Contribution of Fedor Andreevich Rau to the development of domestic defectology
Cheveleva's methodology A unique system of correctional work with stuttering preschoolers in the process of manual activity was
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds [d] - [t]”
Speech therapy lesson “Differentiation T-D” 1st grade Topic: Differentiation T-D in syllables
Development of creative imagination in preschool children
A developed imagination is the key to a child’s success in the future. It is this quality that helps easily
How to develop imagination in adults and children - recommendations
Imagination is the process of creating new images of the future, based on previous experience and creative
Methodological development on the topic: “Effective forms and methods of work of a teacher-speech therapist with the teaching staff in the conditions of a speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution”
Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children with special needs “Spring has come”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of an open frontal speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Spring” Purpose: to clarify and
Summary of educational activities for speech development “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” (middle group)
Useful and harmful products. Lesson on education in the middle group Integrated lesson on valeology
ECD “Wintering Birds” (preparatory group) outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic
Thematic week on the topic “Let's help birds survive the winter” in the preparatory group. find? Goal: summarize knowledge
PRESENTATION OF WORK EXPERIENCE of teacher-speech therapist Yulia Yuryevna Kraevaya teacher-speech therapist Yulia Yuryevna Kraeva State budgetary educational institution. - presentation
Choosing a profession is a life choice. And all choices in life are part of the same
Tests for educators in the section “Speech development of preschool children” test on the topic
Diagnostics of speech development of children 2-4 years old. Formation of a dictionary. To conduct a diagnostic examination of younger preschoolers
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