Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speechconsultation on speech therapy on the topic

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

Vocabulary, dictionary are words denoting objects, phenomena, actions and signs of the surrounding reality. There are active and passive dictionaries. Active vocabulary – words that the child speaks. Passive vocabulary - words that the child understands.

The grammatical structure of speech is a system of interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. There are morphological and syntactic levels of the grammatical system. Morphological level – the ability to master word formation techniques. Syntactic level - the ability to compose sentences by combining words grammatically correctly.

So, by the age of 1 year , with normal speech development, the child’s active vocabulary should reach 10-15 words (“ko-ko”, “bi-bi”, mom, dad, etc.). By the end of the 2nd year - 300 words, while sentences should appear in the speech of the baby. By the age of 3, the vocabulary increases approximately three times and reaches 1000 words, the child constructs simple common or even complex sentences. By the age of 4, the child’s speech capabilities increase. A preschooler has a sufficient vocabulary for communicating with adults and peers, which reaches 2000 words, and uses complex, including complex sentences.

Speech development delay (SSD) is characterized by slower than normal rates of native language acquisition. Moreover, the lag is uniform in the formation of all components of the language. A speech therapy report is given to a child at 1-2 years of age. At an older age, the conclusion can be clarified and changed to ONR, FFNR; dysarthria, alalia, dyslalia, stuttering.

Parents should remember that if the speech development of their child is significantly delayed, and some deviations were noted during pregnancy, childbirth or during the early development of the baby, they should not delay contacting specialists: a neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist. It is necessary to carry out the necessary research in time, determine the causes of delayed speech development and provide assistance to the child, start classes with a psychologist and speech therapist.

Poor vocabulary hinders full communication, and therefore the overall development of the child. Conversely, a rich vocabulary is a sign of well-developed speech and an indicator of a high level of mental development.

Timely development of vocabulary is one of the important factors in preparing for school education. Children who do not have sufficient vocabulary experience great difficulties in learning, not finding suitable words to express their thoughts. Teachers note that students with a rich vocabulary solve arithmetic problems better, master reading and grammar more easily, and are more active in mental work in class .

In our Center, speech therapists conduct classes on vocabulary development and the formation of the grammatical structure of a child’s speech starting from 1.5 years of age.

When carrying out the work, linguistic and psycholinguistic ideas about the word, the structure of the meaning of the word, patterns of formation of vocabulary, grammatical categories in ontogenesis, and features of vocabulary in preschoolers are taken into account.

From 1.5 to 2 years, the main objectives of classes on speech development are the development of understanding of speech and the ability to imitate sound combinations and words, the accumulation of vocabulary, the formation of speech as a means of communication with others.

In the 3rd year of life, the tasks of speech development are diverse: “training” children to understand the speech of others without visual accompaniment, expanding the active vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, developing verbal communication with adults and peers.

In the 4th year of life, the expansion of the active and activation of the passive vocabulary of children continues on the material: “Toys”, “Family”, “Parts of the body”, “Toilet items”, “Utensils”, “Food”, “Animals”, “Furniture” ", "Transport", etc.

Children master such grammatical norms as: the use of possessive pronouns my, mine in combination with masculine and feminine nouns; use of nouns in V.p, D.p, T.p. in singular and plural; the use of nouns with a diminutive suffix; nouns in singular and plural (“One – many”); nouns with singular and plural present tense verbs (Sasha sculpts. Children sculpt); the use of simple prepositions in speech: on, in, under, for, at, to, with, on, above; the use of the most accessible antonymic relations (tall - short, thick - thin, kind - evil), etc.

By the age of 5, the child’s speech is enriched with a vocabulary on the following topics: “Mushrooms”, “Berries”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Dishes”, “Wild animals”, “Pets”, “ Poultry”, “Furniture”, “Body Parts”, “Transport”, “Professions”, “Insects”, etc.

Selection of lexical material on a thematic basis contributes to: systematic assimilation and memorization; repeated repetition throughout the entire training period; increasing the effectiveness of vocabulary work in the context of practical activities.

The formation of grammatical concepts includes: exercises on inflection; word formation exercises; use of prepositions; composing sentences of various structures with gradual complication.

At the age of 5-6 , vocabulary on previously covered topics is consolidated, and also formed on new ones: “Trees”, “Migratory Birds”, “Animals of the North”, “Animals of Hot Countries”, “Hats”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “March 8 Holiday”, “Transport” (ground, underground, water, air),

The development of grammatical structure includes: practicing case endings of singular nouns; converting nouns into I.p. singular to plural; agreement of verbs with singular and plural nouns (an apple grows, apples grow); agreement of the numerals two and five with nouns; formation of verbs of motion with prefixes; the use of complex prepositions due to, from under, about, near, the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives (long - longer - the longest); consolidating ways of forming new words using prefixes and suffixes, etc.

At 6-7 years old, the vocabulary is expanded and refined on the topics: “Autumn”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Mushrooms”, “Migratory Birds”, “Trees”, “Furniture”, “Winter”, “New Year’s Holiday” , “Clothing”, “Hats”, “Wintering birds”, “Tools”, “May 9 Holiday”, “School supplies, etc.

The improvement of the grammatical structure of the senior preschooler’s speech continues: consolidation of the use of case endings of nouns in singular and plural; agreement of nouns with numerals; formation of names of cubs; formation of possessive adjectives, formation of relative adjectives, reflexive verbs; methods of forming new words are fixed using prefixes and suffixes, by addition (steamer, plane, cook), etc.

Didactic games are used to solve all speech development problems. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, changes and formation of words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech. Vocabulary didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in the words and actions of the players. Didactic games are an effective means of consolidating grammatical skills, since due to the dialectic, emotional nature of the game and the interest of children, they make it possible to practice the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms.

Without special organized training, play aimed at expanding the vocabulary and life experience of children with speech disorders does not arise independently.

In modern speech therapy, the problem of forming the lexico-grammatical structure of speech is one of the most pressing problems.

Directions of speech development

The child’s speech and grammatical structure develop simultaneously in several directions: the ability to use speech in practice when communicating with people around him is formed, along with the development of speech, the mental component of the personality is rebuilt, the child begins to think and produce inner speech.

The literature on the research topic, combined with the research methods used, showed the degree of importance and significance of working with the speech development of preschool children. It is during this period of his life that a person most actively acquires spoken language.

It is now that the strongest foundations of his lexical, phonetic and grammatical aspects of speech are laid.

If you miss the opportunity to help a child at this age form literate speech and grammatical structure of speech, then in the future it will no longer be possible to create such a favorable environment for this. Right now, before the child goes to school, it is so necessary to help him become interested in the topic of his native language, feel a taste for it and acquire the desire to express his thoughts to other people through speech as accurately and competently as possible.

By the age when the time comes to move to the preparatory group, subject to pedagogical conditions, the child usually has a fairly wide vocabulary and copes well with the task of forming sentences with different constructions.

Also, children of this age usually cope well with the agreement of words in case, gender and number, easily work with word formation of verbs of different tenses, and pronounce sounds correctly.

Children of this age are also good at talking about what happened to them, retelling the contents of a book or a cartoon that is interesting to them.

Without difficulty, they are also given the task of describing some object or picture, talking about the phenomena of the surrounding world.

Studying the theory of the issue under study allowed us to conclude that the topic of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, especially the development of the skill of working with morphology in the word formation of nouns, verbs and other parts of speech, is more than relevant.

Modern methods of forming syntactic structure

The development of grammatical structure is an important stage in full speech and psychological development. These days, schools place high demands on future students. This is due to the fact that recently there has been a significant increase in the complexity of the school curriculum.

Modern work on the formation of the foundations of grammar contains the following categories:

  • inflection;
  • word formation;
  • coordination;
  • formation of sentences and phrases.

The child should become familiar with all of the above basics in preschool age. Formation work must be carried out systematically. Parents play a huge role in this process.

Dysgraphia with unformed grammatical speech

The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of linguistic units with each other. Parents and teachers should carefully monitor its development in children. If violations occur, it is imperative to contact a specialist to prevent more serious consequences.

With delayed development of syntactic structure, dysgraphia may occur. This disease is characterized by the inability to master writing with a sufficient level of intelligence. Violation of grammatical agreement is one of the symptoms of deviation. It is important that parents do not scold the child for mistakes, but first of all try to figure out why they occurred. Perhaps the child has a disorder, the correction of which should be carried out by a specialist.

Agrammatic dysgraphia is caused by incompleteness of the lexical-syntactic structure of speech. In this case, it is difficult for the child to establish the sequence of words in a sentence. There are often syntactic violations in which children miss significant parts of the sentence. If these symptoms are present, any highly qualified specialist will diagnose that the development of the grammatical structure of speech is slow. This is possible if you do not want to learn or if there are violations.

Didactic games in the formation of speech grammar

Didactic games also play a big role in the formation of the grammatical structure of language and correct speech in preschool children.

It is best to conduct didactic games with a group of children. It has been noticed that it is games in a group that best contribute to the development of a child’s intelligence and his ability to interact with other people.

Didactic games conducted during speech correction classes for preschoolers helped to improve the level of grammatical structure of speech, which clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of this method as a means of developing grammatically correct speech in preschoolers with SLD.

Techniques used to form grammatical speech

Pedagogical techniques that are used to form grammatical speech are varied. They are determined by the content, the level of unusualness of the material, the speech characteristics of children and their age. The main techniques for teaching grammatical skills include:

  • example;
  • explanation;
  • comparison;
  • renewal.

Thanks to them, it is possible to eliminate possible errors when constructing sentences and demonstrate to the child the correct constructions.

Development of vocabulary and syntactic structure

Experts distinguish two types of vocabulary acquisition: qualitative and quantitative. They are closely interconnected. The quantitative increase in vocabulary is due to the child’s surrounding world. Its replenishment is associated with the speech of adults and peers. It is known that today a three-year-old child has about 3 thousand words in his vocabulary.

Accumulated words cannot themselves serve as a means of knowledge and communication. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech plays an important role. To communicate and learn, a child needs to correctly construct sentences and phrases using the basics of grammar.

With age, the child gradually begins to acquire a semantic meaning for the words that are in his stock. At first, errors in the use of roots, prefixes and suffixes may be observed.

By about three years of age, the grammatical structure of children’s speech is formed. They begin to understand the main principles of constructing sentences and phrases. At this age, the child declines words according to cases and numbers. He can construct simple and complex sentences. The vocabulary gradually increases. At this stage, it is important to give the child enough attention and use educational games.

The grammatical structure of speech of the senior preschool group is gradually improving. Children master types of declensions and conjugations, forms of alternation of sounds and methods of word formation. At this stage, the size of the child’s vocabulary plays an important role. At the age of 4-5 years, children can use them thoughtfully, and thanks to the grammatical structure, modify them.

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