Workshop on organizing individual and frontal forms of correctional and pedagogical work

Module 1. Basic principles of individual and frontal forms of speech therapy work

  1. Forms of organizing speech therapy assistance for children with speech disorders in educational institutions of various types

Exercise. Check out the methodological manual by Stepanova O.A. “Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution” and methodological recommendations for teachers and specialists of educational institutions “Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children with speech pathology in an educational institution” in the “Library” section. Analyze the forms of speech therapy work in various educational institutions. Draw up your conclusions by filling out the table “Forms for organizing speech therapy assistance for children with speech disorders in educational institutions of various types.”

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  • Special games for silent people

    They highlight two areas:

    • formed general imitation;
    • developing general imitation.

    By copying adults, the baby learns their experience, skills and abilities. General imitation means the repetition of facial expressions, movements and actions.

    Work with a silent child is carried out in the following sequence:

    • encourage him to repeat the movements (exercises with raising his arms, stamping his feet and clapping his hands);
    • the next step of development is sequential movements (the flight of a bird, which then lands and looks for grains);
    • at the final stage, they are attracted to toys with which they perform the same sequential actions.

    To form an imitation of sounds and speech with non-speaking children, you need to repeat the same syllables, words and phrases many times, highlighting them. The baby is asked to reproduce what was said and positively perceives any type of response.

    Speech therapy classes that focus on speech imitation are carried out in the following order:

    • pronouncing sounds;
    • words and syllables with semantic load;
    • words;
    • short phrases.

    The play form is suitable not only for silent children, but also for little ones who speak indistinctly and unclearly. In addition to exercises, riddles, sayings and rhymes are added to them. It is useful for development to make movements that accompany phrases and are appropriate in meaning.

    There is no need to require a 2-3 year old child to pronounce clear sounds. Much more important is the formation of the communicative function of language.

    Objectives and directions of speech therapy work to correct speech disorders in children

    Exercise. Using the Corrective Speech Therapy Programs (see the “Library” section), analyze the tasks and directions of speech therapy work to correct various speech disorders in children (phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, general speech underdevelopment, stuttering, etc.). To document the results of the analysis, use the table “Tasks and directions of speech therapy work to correct speech disorders in children.”

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  • Speech therapist's lesson on sound production [P]

    Speech therapist's lesson on sound production [P]

    Some parents, turning to us for help, mistakenly believe that the child needs to correct the letter “r”. In fact, we are talking about the incorrect pronunciation of the sound [P]. What worries many parents most is the incorrect or distorted pronunciation of this sonorant sound.

    Disadvantages of sound pronunciation are divided into several groups. Impaired pronunciation of the sounds [P], [P'] is usually referred to as “rotacism”.

    Types of impaired sound pronunciation:

    • distortions are abnormal pronunciation of sounds that are not found in speech (for example, the throaty pronunciation of the sound [P]);
    • substitution - using, instead of a sound that is absent in speech, another sound of the same language - its substitute (for example, “lyba” instead of “fish”, “vaketa” instead of “rocket”);
    • omission - absence of sound due to unformed articulatory posture or due to impaired phonemic hearing (for example, “kaova” instead of “cow”)
    • confusion - insufficient differentiation of two sounds that are similar in sound or articulation during their pronunciation (“laketa” instead of “rocket”)

    Types of distorted pronunciation of sounds [P], [P']:

    • interdental - the tongue is thrown out of the mouth, one blow is heard;
    • single-impact – with correct articulation of sound, one blow is made on the alveoli with the tip of the tongue;
    • proto - correct articulation of sound without vibration, a fricative sound is heard;
    • gular - the tip and front part of the back of the tongue are lowered down and pulled back, the back of the back is sharply arched. A strong stream of air causes either the soft palate (velar rhotacism) or the uvula (uvular rhotacism) to vibrate;
    • lateral - with correct articulation of sounds, one of the lateral edges of the tongue is lowered, passing a stream of air to the side. It can trap saliva, causing a squelching sound. 1 – 2 beats are heard;
    • coachman - lips moved forward. A strong stream of air causes the lips to vibrate;
    • nasal - the tip and the front part of the back of the tongue are lowered and pulled back, the back part of the back of the tongue is tense and raised to the soft palate, forming a gap or bow. When bowed, the sound takes on a nasal tint.

    Types of sound replacements [P], [P']:

    • replacements with any vowel sounds: “yak” instead of “rak”, “iepa” instead of “turnip”;
    • replacements with sonorant sounds: “lak” instead of “rak”, “nama” instead of “rama”, “juka” instead of “ruka”, “Lyoma” - instead of “Roma”;
    • replacement with labiodentals: “kavova” instead of “cow”;
    • replacement with front-lingual ones: “dak” instead of “rak”, “depa” instead of “turnip”;
    • replacement with back-lingual ones: “gak” instead of “cancer”, “gepa” instead of “turnip”.

    Work on correcting violations of sound pronunciation begins with the development of mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulatory gymnastics helps develop the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

    Articulation gymnastics exercises:

    • are selected purposefully;
    • are held at the beginning of the lesson;
    • fixed at home;
    • require 5-7 minutes to complete.

    To produce the sounds [P], [P'], you must perform the following articulatory gymnastics exercises:

    A basic set of exercises for developing the basic movements and positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus:

    • “Window” - the mouth is wide open, the tongue lies quietly behind the bottom of the oral cavity;
    • “Fence” - lips in a smile, the front upper and lower incisors are exposed, standing on top of each other;
    • “Tube” - stretching the lips forward in a tube;
    • “Shovel” - mouth open, hold a wide tongue on the lower lip in a calm, relaxed state;
    • “Needle” - mouth open, hold a narrow tongue between the incisors;
    • “Punish the tongue” - knead your tongue with your upper lip, while saying “five-five-five”;
    • “Swing” - the mouth is wide open, alternating movements of the tongue up and down and holding each position for five seconds;
    • “Clock” - the mouth is slightly open, alternating movements of the tongue to the right and left with fixation for a second in each position;

    A set of exercises for developing movements and positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing the sounds [P], [P']:

    • “Mushroom” - development of raising the entire back of the tongue upward, suction of the entire tongue to the upper palate;
    • “Delicious jam” - developing the movement of the wide front part of the tongue (lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue);
    • “Let's brush the upper teeth” - developing the lifting and movement of the tongue left and right along the inside of the teeth;
    • “Painter” - practicing the movement of the tongue up the hard palate back and forth;
    • “Drummer” - strengthening the muscles of the tongue, practicing raising the tongue upward, and the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense;
    • “Horse” - strengthening the tongue muscle and developing an upward movement of the tongue, producing tongue clicking.

    There are several ways to set the sound [P]. Here is one of the most common:

    Setting the sound [P] from the sound [D].

    • The child loudly pronounces the sound [D] by pressing the tip of the tongue against the tubercles behind the upper teeth (alveoli); The sound must be pronounced for as long as possible, i.e. The tongue should not be separated from the alveoli for as long as possible.
    • When pronouncing the sound [D], the tongue should seem to swell from the air exhaled onto it.
    • Next, it is necessary to train the child in such a way that he exhales onto the tongue as strongly as possible, and at that moment the tongue comes off the alveoli and flutters and vibrates from a “gust of wind”;
    • As a result of training points 1-3, you should get a combination of sounds d-r-r-r;
    • In the future, it is necessary to train the sound [P] in such syllables as dra, dro, dro, dra, and later in words;
    • To separate the sound [P] from the sound [D], invite the child to pronounce the sound [D] to himself, and the sound [P] at full strength;
    • Fix the sound [P] in the syllables ra, ro, ru, ry.
    • Practice the correct pronunciation of the [P] sound in various words, sentences and texts.

    If, after doing all the work described above, you were unable to correct the sound [P] in your child, then this may be a reason to seek advice from the speech therapists of the Speech Development Center “Easy to Speak”.

    Basic principles of speech therapy work

    Briefly describe the basic principles of speech therapy work.

    Contents of the response

    1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative aspects, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activities of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of defective ones.

    Speech therapy involves the speech of the person as a whole:

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  • Improving a child’s speech at home

    When a child begins to make his first sounds, we are touched, it seems so funny and amusing to us. But if you hear such speech from an adult, then this admiration will disappear. But the ability to speak correctly needs to be developed in early childhood, and if this is not done, in the future a person will not be able to fully communicate with other people, his speech will be distorted, ugly and incomprehensible. And if your child is already experiencing difficulties in pronouncing any sounds, conduct speech therapy classes and exercises with him - they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, improve speech, and teach children to correctly express their thoughts.

    Ideally, by the age of 4-5 years, children master clear pronunciation of all sounds. For various reasons, the process of developing correct sound pronunciation slows down for many preschool children.

    Defects in sound pronunciation will not disappear on their own; to eliminate them, systematic exercises with a speech therapist, as well as joint classes with parents, are necessary. A properly structured training system is your main assistant. In this article we will reveal for you several simple techniques and exercises, by doing which your child will learn correct pronunciation

    Where to start speech therapy exercises? The structure of a well-constructed lesson.

    After a thorough diagnosis of the child’s speech, you can begin classes aimed at correcting it. It is worth noting that as a result of a speech examination, the specialist receives information concerning not only his speech development, but also his intellectual and psychomotor development.

    A competent specialist uses this data to influence the child using the most developed resources of the child himself, based on what is interesting to the child. He will offer you the most optimal scheme for constructing a speech therapy lesson.

    Remember that at this age 15-20 minutes is enough; material given in excess of the norm will not bring results and will not be absorbed in full. Also understand that play is the main activity at 4-5 years old, so the process of correcting sound pronunciation is built in a playful form.

    Consultation on speech therapyconsultation on speech therapy (preparatory group) on the topic

    Forms of speech therapy work with preschoolers

    Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution

    The number of children attending a speech therapy center at the same time should not exceed 20-25 people. To optimize speech therapy work, it is recommended to combine children of the same age group with similar nature and severity of speech disorders into subgroups (up to 5-7 children) or mobile micro-groups (2-3 children). The duration of subgroup speech correction classes is 20-35 minutes, individual classes - 10-20 minutes. The frequency of their implementation is determined by the nature and severity of the speech disorder, age and individual psychophysical characteristics of the children. It is recommended to conduct classes with children during the daytime, and once or twice a week in the evening so that parents can attend them and receive the necessary consultation, advice, and recommendations. The timing of speech therapy work is also directly dependent on the severity of speech disorders in children, their individual personality characteristics, and the conditions of upbringing in a preschool educational institution and family. They can vary from 2-3 months to 1.5-2 or more years. As correctional work is completed and speech is normalized in children of senior preschool age, children of younger age groups are enrolled in the vacant places. At the end of classes with a child or when he graduates from a preschool educational institution, the speech therapist, if necessary, gives parents recommendations on organizing the conditions for his further education (for example, continuing correctional speech classes with a speech therapist in elementary school, studying in a special (speech) school, etc.) . Practice shows that to normalize the speech of children with phonetic underdevelopment, it takes from 1.5 to 6 months, while work with preschoolers who have phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech usually continues for a whole school year or more. Children with severe, persistent disorders in speech development (general speech underdevelopment, stuttering) can attend speech therapy classes for up to 1.5-2 years or more. The speech therapist makes a decision to stop systematic classes with a child, guided by the degree to which the level of his speech development approaches age norms, the degree of success in mastering the preschool educational program, and only when he is sure that the child’s close adults - teachers and parents - have achieved a certain degree of independence in providing he needs the help he needs and have a fairly wide repertoire of techniques for developing children’s speech and preventing its deficiencies. All children who have completed the course should remain under the attention of the speech therapist so that he can provide them with advisory assistance if necessary. Other children in need of speech therapy help are enrolled in the vacant places, and thus the next “round” of the algorithm of the correctional pedagogical process is “launched,” when other children, teachers and parents successively go through all its stages with a speech therapist. Responsibility for the procedure for enrolling children in classes, the progress and results of correctional speech intervention lies with the speech therapist and the administration of the basic and attached preschool educational institutions. Children enrolled in a special group are in kindergarten from September to July. Speech therapy and educational classes are conducted daily according to the hours. The duration of the school week is 5 days. According to the form, speech therapy classes are divided into frontal (with the whole group), subgroup (3-5 people) and individual.

    Frontal speech therapy classes (30-35 minutes) are held in the morning, their number depends on the period of study. Educational classes are held after speech therapy, and some of them, according to the daily routine, in the second half before or after a walk.

    The content of speech therapy work in the second year of study is aimed at the further development of children’s coherent speech (dialogue and monologue). To solve this problem, we continue to refine and expand our vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of speech, and practical mastery of complex forms of inflection and methods of word formation. Speech therapy classes involve consistent work on words, sentences and coherent speech.

    The development of auditory attention, conscious perception of speech, semantic and sound differentiation is a necessary condition for successful learning.

    The selection of speech material for speech therapy classes and methodological techniques are determined by the general goals of correction, taking into account specific ideas and speech experience accumulated by children during the work of the teacher in various sections of the kindergarten program. Particular attention is required to the selection and grouping of various visual and verbal material, game exercises, and didactic games that ensure practical mastery of word formation and inflection. The structure of frontal classes includes:

    a) formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language;

    b) training in dialogical and monologue speech;

    c) improving the sound side of speech in the sphere of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness;

    d) mastering the elements of literacy.

    When carrying out correctional and educational work, speech therapists widely rely on the direct experience of children, their subject-related practical activities, which makes it possible to ensure the comprehensive nature of training.

    In the process of solving these problems, special attention is paid to independence and free speech.

    Basic forms, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers at the speech center

    The main form of work with preschoolers in the kindergarten speech center is individual and subgroup lessons. This is due to the following reasons:

    — the need to adapt to general developmental group classes and routine moments;

    - different structure of pronunciation defects in children of the same age group;

    — different levels of development of cognitive processes in children with structurally similar defects;

    - individual pace of learning the material;

    - the need to involve several sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation;

    - somatic weakness of children, entailing numerous absences due to illness, which significantly delay the process of correcting the child’s speech disorders.

    These reasons do not allow organizing stable subgroups of children for speech therapy sessions: subgroups of children have a variable composition and are very mobile. Therefore, very often it is necessary to resort to such forms of speech therapy work as group production of sounds. Another form used is individual lessons in the presence of other children.

    While one child is working with a speech therapist, others are playing specially selected games to develop fine motor skills, color perception, sense of rhythm, etc. This form of classes was dictated primarily by the need to save time, then other positive aspects emerged: greater freedom of children in class, increased interest in the speech of their peers, motivation for their own clear speech.

    The methods and techniques used during the correction process are traditional and scientifically based. However, despite the fact that the main goal of a speech therapist teacher’s work in a speech therapy center is to correct violations of sound pronunciation, tasks related to the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of the child’s language are simultaneously solved.

    Replenishment of the dictionary occurs not only due to the introduction of new words into it, acting as speech material, clarification of their meaning, but also due to the word-formation skills gradually formed during classes. Figuratively speaking, in addition to correcting violations of sound pronunciation, the child receives a tool for further expanding his vocabulary, which increases the possibilities of training exercises.

    The overall success of correctional education in a speech therapy center is determined by the joint work of the speech therapist and parents. Parents become full participants in the educational process. The child receives individual correctional assistance only 2-3 times a week, so its effectiveness depends, among other things, on the degree of interest and participation of parents in speech correction.

    Newly formed sounds must be supported by all means, and not given to the child the opportunity to pronounce them without reinforcement and control. The volume of advisory and methodological work of a speech therapist in a speech therapy center is many times greater than the volume of similar work in a compensatory group, this is especially noticeable in preschool institutions with a large number of groups.

    Speech therapy practice shows that the quality and effectiveness of the work of a speech therapist at a speech therapy center depends on many factors: planning of work with the preparation of all necessary documentation, the inadmissibility of strict regulation in the requirements for the work of a speech therapist, the inappropriateness of establishing a diagnostic framework for enrolling children in a speech therapy center, the irrationality of enrolling children in a speech center through the PMPK. Based on the number of students simultaneously, it is advisable to determine both the maximum and minimum number of students.

    Forms and methods of speech therapy work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

    In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the program is the use in the educational process of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their psychological, age and individual characteristics.

    The main form of correctional education in a specialized kindergarten is speech therapy classes, in which the development of all components of speech and preparation for school is systematically carried out. The program for raising and training children with speech impairments involves solving correctional problems in the form of:

    frontal (subgroup) classes;

    individual lessons;

    classes in mobile micro groups.

    Classes are conducted by a speech therapist after the children in the group are examined at the beginning of the year.

    Frontal (subgroup) speech therapy classes allow you to effectively solve those problems of speech development and correction of its deficiencies that are a priority for all or most of the group’s pupils. This type of activity develops their ability to get into the general pace of work, follow general instructions, and focus on the best speech patterns.

    Thematic and concentric approaches are the basis for planning classes with children with special needs.

    The thematic approach to organizing the cognitive and speech material of a lesson involves focusing it on any topic from the objective world surrounding the child. This allows for a close relationship in the work of the entire teaching staff of the group. The topic is studied in parallel in classes of different types of activities: when familiarizing yourself with the environment, developing speech, in drawing, modeling, appliqué classes, and in games. The selection and arrangement of topics are determined by the following conditions: seasonality, social significance, neutral character.

    One of the most important factors in the implementation of the thematic principle is the concentrated study of the topic, which ensures repeated repetition of the same speech content in a short period of time. Repeated repetition is very important both for children’s perception of speech (passive) and for its activation.

    In accordance with the concentric approach, program content within the same topics deepens and expands from year to year.

    When planning and conducting frontal subgroup speech therapy sessions:

    the topic and goals of the lesson are determined;

    a subject and verb dictionary, a dictionary of signs that children must learn in active speech are highlighted;

    lexical material is selected taking into account the topic and purpose of the lesson, the stage of remedial education, an individual approach to the speech and mental capabilities of children, while non-normative phonetic formatting of part of the speech material is allowed;

    a gradual complication of speech and speech-thinking tasks is ensured;

    when selecting program material, the zone of proximal development of preschool children and potential opportunities for the development of mental activity are taken into account;

    Regular repetition of learned speech material is included in classes.

    Optimization of the content of classes is ensured by their integrated nature, when different lines of work are implemented in parallel and organically complement each other to correct certain components of the speech system of preschool children, as well as deficiently developed mental and psychophysiological functions. For example, in classes on the formation of the phonetic - phonemic side of speech with the older group, when studying sound, we work on the clear pronunciation of this sound, at the same time we work on the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception, and we begin the formation of language analysis and synthesis when children work with symbols of sounds, trying to “read” them together.

    Reliance on play as the leading activity of preschoolers and the mandatory inclusion of different types of games in speech therapy classes provide a pronounced positive effect both in overcoming speech disorders and in the development of cognitive mental processes.

    Based on all that has been said, the following requirements must be met for frontal exercises:

    1. The lesson should be dynamic.

    2. Game fragments and surprise moments must be included. You can include funny situations in which children will be participants.

    3. There should be a frequent change of different activities.

    4. It is necessary to develop a communicative orientation in children, teach them to communicate with the teacher and with each other.

    5. During classes, it is necessary to teach children to listen, hear, and correct mistakes in other people’s speech and in their own.

    6. Use a variety of teaching materials, colorful and convenient.

    7. The most important thing is that children should talk a lot during classes.

    The technologies used in the classroom should be arranged in order of increasing complexity and be varied.

    Frontal classes, depending on the specific tasks and stages of speech correction, are divided into the following types:

    1. Classes on the formation of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech.

    2. Classes on the formation and development of coherent speech.

    3. Lexical lessons with elements of grammar.

    4. Classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

    The main objectives of classes on the formation of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech are: the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception, skills in pronouncing words of various sound-syllabic structures; control over the intelligibility and expressiveness of speech; preparation for mastering basic skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

    The specificity of this type of lesson determines the selection of lexical material rich in studied and correctly pronounced sounds.

    The goal of classes on the formation and development of coherent speech is to teach children to speak independently. Based on the developed skills of using various types of sentences, children develop the ability to convey impressions of what they saw, about the events of the surrounding reality, to present the contents of pictures or their series in a logical sequence, to compose a story - a description.

    In a lexical lesson with elements of grammar, a “lexical” approach is used. With this approach, children’s knowledge and information and their vocabulary are replenished. The speech therapist selects games that can be used to reinforce some grammatical form that is already present in the children’s speech.

    In classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, a lexical and grammatical approach is used. With this approach, the most typical forms of word formation are studied in the classroom, as well as the basic models of constructing phrases and sentences characteristic of the grammatical system of the Russian language. Thus, preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment develop grammatical concepts. The main objectives of these classes are the development of understanding of speech, clarification and expansion of vocabulary, the formation of general concepts, the formation of practical skills in word formation and inflection, the ability to use simple common sentences and some types of complex syntactic structures.

    Classes in mobile microgroups provide the speech therapist with the opportunity to vary their goals and content depending on the tasks of correctional work, speech and individual typological characteristics of the pupils. At the beginning of the year, when more time is allocated to producing sounds, children who have more or less homogeneous defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually grouped together. Later, when the emphasis moves to consolidating the given sounds, the opportunity to include exercises aimed at expanding the vocabulary and mastering grammatically correct speech increases; it is advisable to regroup the children taking into account the entire volume of speech work. This approach helps differentiated work with children whose deficiencies are expressed mainly in the sound aspect of speech. Also during classes in mobile microgroups, lexical and grammatical categories are consolidated, work on the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception.

    Individual lessons make up a significant part of a speech therapist’s working time each day. They allow for the correction of speech and other deficiencies in psychophysical development, which are deeply individual for each student.

    The role of such activities is especially great in working with children of primary and secondary preschool age, whose characteristics make it difficult to establish productive contacts with adults, and even more so with peers. Nevertheless, a gradual move away from individual lessons to lessons in small subgroups during the school year makes it possible to optimize time expenditure and move on to the formation of some skills in the joint productive and speech activity of children.

    There are certain requirements for individual speech therapy sessions. When preparing and conducting them, the speech therapist must:

    formulate the topic and goals of the lesson;

    think through the stages of the lesson, their connection with each other;

    plan a gradual complication of the speech material of the lesson;

    carry out a differential approach to each child, taking into account the structure of the speech defect, age and individual characteristics;

    formulate instructions briefly and clearly;

    use varied and colorful visual material;

    be able to create a positive emotional background in the lesson.

    The main task of individual lessons is the initial formation of the sound side of speech, which includes a set of preparatory articulation exercises, correction of the pronunciation of defective sounds, the syllabic structure of the word, the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception.

    When determining the content of an individual speech therapy lesson, selecting speech and practical material, the speech therapist should strive to make the lesson not only interesting, but also as productive as possible, with high speech activity of the child. To do this, you can select lexical and grammatical games and games for the development of the higher mental function with words rich in automated sound.

    Individual lessons usually include the following stages: firstly, articulation gymnastics, then finger gymnastics, then work on staging or automating sound. Lexical material should contain the maximum number of fixed sounds. It is necessary to increase the pace of speech exercises from leisurely, exaggerated pronunciation to faster pronunciation and, finally, to tongue twisters. The requirement here is for a gradual complication of lexical material, a transition from simple types of speech activity to more complex ones - from elementary repetition of words with a speech therapist, to naming objects, descriptions, poems, retellings, compiling stories from pictures.

    – health-saving technologies. Health-saving technologies are very important for our children with disabilities, because... These are usually children with poor health. The selection of elements of various health-saving technologies depends on the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children.

    Health-saving technologies include visual gymnastics, changing static and dynamic poses, voice and breathing exercises, outdoor games of a speech nature, exercises for the correction of general and fine motor skills. Gradually incorporating various types of massage, dynamic pauses, finger games, and eye exercises into each lesson, the speech therapist creates the necessary atmosphere that reduces tension and allows you to use the entire lesson time more effectively. All exercises should be performed against the backdrop of positive responses from the child.

    Kravtsova O.A.

    Principles of developing correct speech

    Conditions are created for the formation of the correct language. It has long been proven that physical exercise and games contribute to the development of speech activity.

    • Even with a baby, it is useful to talk and praise his attempts to say something. For the correct development of children, parents are advised to react to these manifestations in a balanced and calm manner.
    • The structure of the language in adults must be correct. Children aged 2-3 years old are told “tu-tu” and “am-am”, and at 4-5 years old, it is useful for them to hear correct speech using literary language and correct pronunciation.
    • For constant development, the child comes up with new stories and fills his life with positive impressions. The more the baby wants to share emotions using language, the faster the period of preparatory work passes.

    Classes for children 4-5 years old

    At this age, it is time to prepare your child for school. There should be no problems with pronouncing sounds.

    If the baby speaks incorrectly, you need to figure out which sounds there are violations in the pronunciation of. You can try asking your child to repeat words that have a difficult sound. Examples:

    • “s” - sun, dog;
    • “z” - zebra, little hare;
    • “sh” - chocolate, ball;
    • “ch” - cup, suitcase;
    • “ts” - heron, king;
    • "r" - rocket, fish.

    It is better to offer the pronunciation of sounds separately.

    Before pronouncing each of them, do articulation gymnastics near the mirror. Then the speech apparatus is not only felt, but also seen.

    After pronouncing the sounds, they move on to working with syllables. If this is all right, the child is asked to repeat whole words containing complex sounds. The lesson is reinforced with free speech using them. This stage is continued until the baby learns to speak correctly.

    You need to prepare for the fact that such classes last several months until the production of sounds becomes competent.

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