Diagnostics of written speech in elementary school at the school speech center

Diagnosis of the state of written speech

Diagnosis of the state of written speech

Diagnosis of the state of written speech includes an examination of the processes of writing and reading. To determine the level of development of students' written language skills, the speech therapist analyzes the children's written work, noting the types, nature and severity of specific errors. The examination reveals both the level of development of writing by ear and the state of the skill of copying from handwritten and printed text.

Texts for diagnostic work are selected by a speech therapist taking into account the age of the children and the duration of training (beginning, middle, end of the school year). At the same time, they must be accessible and contain speech material rich in sounds of all phonetic groups, including words of different sound-syllable structures. For an in-depth examination of writing skills, students may be offered the following types of work.

Material for examining the condition of the letter

1. Write down the words written in handwritten font:
bream, beetle, snow, bow, mouse, arctic fox, skates, zebra, woodpecker, fly, carriage, T-shirt, autumn, evening, acorn, carriage, turkey, butterfly.
Depending on the age, the speech therapist teacher can highlight or underline the words necessary for copying.

2.Copy down the words written in printed font:

cloak, mole, stork, flag, insect, birch tree, ladder, student, crack, fun.

3.Write down lowercase letters from dictation:
b, g, e, g, c, s, x, m, yu, v, e, w, i, t, i.
Each letter must be written separately. If a child does not remember how to write a certain letter, a dash should remain instead.

For example: b,

e, g,
s, x,

4.Write down capital letters from dictation:

D, F, Ch, U, E, Shch, K, V, 3, G, S, R, L, C, B.

Each letter must be written separately. If a child does not remember how to write a certain letter, a dash should remain instead.

5. Write down the syllables from dictation:

or, mi, sya, up, ode, stu, window, angry, apt, zhde, croup, vle, stumps, asho, hvy, urn, koch, osta, zhadi, schatz.

6. Write down the words from dictation:

ball, chair, rook, writing, strength, book, truth, ball, grass, fell, birch, step, spring, sick, run away.

7.Write down a sentence after listening once:

a fluffy bunny.
8. Copy the printed text (grade 1).

Cat and bird

The cat was sleeping on the roof. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close, little bird, cats are cunning.

Depending on the age, the appropriate text is selected.

9. Copy handwritten text (2nd grade, beginning of the school year).


to puppies. Masha and Petya took one. The puppy whined loudly. The children fed the puppy.

For students of other classes, more complex and voluminous texts are used.

10.Write a dictation (2nd grade, beginning of the school year).


Misha had a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. Ryzhik's tail is fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.

Dictation texts, as in the previous task, are selected in accordance with age and duration of study.

11. Write down the names of the pictures.

Compose and write down a short story based on a picture or a series of plot pictures.

Students can complete the proposed tasks on an individual form.


Zhuchka gave birth to puppies. Masha and Petya took one. The puppy whined loudly. The children fed the puppy.


9. Write a printed text (2nd grade, beginning of the school year).

Cat and bird

The cat was sleeping on the roof. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close, little bird, cats are cunning.


10. Write a dictation.


11. Write the names of the pictures:


12. Compose and write a short story based on the picture.


Diagnostic dictations

to test writing skills

(proposed in the works of I.N. Sadovnikova, L. I, Tikunova)

In the forest

Here is a big forest. There is a river behind the forest. Children are walking there. And the buzzer is here. Zoya and Zhenya are looking for mushrooms. Yura and Yasha found the hedgehog.

On the river

It was summer. Zoya and Sasha went to the river. Zoya was picking flowers in the meadow. Sasha was fishing with a fishing rod. Here's Zhenya. Zhenya has a pike.


Misha had a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. Ryzhik's tail is fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.


There was a maple tree growing near the house. Birds sat on maple branches. These are jackdaws. Seryozha gave them crumbs of bread and grain.

In the meadow

Ksyusha was in the meadow. There is tall grass all around. A bumblebee sat on a white porridge. It hummed menacingly. The girl was not afraid of him.

By the sea

I lived by the sea. The sound of the waves woke me up. During the day I loved watching them play. The white combs were beautiful.


This is our school. Lush asters grow at the entrance to the school. Wonderful roses grow in the flower beds. I like my school.


Ducks are swimming. Olga and Alyosha throw pieces of bread to the birds. Soon the birds will leave the pond. They will fly away to warmer climes.


Kolya was fishing. The reeds rustled. It crawled out onto the grass. The boy didn't touch him. I was already basking in the sun. Snakes are not poisonous.


I'm walking through the forest. There are many secrets and wonders in the forest. Here a fluffy tail flashed. Who was that? It was a squirrel jumping.

Cat Fedya

Yasha had a cat Fedya. The cat loved to play in the bushes. Yasha searched for the cat for a long time. And he was sitting on the roof.

Spring is coming

The sun is shining brighter. The snow has darkened. There are large puddles all around. Buds swelled on the branches. There is green grass on the lawns. Fast streams gurgle. Spring is coming.

The children were walking in the meadow. Seryozha and Lera were picking flowers. Sasha was picking sorrel. Misha has a net. He catches a butterfly. Time to have lunch. The children are going home.

The cat catches mice. The dog guards the house. The cow gives milk. The horse carries loads. Sheep provide wool and meat. Rabbit fur is used for fur coats and hats.

The car brought a lot of coal. We heat the stove with coal. Smoke is coming from the chimney. In winter there are severe frosts. Blizzards often blow. And the house is always warm.


April has arrived. The loose snow is melting. Streams gurgle all around. There is a large puddle on the porch. The kids put away their skates and skis. They are launching boats. Everyone is welcoming spring.

Children in the forest

The guys went out onto the lawn. It's nice in the forest in spring! The fragrant lily of the valley has bloomed. Birds are chirping. The children saw a hedgehog. He curled up into a ball. The guys won't touch the hedgehog.

Autumn soon

Autumn was approaching. It began to rain more often. The ground in the garden is already strewn with yellow leaves. The voices of songbirds are heard less frequently. They are preparing to fly to warmer climes.

Forester's hut

There lived a forester in the forest. The forester had a granddaughter, Sasha. Sasha had a good time with his grandfather. There was silence all around. Only the stream gurgled and the birds sang. Grasshoppers were chattering in the grass.

To the dacha

The children are going to the dacha. They will live with their grandmother. There is a grove there. There is a river behind the grove. Boys will fish, girls will pick flowers.


December has arrived. Fluffy snow fell. He covered the ground with a fluffy carpet. The river is frozen. The birds are hungry. They are looking for food. Children put bread and grains in the feeder. In summer, crops need protection. Birds will save the harvest.

Go hunting

In the morning I went into the grove with a gun and a dog. There was a wonderful silence. A hundred steps away you could hear a squirrel jumping on dry twigs. The fresh, fragrant air stung my eyes and cheeks pleasantly. A thin web stretched through the air. This is a sign of warm weather.

Who greeted winter like this?

The bats climbed into the hollow. The hedgehog covered himself with dry leaves. The frogs buried themselves in the moss. The bear sleeps in a den. The squirrel changed its coat for the winter and repaired its hollow. The fox made a bed out of leaves in a hole.

Holidays are coming soon

Holidays are coming soon. The children will go to camp. The day of departure has already been announced. Sasha will stay at home and go to the playground. Seryozha will go to the village. It's very nice there. His parents will go there on the weekend. There are many flowers there.

Brave Deed

Sasha Zhukov was walking home from school. The larks sang high in the sky. The road passed along the bank of the river. Suddenly Sasha saw that a little boy was drowning. He rushed into the water with his clothes on and pulled out the boy. The next day everyone learned about the student’s action. Sasha was thanked at the line.

Material for test copying by L.I. Tikunova

(beginning of the school year)

2nd grade


Old and small mice gathered at the mink. Their ears stick up and listen. The cat Vasya lies by the stove, waiting for the mice.

Cat and bird

The cat was sleeping on the roof. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close, little bird, cats are cunning.

(According to L. Tolstoy)


Here it is September. The air is clean and fresh. Sounds can be heard far away in the forest. Thin honey mushrooms cluster on large old stumps.

3rd grade


Many years ago, a small fortress was built on a high hill. Years passed. The fortress grew and became richer. More and more houses were built along the banks of the Moscow River. Trade people and merchants brought a lot of goods. The fortress became a great city - Moscow.

Yasnaya Polyana

There are many beautiful places in Rus'. Here is Yasnaya Polyana. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born and spent almost his entire life here. Here he planted a birch grove. Nice grove in early autumn! All of it costs gold. This was the writer's favorite place. He rested and worked here.

Dunno and the Beetle

One day Dunno was walking around the city and wandered into a field. At this time, a cockchafer was flying past. He'll go blind

body towards Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno fell to the ground. The beetle disappeared. Dunno stood up and looked around. It was quiet all around.

(According to N. Nosov)

4th grade

In Tsarskoe Selo

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin studied at the Lyceum, which was located in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg. A beautiful, vast park began right under the windows of the lyceum. The sun's rays played freely in the heavy foliage of oaks and lindens. Marble statues gleamed white among the greenery. Birdsong could be heard everywhere. The water splashed quietly in the lake. Pushkin loved this ancient park very much and often walked in it.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was a talented and hardworking person. His dictionary contains more than two hundred thousand words, thirty thousand proverbs, sayings, and riddles. Gathering material for his dictionary, Dal traveled all over Russia. He was even in Siberia and the Urals. Vladimir Ivanovich loved and understood his native language, and knew how to see beauty in the living Russian word. Dahl was a great friend of Pushkin.


The ancient Russian name for October is “gryaz-nik”. Autumn rains with sleet turned the ground into mush. In Rus', October was also called “leaf fall”, “golden autumn”, since it occurs at the time of yellowing of the foliage.

And how many autumn signs there were in Rus'! “Late leaf fall means a harsh winter.” “The willow was covered with silvery frost early - it will be a long winter.”

Based on the results of the examination, the teacher-speech therapist analyzes the nature and types of errors made by students, and completes study groups, draws up a class schedule, develops a correction program and conducts speech therapy classes.

Speech therapy examination of students of senior school age

7. Study of the grammatical structure of speech.

1. Changing nouns by number

Dress_________________________ chair____________________

mirror__________________________ ear_____________________


2. Changing verbs by numbers

Sleeping___________ mooing______________ running__________ pecking_______



Use of the form R.p. pl. number of nouns

ear_____________________pencil _____________________



4.Agreement of adjectives with singular nouns.

Lemon____apples______dress__ car______tomato _____ %_______

5.Adding prepositions to a sentence.

The boat floats... on the lake.__________________________________________

A seagull flies... with water.___________________________________________

Young grass peeks out... snow.______________________________

... the dog is sitting in the kennel.___________________________________________

A large crowd gathered...at the theater.______________________________


6. Making sentences by word (5-7 words)

TV ____________________________________________________

Skis ________________________________________________________



Freezing ________________________________________________________


7. Making sentences from words in initial form

Misha, mow, grass, rabbits, for._________________________________

Son, buy a ball, red, mom._________________________________

The sun, the earth, is illuminated.__________________________________________

Hut, storm, terrible, destroy, fisherman._________________________

House, grandfather, live, in, which, stand, river, at._______________________


8.Repetition of sentences.

The bear found a deep hole and made a den for himself ___________________

After summer comes autumn, and it gets colder every day._________________________________________________

Horses were grazing in the green meadow across the river._______________

Andrei said that he would not go to visit today, because

he needs to prepare for the exam.__________________________________________

In a remote part of the forest, next to a tall grove, a spruce tree grew.____________________________________________________________


9.Verification of proposals.

Winter has come because the river is frozen._____________________________

Mom is happy with her son._____________________________________________

The plane crashed, although the engine was faulty.______________________

All old people will be young someday._____________________________

Approaching the station, the man's hat fell off.____________________



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