Voiced and unvoiced, consonants and vowels, hissing sounds. Table, memo 1-2 grades


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It is no coincidence that hissing consonant sounds received such an interesting name: they really seem to hiss, since they are pronounced in a special way. Our article for 2nd grade students talks about them in detail: what groups such sounds are divided into, what features and phonetic characteristics they have.

The material was prepared jointly with a teacher of the highest category, Kuchmina Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Experience as a teacher of Russian language and literature - 27 years.

What are these sounds and how to pronounce them

Hissing sounds stand out from the rest by the acoustic noise they produce, that is, hissing. They can be pronounced correctly only with the lips open and slightly extended forward, while the teeth are almost closed. This creates a gap through which the air hisses. Thus, a striking example of a hissing consonant sound is the sound [ш], which is clearly pronounced in this way, without adding a voice. All four of these sounds are always pronounced while exhaling. At the same time, the sound does not pass from the sides: it is blocked by the tongue, pressed against the molars and hard palate. That is, in order to pronounce a hissing sound correctly, you need to “make” a ladle out of your tongue.

We can say that they are of a complex nature: they are difficult to pronounce not only for children, but also for many adults. To learn how to do this correctly, you need to monitor not only the position of your tongue and lips, but also the exhaled air: its stream passes approximately in the middle and should be wide enough. You can check this by raising your hand to your mouth.

If you monitor your articulation, you will notice that all hissing sounds are based on one thing - [w]. So, [g] appears if you add a voice to it, that is, trembling of the vocal cords. With [ш] the middle part of the tongue rises, and with [h] a stop in front of the labial-dental fissure is added to this rise.

The concept of transcription

Voiced and unvoiced, consonants and vowels, hissing letters are best displayed in phonetic transcription. The letter fixation of speech does not reflect its sound appearance. The graphic representation of speech is ambiguous in many cases (example: the letter yu can mean 2 sounds or 1).

To accurately convey spoken speech in writing, a transcription method was developed.

Phonetic transcription is designed to convey even the subtle features of sounds due to aspects of acoustics and articulation. Transcription phonetic notation is always enclosed in square brackets. To indicate some sound parameters, additional (diacritical) signs are used, for example, ['] a sign for the softness of a consonant sound.

Unpaired or paired?

The science of the Russian language considers the sounds [ch] and [sch] to be unpaired, and [zh] and [sh] to be paired only according to one attribute. And indeed, since there are other sounds that have a pair, they cannot be completely combined. However, there are two characteristics by which they can be combined into groups - voiced/dull and hard/soft. So, [zh] and [sh] are only hard sounds, and [h] and [sch] are soft. It doesn’t matter what vowels come after them. Even if you put a soft sign after the letter denoting a hard sibilant, the sound will be pronounced hard.

As for the division into voiceless and voiced, the first category includes [w], [h] and [sch], and the second - only [zh], since when it is pronounced, a voice is added. Thus, [zh] and [sh] are paired based on deafness/voice.

Once upon a time it was different: [f] and [w] were soft, but already from the 14th century they began to become the same as today, that is, hard.

Learning letters

Letters by earCollect wordsLetters by sound
Repeat the lettersRecognize lettersLexicon

In the history of Russian of the tongue [шг] and [ж'] underwent hardening, and [ч'\ was preserved as a soft consonant; hardening Sh. dates back to the 14th century: during this period, the spellings sh and z followed by the letter s appeared in monuments: live, live, Shyshkin (Spiritual Letter of Dmitry Donskoy, 1389). Modern spelling retains the traditional spelling of the letters i and ъ (at the end

nouns gender and certain forms of verbs) after w and f: sew, fat, mouse, rye, carry, don’t disturb.

Modern long Sh. s. [YAG] and [zh'] arose from

Ancient Russian combinations [sh't'sh'], [zh'd'zh'] (going back to the combinations respectively 'stj, 'skj, *sk and 'zdj, *zgj. 'zg) as a result of the loss of the explosive element in these combinations in words such as looking for - [ish't'sh'u]> >[ish'u], bream - [l'ssh't'sh'v]>[l'esh'a], yeast - [d6zh'd'zh'i\>\dr6Zh'i], rain -

\d6zh'd'zh'ik]>[d6Zh'ik]. They remain soft in many Russians. dialects and in Old Moscow. pronunciation, which formed the basis of the oral form of Lit. language (see Moscow pronunciation); in other dialects they were hardened, and

sometimes saved in the form [shch'}, [zhj'] or [sht'], [zh']. In modern rus. lit. language there is a tendency to pronounce the hard [zh\: []ezhu], [vbzhy], [v'iZhat'] or the combination [zh']

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Russian alphabet transcription

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The alphabet is not complicated. Everything is the same, just a little more letters. And, here, word formation... There is an absolute dead end here. Recently I came across a Bible written in Old Church Slavonic. Miracle. The same sentences were written in different words, phrases and expressions, but the meaning was still the same. Here you can make a comparison with RSL (Russian Sign Language) (Language of the Deaf) For the same words, depending on the emotional coloring, on the hidden meaning embedded in the phrase and on the person who composed this phrase, its appearance fully depends

Alphabet There are two writing systems used for the Serbo-Croatian language: the Croatian Latin alphabet (gajevica) and the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet (vukovica). In Bosnia and Montenegro, the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet are officially equal. In Croatia, only the Latin alphabet is used. In Serbia, the Cyrillic alphabet is officially the only alphabet, but outside of official use the Latin alphabet is used almost as often, and a number of Serbian newspapers are published only in the Latin alphabet. The Latin alphabet certainly dominates the Internet.

song “Alphabet” (lyrics by I. Reznik, music by R. Pauls). A! — We’ll go through the alphabet together, B! “We’ll sing it like a song.” IN! - We'll sing it merrily! G! - Louder than thunder, louder than thunder! D! - Today is a musical day, E! — We have vocal talent, J! — Living without knowledge was boring! 3! - Knowledge is our strength! AND! - And the paths are open for that, K! - Who will make friends with the alphabet? L! - Horse, llama, lily of the valley, spoon, M! - Blizzard, metro, matryoshka. N! - Sky, net, thread, bride, Oh! - Gadfly, cloud, orchestra! P! — The parrot sings from the notes. R! — A swarm of bees builds honeycombs. WITH! — The dragonfly is chirping in the garden, T! — The dachshund stomps its paws. Uh! - The duck is listening to records, F! - Flamingo tries Fanta! X! - The choir is not bad, the choir has hearing! C! - The king of beasts is his support! Ch! “We honor him,” he growls purely! Sh! — He will replace six soloists! SCH! — The song gives us a generous world. Eh! — This day brought us together: Yu! - Comedians, optimists, ME! - Nursery-Sadov artists.

Consonants of the Russian alphabet

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Modern alphabet of the Russian language

There is no need to torment your child with the alphabet. There is a wonderful primer by Zhukova (green cover), when studying with it, the child begins to read immediately. My son studied with it and everyone I knew who used it was very pleased. I wish your child success in his studies! And they will teach him the alphabet at school when he is older.

Count everything in a row - he will remember. And start with an idea of ​​quantity; automatically pronouncing numbers in order is not particularly useful. Why alphabet at 5 years old? He'll learn it later.

Educational games Educational games are very important for children. It seems to the child that he is just having fun, but in fact he is training his imagination, thinking, and developing his creative abilities. Of course, for a child from 1 to 3 years old and for a child from 3 to 7 years old should be different, because the actions and concepts that children of these ages master are different. For example, children from 1 to 3 years old must learn to distinguish objects by shape, color, and size. They learn to speak. By the age of three, role-playing games appear. From three to seven, active speech is already formed and the child actively uses it to communicate and understand the world - communicates, asks questions. He already recognizes himself as a part of the world of people with all the diversity of human relationships. Children at this age actively play role-playing games. This is the age of why. During this period, special attention must be paid to the development of the child’s logical thinking. Online educational games designed for preschool children will help you develop your child’s abilities.

We all had to learn to work on a computer at one time or another; this is an acquired skill, no one was born with it. As you know, for a child, especially a preschooler, the best form of education is play. Everything is simple here. A child likes a toy, plays with it, and at the same time, automatically and effortlessly learns the basics of working on a computer. Almost on an intuitive level, he understands how to open the section he needs on the website, download the toy he is interested in... Such learning happens very quickly - the child is not “learning”, but just playing!

Phonetic characteristics

Sound [zh]:

  1. Consonant.
  2. Voiced paired (pair – [w]).
  3. Hard unpaired (always hard).

Sound [sh]:

  1. Consonant.
  2. Voiceless double (pair – [f]).
  3. Hard unpaired (always hard).

Sound [h']:

  1. Consonant.
  2. Voiceless unpaired (always voiceless).
  3. Soft unpaired (always soft).

Sound [ш']:

  1. Consonant.
  2. Voiceless unpaired (always voiceless).
  3. Soft unpaired (always soft).

Other types of consonants

There are a few more names that you need to remember to easily understand the rules.


Due to the peculiarities of pronunciation in our language, some consonants in words “fall out”: sun - [l], stairs - [t], hello - [v].

To check an unpronounceable sound, you need to choose a single-root word in which there will be a vowel after the dubious consonant or there will be no combination of several consonants. For example, we check “hello” with the word “health”, “sun” - “sunny”, “sun”.


This is when two identical consonants are nearby. The most famous example is the double NN rule.

Words that have double consonants in the root are usually borrowed: ammonium, ton, kilogram.

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