Card index of finger games on lexical topics for preschoolers

Finger gymnastics.


A little squirrel is jumping on the branches. A tail flashes among the branches. Who will keep up with her?

Use your thumb to touch the remaining fingers in turn, performing the exercise first with one hand, then with the other.


The gray bunny jumps deftly, He has a carrot in his paws. Lean your elbow on the table, spread your index and middle fingers to the sides, clench the rest into a fist and clench and unclench these two fingers for each word. Wild animals

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, this is a fox, this is a wolf,

Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

And this is a brown, furry, funny bear cub, in a hurry, hobbling sleepily.

Rotate with your thumb. A hedgehog is walking

A hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest. And with its thorns it pricks and pricks.

Tap your palm with your nails. And I’ll show the hedgehog that path,

Draw a snail on your palm with the pad of your index finger.

Where mice roll little cones.

Rub your knuckles into your palm.


Good forest, old forest. Full of fabulous wonders! We are going for a walk now and inviting you with us! (We spread our arms wide to the sides. Turns left and right with outstretched arms. Walking)

Birds, butterflies, little animals, a spider on a cobweb, and a grasshopper on a blade of grass are waiting for you at the forest edge! (Sit down. Slowly rise, turn left and right with outstretched arms. With the fingers of the right hand, we perform downward fingering movements from the shoulder of the left hand. With the fingers of the left hand, from the shoulder of the right hand, fingering movements downward)

Mouse, mouse, Gray coat.
The mouse walks quietly, carries a grain into the hole. (Soft springy step, the back is slightly bent forward, “paws” in front of the chest)
And the bear was walking behind the mouse, And how he began to roar: “Ooh!
Ooh! I'm waddling! " (Arms are bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Body steps from side to side)
And the cheerful little hares - Long-eared guys - Jump and hop, jump and hop, Across the field behind the woods.
(Jumping. Press your palms to your head, depicting “ears on the top of your head.”)
A gray wolf walked through the forest, Gray wolf - clicking his teeth!
He sneaks behind the bushes, snapping his teeth menacingly! (Wide, springy step with the body slightly tilted forward. Hands alternately brought forward)
Here is a frog jumping along the path, legs outstretched.
Skok-skok-skok through the swamp, under the bridge - and silence. (Feet shoulder-width apart. Jumping forward)
Oh, you're a hedgehog grandfather, Don't go to the bank!
You'll get your feet wet there, warm boots! (Easy leisurely running on toes. Arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the chest, head lowered)
Bear cubs are looking for their mother, Thick-footed guys, Clumsy, funny, Everyone is so funny. (Feet shoulder-width apart. Stepping from foot to foot. Rocking the body from side to side.)

In the air above the puddle, Dragonflies quickly circle. They take off and land, frolicking in the sun. (Running alternates with stops. During stops, sit down)

Here is a centipede crawling along the path to the path.
The back bends, crawls and shimmers. (Children move one after another, holding their hands on the belt or on the shoulders of the person in front)
One day an ant was carrying two blades of grass for doors: In a clearing, under a bush, an Ant is building a house.
(A springy step, hands folded “hatchet” on the shoulder)
The birds in their nests woke up, smiled, perked up: “Chick-chirp, hello everyone!
We fly higher than everyone else! "( Easy running in all directions; birds clean their wings; waving their tails (hands behind, palms facing each other, jumping lightly)
Goodbye, old forest, Full of fabulous wonders!
(Waving hand. Turn right and left with outstretched arms. Walking)
Along the paths we were walking, we jumped in the clearing, you and I became friends, now it’s time for us to go home.
(Jumping. We spread our arms wide to the sides. Walking)

Articulation gymnastics.

The material for articulatory gymnastics is taken from the book by O. A. Novikovskaya “Fun exercises for the tongue. Games for speech development"

"In the forest"

We visited the forest and met a fox there. The fox has a sharp, long muzzle. Here it is...

Extend your lips with a tube and hold them in this position for several seconds.

We saw wolves running behind the tree. The wolf growled - Showed his teeth.

Pronounce the sound [Y] for a long time; To do this, open your mouth, bare your teeth, push your lips forward like a mouthpiece; When performing the exercise, clench your hands into fists and, bending them at the elbows, raise them upward.

And then with fangs - click! So that they know who the wolf is here.

Wrinkle your nose, make a grin, exposing two rows of teeth, and then click your teeth.

A bear was dozing under a pine tree. When he woke up, he began to cry.

Pronounce the sound [Y] for a long time, while opening your mouth and moving your lips slightly forward.

The little bunny heard him. Trembling in the bushes, little coward. He sits and barely breathes, he doesn’t even move his ears. Like this…

Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, place your palms on your stomach and watch its movements - increasing in volume as you inhale and decreasing as you exhale.

The little bunny began to gnaw on the stalk root.

Raise the upper lip, exposing the upper teeth - incisors. Click your teeth.

Without paths, without paths A hedgehog walks through the forest. The mushroom is huge and snorts contentedly. Like this…

Briefly pronounce the sound [F] several times in a row; to do this, raise your upper lip and touch your lower lip to your upper teeth.

And along the branches, hop-hop, Belka is a red-haired animal. Let's treat her to a nut. Look, the squirrel puts a nut on his cheek, and now on the other. Like this…

Place the tip of your tongue either on the right or on the left cheek, protruding it from the inside.

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Breathing exercises

The frog opens its mouth. And he exhales noisily... There!

Raise your arms up and make a circular motion. On the word “Here”, continue exhaling with the sound “...fff”. Come on, stick out your belly - it turns out to be a hippopotamus. Now, pull your stomach in. Our hippo has lost weight.

Place your hands on the diaphragm area. Exhale the remaining air, inhale smoothly and leisurely through your nose and mouth so that the upper front wall of the abdomen sticks forward, raising your arms. Exhale through the mouth smoothly and as completely as possible. At the same time, the stomach lowers and retracts at the end of exhalation. To control oral exhalation, it is recommended to pronounce the sounds “shhhh...” or “fff...”.

Finger gymnastics on the theme “Wild Animals”

The health of the baby - both physical and mental - is a matter of paramount importance for parents, so many mothers and fathers use various games to develop the baby’s abilities, helping to unlock children’s potential. Today we will introduce you to exercises that stimulate the development of fine motor skills of the hands and speech.

Finger gymnastics on the theme “Wild Animals” is a set of exercises aimed at training the motor functions of the fingers. By influencing certain points located on children's fingers, they activate the speech centers of the brain and help the development of the baby's speech, as well as the development of his mental abilities. Finger games are short poems accompanied by movements of the fingers and hands, showing what the poems and nursery rhymes are about. Children really like the rhythm of speech and the corresponding movements, so they are happy to repeat the movements and words of the adult presenter. If the child is delighted with such gymnastics, you can perform it several times a day, but the duration of the game should not exceed five minutes - this time is enough to entertain the child and warm up his fingers.

The finger game “Wild Animals” will introduce the baby to the names and habits of animals, tell about where they live and what they eat.

Hide and seek, Gray wolf, Gray bunny, Bunny galloping, Elephant

Hide and seek The first bunny is under a leaf, (bend the thumb) And the second one climbed into the barrel. (bend the index finger) The third bunny with a scythe sits quietly behind a pine tree. (they bend the middle one) The fourth one sits on the stump. (they bend the nameless one) The fifth climbed onto the log, (they bend the little finger) He jumped off the log and disappeared. (unbend the little finger and “hide” it in the fist of the other hand)

Gray wolf The wolf is gray, toothy, (bends and unbends his fists) prowls around the field, (“walks” his fingers on the table) looking for prey. When he finds it, (clench his fists) he gives it to the wolf cubs.

Squirrel, Hungry Mouse, Dinosaurs, Hedgehog

Squirrel A playful squirrel is jumping, (“running” with its fingers on the table) tearing pine cones from the pine branches. (they clench their fists on their right and left hands alternately) He deftly squeezes it with his paws (they clench their fists on their right and left hands at the same time) and carries it to his closet. (“run” their fingers across the table)

Squirrel A squirrel sits on a cart, (they clap their palms and hit each other with their fists alternately) She sells nuts: To the little fox-sister, to the sparrow, to the titmouse, to the thick-fifted bear, to the mustachioed bunny - (bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb) To whom in a scarf, To whom in the goiter, in the sweetheart. (clap palms rhythmically and strike with fists)

Squirrels One, two, three, four, five, (put out five fingers) The squirrels came to play. (hide your hand behind your back) One has disappeared somewhere, (put out four fingers) There are four squirrels left. (hide your hand behind your back) Now quickly look - there are already three of them left. (put out three fingers) Well, well, what a pity, (hide your hand behind your back) We only have two left. (put out two fingers) This news is so sad - (hide hand behind back) There is only one squirrel left. (put out one finger) While you and I were counting, the Squirrels ran away from us. (hide your hand behind your back)

Dinosaurs Dinosaurs at dawn (hands clenched into a “lock”) Children saw in the park, They got scared, trembled, (we pretend to tremble, fright) They quickly ran to the house, (“running” with their fingers on the table) The dinosaur, believe it or not, Just tra- voracious beast. (hands clenched into a “lock”)

Hedgehog We found a prickly ball, We can’t hold it. The ball is spinning in his palms, the ball wants to run away. (children roll massage balls between their palms) Our ball is alive and warm, Who does it look like? (they look at the ball, holding it in their palms) The ball jumped onto the path - It turned out... it's a hedgehog! (children lower their hands, the balls fall and roll on the floor)

The hedgehog was stomping along the path The hedgehog was stomping along the path And he was carrying mushrooms in a basket. (we make walking movements with our fingers spread out) To count the mushrooms, you need to bend your fingers. (children bend their fingers in turn, first on their left hand, then on their right hand; at the end of the exercise, their hands should be clenched into fists)

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