Summary of a lesson on speech development “Toys” (middle group)

Entertainment “Favorite Toys” in the middle group

Entertainment scenario “Favorite Toys” in kindergarten for middle group children without preparation
Goal: creating a favorable emotional state, expanding knowledge about toys. Objectives: 1. Create a positive emotional mood. 2. Activate children’s existing knowledge and skills. 3. Form play activities. 4. Develop tactile memory, logical thinking, agility and endurance. 5. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Progress of the entertainment
Host: We have a lot of different holidays every year, which ones can you name, for example? Children: Birthday, New Year, March Eighth Presenter: But we don’t have a holiday that would be dedicated to our toys. From early childhood we are surrounded by various toys. Let's all celebrate our favorite toys together today. Host: I also had a favorite toy as a child. I was rarely apart from her. Want to know what toy this is? Children: Yes! Presenter: you must guess the riddle . He is my favorite toy, He sleeps with me on the pillow. We walk with him together - We live together happily! I read books to him - This is my teddy... (bear)
Host: My grandmother told me that at night all the toys come to life. And I always wanted to play with them. Let's play with the bear and do a warm-up. Ready? The warm-up “The bear cubs lived in the thicket” is being performed. The bear cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads. Like this, like this – twisting their heads. (Turns the head to the right and left)
The cubs were looking for honey, rocking the tree together. Like this, like this – they rocked the tree together.
(Tilts the body to the right and left)
And they walked around and drank water from the river. That’s how, that’s how they drank water from the river.
(Bends forward)
And they danced!
Together we raised our paws! Like this, like this, they raised their paws up! (Alternately raise their hands)
There’s a swamp on the way!
How can we cross it? Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Have fun, my friend! (Jumping up) Host: My little bear wants to be played with. Outdoor game “Teddy Bear” Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Children and an adult walk in a circle. Stop sleeping, in the center of the circle there is a little bear toy. Stop sleeping. We want to be with you, bear. The children begin to run in a circle. Play, play. They stop and clap their hands. You are cheerful children. The children run away, the “bear cub” catches up. Catch up, catch up. Come on, bear, come on, bear, catch us, catch us. Host: While we were warming up and playing, we received a package from a toy store. I will tell you riddles, and by guessing them, you will find out what is in the package. Ready? He is funny and funny. He jumps together with me. He jumps deftly like a bunny. Striped, round...... (Ball) The game “Pass the ball” is being played Presenter: But there is something else in the package. Round, smooth, like a watermelon... Any color, for different tastes. If you let him off the leash, he will fly away beyond the clouds. (Balloon) Games with a balloon First game: Run with the ball around the pyramid, pass it to the next person Second game: Jump with the ball between your legs around the pyramid Host: And there’s still a toy left in the package, guess which one? Amazing child: Just out of diapers, Can swim and dive, Like his own mother. (duckling) Host: And the duckling whispers in my ear that he wants to dance the dance of the little ducklings with you. Dance of ducklings Host: Friends, look, who is sitting there, bored? Children: Dog. Host: Now let's have some fun. (Takes a toy - a dog)
Game “Shaggy Dog” Here sits a shaggy dog, burying his nose in his paws. Quietly, quietly he lies, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see: what will happen? Children approach the dog. As soon as the poem ends, the dog gets up and barks. The children run away, the dog chases after them and tries to catch one of them and take them to him. When all the children hide, the dog returns to his place. Presenter: Well done! That's how clever and fast you are. Host: kids, who is this riddle about? He is cheerful, lively, and with a propeller behind his back, he lifts his spirits, loves sweet jam, and always makes the baby laugh. Who is this? Tell me! (Carlson) Carlson appears. Carlson: Well done, guys, you solved all the riddles. (Takes candy out of his pocket)
I wanted something sweet. Host: Wait, Carlson, you can play with the candy. Let's see who can run with the candy without dropping it. Carlson: Well, that's easy. It's much more difficult to run without eating it. Host: So let’s see who can cope with this “difficult” task. Game “Candy in a Spoon” Children run around the pyramid, holding the candy in a spoon. Host: Kids, maybe we can draw our favorite toy and give it to Carlson. Children draw Carlson: Thank you, my friends. I really love sweets. You probably love it too? I am treating you all to a very tasty candy. You deserve it. Presenter: We played with toys, We read poems about them, We danced together. And now the time has come for us to part, friends.

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Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “My favorite toys”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

"My favorite toys"


Develop speech by writing descriptive stories using graphic diagrams.



Teach children to write a descriptive, coherent and consistent story about toys using a diagram.

Strengthen the ability to examine an object from perceiving it as a whole to identifying essential features.

In the description - define the object, consistently describe the parts, properties (color, shape, size, qualities, actions with it, and at the end express a value judgment.

Use in speech the names of objects, their parts, details, materials from which they are made.

Developmental tasks:

Strengthen correct pronunciation skills

Develop phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills

Develop grammatical structure of speech.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Demo material:

Soft bear toy, graphic diagram for describing toys, pictures of various toys, pictures of animals, toys for description: doll, car, ball; a set of toys for Ira.

Vocabulary work:

Expand your active vocabulary with quality adjectives.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational part.


Guys, a guest has come to us, but you need to guess who this guest is.

“He is a strict master in the taiga. He wanders in the thickets without a road. Loves honey, raspberries, fish, sleeps in winter without waking up. And from birth he is clubfooted, sucks his paw instead of a pacifier, loves to roar loudly... Tell me who? …" Children:



That's right, kids, it's a bear. He's hiding somewhere, let's call him, just quietly so that he doesn't get scared.


Children call the bear, saying the word
(in a whisper)


He doesn't hear us. Let's call the bear a little louder.


Children call the bear, saying the word


He still doesn't hear us. Let's call the bear loudly.


Children call the bear, saying the word

(A toy bear appears.)


Hello guys. I've been staring at your toys. Do you love playing with these toys? Do you have any favorite toys?

2. Main part:


Bear, of course we love to play with the toys that we have in our group. And we will tell you about our favorite toys. Bear, sit down next to us and listen to how the guys describe their favorite toys. Our diagram will help us describe toys.

Compiling descriptive stories using graphic diagrams

What is this? Color. Magnitude. Form. Details. How can I play?


And also, Mishka, we have a funny toy
, guys, let’s show how we play with Vanka-Vstanka.

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