Summary of educational activities for speech development “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” (middle group)

Useful and harmful products. Lesson on education in the middle group

Integrated lesson
on valeology education in the middle group “Healthy and harmful products” Author:
Kozhemyachenko L.M., teacher-methodologist, preschool educational institution No. 9 “Voskhod”
email. address: lada . kozhemyachenko
Purpose of the lesson


  1. Develop the child’s cognitive abilities, the ability to analyze, make generalizations, and justify one’s own opinion. Enrich the child’s practical experience, encourage preschoolers to research and experiment.
  2. Continue to foster a conscious attitude towards your health, teach children to value it and take care of it. Expand children's knowledge of what is healthy and what is harmful. To form a basic understanding of vitamins and their importance for human physical development.
  3. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary with nouns and adjectives for food products. Strengthen friendships between children, the ability to work together. Develop imagination, thinking, memory, attention, speech.

Preliminary work

: looking at images of food;
conversation on the topic “What foods are healthy”; quiz “Make a riddle and guess the products”, experiments with various drinks and products; learning proverbs about health. Reading stories about food. Equipment:
- disk, footprints, “magic” star, tape recorder, balloons, 3 baskets, two ribbons, food: chips, sweet drinks, crackers, chewing gum, milk, vegetables, yogurt, fruits; — for experiments: 3 glasses, funnels with a cotton swab, napkins, a plate of chips, spoons; various juices, straws. — pictures “Products”; - bowls of ice, hot water, pieces of fruit.

Progress of the lesson
: Children, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello to them.
: Turn around in a circle and smile welcomingly.
Oh, look, kids, we came to the group, and someone had already been here before us and left their traces, there’s a disk lying around, a stick. What happened? Oh, where is our young teacher Razvivayka? Let's listen to the disc, maybe it will tell us something. (listen to a voice) Voice
: Dear children!
I was captured by the evil Sorceress. She locked me in her palace and bewitched all the locks. I feel very bad here, they feed me junk food, and therefore my health is in danger. Please save me! My magic wand will light up every time you overcome a challenge. As soon as you overcome them, the evil spell will fall, and I will be saved. Educator
: So that's what this magic wand is for.
Well, guys, let’s help Razvivayka? But first tell me, Razvivayka said that his health is in danger. Do you know what “health” is? — Children, look, we have balloons hanging in our group. Imagine these are microbes. They fly in the air and can get into healthy people's nose or mouth. It is especially dangerous when a sick person coughs or sneezes and the droplets that fly out of his mouth and nose fall on us. If this happens, the person may become ill. Therefore, when you cough or sneeze, you should cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief to avoid infecting others. “You and I need to destroy these microbes, and to do this, tell me what needs to be done in order not to get sick and to be healthy?” (children name and burst the balloons)
- maintain a daily routine;
- harden; - do physical education; - to walk outside; - be clean and tidy; - eat healthy food; Educator: Okay, well done, we destroyed all the microbes. Well, now let's collect the traces and hit the road. Oh, children, look, the tracks are not simple, tasks are written on them. Task 1
: Game “Healthy and sick words” - you need to guess healthy and sick words.
If the word is associated with a disease you will squat, with health you will jump up: Runny nose, flu, vitamin, sore throat, exercise, caries, fruits, medicines, honey, microbe, colds, milk, bronchitis, vegetables, infection, soap, dirty hands, dental paste. Educator: Look, the magic wand caught fire. We completed the first task. Task 2
: Let's see what the next task is.
You need to find a basket of food, it contains healthy and unhealthy foods. You need to put healthy products in the green basket and harmful ones in the red basket. Game “Healthy and Harmful”
(chips, sweet drinks, crackers, chewing gum; milk, yogurt, vegetables, fruits) Educator: - Children, which of you likes colorful sweet carbonated drinks?
Do you think they are good for your body? - Who likes chips? Are they useful or not? - Let us conduct an experiment with drinks and chips and find out whether they are healthy or not. Experience with sweet carbonated drinks.
You have a carbonated drink in one glass, put a cardboard funnel with a cotton swab in the second glass and pour the drink into it.
What color is the cotton swab? (green, yellow, red) Yes, these drinks are colored with different colors, and this is harmful to health, your stomach, head, liver can hurt, and your teeth can get damaged. Experience with chips.
- Now let's take a closer look at the chips.
They are fatty, fried, sprinkled with various seasonings. Take a napkin and press it onto the chips that remain on the napkin (greasy stains). Take a glass of water and put the chips in it, stir with a spoon. The water became dirty and greasy. Do you think you can eat chips, why? Educator
: Children, look, the stick caught fire again, we completed the task again.
: Children, you are probably a little tired, let's rest and do a back massage.
Massage “Cabbage”
We chop the cabbage, chop We salt the cabbage, salt We three, three the cabbage We squeeze the cabbage, squeeze Chopped, salted, grated, squeezed and put it in a jar!


: Children, we still have a task left.
Let's see what's written here. Task 3: Game “Taste the taste”
Now we will taste various juices.
You must taste what they are made of and put the corresponding picture next to them (orange, tomato, apple, cherry, peach). — Do you think they are useful for our body? What benefits do orange, tomato, apple, cherry, peach bring? Educator
: Children, we completed this task, the magic wand burns very brightly, but we still have traces.
Let's see what the next task is. Task 4: Educator
: We need to go to the store with you and choose healthy products.
Game "Shop"
1. The best reward in the world is a bar of chocolate. The best reward in the world is a branch of grapes.

2. Ladies, gentlemen, know this: Snickers is the best food. If you eat sweet Snickers, your teeth will be bad. If anyone doesn’t believe it, let him check it for himself.

3. I am very proud of myself, I bought a cake today…. Fruits and vegetables are healthier and protect against diseases.

4. Red ketchup on hot dogs helped me become healthy. If you eat hot dogs, you'll stretch your legs in a year.

5. I will study at school if I drink Pepsi-Cola. If you get drunk on Pepsi-Cola, you won’t make it to school, my friend.

6. Very fatty foods always give us strength. Vitamin food always gives us strength.

Educator: Well done, I will definitely tell your mothers that you know how to choose healthy products. Children, the stick lights up again, which means that we have completed the task again. We have one last task left.

Task 5.
Contrastothermy. Educator
: Children, the evil Sorceress froze our fruit. She doesn’t want us and Razvivayka to get healthy vitamins and for us all to be healthy and cheerful. We need to save the vitamins (children take out frozen pieces of fruit and put them in warm water, then put them on a plate). Educator: Children, we have completed all the tasks. Oh, can you hear? (cheerful music plays). What music is playing? This means that the witchcraft spell has fallen and Development will soon return to us, and we will be together, eating our vitamins. Well done, children, you were attentive, friendly, and coped with all the tasks. What did you like about the lesson?


: 1. General education program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, 2014. 2. Formation of valeological consciousness (Preschool education, 2005). 3. “Exercises for every day: Health lessons for children” L.F. Tikhomirov. 4. Periodicals: “Kindergarten”, “Pre-school education”.

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