Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles
Introduction For every person, no matter what country he was born, no matter what
Speech therapy project “Teach me to read and write correctly”
PROJECT “SPEECH GAMES” I. stage - pre-phonemic II. stage – phonemic Pre-phonemic stage On
Development of speech breathing in children with speech disorders
Correct speech breathing - as it should be: Active inhalation is performed exclusively through the nose. Exhalation
Main tasks, content for children's speech development.
Main tasks, content for children's speech development. On the tasks of speech development First published in
The main directions of correctional work for dysarthria
Dysarthria is a speech disorder. Occurs due to damage to the parts of the brain that are responsible for
Job description of a speech therapist (speech therapist teacher)
The job description of a speech therapist is a legal document that defines the main parameters of the specialist’s activities. It contains
Notebook on the relationship between a speech therapist and a teacher. Lexical topic “Vegetables. Vegetable garden"consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic
“Speech therapy lesson on the lexical topic “Vegetables” with homework” Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in
Card index of didactic games for preschoolers in preparation for learning literacy card index for teaching literacy (senior group) on the topic
Game “Fill a Word”. What two words are hidden in one? Airplane (flies itself), leaf fall
Verbal and didactic games for children of the younger group of preschool educational institutions
Card index of kindness games for children 3-4 years old Card index of kindness games for children
14. Restoration of speech function in disabled people with various forms of aphasia 70
Forms of aphasia In the first days after a cerebrovascular accident, speech disorders in patients may
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