OUTDOOR GAMES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPEECH IMPAIRMENTS material on speech therapy (preparatory group) on the topic
Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds S-S, letter S”
Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound C”. "Wonderful country." Topic: Sound “S” “Wonderful”
Techniques for correcting the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech in preschool children
Techniques for correcting the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech in preschool children Suturina E.V., Cherepennikova M.V. Technicians
Why does a 2-year-old child not speak and how to help him?
When a non-speaking child comes to our center, for successful correction we must determine the cause
Summary of educational activities using ICT in the preparatory group: “Transport”
Summary of a speech therapy lesson with TRIZ elements on the topic “Transport” in the preparatory group. Summary of a speech therapy lesson
Joint activity “Didactic game “Animals and their young”” outline of a lesson on speech development (middle group) on the topic
Methods of teaching preschoolers storytelling from a picture
Methods of teaching preschoolers storytelling from a picture Maria Artamonova Methods of teaching preschoolers storytelling from a picture
Speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before the vowels Y – I” in 1st grade.
Publications on speech therapy Goals and objectives: 1. Strengthen students’ ability to distinguish vowels Y-I
Literacy lesson “Introduction to letters and sounds” Schlan-summary of a literacy lesson (senior group) on the topic
A fairy tale about the letter Sh How Mouse was naughty The little mouse Mouse was a terrible naughty man. For example, it is going to
Denunciations against doctors. How the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation is being destroyed
GBUZ "Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation of the Moscow Department of Health" operates in accordance with
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