Differentiated speech therapy massage for relaxation Arkhipova E.F. methodological development in speech therapy

Why is speech therapy massage needed?

Speech therapy massage refers to methods of active mechanical influence on the muscles of the organs of the speech apparatus - tongue, lips, palate, cheeks, face in whole or in part. There are four types of speech therapy massage:

  1. classic includes traditional techniques - stroking, vibration, tapping, rubbing, patting;
  2. Segmental-reflex is reminiscent of the classic one, but it is done taking into account the segmental division into zones: for example, they massage the cervical region, collar area, scalp, face;
  3. Acupressure. With its help, they influence biologically active points;
  4. Probe massage is done using special instruments - massage probes.

Regardless of the type, the goal of speech therapy massage is the same - to relax the muscles or, conversely, increase their tone. In addition, massage helps to form voluntary coordinated movements of the organs of articulation - lips, tongue, palate, etc. So speech therapy massage is used when muscle tone is disturbed and it needs to be normalized. Massage is often used as an adjuvant along with articulation, breathing or voice exercises, but sometimes it becomes the main way to correct speech.

Contraindications: any infectious and dermatological diseases, herpes, stomatitis, conjunctivitis.

With great caution: episyndrome, increased intracranial pressure.

Speech therapy massage is done:

  1. massage probes;
  2. hands;
  3. sometimes with auxiliary objects - pacifiers, spoons, spatulas, toothbrushes with soft bristles.

Preliminary preparation

It is advisable to prepare the child for a massage session.

  1. Create a favorable emotional background: “Now we’ll tickle your tongue, now we’ll play a little, wrestle with our lips and tongue.” Speech therapists often use folk sayings like “rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers,” the chicken pecks the grains but doesn’t give it to the kids,” they tell stories in which the main characters are the tongue, cheeks, lips, etc., and the massage is described as adventures: “And the tongue got tired and began to sleep, went to bed with its teeth. We will pet him, scratch him - sleep and rest!”, “Naughty tongue - we will spank him.”
  2. Before the massage, you need to clear your mouth of food and rinse it.
  3. It is best to massage 1.5 hours after eating.
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