Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds S-S, letter S”

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound C”. "Wonderful country."

Topic: Sound “S” “Wonderful Country”

Group of children according to the structure of speech impairment: ONR, Age of children: 5 years (older group) Form of delivery: subgroup Priority educational area: Speech development

Integration of educational areas: Socio-communicative development Cognitive development Physical development Artistic and aesthetic development

Goal: development of phonemic processes.

Objectives: correctional and educational: - exercise in isolating the sound C; - consolidate the isolated pronunciation of the sound [S]; - learn to pronounce the sound [C] in straight syllables; — form sound analysis; - train the ability to determine the place of sound in a word; — updating knowledge about the use of magnet properties by humans.

correctional and developmental: - develop auditory attention and logical thinking by solving logical problems; — develop cognitive activity; - develop phonemic awareness; — develop higher mental processes: memory, attention; - develop visual-spatial concepts.

educational: - promote the development of positive emotions; — developing skills of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Planned results (targets):—actively interacts with peers and adults; - speaks well enough; - can identify sounds in words; - developed fine motor skills; - capable of volitional efforts.

Equipment:Laptop, projector, presentation “Firefly”, recording firefly voices, gnome, game “Light boxes” - 7 pcs., tassels - 9 pcs., straws - 6 pcs., magnets - 7 pcs., buttons, tennis balls, clothespins, colored caps 6 pcs., game “Color Parallels” - 3 pcs., pictures with the sound “C” at the beginning, middle, end of the word.

1. Organizational moment. The speech therapist brings in a “magic lantern.” - I came to you today with an unusual object, what do you think it is? Children: children's answers

This is a magic lantern. If you look at it during the day, nothing is visible in it, but if you look at it in the evening, it has a green light. Miracle bugs live in it, called fireflies. - If you put it in a circle, it can take us to the amazing land of fireflies. Do you want to go there? - Let's sit in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes, and be transported to the land of fireflies. (Magic music) - Look how cool, beautiful it is here, how many fireflies there are. - But what happened, where did they all go? (A firefly appears on the screen, a soundtrack of words)

Firefly: Help us, please, an evil wizard in our country has enchanted all objects that can glow and now we cannot light our flashlight, we are dying. - How can I help you?

Firefly: You need to find pictures in the gnomes’ cave in which a magical sound is hidden and then a luminous object will appear that will help us light a flashlight. - Shall we help the fireflies? Children: children's answers.

-Where should we go? - But how do we get there, I think I know? - I have a magic chest, and there is a magic cap in it. We put on our caps, and we find ourselves in a cave. (children put on caps) There are many roads in the cave, along the green one, and we will solve the riddle.

2. Main part. And the cave is not simple, it contains magic stones that are covered with sand. Whoever touches the sand with his hands will turn into stone. - We need to find pictures in the sand in which the magical sound is hidden. — Did the gnomes leave different tools? Name them. - Choose the right tool for yourself. Why did you choose a brush? Etc. (Children assume that you can brush off the sand with a brush, or blow it out with a straw with another)

- What did we find in the sand? What is the lid made of? What is it made of? (from iron) - How can we get it out of the sand? Take another look at the tools. - What will help us lift the iron lid? (magnet) Conclusion: A magnet attracts iron objects

- Let's turn the lid over and name the pictures we found. — I found SSSboots. Children: owl, juice, elephant, dog, bag, glass. -What sound is hidden in these words? (C) - Let's all say this sound together, and a funny song will help us. (audio recording “Sand is falling”) - We completed the task correctly, a bag appeared, I wonder what’s in it? (a bag appears on the screen) (SLIDE 4)

- The magic bag comes to life in our hands, come down to us quickly. (Slide 5) (magic music)

- What is this? (candle) - Let’s put a candle near the flashlight. Has the flashlight come on? Children: no

- So this light is not enough, we also need a luminous object. Hear someone crying. (SLIDE 6) (a gnome appears on the screen)

- What's happened?

Dwarf voice: My favorite things were lost in the labyrinth. Help me find them, and I’ll give you a bag with a glowing object. But the labyrinth can only be entered in pairs along the red carpet.

- Let's help the gnome, find a couple with your eyes, hold hands, let's go. (they go to the tables, there are colored parallels there, the search plan lights up on the screen)

(SLIDE 7) - Look, the cells on the screen are marked with a question mark; they contain lost things. — Agree among yourselves who will show where the gnome’s things are, and who will dig them up. - Guys, bring it and show me what you found? — The names of these things also contain a magical “S” sound. Find him too. Determine where he hid: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. -Who has the sound in the middle of the word? (children find and determine, as the task progresses, the first part of the bag, the middle and the last appear on the screen)

(SLIDE8) - A bag has appeared. - Magic bag come to life in our hands, come down to us quickly. - What is in the bag. (sun) - That the sun woke up and shone even brighter, let’s sing him a song. (singing syllabic paths with the sound “C”) (audio recording ) - First, let's sing a song for the sun quietly, then louder, louder. SA-SO-SU SO-SU-SA - The sun woke up, Smiled at us all. The sun began to sparkle, and the guys danced. (SLIDE 9) Musical physical exercise "Funny song"

3. Reflection (result). - Now it's time to go home. “Let’s sit in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and be transported home.” (magical music sounds) What sound helped us light the lantern? How were you able to get the pictures out of the sand? Why? What do you praise yourself for? “Overcoming all obstacles together, we became true friends, let’s show it.” Communicative game “You and I are one family” (cultivating trust in each other)

The speech therapist and the children stand in a circle, recite the poem and perform the movements: You and me, you and me, (point fingers at each other) You and I are one family. (put their hands on each other’s shoulders) We read together, (make “glasses”) We play together, (jump up) We help our friends. (shake hands)

Title: Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound C”. "Wonderful country." Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, NOD, speech therapist classes, Preparatory group Author: Mogritskaya Valeria Mikhailovna Position: teacher-speech therapist Place of work: MBDOU No. 49 Location: Amursk, Amursky district, Khabarovsk region

Date modified: April 25, 2016

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