Summary of speech therapy organized educational activities in the preparatory group “Seeing off migratory birds”


Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge about spring and spring signs.


  • continue to teach students to form the genitive case of plural nouns
  • develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, correctly use prepositions in speech
  • improve students’ skills to participate in dialogue, answer questions with complete answers
  • enrich students’ vocabulary on the topics “Migratory Birds” , “Wild Animals” , “Insects”
  • consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds [Z], [Zh], [C].


  • develop phonemic awareness in students
  • develop gross motor skills, coordination of speech and movement
  • develop memory, auditory attention.


  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work:

Watching birds, trees, melting snow; conversation about spring; asking riddles about animals, plants, birds, insects; reading poems about spring.

Methods and techniques:

Dynamic exercise “On the paths...” , questions to the students, answers from the students, reading a poem by the student, reciting a simple phrase, physical education, didactic game “One - Many” , musical and rhythmic composition “Exercising funny animals” . Music by M. Eremeeva, lyrics by S. Eremeev, listening to the audio recording “Voices of Birds” , performance of the song “Spring Tale” music by T.A Simakova, lyrics by A.S. Shalamonov using children's musical instruments) analysis of the work of pupils by the teacher, self-analysis by the pupils.

Materials and equipment:

  • interactive device
  • laptop
  • music Center
  • audio recording “Sounds of nature”
  • a tray with suns and a tray with clouds
  • musical instruments
  • animal masks and caps.

Vocabulary work: demi-season clothing, hibernate.

Motivation: personal interest.

Part I

(pupils enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs). Speech therapist: Children, today we will take a walk in the spring forest. We will see a lot of interesting things in the forest.

1. Dynamic exercise “Along the paths...”

Speech therapist: I invite you to go for a walk in the spring forest. Guys, we can't find more interesting adventures

Stand next to each other, hold hands tightly. (pronounced together with the teacher) Along the paths, along the paths

Let's go for a walk in the forest. Maybe in the spring forest we will find someone. (pupils take each other’s hands and follow the teacher in a round dance step, “snake” (they approach the chairs, sit down)).

(The curtain opens)

Speech therapist: We came with you to the forest. Slide No. 1

Pupil: (reads a poem)

Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles. Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Open everything - don’t hide it. You know, we are our own.

Part II.

Speech therapist: Children, tell me what time of year it is now?

Pupils' answers. (Now the time of year is spring)

Speech therapist: Name the signs of spring.

Pupils' answers: - the snow is melting, streams are flowing;

  • the sun is shining brighter
  • birds fly in and build nests
  • insects appear
  • animals wake up after hibernation
  • small buds and tender leaves appear on trees and shrubs
  • the first spring flowers appear
  • people put on spring clothes.

Speech therapist: Well done, you correctly named the signs of spring. It is so quiet in the forest that the inhabitants of the forest cannot be seen or heard. I suggest you wake them up. Do you agree?

Pupils' answers: (Yes)

Speech therapist: We will wake up the insects first.

First, let's wake up the mosquitoes. Sing the little mosquito's song.

Pupils: (sing the song of a little mosquito: z-z-z-z-z). Slide number 2

Speech therapist: Now the song of a big mosquito.

Pupils: (singing the song of a big mosquito: Z-Z-Z-Z). Slide number 3

Speech therapist: Well done! How beautifully you sang.

Now let's wake up the beetle.

Sing the big bug's song.

Pupils: (singing the song of a big beetle: Zh-Zh-Zh-Zh). Slide number 4

Speech therapist: And now the little bug’s song.

Pupils: (sing the song of a little bug: w-w-w-w) Slide number 5

Speech therapist: We will also wake up the grasshopper. I suggest

chirp like grasshoppers.

Pupils: (chirp like grasshoppers: tsika-tsika-tsika). Slide number 6

Speech therapist: Name the insects that we woke up?

Pupils' answers: (We woke up a mosquito, a beetle, a grasshopper).

Speech therapist: Tell me what other insects you know that live in the forest?

Pupils' answers: (bee, wasp, fly, etc.) Speech therapist: Correct. But in addition to them, animals live in the forest. Look at the screen. Name the animals. Slide No. 7 Pupils’ answers: (bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, elk, wolf, squirrel).

Speech therapist: What animals are these? Pupils' answers: (these are wild animals)

Speech therapist: Why are these animals called wild?

Pupils' answers.

Speech therapist: Name the animals that hibernate? Pupils' answers: (bear, hedgehog, badger, snakes, frogs, lizards).

Speech therapist: I propose to conduct a musical warm-up “Charging funny animals” .

(pupils get up from their chairs, put on hats, stand in a circle)

The musical and rhythmic composition “Charging the Merry Animals” . Music by M. Eremeeva, lyrics by S. Eremeev

Speech therapist: Which animals woke up after hibernation?

Pupils' answers: (we woke up the bear(s), hedgehog(s), snake(s), badger(s), frog(s) or woke up.

Speech therapist: Children, what a great fellow you are for waking up the animals.

(audio recording of birds' voices sounds)

Speech therapist: Children, what did you hear?

Pupils' answers: (we hear the voices of birds)

Speech therapist: Look at the screen. Slide number 8

Name the birds you see on the screen.

Pupils' answers: (rook, swallow, nightingale, starling, cuckoo).

Speech therapist: What kind of birds are these?

Pupils' answers: (these birds are migratory).

Speech therapist: I suggest playing the game “One - Many”

In order for us to start the game, we need to unanimously say to everyone: “ra-ra-ra the game begins”

Speech therapist: Look at the screen. Slide number 9 One nightingale, many...?

Pupils' answers: (nightingales). Slide No. 10

Speech therapist: How many rooks do you see on the screen?

Pupils' answers: (I see one rook). Slide No. 11

Speech therapist: How many rooks are there now? Slide number 12

Pupils' answers: (Now I see a lot of rooks)?

Speech therapist: Look at the screen. One starling, many...? Slide number 13

Pupils' answers: (starlings). Slide number 14

Speech therapist:. One cuckoo, many...? Slide number 15

Pupils' answers: (cuckoos). Slide No. 16

Speech therapist: One swallow, many...? Slide number 17

Pupils' answers: (swallows). Slide No. 18

(audio recording of insects, birds: migratory)

Speech therapist: Well done! You named the birds correctly. Tell me, what kind of birds are these?

Pupils' answers: (These birds are migratory; we named migratory birds). Speech therapist: Well done! Now I propose to please all the inhabitants of the forest with a “Spring Tale” .

Performance of the song “Spring Tale” music by T.A Simakova lyrics by A.S. Shalamonov using children's musical instruments)

(Pupils take instruments, perform a song, after performing the song

put down the tools and stand in a circle).

Speech therapist: Children, you are so great. They sang loudly and played musical instruments rhythmically. How pleasant it is to be in such a beautiful spring forest. But it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

To return to kindergarten, you need to say the words with your eyes closed. Listen. (One, two, three, turn around and you will find yourself in kindergarten).

We open our eyes.

(the teacher and students repeat the words)

(The curtain closes)

Part III.

Speech therapist: Open your eyes. We are back in kindergarten. Where we were?

Pupils' answers: (We were in the forest) Speech therapist: Who did we wake up in the forest?

Pupils' answers: (we woke up the insects). Speech therapist: Name them?

Speech therapist: Who else was woken up? Pupils' answers: (list animals).

Speech therapist: What are the names of the birds that come to us in the spring?

Pupils' answers: (These birds are called migratory).

Speech therapist: Children, if you liked it in the forest, if you played well, then take the sun. If you didn’t like walking in the forest and playing, then take a cloud.

(Pupils take the sun or a cloud).

Speech therapist: Children, I invite you to join the group.

Summary of speech therapy lesson “Migratory birds”

Date______________ Class________

Lesson No.___________

Topic: Migratory birds

Correctional and educational goals: — Clarification and systematization of children’s knowledge about migratory birds. — Expanding vocabulary on a lexical topic, — Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and developmental goals: - Development of visual, auditory attention, logical thinking. — Development of general and fine motor skills. — Formation of skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

Correctional and educational tasks: - Fostering love for the animal world.

Equipment: cards with images of wintering and migratory birds, colored pencils, pictures of migratory birds, workbooks.

Progress of the lesson

1.Finger gymnastics.

Tili-teli, tili-teli, (Waving their palms).

The birds flew south.

The squirrel flew away -

Gray feather. (Fingers on both hands are bent alternately, starting with the little finger of the left hand).

Lark, nightingale

We were in a hurry, who's quick?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin.

Everyone got ready and flew away (Waving their palms).

They sang sad songs. (Use the index and thumb to make a beak, “The birds are singing”).

2. Articulation gymnastics.

“How a tongue saved a crow from a cat.”

It was a warm autumn day. One day, returning from the store, Tongue sat down on a bench and began to admire nature. Suddenly he heard an old crow croak: “Kar-kar-kar!” He looked around (exercise “Watch”)

and crumbled a small bun. Suddenly a large black crow landed very close to him.
She folded her wings and began to walk proudly. Nodding its head up and down, the crow picked up bread crumbs from the ground (exercise “Swing”).
Tongue was very amused by this proud bird, and he began to imitate her (exercise “Duck beak”: pull in your cheeks and hold them with your teeth, move your lips like a “beak”).

Before the crow had time to pick up all the crumbs, an angry cat appeared from behind the tree
(ex. “Angry cat”).
The crow got scared and flew into the sky and began circling for a long time
(exercise “Jam”: lick your lips from left to right).
The tongue, on the contrary, was not afraid.
He poured fresh milk into a saucer for the cat (exercise “Cup”)
and let her lap it up a little (lap the milk like a cat).

Very soon the cat drank all the milk, and the saucer turned out to be empty (exercise “Cup”).

Having washed her paws, ears and face
(exercise “Jam”),
the cat climbed a tree and fell fast asleep.

A little later, the crow sank to the ground and finished off the remaining crumbs (exercise “Swing”).

When Tongue returned home, he recalled with a smile how he saved an old crow from an angry cat (exercise “Smile” - “Angry Cat”).

3. Breathing exercises “Bird fly”

Place the paper bird on your palm. We take a short nasal inhalation and a long, targeted oral exhalation. As a result, the bird flies from the palm. The exercise is repeated 4-5 times.

4. A conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, what can you call in one word the birds that we named while doing finger exercises? (Migratory birds).

-Why are they called migratory? (They are called migratory because they fly to warmer regions for the winter).

-Why do they fly to warmer climes? (They are afraid of the cold, cannot get food, water bodies freeze)

-What stories and fairy tales do you know about migratory birds? (“Thumbelina”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “Grey Neck”, “The Ugly Duckling”).

“Make no mistake.”
The speech therapist invites the children to sit at the tables.

On the tables are cards depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Speech therapist: “You need to circle all the migratory birds with a red pencil and justify your action.”

Child: “I circled the swallow because the swallow is a migratory bird.”

“I circled the crane because the crane is a migratory bird.”

6. Game “Where is the bird?” »

Speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is now. “Where did the starling fly from? "What did the starling fly up to? »

7. Game “Name the parts of the bird’s body.”

Working with the mnemonic table “Migratory Birds”.

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the picture of birds, tell me what body parts they have. We answer with a full sentence.

Birds have a head. Birds have two wings.

Birds have two legs. Birds have a tail.

Birds have a beak. The body of birds is covered with feathers.

6. Game "Find the sound".

The speech therapist invites the children to come to the board. On the table, near the board, there are pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, each of you must choose a migratory bird and attach it to the board. (children complete the task).

Speech therapist: Now you need to name each bird, determine the first and last sound in the word and divide the word into syllables.

1st child: This is a stork. The first sound in this word is [A]. The last sound is [T]. The word AIST has two syllables.

2nd child: This is a cuckoo. The first sound in this word is [K]. The last sound is [A]. The word CUCKOO has three syllables.

3rd child: This is a heron. The first sound in this word is [C]. The last sound is [I]. The word HERON has two syllables.

7. Work in notebooks

Speech therapist: Now let’s label our birds and highlight the sounds that we were looking for.

8. Summary of the lesson.

The speech therapist asks the children what migratory and wintering birds are called and why, how to determine the first and last sound in a word.

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