Advanced training “Probe massage” for speech therapists

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Speech therapy massage is a method of restoring normal speech function, which is widely used as part of an integrated approach. It allows you to speed up the process of correcting speech defects and get impressive results in a short time. There are no age restrictions for the use of such a massage; it can be recommended by a pediatrician or prescribed by a speech therapist. Massage is provided as part of an appointment with a speech therapist.

This method can effectively complement articulation, breathing exercises, and other methods of stimulating the development of normal speech.

Order of conduct

There are two types of speech therapy massage. The first involves working only with your fingers, the second involves the use of special tools. A doctor can prescribe one or another type of massage for certain indications.

The procedure includes a combination of techniques:

  • respiratory correction;
  • massaging the facial muscles;
  • neck muscle massage;
  • massaging speech structures (tongue, inner surface of cheeks, lips) using a probe.

Manual or manual massage consists of stroking, pinching, and rubbing. In some cases, the doctor uses auxiliary instruments - a pacifier, a spatula, a toothbrush. The specialist’s actions are aimed at kneading the muscles and improving the blood supply to the tissues. Manual massage also includes acupressure, in which the master influences reflex zones.

Children's speech therapy massage using a probe was developed by speech therapist E. V. Novikova. This technique involves influencing areas of the speech apparatus using 9 different types of probe. The choice of a specific tool takes into account the problem area, as well as the severity of the speech disorder. Different shaped probes are designed to produce different effects.

Studying programs

MASPC (ANO DPO "Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex") conducts training for speech therapists according to the following programs:

  • “Probe massage. Non-traditional methods of speech therapy correction of speech disorders of varying complexity" (240 hours);
  • “Speech therapy and probe massage for children and adults” (72 hours).

The courses are aimed at developing a theoretical basis for speech therapists with specialized education, so those wishing to undergo training must provide supporting documents. The Academy operates on the basis of license No. 040564 dated January 16, 2021.

Results of speech therapy massage

The method allows you to change the condition of muscles, nerve fibers, and blood vessels of the speech apparatus. This technique makes it possible to speed up the process of normalizing pronunciation, as well as the emotional state of children with speech defects. Massage can have a beneficial effect on tissues, improve the secretory function of the skin and activate blood and lymph flow. This leads to improved metabolic processes and oxygen supply to tissues.

The rhythmic movements of a specialist accelerate the outflow of venous blood, the function of lymphatic vessels improves, the structure of the muscular system changes (the elasticity of muscle fibers, contraction strength, and performance increase). The use of various techniques makes it possible to reduce the tone of spastic muscles and increase it with flaccid paresis.

Thus, speech therapy massage allows you to obtain the following effects:

  • normalization of muscle tone, muscle contraction processes;
  • stimulation of the muscles responsible for producing certain sounds;
  • stimulation of blood circulation, acceleration of nerve impulses;
  • relief of spasm;
  • assistance in the child’s understanding of the controlled and uncontrolled areas of the speech apparatus and their management;
  • decreased salivation caused by diseases of the nervous system;
  • strengthening the pharyngeal reflex;
  • facilitating the process of correcting sound pronunciation.

A speech therapy massage specialist will conduct a session as part of your appointment, and will also tell you how you can consolidate the results at home. He will explain some techniques so that you can independently stimulate the development of your child’s speech apparatus.


Probe massage in the correction of dysarthria in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, teacher Tomilina Svetlana Mikhailovna

Julia, 06/18/2018

Hello!!! Many thanks to Svetlana Mikhailovna Tomilina for holding a seminar on probe massage. The seminar went off without a hitch. It was very interesting. Thank you very much for your hospitality!

Natalya Tretyakova, 04/26/2018

Attended the seminar “Probe massage in the correction of dysarthria.” I spent a very long time deciding which center and which teacher to choose. I finally decided, and I think the choice was made correctly. Svetlana Mikhailovna Tomilina is a pleasant woman, an excellent teacher, she presents information in an accessible and interesting way. I really liked that there were many examples from personal experience, and not just a presentation of theory. I studied this topic on my own using books, but my head was a complete mess. Svetlana Mikhailovna gave direction on what literature, what authors to pay attention to in the future, everything fell into place. Svetlana Mikhailovna takes a realistic view of life and work as a speech therapist. Special thanks for the parting words at the end of the seminar.

Olga Kalashnikova, 04/03/2016

Good afternoon, Svetlana Mikhailovna! I, a participant in the master class on probe and hardware massage, Olga Yuryevna Kalashnikova. Thank you very much for the master class. You have opened a lot of new things for us. Thank you for your patience with us.

Daria, 1st category speech therapist teacher, Kyiv, 04/03/2016

Good afternoon, Svetlana Mikhailovna!

My name is Daria. I am a first category speech therapist teacher. I work in a logo center at a school. I have been using your methods and probes in my work for more than three years. I am very grateful to you for all your knowledge that you teach speech therapists to increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

Golubyatnikova O.I., 05/17/2015

Svetlana Mikhailovna! Thank you very much! Wonderful seminar! Excellently systematized material, I gained knowledge both theoretical and those that can be used in practical activities, everything is incredibly relevant, interesting, lively, fun! I wish you further development!

Kopylova Elena, Puzrina Tatyana speech therapists, Moscow, 05/17/2015

Svetlana, thank you very much for the interesting seminar on May 16-17, 2015. I really liked everything: the theoretical part, which you presented consistently and interestingly, and the good practical part, which helped us systematize the knowledge that we already had. We will try, despite the end of the school year, to take advantage of the knowledge gained and put it into practice. Thank you again for your positivity and for sharing your invaluable experience.

Kovaleva Svetlana, Moscow, 03/24/2015

Svetlana Mikhailovna, I will never tire of admiring you! Thank you for all the seminars that take place in one breath. Good luck to you, inspiration for new “horizons” and grateful listeners.

Averkieva Natalya, speech therapist, Moscow region, 03/24/2015

Svetlana, thank you for the seminar. I always had the assumption after reading books on probe massage that in the direct version these techniques are hardly applicable to children. Very scary glands and obscure recommendations. I didn’t expect that in these 2 days everything would fall into place. There was a lot of practice and useful recommendations. And not only for probe massage. Very interesting. Thank you. Now I’ll come for a speech therapy massage.

Irina Krayushkina, Moscow region, speech therapist, 03/24/2015

Thank you for a very useful and informative seminar. Finally, I figured out this variety of probes and probe substitutes! Finally, behind the dry texts of books on massage, a clear image of probe massage emerged. Now I'm not afraid. Everything fell on the shelves. And not only the head understands, but also the hands. I made a lot of little discoveries for myself! Thanks a lot.

Irina Marusiy, Moscow, speech therapist, 02/05/2015

Svetlana Mikhailovna, thank you very much for the seminar! You have completely satisfied the curiosity of a beginner about probe massage. I really want to try out the skills I have learned in practice. It's a pity that only after the holidays. I am going to come to the seminars that you recommended. Let's come with a friend.

Natalya Fedik, speech therapist, Velikiye Luki, 01/27/2015

Thank you for helping to shape my attitude towards the probe massage technique. I came to the seminar with complete confusion in my head on this issue. From the most enthusiastic opinions of colleagues to the most negative. The same goes for parents. Some say that this is a completely miraculous method, and some say that it is a waste of time and money. As I suspected, the problem turned out to be not in the methodology itself, how much the speech therapist generally understands diagnostics, and correctly makes decisions on choosing a strategy to help the child. I really liked the idea of ​​considering probe massage as an applied technique. I intuitively felt that this was exactly the case. Svetlana Mikhailovna, thank you for helping us understand this problem, teaching us a lot and infecting us with your positivity!

Razinkina Natalya Trubchevsk, 10/30/2014

Delight is the word I can use to express my perception of this seminar. Now, I know the master speech therapist - it’s you Svetlana Mikhailovna.

Heine Vera Sergeevna, 09/13/2014

A wonderful and necessary seminar. Svetlana Mikhailovna explained in an accessible and interesting way what disorders a particular type of massage is performed for, showed the techniques of speech therapy massage, explaining how to avoid mistakes. We enjoyed being both “children” and speech therapists in order to understand the sensations and learn the intricacies of this difficult activity. And most importantly, everything you heard and saw at the seminar can be reinforced at home using educational tapes. Thank you, Svetlana Mikhailovna!

Virsis Inga, Ufa, 04/10/2014

Dear Svetlana Mikhailovna! I took advanced training courses and my qualifications really improved!!!!!! At the seminar you receive information that is very useful in a practical sense, and later you understand that it works!!! The seminar took place in a calm, friendly atmosphere. Everything is explained extremely simply without unnecessary “water”. I discovered a lot of new knowledge for myself. I am impressed by your seminars. Thank you very much for your invaluable experience.

Elagina Farida, teacher-defectologist, Apatity, 03/18/2014

Dear Svetlana Mikhailovna!

We are very impressed by the courses held in Murmansk in February 2014. Your knowledge, public speaking skills, humor, and high professionalism allowed a large group of listeners (78 people) to gain knowledge, skills, and, most importantly, the desire to implement all this in their work. We admire you!

Subbotina Tatyana, 03/15/2014

Svetlana Mikhailovna, you inspire!

Goynova Marina Nikolaevna, 02/10/2014

Svetlana Mikhailovna!!! I express my gratitude to you for the seminar in Perm on June 27, 2013. The workshop was relevant, informative, interesting and very useful. At this seminar I received many answers to questions, learned new methods and techniques for producing sounds. The most exciting thing is the massage. Now I carefully study the literature on massage and provide massage not only to children, but also to adults. The performance is at a high level and it’s all thanks to you, Svetlana Mikhailovna. Be patient and good luck in your work! We are waiting for you in our city.

Savchenko G.V., 01/22/2014

Great and positive courses! Thank you very much, Svetlana Mikhailovna!!! I took courses 2 years in a row! After these courses, so much energy and enthusiasm appears! See you again! Thank you

Khabarova Olga, 06.11.2013

Svetlana Mikhailovna, hello. Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you.

I have always been wary of instrumental techniques. You confirmed my fears. It also seems to me that probe massage is an auxiliary tool, and the main thing is the hands. Thanks for the recommendation to use cheap replacement probes. Today I found quite suitable sticks at Auchan. I'll try it tomorrow. I study video materials. I watch the film again and again. I found many answers to questions that have been bothering me for a long time. I would really like to hear separately about the use of vibration massagers in speech therapy. A lot of them. But they are all without description. I would like to understand how they can be used. They are beautiful and look like toys. Children should like it. Thank you.

Barashkova Anna Vasilievna, 10.20.2013

10.17-21.2013 Participants of the workshop-seminar discovered the wonderful casket of knowledge and skills of Svetlana Mikhailovna Tomilina.

Svetlana Mikhailovna’s professional skill and unique ability to keep the audience in active interest mode worked wonders.

As a result of attending the workshop, the participants increased not only their professional level, but also their self-confidence!

Many colleagues have signed up to attend other training seminars.

Thanks to Svetlana Mikhailovna for her positive energy and creative professionalism!

Lysyuk, Makhmutova, 10/13/2013

Svetlana Mikhailovna, thank you very much for the knowledge gained and for the positivity in the classroom. We attended your courses with pleasure (which took place in Magnitogorsk), learned a lot of new and interesting things, and we are impressed. Thank you! We hope that our meeting is not the last.

G.Yu., 01/11/2013
Many thanks to the amazing teacher, who talks in a fascinating and clear way, revealing the whole topic to the end to the lecturer - Svetlana Mikhailovna Tomilina. Which held this seminar in December 2012 in Naberezhnye Chelny. Despite the fact that the time spent with her flew by very quickly, the listeners managed to receive a large amount of both theoretical and practical information. For which I would like to say a huge thank you to Svetlana Mikhailovna. We look forward to new meetings.

Speech therapist teachers: Valentina Senichkina, Nadezhda Telushkina, Murmansk, 10/22/2012

On May 1-2, 2010, we were glad to meet with the project manager at the educational project, Tomilina Svetlana Mikhailovna, at a workshop on speech therapy massage using probes and probe substitutes in the correction of sound pronunciation in children with dysarthria.

I admire the high level of professionalism, professional generosity, and accessibility in communication with this highly cultured specialist. We express our deep gratitude to Svetlana Mikhailovna for organizing the courses in the training center and for attracting highly qualified specialists: Arkhipova E.F., Polyakova M.A., Konovalenko S.V., Novikova E.V. and etc.

If you want to improve your professional level, we recommend that you attend workshops by Master Svetlana Mikhailovna Tomilina, as well as other specialists. The course schedule is on the training center website.

Veselova Ekaterina. Irkutsk, October 22, 2012

Dear Svetlana Mikhailovna! Thank you so much for your experience and for the charge of positive energy! I had a great desire to run to work! Thanks a lot. We are waiting for you again!

Contraindicated for whom

Massage is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: viral diseases (herpes), rash caused by bacterial infection, gingivitis, etc.;
  • enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • high body temperature;
  • symptomatic epilepsy;
  • intracranial hypertension.

Also, speech therapy massage is impossible in cases where the child, due to age or mental state, is unable to listen to the doctor, has a negative attitude towards his actions, and cannot sit still.

Requirements for Listeners

Note! To apply, it is enough to send scanned copies or photographs of documents, as well as to conclude a contract remotely. Copies of documents must be clear, legible, and easy to read. Students from a legal entity must send paper documents by mail before completing their studies.

Citizens of the Russian Federation

provide an application for admission to study and copies of the following documents:

  • Passports.
  • Diploma of higher or secondary vocational education*.
  • For admission on the basis of incomplete education - a certificate of study from the organization of higher or secondary vocational education in which the student is studying.
  • A document confirming the fact of changing the last name, first name or patronymic (if necessary).

Persons over 18 years old are accepted. Citizens of foreign countries

stateless persons
should check the list of documents with the reception department by phone or through the consultation application form.

More information about the admission process can be found here.

*the program of additional professional education may establish additional requirements for the category of students. You can find out more by phone or through the feedback form.

Advantages of visiting the Family Doctor clinic

The advantage of speech therapy massage as part of a specialist appointment is its affordable price, which makes this procedure in demand in many cases of speech defects. We offer our patients quality care.

  • Comprehensive diagnostics: accurate assessment of the state of the muscles of the speech apparatus, determination of the general state of health, speech disorders, etc.
  • Team approach: combining advanced techniques and correction techniques to achieve the desired result.
  • Professionalism of doctors: consultations are conducted by specialists with many years of experience.

To make an appointment at a time convenient for you, call the single contact center in Moscow, fill out the online appointment form or contact the clinic reception.
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You will learn and learn

Preparation according to the developed curriculum involves studying the following topics:

  • Massage as part of a complex of correctional and pedagogical interventions for speech disorders.
  • Features of the anatomical structure and functioning of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Diagnostic speech therapy examination.
  • Techniques for performing logomassage with various probes.
  • Fine motor skills of the hands: normal development in ontogenesis, disorders and their features, corrective measures.
  • Preparing a child's hand for writing.
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