Overcoming interdental and labiodental sigmatism in preschool children
Sigmatism is a deficiency in the pronunciation of hissing ([Zh], [Sh], [H], [Sh]) and whistling ([S-S′], [Z-Z′],
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Journey to the Magic Forest” middle group (children age 4-5 years)
Speech development in the middle group of preschool educational institutions Development of communication and speech skills, which includes
Speech therapist working with an adult
Speech therapist for adults: quick speech correction
A speech therapist works not only with children, but also with adults. Speech defects are being corrected
Sycheva G.E. Reference pictures for retelling texts. Issue 3. Methodological recommendations.-M.: Knigolyub, 2008. 16 p. (Development of coherent speech.)
The main goal pursued by plot pictures to compose a short story is the desire for development
Lesson with a child using mnemonics
Mnemonic tables for children of the middle and senior groups “Seasons and their phenomena”
Mnemonics for beginners is a system of various methods that helps remember information using various
preposition model
Automation of the sound L in pure tongues using mnemonic tracks
Automation of the sound “L” in pure tongues using mnemonic tracks is carried out after automation in syllables and words
Stigmatism of hissing sounds
Automation of sound Card file on speech therapy on the topic
Types of incorrect articulation of the sound “Z” When the pronunciation of whistling sounds is distorted, it is called sigmatism, when
Lesson with a child using mnemonics
Mnemonics training for the development of attention and memory
Mnemonics for beginners is a system of various methods that helps remember information using various
Presentation “Retell the story using reference pictures” issue 1, stories 1 - 4 (based on the manual by G.E. Sycheva) presentation for a speech therapy lesson (senior, preparatory group)
The main goal pursued by plot pictures to compose a short story is the desire for development
Mnemonics for memory development: techniques and exercises for adults and children
Mnemonics (mnemonics techniques) are special methods of memorizing certain types of information based on features
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