of setting, consolidating, and differentiating sounds is complex; it takes months even for experienced speech therapists. Follow the plan and the results will gradually appear.

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