A set of techniques for primary psychodiagnostics of a child 5–7 years old

We check compliance with the word pattern.

Ask your child to repeat after you words of 1-3 syllables.

Example words : chair, table, scarf, thunder, elephant, eyebrow, leaf, hail, snow, plaid, maple, food, cake, wolf, elevator, bread, hand, face, rose, fox, sea, grove, saw, sky , dew, goat, forest, axe, lawn, fence, spout, sand, skein, plant, scoop, sandpiper, bag, chest of drawers, bag, pattern, car, milk, knee, cabin, wheel, crown, feather bed, magpie, head , gate, town, bun, hammer, nightingale, fly agaric, pedestrian, samovar, leash, kitten, headband, scooter.

Assess whether the child follows the sequence of sounds and syllables. Use words that the child pronounces inaccurately or not always accurately. Avoid words that are overloaded with consonant clusters, when 2-3 consonant sounds come in a row (for example, pillar, potato). Let the child repeat several unfamiliar words of 2-3 open syllables: mine, viburnum.

If you had to teach your child the pronunciation of such words, check if he can repeat them after some time. Do not offer words with sounds that the child cannot pronounce or misses. All sounds must be pronounced somehow, albeit distorted.


a) The child confuses the order of syllables in familiar words; the same word can be pronounced differently. Sometimes the word is distorted beyond recognition. New words are remembered with great difficulty, learned words are quickly forgotten - there is ONR

b) The picture of the words is not damaged or is slightly damaged. A child sometimes swallows one of the sounds in familiar words: table - “tol”, scarf - “shaf”. This is not a system, but concerns some words. The child may confuse the order of syllables in unfamiliar words. If you learn a word with him, he is able to repeat it correctly after some time - the norm.

We check vocabulary.

Verbs. Perform clear actions and ask your child to name them. For example, you jump and ask, “What am I doing?”

Ask what certain objects do. For example, “What does the machine do?” - “He’s going.” - “What is the bird doing?” - “Flying.”

Nouns. Show your child an object or a picture with its image and ask “what is this?”

Sample words.

Body parts : eyebrows, cheeks, neck, head, stomach.

Clothes : underpants, socks, jacket, shirt, T-shirt, fur coat, hat, scarf, pants, trousers.

Plants : tree, flower, bush, rose, chamomile, dandelion, burdock, nettle.

Animals : dog, cat, hare, bear.

Baby animals : kitten, puppy, fox cub, wolf cub, tiger cub, elephant calf, frog.

Adjectives . Show your child an object and ask him to name its color. He must know the primary colors: black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, brown.

Ask to name the sizes of objects: large - small, long - short, narrow - wide, high - low.

Prepositions. Check the use of prepositions: in, on, above, under, behind, near. Place an object under the table and ask where the object is. For example, “Where is the pen?” - "Under the table". - "At the table". - "On the table".


a) The child does not know most words, does not speak adjectives and prepositions, uses the simplest nouns and several verbs in speech, including incorrectly. The child mixes words that are close in meaning: go - run, sofa - chair - severe form of OHP

The child has a poor vocabulary. He confuses the meanings of adjectives and prepositions - a milder form of OHP.

b) The child generally copes with the tasks and uses all the tested parts of speech. Ignorance of certain words is acceptable - the norm.

Methodology for psychological and pedagogical examination of children 4–5 years old

Tatiana Doshchinskaya

Methodology for psychological and pedagogical examination of children 4–5 years old

Methodology for psychological and pedagogical examination of children 4-5 years old

1. Disassembling and folding the nesting doll. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation towards magnitude and learning ability.

Equipment: four-seater (five-seater)


Conducting an examination : the adult gives the child a four-seater (five-seater)

matryoshka and asks to open it and look at other nesting dolls.
Then he offers to collect all the nesting dolls into one. If there is any difficulty, the adult takes the matryoshka doll and asks the child to watch how he does it: “First I take the small doll and look for a little smaller one, then I pick up a handkerchief for it, etc.” An adult demonstrates folding a nesting doll using the trial method , attracting the child’s attention to searching for the next part.
After training, the child is asked to complete the task independently. Assessment of the child’s actions: acceptance and understanding of the conditions of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability, attitude towards the result of one’s activities.

2. Dismantling and folding of the pyramid. The task is aimed at the child’s ability to distract from color and highlight quantity as the main principle of action, practical orientation to quantity.

Equipment: pyramid of four (six)

rings, rings of different sizes, different colors.

Conducting an examination : an adult invites the child to disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not act, the adult begins to disassemble it himself and involves the child in this action. In cases of difficulty, an adult shows how to select rings by size: “You need to take a big ring every time.”

. Then he shows how to apply one ring to another to see the difference in their size. After training, the child is asked to complete the task independently.

Assessing the child’s actions: acceptance and understanding of the conditions of the task, methods of execution, learning ability, attitude to the result.

3. Box of forms ( “mailbox”

). The task is aimed at checking the level of development of practical orientation towards form and learning ability.

Equipment: “mailbox”

– a plastic or wooden box with four
slots of different shapes; eight three-dimensional geometric shapes corresponding to the slots of the box.

Conducting an examination : an adult places a box in front of the child, paying attention to the slots, and lays out three-dimensional figures next to it so that the base of each figure, corresponding to the shape of the slot, is at the top. The child is asked to place all the figures into their slots, i.e., determine which slot this or that shape fits into. In case of difficulty, the adult asks the child to try on the figurine to the slot, turning it the right way, and shows how it should be done.

Assessing the child’s actions: see previous method .

4. Cut picture. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of holistic perception of an object picture.

Equipment: two identical subject pictures, one of them cut into three (four)

parts diagonally.

Conducting an examination : an adult shows the child three (four)

parts of the cut picture and asks to put the whole picture together:
“Make a whole picture

Training: an adult shows how to connect the parts into a whole. After this, he again invites the child to complete the task independently.

Assessing the child’s actions: see previous method .

5. Colored cubes. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of color perception (highlighting by word, color name)


Equipment: colored cubes of five (seven)

colors: 2 red, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 blue, 2 white
(blue and pink)

Conducting an examination : colored cubes are placed in front of the child and asked to show a cube of a certain color: “Show me where the red one is...”

Then they ask you to name the colors of all the cubes. If the child does not identify the color according to the word, training is carried out. The child is asked to show a cube similar to the one in an adult’s hand, i.e. the level of comparison is clarified. Then they are taught to correlate the color of the cube with the name word, repeating the color 2-3 times: “Show me where yellow is, here is yellow.
Find where the yellow one is .

Assessment of the child’s actions: acceptance of the task, the level of color perception is noted (comparison, recognition of color by word, purpose, learning ability, attitude to the result.

6. Take out the key.

For children 4 years of age . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual and effective thinking.

Equipment: wind-up toy, key.

Conducting an examination : a child is given a wind-up toy, and the key to it hangs so high that the child, standing on the floor, cannot reach it. The task is for the child to guess to use a chair (large and small chairs are located not far from him)

. No training is provided.

Assessment of the child’s actions: acceptance and understanding of the conditions of the task, methods of execution (whether he immediately guessed to take a large chair, whether there was an attempt to use a small chair or immediately refused to complete the task, attitude to the result.

For children 5 years of age . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment: plot picture depicting the situation: a boy is standing in the room, he has a typewriter in his hands, he is looking at the key that hangs on the wall, on a nail. Not far from the boy there are two chairs - a large one and a small one.

Conducting an examination : an adult invites the child to look at the picture, then says: “The boy wants to envy the car with a key, but does not know how to get it. Tell the boy how to get the key."

Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the conditions of the task, solving the problem in a visual and effective way, whether there are attempts to solve the problem in an effective way.

7. Account. The task is aimed at identifying quantitative ideas in the child.

Equipment: 15 flat sticks.

Carrying out the examination :

for children 4 years of age : 10 sticks are placed in front of the child and asked to take one, and then many. Training is carried out by imitation;

for children of the 5th year of life : counting sticks are placed in front of the child and asked to take two, one, three. Then the adult puts one stick on his palm, in front of the child, takes another stick and puts it on his palm, covering it with the other palm. The child is asked: “How much is there?”

Then they put another stick in the same palm and ask again:
“How many is there?”
, i.e., they check counting representations within three. In case of difficulties, training is provided. If the child cannot cope with choosing a certain number according to the word, then they offer a choice - one, two, three according to imitation.

Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task, choosing from a variety of one, two, three by word, by imitation, the ability to perform counting operations by representation.

8. Design. The task is aimed at identifying the child’s ability to create structures from four (five)

elements according to the model, learning ability.

Equipment: 10 flat sticks of the same color.

Conducting an examination : an adult builds a figurine from flat sticks behind the screen. Then he shows the building and asks the child to build the same one. If there are difficulties, the child is asked to build according to the demonstration.

Assessment of the child’s actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, ability to work according to a model, learning ability, attitude to the result.

9. Drawing (house, tree, person)

. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of the subject drawing, behavior in a certain situation, and the purposefulness of the activity.

Equipment: colored markers, pencils and paper.

Conducting an examination : the child is given paper and asked to draw one object first - a house. After this, they are asked to draw a person, and then a tree. No training is provided.

Assessment of the child’s actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, analysis of drawings: sketching, prerequisites for an object drawing, object drawing, leading hand, coordination of actions of both hands.

10. Game. The child’s interest in toys, the nature of the use of toys, the nature of the game (manipulation, procedural actions or plot elements)


Equipment: play area with a doll, strollers, sets of clothes and dishes for the doll, a car, cubes, soldiers, gates, a ball, a basin of water, small toys, “bi-ba-bo”


Conducting an examination : an adult invites the child to a play corner and emotionally involves him in joint actions with toys. First, you are asked to feed the doll. Then roll her in the stroller, then put her to bed. If the child does not want to play with the doll, he is asked to load the blocks into the machine and take part in the construction. An adult builds a road out of bricks, and then puts a small doll in the car and asks the child to drive it along the path. In case of refusal, the child is offered to play near a basin of water: one small toy (balls, fish, etc.) is dropped into it, then they are offered to catch them with a net.

Assessment of the child’s actions: attitude towards toys, interest and nature of actions with toys, selectivity in toys.

We check speech literacy.

Plural endings for nouns . Show your child one and two identical objects. Show one hand: “This is a hand,” show two hands: “And this is ... (hands).” A child is allowed to sometimes use incorrect endings: house - “houses”, tree - “trees”, but this should not be a system.

The feminine ending of the past tense verb . Tell your child: “The boy has come home. How can you say this about a girl? He’s home... (came).” - “The dog ran away from home. The dog... (ran away).”

Plural endings for adjectives. Show your child the picture and ask: “The flower is red. And the flowers? ... (Red.)".

Suffix for the diminutive form of nouns . Show your child a pair of identical objects or their images that differ in size (for example, two houses). Say: “This is a big house. And this is a small house." Show the following pair of objects: “This is a big sheet. And this is a small... (leaf).” It would not be a mistake if the child uses another diminutive suffix: leaf, leaflet.

Verb prefixes with the opposite meaning. Prefixes pri-, y-. Say two sentences with opposite meanings. The child needs to complete the second statement by correctly using the prefix: “The boy came home. The boy from home... (left).” Prefixes v-(vo-) and you-. The task is similar to the previous one: “A boy came through the door. The boy from the door... (came out).”


a) The child speaks extremely illiterately. He does not use endings, prefixes, or suffixes at all, and if he does use them, it is most often incorrectly, without taking into account their inherent meaning - a severe form of OHP.

The child incorrectly pronounces certain grammatical forms, for example, plural adjectives or prefixed verbs - a mild form of OHP.

b) The child speaks competently. Occasionally he uses incorrect endings, prefixes and suffixes, which, nevertheless, express the required meaning: “houses” instead of house, “leaf” instead of leaf – the norm.

What happens in the first 4 years of life

The first four years of life are an important period for a child's development. It is at this moment that the formation of qualities and skills begins. The baby shows interest in the world around him, learns to trust people, develops general self-esteem, etc. In addition, the following processes undergo physiological maturation:

  • motor skills;
  • sensory;
  • speech;
  • emotional sphere, etc.

The psychology of 3-4 year old children is changing, thus adapting to independent life. This age is characterized by a break in character, the task of parents is not to break it, but to guide it, so adults need to be patient and wise, adequately perceive children's whims, and calmly explain: what is good and what is bad.

At 3-4 years old, the child’s behavior begins to take on new shades, which sometimes discourages mothers and fathers. The baby becomes capricious, uncontrollable, whiny, and stubborn. Many parents often make a mistake and begin to hobble their children in an authoritarian manner. This approach is incorrect and only generates negativity, developing a number of complexes.

However, there are several types of pathologies that are not recognized by parents in a timely manner. At the age of 3-4 years, a number of psychomotor development disorders appear (autism, speech delay, etc.). Sometimes the diagnosis of such conditions is delayed due to the inattention of loved ones and teachers. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of severe and irreversible disorders, their timely identification and correction is necessary.

Checking phrasal speech

Two-word sentences (subject + predicate). Show your child how a toy dog ​​runs. If the child himself does not comment on the actions, ask: “What is the dog doing?” The child can answer in monosyllables: “Running.” Then ask: “Who is running?” The child will say: “Dog.” Although he has not constructed a detailed phrase, he has this phrase in his head. Do the same action with other toys. If the child is silent, encourage him to say: “Here is a dog running. And now? (A cat, a bunny is running.)" Using the same toys, depict other actions: "Here is a dog running. And now... (the dog jumps, bites, barks).” Use gestures and onomatopoeia to explain actions. Combine the last two tasks, pushing the child to utter complete phrases: “The dog is barking. The cat meows. The cat is running. The dog is running. The dog is jumping."

Three word sentences (subject + predicate + object). Perform actions whose meaning can only be conveyed by a verb with an object: waving my hand, bathing a doll. Ask: “What am I doing?” If a child uses a verb without an object: “You’re waving,” clarify: “With what?” - “Waving your hand.” Sample sentences . You kiss mom. You wash your hands. You are brushing your teeth. You are petting the cat. You throw the ball. You comb your hair. You are looking for a pen.

Sentences with two subjects or predicates with the conjunction “and” or “a”. Use two toys to perform the same action: “The dog and the cat are running. The dog and cat are eating." The child comments on the actions. A similar task for sentences with listed predicates: “The dog runs and barks. The dog barks and bites." Perform various actions with toys: “The cat runs and the dog sits. The dog barks and the cat meows.”

Sentences with prepositions . Perform actions that can be commented on using prepositions: in, to, by, on, above, under, for, near. Sample sentences . You look out the window. The ball rolls on the floor. You go to the window. You put your pen on the table. The ball rolled under the sofa. You are standing near the table.

Ask leading questions.


A) The child does not form phrases, uses individual words, and fills in gaps in speech with gestures. Sentences are constructed grammatically incorrectly, prepositions and conjunctions are not used in speech - a severe form of OHP.

It is difficult to construct independent sentences; basically, the child tries to repeat after you. Sentences based on opposition are difficult to come by - an easier form of OHP.

B) The child copes with tasks; sometimes he may confuse prepositions - this is normal.

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