Summary of GCD for children in the middle group of kindergarten with a presentation on the topic: Mushrooms
Cards with images of mushrooms As a rule, children know the following types: Champignon. This mushroom is specially
Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age
Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age
Didactic games and aids for the speech development of children of senior preschool age Svetlana Toropova Didactic
How to teach your child the alphabet
Why a child doesn’t remember letters and how you can deal with it
Contents: Learning letters: where to start? Is your child ready to learn the alphabet? Advice from psychologists
Mom and daughter looking at a book
How to teach a child to speak a complex sound correctly?
Speech is the main means of communication among people. That is why it is so important that the child has it
Sounds [Х] [Х`]. Letters X, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Automation of sounds x, xx Sound X – 1 1. “Gawker” (- Listen and clap, jump when
development of thinking in children
Corrective exercises for preschoolers 5–7 years old to develop thinking
One of the important features of a child in the future is the development of thinking today. It is important how
Speech by a speech therapist at a parent meeting / school open day on the topic “Organization of the work of a speech therapist”
Article: One of the important areas in the correctional and educational activities of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution is working with parents
Motor alalia. Exercises for parents (independent work)
Interesting sites. Why don't some children make certain sounds? Correcting sound pronunciation in children. How
Vowels and consonants
Voiced consonant sound [Zh], letters Zh, plan-summary of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Hard and soft consonants Consonants are divided into two types: hard and soft.
Compiling a story-description of wild animals according to a visual plan
The most complex form of speech activity is connected speech. In the process of speech development of the baby
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