Correct speech
To trust or not to trust an online speech therapist, that is the question. And how realistic is it to put
It is worth practicing with children for any speech problems! Speech disorders are spoken of if speech
Fine motor skills - what is it and how does it affect the child’s condition? Imagine how
Basics of speech development The basis for training can be the general speech formation of children. Therefore, in
Hard and soft consonants Voiced and unvoiced consonants Hissing and whistling consonants
Now you will learn about the letter and sound Y. Listen to the words: reed, blade of grass, jump, lynx,
We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound
Tasks for learning the letters I, J for preschoolers and 1st grade students. Let's start, perhaps
Causes of incorrect pronunciation Incorrect pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds is called sigmatism. The reasons why he
Mnemotables “Favorite Fairy Tales” Good day! I really love doing theatrical activities with my