Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution

Speech therapy service in kindergarten

Areas of work of a speech therapist


early detection and overcoming deviations in the development of speech in preschool children.


— diagnostics of children’s speech development in cooperation with PMPC;

— determination and implementation of an individual program for correction of a speech defect, taking into account its structure, severity, clinical condition, as well as the individual and personal characteristics of the child;

— dissemination of speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques for providing assistance to children with disorders of speech development


Monitoring (diagnostic) – creating conditions for continuous diagnostic and prognostic monitoring of the correction process in order to optimally select correction goals, objectives and means of their implementation.

Corrective-developmental – creating conditions aimed at correcting the speech development of children and ensuring that a child with speech impairments achieves a level of speech development that corresponds to the age norm.

Preventive – creating conditions for improving the professional competence of teachers and parents in matters of children’s speech development, taking into account their age, socio-emotional and cognitive needs and developmental capabilities.

Information and methodological – creating conditions for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of correction of speech disorders, which will improve the effectiveness of the correction process as a whole.

Prepared by teacher - speech therapist Marina Aleksandrovna Starostina

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 30 "Beryozka" Chusovoy

Forms of work of a teacher-speech therapist Starostina M.A. in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30 "Beryozka"

With parents

With kids With teachers
Concluding an agreement for a speech center and questioning parents Examination of the speech of preschool children, staffing the speech center, filling out speech cards Questioning teachers on various topics
Information on the preschool educational institution website on the page of the speech therapist teacher Individual correctional (speech therapy) classes Individual and collective consultations on issues of interest in speech development
Individual consultations (communication of the results of a speech examination of the child...) Frontal classes to prepare for literacy in the preparatory group Workshops (workshops, master classes)
Individual mini-workshops: special articulatory gymnastics, features of corrective work on sound pronunciation, development of phonemic hearing, secrets of automating sounds, preparing the hand for writing, how to teach a child to pronounce complex words correctly, enriching children’s vocabulary through speech games, how to properly teach a child to read correctly Subgroup speech therapy classes on special articulation gymnasts and the development of phonemic hearing Maintaining a notebook of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and educators of different age groups (preparing reminders, cheat sheets on age-related characteristics of children’s speech, recommendations for the development of speech of children of this age, individual correctional work on speech development and correction of sound pronunciation, as well as preparing children for school, and activating speech of young children)
Workshops on various topics: “Features of the work of a speech therapy center in a preschool educational institution”; “Development of ZKR in children”, “Speech breathing is the basis of speech”, “The importance of phonemic hearing in the speech development of a child”, “The role of the family in the development of a child’s speech” Implementation of original educational, creative projects for speech development, participation in the implementation of projects of other teachers. Assistance in the design of speech corners of preschool educational institutions (consultations, practical advice and recommendations for equipping speech centers in each age group)
Information corners of the teacher-speech therapist in groups, production of folders for speech development in groups Viewing presentations on various topics (within the project, lexical weeks dedicated to holiday topics) Workshops for preschool teachers and specialists
Information corner "Rechetsvetik" at the preschool educational institution Meetings with interesting people (within projects, vocabulary weeks, holiday topics) Production of card files, various speech games and manuals
Practical guides for parents “Logocube of articulation gymnastics”, Mini-stand “Special articulation gymnastics” Visiting various events with children in libraries, museums, and parks in our city Assistance in preparing for classes (selection of literature, manuals, thematic pictures, illustrative material)
Design of the photo stand “Logopunkt graduates” Preparation and participation of children in various creative competitions in the garden, city, district, art, arts and crafts, art reading, theatrical productions Help in selecting poems on various topics
Verbal communications and consultations at parent-teacher meetings Participation of children in various integrated activities of preschool educational institutions (physical education-speech, music-speech, cognitive-speech) Making mnemonic tables for memorizing poetry, composing descriptive stories,
Involving parents in the preparation and participation of children in various competitions and events Production of albums, laptops, card files, educational games and manuals for children Conducting a problem group for preschool teachers and speech development specialists
Implementation of original parent-child projects: “Letter Workshop”, “Bazhov’s Wise Tales” Maintaining a notebook of individual speech therapy sessions for homework with children: (design, game tasks, preparing the hand for writing, speech games)
Participation of parents in entertainment and activities for children in preschool educational institutions
Involving parents to participate together with their children in creative competitions of the group, kindergarten, city, district, region
Involving parents in visiting museums, exhibitions, libraries,...
Involving parents in events, leisure activities, educational activities, joint activities during the week of “Open Days”

The tasks of speech therapist M.A. Starostina in the correctional work of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 30 “Beryozka”


1. Creation of a unified correctional and developmental space for children with speech impairments;

2. Promotion and explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers, parents (legal representatives), and students.

With parents (legal representatives) With kids With teachers
— To improve the speech culture of parents to strengthen their responsibility and form a conscious attitude towards correcting speech deficiencies in children; — Diagnosis of speech disorders With the teacher: creation of a unified speech regime in the educational center, during special moments, development of fine motor skills, individual work with children with speech impairments:
— To increase the competence of parents to correct the speech of children taking into account their age; — Correction of sound pronunciation for preschool children; With a music director: developing a sense of rhythm, working on speech breathing, working on the voice, automating sounds, working on intonation expressiveness of speech;
-. Through questionnaires and conversations with parents, identify early deviations in the child’s speech development, attitudes towards their child’s speech deficiencies, and the need for speech therapy assistance; — Creation of favorable conditions for speech communications; With a physical education instructor: classes on muscle relaxation of movements, work on breathing
— Involve parents in organizing activities with children at home, teaching corrective techniques taking into account their age characteristics; — Formation and development of phonemic hearing in children with speech impairments; With a teacher-psychologist: Correction of basic mental processes, anxiety relief, breathing exercises
-. Involve parents in studying the patterns of child development, taking into account age and individual characteristics; — Timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in speech development (prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia); With a medical professional: Study of anamnestic data, recording of health status
— Introduce parents to non-traditional and modern technologies for speech development, development of fine motor skills and preparing children for school; — Raising children’s desire to overcome speech deficiencies;
— Implementation of the opportunity to integrate education and training in a regular group with receiving specialized assistance in speech development through the speech therapist’s visits to groups according to the cyclogram, taking into account the thematic week;
— Development of voluntary attention to the sound side of speech;
— Correction of violations of the syllabic structure of the word;
— Preparation for teaching literacy to children in the preparatory group;
— Comprehensive development of children’s speech on the basis of correctly pronounced sounds, aimed at 1. Formation of coherent speech 2. Development of grammatical structure 3. enrichment and development of vocabulary;

Features of the organization of speech therapy support for children with SLD in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution

Lilia Druzhko

Features of the organization of speech therapy support for children with SLD in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution

Features of the organization of speech therapy support for children with SLD in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution.

Prepared by:

teacher-speech therapist MDOU TsRR


— kindergarten No. 30

Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region

Druzhko Liliya Vladimirovna

The federal state educational standard for preschool education is aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of a child during preschool age, regardless of his characteristics , including disabilities.

Children with speech impairments can be considered a group of pedagogical risk, since their characteristics make it difficult to develop readiness for schooling. The manifestation of severe speech impairment significantly complicates the full and timely assimilation by children of such educational areas as social - communicative, cognitive, and speech development. The most complex are organic disorders (dysarthria, alalia, general speech underdevelopment, RDA, stuttering)

and to a lesser extent – ​​functional
Against this background, in most cases, such children have, to one degree or another, disturbances in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic processes and coherent speech. All these violations, if not corrected in time in childhood, cause difficulties in communicating with others, and in the future lead to complexes, preventing them from learning and fully revealing their natural abilities and intellectual capabilities.
Pupils with speech impairments need a special organization of the correctional and developmental process, the content and forms of which should take into account the capabilities of this contingent of children , depending on the severity of the defect. In order to carry out correctional work on the basis of the MDOU TsRR "Kristallik"

— kindergarten No. 30 operates
a speech therapy center , which provides an individualized and systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders.
The purpose of the work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution is to provide timely correctional and developmental assistance to preschool children with speech disorders.

Tasks of the speech therapy service of the preschool educational institution :

— carry out the necessary correction of speech disorders in preschool children

— prevent violations of oral and written speech in preschool children

— to develop voluntary attention to the sound side of speech in preschool children

— to promote speech therapy classes among teachers of MKDOU, parents of pupils (their substitutes)


— to cultivate in children the desire to overcome speech deficiencies and maintain emotional well-being in their adaptive environment;

— improve the methods of speech therapy work in accordance with the capabilities, needs and interests of the preschooler;

— integrate the upbringing and education of children in the general education group with receiving specialized assistance in speech development.

In the practice of modern education, there is a growing gap between the real situation of increasing need for correctional and preventive influence at an early age and the existing regulatory and legal framework that regulates the activities of the preschool educational speech center and hinders the provision of timely speech therapy assistance to children .

In middle and older age, deviations in speech acquisition become more complex and develop into various forms of speech disorders. The largest number of children with speech disorders were identified at the age of 4–5 years (94%, 5–6 years (89%)

children receive assistance within the preschool speech center , and work with younger children is limited to creating a data bank on speech disorders and counseling parents.

During preventive work in September and May, a speech therapy examination of the junior and middle groups of the kindergarten and an analysis of medical records are carried out. Examination protocols are filled out, speech therapy reports are clarified, and parents and educators are individually consulted based on the results of the examination, where appropriate recommendations are given.

Children with complex speech defects are examined at a meeting of the preschool educational committee, and a visit and consultation to the primary medical care center at their place of residence is recommended.

But often, parents do not agree to change the preschool educational institution and children with complex speech defects remain, in the status of a child with disabilities, at the kindergarten speech center . For such children , individual correctional routes and adaptive educational programs are developed, depending on the complexity and specificity of the defect. The development and implementation of an individual development route for a child with disabilities includes:

-monitoring of individual psycho-speech development;

-correction of speech function;

-correction of speech breathing;

-speech therapy massage;

-use in the correctional process of kinesiotaping:

-tempo-rhythmic organization of movements ;

-kinesiological exercises for the development of interhemispheric interactions;

-development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.

We try to involve psychological services, specialized preschool specialists and, of course, teachers and parents in correctional work with this category of children

What are the specifics of working at a preschool speech center and how does the work of a speech therapist at a speech center differ from the work of a speech therapist in a group for children with severe speech disorders? Several main differences can be mentioned:

- the work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution in its structure and functional responsibilities differs significantly from the work of a speech therapist in a speech kindergarten . This is primarily due to the fact that the speech therapist at the speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it in parallel, as is customary in speech kindergartens. The work of a speech therapist is based on the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The work schedule and schedule of classes are approved by the head of the preschool educational institution. Unlike a specialized preschool educational institution (groups), the task of speech correction in a speech center is additional. There is no time in the children’s specifically allocated for classes with a speech therapist , so you have to very carefully draw up a schedule and work with children in such a way as not to interfere with the assimilation of the preschool educational program. A speech therapist at a speech center for a teacher is like a cook, everyone has their own job.Teachers work according to their own plans, experience difficulties in monitoring the correct pronunciation of sounds, and have no incentive to do this work;

— in the speech therapy group, children have the same speech conclusion, which determines the lesson program. At the speech center, children with various speech disorders (FFDD, OHP, logoneurosis , dysarthria, dyslalia, etc.) are simultaneously trained.


— there is currently no correction program of logopoints O. E., Gromova O. E., Solomatina G. N., Konovalenko V. V. and S. V. et al.;

-the speech therapist at the speech center works in a different mode from the speech kindergarten. The main forms of organizing work with children with speech impairments are individual and subgroup classes. Our classes are short-term (15-20 minutes, short-term (2-3 times a week)


- the speech therapist at the speech center is forced to intervene in the learning process on the day the child attends his classes. Children with speech disorders themselves receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily, like children in a speech therapy kindergarten . Enrollment of children in speech therapy classes occurs through the PMPC ( psychological-medical-pedagogical commission , which issues a speech report and gives parents and a speech therapist an official document.

Based on the number of students studying at the same time and the total number of children who attended classes at a speech therapy center during the school year, it is advisable to determine both the maximum and minimum number of students. If there are a large number of children more than 12 children into the speech therapist's working time frame . At the same time, if only mild speech deficiencies are identified in the majority of children, classes can be conducted with 20 children. The same applies to the timing of correctional work, and the main forms of organization of correctional speech work and the frequency of classes.

The main form of work with preschoolers in the kindergarten speech center

- the need to adapt to general developmental group classes and routine moments;

-different structure of pronunciation defects in children of the same age group;

-different levels of development of cognitive processes in children with structurally similar defects;

-individual pace of learning the material;

- the need to involve several sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation into work at once;

- somatic weakness of children , entailing numerous absences due to illness, which significantly delay the process of correcting the child’s speech disorders.

These and some other reasons do not allow organizing stable subgroups of children for speech therapy sessions : subgroups of children have a variable composition and are very mobile.

Correctional work at center with children with severe speech impairments has been carried out for two years (senior and preparatory groups; upon completion, children, according to monitoring, in most cases have positive dynamics, which makes it possible to continue their education in general education institutions.

Based on the foregoing, I would like to note that despite the increase in the number of children with SLD in preschool educational institutions, correctional assistance is comprehensively provided, children and parents are not left without speech therapy support , which contributes to a further favorable prognosis for the learning ability and adaptation of pupils.


Approved at a meeting of the activist group of defectologists in Moscow based on the decision of the board of the Moscow Education Committee dated February 24, 2000

Explanatory note 1. The work of a speech therapist teacher in a kindergarten that does not have specialized groups is aimed at correcting children’s speech defects. Along with corrective measures, a speech therapist teacher carries out preventive work in a preschool institution to prevent speech disorders in children. 2. A speech therapist works 5 days a week (total number of work hours - 20). The work schedule can be drawn up depending on the employment of children both in the 1st and 2nd half of the day. 3. The job responsibilities of a speech therapist teacher should only include work with children with speech pathology. 4. Children of preparatory and senior groups with simple and complex dyslalia, phonetic-phonemic disorders are selected for speech therapy classes. 5. Speech therapy examination of children in a preschool institution is primarily carried out in children 5-6 years old, other children are examined throughout the year. 6. Children suffering from stuttering, general speech underdevelopment and mental retardation should be sent to special institutions. In case of refusal to transfer a child with complex speech pathology, the speech therapist teacher is not responsible for the complete elimination of the defect. 7. The number of children studying simultaneously at the speech center should be 20-25 children throughout the year. 8. The total duration of speech therapy sessions is directly dependent on the individual characteristics of the children. As necessary, the speech therapist removes children from speech therapy classes and replaces them with others. 9. Speech correction work is carried out 5 times a week, individual or subgroup in nature. The speech therapist teacher works directly with children for all 4 hours of his working time. 10. The speech therapist teacher takes children to his classes from any of the teachers’ classes. 11. In a preschool institution, all the necessary conditions must be created for conducting speech therapy classes; there must be an isolated speech therapy room (for room equipment, see the “Program for teaching children with underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech”, compiled by G.A. Kashe and T.E. Filicheva ). 12. Documentation of a speech therapist teacher in a kindergarten that does not have specialized groups: - a log of the speech status of all children; - a list of children in need of speech therapy assistance, indicating the age and nature of the speech disorder; - individual notebooks for children’s activities; — class attendance log; - a speech card for each child taken to classes, indicating the date of entry and end of classes; — a plan of activities aimed at preventing speech disorders in children (consultations, seminars for educators, other preschool specialists, parents on working on the sound culture of speech). 13. An indicator of the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten is the state of sound pronunciation of children graduating to school. 14. A speech therapist teacher in a kindergarten is obliged to participate in all methodological events held in the district and improve his qualifications. 15. Certification of a speech therapist teacher for qualification category II must be carried out with the participation of a senior speech therapist in charge of the municipal territory. Since the speech therapist teacher works in a preschool educational institution, the beginning and end of the school year, the time allocated for examining children, the teaching load (20 astronomical hours per week, 4 hours per day) correspond to the established standards for speech therapist teachers in correctional (speech therapy) groups of preschool educational institutions. The speech therapist teacher works directly with children for all 4 hours of his working time. Distribution of working time The first three weeks are allocated for the complete formation of groups and subgroups of children who will study with a speech therapist in the current school year. A speech therapist works 5 days a week (the total number of hours of work per week is 20). The speech therapist teacher works directly with children for all 4 hours of his working time. The work schedule can be drawn up depending on the employment of children both in the first and second half of the day. A speech therapist teacher has the right to take students (pupils) for correctional work from any classes conducted by teachers in a group. The workload of a speech therapist teacher at 1.0 rate provides for simultaneous speech correction work for 12 to 16 children, 20 to 25 children during the year. Children with simple and complex dyslalia are accepted; in difficult cases, the speech therapist is obliged to recommend that parents attend a special speech group. In case of refusal to transfer a child with complex speech pathology, the speech therapist teacher is not responsible for eliminating the defect. Children are enrolled in groups on the basis of the following documents: - characteristics and directions of the speech therapist at the clinic; - opinions of doctors: otolaryngologist, psychoneurologist and dentist. Children diagnosed with FND are employed for up to 6 months, children diagnosed with FND - for 1 year. As speech deficiencies are corrected, the speech therapist removes children from the list and replaces them with others. Children with speech disorders of senior preschool age are selected for speech therapy classes. The child must receive individual correctional assistance at least 3 times a week. The duration of individual lessons depends on the speech diagnosis, the age of the child, the individual developmental characteristics of the child, and his psychophysical status. The time allotted for an individual lesson with a child increases if the speech therapist himself takes the child from the group and takes him to the group after the end of the lesson. The speech therapist teacher plans subgroup lessons if there are children of the same age with similar speech diagnoses (at least 6 children). The duration of a subgroup lesson should not exceed the time provided for by the physiological characteristics of the age (the program of training and education in kindergarten, the instructional and methodological letter “On the hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education”). The teacher-speech therapist plans speech therapy work in accordance with educational programs that meet the requirements of the state educational standard, and is responsible for their implementation not in full. Along with corrective measures, she carries out preventive work in preschool educational institutions to prevent speech disorders in children. A speech therapist teacher works with teachers of a preschool educational institution on the problem of speech development of preschool children (consultations, seminars, workshops and other forms and types of work), parents (legal representatives) attending his classes. An indicator of the work of a speech therapist is the state of the sound pronunciation of children graduating to school. Certification of a speech therapist teacher for qualification category II must be carried out with the participation of a senior speech therapist from the CMC. Equipment for a speech therapy room The speech therapy teacher’s work schedule should be posted on the door of the speech therapy room. The following equipment should be available in the speech therapy room. 1. Tables according to the number of children studying in one subgroup. 2. Sufficient cabinets or shelves for visual aids, educational material and teaching literature. 3. Wall mirror 50x100 cm for individual work on sound pronunciation; it should hang near a window with special lighting. 4. Mirrors 9x12 cm according to the number of children simultaneously engaged in pronunciation correction in a subgroup lesson. 5. A table near the wall mirror for individual work with the child and two chairs - for the child and for the speech therapist. 6. A set of speech therapy probes, ethyl alcohol for processing the probes. 7. Technical training aids. 8. Wall-mounted cash register letters. 9. Visual material used in examining children’s speech, placed in a separate box or envelopes. 10. Visual material on speech development, systematized and placed in special boxes. 11. Teaching aids in the form of cards, cards with individual tasks, an album for working on sound pronunciation. 12. Various speech games. 13. Methodological literature. 14. Towel, soap and paper napkins. The speech therapy room should be aesthetically designed and decorated with indoor plants. It is not recommended to hang paintings, prints, drawings and tables on the walls that are not related to the correctional process, as they distract the attention of children during classes and create an unnecessary diversity of the environment. Documentation and its maintenance To take into account the correctional process carried out by the speech therapist, the following types of documentation are offered: 1. A log of children's attendance at speech therapy classes. 2. Journal of examination of the speech of children attending a preschool educational institution (from 3 to 7 years). 3. Register of children in need of correctional (speech therapy) assistance. 4. Speech card for each child with a long-term work plan to correct identified speech disorders, progress results every six months, indicating the start and end dates of classes. 5. Plan of activities aimed at preventing speech disorders in children (consultations, seminars for educators, other preschool specialists, parents or their substitutes on working on the sound culture of speech). 6. Calendar plan for subgroup and individual lessons with children. 7. Notebooks-diaries for individual lessons on correcting children’s speech. 8. Class schedule certified by the head of the preschool educational institution. 9. The work schedule of the speech therapist, approved by the head of the preschool educational institution, agreed with the administration of the institution. 10. Card index listing the equipment, educational and visual aids located in the speech therapy room. 11. Copies of reports on the effectiveness of correctional (speech therapy) work for the academic year (at least for the last three years). 12. Follow-up data on children who completed a course of correctional classes through interaction with primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers over the past three years. Job description of a speech therapist teacher 1. General provisions 1. A speech therapist teacher is appointed and dismissed by the head of the educational institution. 2. A speech therapist teacher must have a higher education in defectology and improve his qualifications. 3. A speech therapist teacher in his work: - is guided by: • the Constitution of the Russian Federation; • laws of the Russian Federation; • decisions of the government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues; • Convention on the Rights of the Child; • Charter of a preschool educational institution; • instructions for protecting the life and health of preschool children; • this job description; — must know: • developmental and special pedagogy and psychology; • anatomical, physiological and clinical foundations of defectology; • methods and techniques for preventing and correcting disorders in the speech development of students; • normative and methodological documents on issues of professional and practical activity; • program methodological literature on working with students (pupils) who have disorders in speech development; • the latest achievements of defectological science; • labor rules and regulations; safety and fire protection. 2. Functions 1. Carry out work aimed at preventing and maximizing correction of specific speech disorders and other deviations in the development of mental processes (memory, thinking, attention, etc.). 2. Develops an action plan aimed at preventing speech disorders in children (pupils) (consultations, seminars for educators, other preschool specialists, parents (persons replacing them) on working on the sound culture of speech). 3. Job responsibilities 1. Examines and determines the structure and severity of speech disorders of various origins in students (pupils) aged 3 to 7 years. 2. Completes groups for classes taking into account speech impairments of students (pupils). 3. Conducts subgroup and individual classes to correct deviations in speech development and restore impaired functions. 4. Works closely with teachers and other specialists of the educational institution, and attends classes. 5. Consults teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques to assist children with speech development disorders. 6. Maintains the necessary documentation. 7. Promotes the formation of a general personal culture, socialization, conscious choice and mastery of professional programs. 8. Uses a variety of forms, methods, techniques and means of teaching and correction within the framework of state standards. 9. Provides a level of training for students (pupils) that meets the requirements of the state educational standard, and is responsible for their implementation in full. 10. Implements educational programs of a preschool educational institution. 11. Respects the rights and freedoms of students (pupils) contained in the Russian Law “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 12. Systematically improves his professional qualifications. 13. Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work to exchange experience in his educational institution, district, district, city. 14. Works according to a schedule based on a 20-hour work week, approved by the head of the educational institution, agreed with the trade union organization. 15. Communicates with parents. 16. Ensures the protection of life and health of students (pupils) during the educational process. 17. Complies with labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations. 18. Carries out dynamic observation of children who have completed a course of correctional classes through interaction with primary school teachers, speech therapists at schools, and preschool teachers. 4. Rights 1. A speech therapist teacher has all social rights provided for by Russian legislation. 2. A speech therapist teacher has the right to be present at any classes conducted with preschoolers. 3. Improve your skills. 4. Pass certification in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for certification of pedagogical and managerial employees of state and municipal educational institutions” dated June 26, 2000 No. 1908. 5. Has a vacation of 56 calendar days (48 working days). 5. Responsibility 1. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for organizing propaedeutic and correctional work in an educational institution. 2. For non-fulfillment or improper execution without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of an educational institution, for violation of official duties established by this Instruction, other local regulations, legal orders of educational authorities, orders and orders of the head of an educational institution, he shall be subject to disciplinary punishment up to dismissal from position. 3. For violation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, a speech therapist teacher is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by law.

Safety instructions for a speech therapist teacher Introductory part 1. A speech therapist teacher must know and follow instructions on protecting the life and health of children, safety precautions, and strictly observe labor and production discipline. 2. Study and improve safe work practices. 3. Achieve the fastest elimination of deficiencies in work that cause accidents. 4. Strictly follow the instructions on the rules for the safe use of electrical equipment, sanitary rules, fire safety rules and personal hygiene rules. Before starting work, you must: 1. Wash your hands thoroughly. 2. Prepare everything necessary for work. 3. Sterilize speech therapy probes: - by boiling in a sterilizer; - treatment with ethyl alcohol. During work it is necessary: ​​1. To comply with the doctor’s requirements related to the protection and promotion of children’s health. 2. Maintain speech therapy probes in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. 3. Use disposable wooden spatulas. 4. Inform the doctor about your observations of the children’s health. 5. Maintain the necessary documentation. 6. Make sure that children do not have sharp metal objects in their hands during classes. 7. Store medicines, disinfectants, matches in a closed cabinet, out of the reach of children. 8. It is prohibited to lengthen the duration of classes with children and shorten the breaks between them. 9. It is prohibited to leave children unattended. Author's note. The above provision regulates the work of a speech therapist teacher at a preschool speech center. It: — determines the hourly workload per week and the distribution of the speech therapist’s working time during the day; — the possibility of conducting speech therapy classes in the first and second half of the day is indicated; — the duration of individual and subgroup speech therapy sessions is indicated. The document also talks about the need for a speech therapist to work on the prevention of speech disorders and filling out documentation, but, unfortunately, the document does not provide time for performing these types of work.

Features of the work of a speech therapist teacher in a combined preschool educational institution.

Anna Vlasova

Features of the work of a speech therapist teacher in a combined preschool educational institution.

According to various researchers, the number of preschool children with speech disorders is growing and, the more significant and relevant the role of a speech therapist in a preschool institution becomes.

I have been working as a speech therapist with children in general development groups since 2010. During this time, I have gained positive experience in correcting speech disorders. For correctional classes with preschoolers, the preschool educational institution has a speech therapy room, in which I conduct correctional classes, individual work on sound production, and advise parents. Throughout the year, I supplement and prepare the necessary visual material: pictures, cards, diagrams, didactic games, aids for the development of thinking, fine motor skills, mnemonic tables, collages, etc.

In my work , I rely on regulatory documents and programs that regulate the activities of a speech therapist at a speech therapy center in a preschool educational institution:

I use programs:

• Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V., Tumanova T. V. “Correction of speech impairment”

compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with speech impairments (2008)

• Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. “Education and training of preschool children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Program and methodological recommendations for a compensatory preschool educational institution " ( 2003)


• Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2. “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center in a general education institution”

In addition, I am guided by San PiN, the job description of a speech therapist teacher , and labor safety instructions.

The main tasks of my work are :

correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students;

timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in students’ mastery of general education programs;

clarification of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers, parents (legal representatives)


I have drawn up a work program “Correction of speech disorders in children in general developmental groups”

. This program represents a correctional and developmental system that ensures full mastery of the phonetic structure of the Russian language, intensive development of phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical categories of the language, and development of coherent speech.

abilities in children with speech pathology , which is the basis for further successful education in public school, as well as its socialization.

Correctional and educational work with FN , FFN and ONR IV (ur.r.r.)

is built taking into account
the characteristics of the mental activity of children.
Thus, speech therapy intervention is organically connected with the development of attention, memory, and the ability to control oneself and other mental processes in preschoolers. Based on the heterogeneity of the composition of children with FN, FFN and OHP IV (ur.r.r., due to different etiologies of the disorder, it is important, as a result of the examination, to differentially assess the degree of lag in mastering the material; the program requirements of a given age should also be taken into account .

I have highlighted the main directions of correctional and developmental work with children :

1. formation of full-fledged pronunciation skills;

2. development of phonemic perception, phonemic representations, forms of sound analysis and synthesis accessible to age

3. development of attention to the morphological composition of words and changes in words and their combinations in a sentence;

4. enriching the dictionary mainly by drawing attention to the methods of word formation , to the emotional and evaluative meaning of words;

5. developing the skills to correctly compose simple and complex common sentences; use different sentence structures in independent coherent speech;

6. development of coherent speech in the process of working on retelling , with the formulation of a certain correctional task for automating in speech phonemes specified in pronunciation;

7. formation of preparation for learning to read and write and mastering the elements of literacy.

The effectiveness of correctional work in kindergarten is determined by rational and correct planning and organization of work with children , parents, teachers, and preschool education specialists. Therefore, in my teaching activities I pay special

First of all, speech therapy assistance is provided to children in the preparatory and senior groups of kindergarten. In September, I monitor speech development, draw up the necessary documentation, and compile a list of children in need of speech therapy help.

Based on the results of the examination, I fill out speech cards and draw up an individual correctional and developmental route for each child, taking into account the nature of speech pathology and intact links, since children have different starting capabilities; I’m designing a “sound pronunciation screen”

, I present the results of the examination to the group teachers. After this, I form groups for similar disorders and draw up a network of subgroup and individual classes. Taking into account the theme of the week, I include breathing, finger and articulation gymnastics in my correctional classes, as well as didactic games and exercises aimed at developing lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech. I recommend teachers use these games and exercises in groups and write them down in children’s individual notebooks.

Twice a year, together with a speech therapist at a children's clinic, I examine children of all age groups in order to clarify speech diagnoses, timely identify children with severe speech disorders and refer them to speech therapy groups and groups with mental retardation, draw up the necessary documentation for the PMPK, and talk with parents. I try to organize my work in such a way that all preschoolers with severe speech diagnoses are sent to correctional groups.

For subgroup classes, I bring together children of the same age group who have similar nature and severity of speech disorders, 5-6 people each, the frequency of classes is 2 times a week, 30 minutes for children of preparatory age, 25 minutes for older children.

The frequency of individual lessons is determined by the nature and severity of the speech disorder, the age and individual psychophysical characteristics of the children , the duration of individual lessons is 10-15 minutes, with microgroups - depending on correctional goals.

“ABVGDeyka” club in the preparatory school group.

, the purpose of which is to lay the foundations of literacy in children of senior preschool age
(initial reading and preparation for learning to write)

Club program "ABVGDeyka"

developed system of correctional education for preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment; in September, I and the group’s teachers draw up a joint work .
Club classes are held once a week in a school preparatory group. Educational activities include a variety of visual and practical material, game tasks of varying degrees of complexity.

At all stages of training, attention is paid to composing sentences of various structures, sound analysis of words, the formation of phonemic perception and the skill of reading syllables, familiarity with letters, and the development of mental processes.

I conduct trainings, master classes, consultations, conversations and other forms of work with teachers of preschool educational institutions, and issue reminders. I present consultations for teachers of general developmental groups in two forms: oral and written, the topics of which are relevant for preschool educational institutions, the contingent of children, and the material is understandable for teachers. All activities in this direction are reflected in annual planning.

In this regard, one of the areas of my work in a speech therapy center is to involve parents of children with various speech disorders in the correction process. After a speech therapy examination, I provide parents (or persons replacing them)

complete and detailed information about speech and non-speech disorders identified in the child, I explain in detail the individual correctional and developmental program intended for classes with the child and emphasize the need for joint, coordinated
work of kindergarten teachers and parents.
I have established close contact with parents of children with speech disorders. If a child is diagnosed with a complex speech disorder, I talk about it with the parents and advise them to contact a speech therapist at the clinic to confirm the speech diagnosis. Confirmation of the diagnosis is the basis for transferring the child to a specialized speech therapy group.

At all stages of training, attention is paid to composing sentences of various structures, sound analysis of words, the formation of phonemic perception and the skill of reading syllables, familiarity with letters, and the development of mental processes.

I conduct trainings, master classes, consultations, conversations and other forms of work with teachers of preschool educational institutions, and issue reminders. I present consultations for teachers of general developmental groups in two forms: oral and written, the topics of which are relevant for preschool educational institutions, the contingent of children, and the material is understandable for teachers. All activities in this direction are reflected in annual planning.

In this regard, one of the areas of my work in a speech therapy center is to involve parents of children with various speech disorders in the correction process. After a speech therapy examination, I provide parents (or persons replacing them)

complete and detailed information about speech and non-speech disorders identified in the child, I explain in detail the individual correctional and developmental program intended for classes with the child and emphasize the need for joint, coordinated
work of kindergarten teachers and parents.
I have established close contact with parents of children with speech disorders. If a child is diagnosed with a complex speech disorder, I talk about it with the parents and advise them to contact a speech therapist at the clinic to confirm the speech diagnosis. Confirmation of the diagnosis is the basis for transferring the child to a specialized speech therapy group.

Independent website about stuttering

In our country, help for children who stutter

appears in specialized rooms or institutions in the healthcare and public education systems.

In the first case, this work is carried out by speech therapy rooms

at children's clinics, specialized hospitals at psychoneurological dispensaries, semi-inpatient facilities, nurseries, seasonal and permanent sanatoriums. In the public education system, help for children who stutter is provided in special kindergartens or special groups at mass kindergartens, at speech therapy centers at mass schools and in special speech schools.

A child who stutters in the above-mentioned institutions

or regularly attends special classes 2-3 times a week (outpatient conditions), or is admitted for a certain period of time under the constant supervision of specialists, who provide the necessary therapeutic and pedagogical influence on him (inpatient conditions).

The advantage of outpatient settings is that children who stutter do not break away from their usual social environment during treatment. From here, they have the opportunity to transfer the skills learned in the classroom into their daily lives. In addition (and this is important), child students continue their education at school. Regular classes with a specialist allow you to systematically and correctly work on speech correction

and behavior of a child who stutters. The objectives of each lesson in the classroom are: monitoring the state of the child’s speech at a given time, selecting and practicing certain new exercises for his speech and behavior, and tasks for independent work.

Parents present at classes are direct participants in these classes. Here they learn the correct approach to their child, master techniques for correcting his speech, and receive the necessary consultations. All this contributes to the development of a unified and correct approach to the child both in the office and in the family.

Along with this, outpatient conditions for stuttering treatment also have a number of disadvantages that negatively affect the effectiveness of treatment. This especially applies to children-students. The child attends speech therapy classes

during extracurricular time, at the expense of their recreation. It is known from practice that these children often also attend either a music or sports school. In addition, they must find time to participate in extracurricular activities and complete schoolwork at home.

Speech therapist L.G. Paramonova, who specifically studied the effectiveness of a complex method of treating children who stutter in a school speech therapy center, made a number of observations regarding the shortcomings of outpatient conditions. These include: insufficient contact with doctors, busy parents of the child, who are therefore unable to ensure the proper routine of his day, nutrition, activities, and control over his speech. In a number of cases, the author noted an unfavorable family environment and poor living conditions.

The observations made allowed L.G. Paramonova to conclude that in outpatient settings, schoolchildren often do not show noticeable improvements in speech. Thus, these activities only bring them unnecessary trauma or uncertainty about the possibility of curing their stuttering.


Observations in recent years, obtained as a result of studying the effectiveness of stuttering treatment in outpatient and inpatient settings, suggest a significant advantage of the latter.

According to our observations, the best result of treating children who stutter

in inpatient conditions is, on the one hand, the isolation of children in the hospital from everyday, often unfavorable conditions, the possibility of calm and even behavior, the purposefulness of all actions, and a firm daily routine. On the other hand, constant monitoring of children by medical and teaching staff makes it possible to enhance the complex impact on each of them. In the hospital, it is possible to create a speech regime for children, expand the scope of psychotherapy, medication and physical treatment, and sleep therapy.

Inpatient conditions in the treatment of children who stutter

and adolescents are expressed differently in public education and health care systems. In the first case, attempts are made to provide assistance to children in special speech kindergartens and boarding schools. Here they combine training in a mass kindergarten or school program with speech therapy classes.

Children who stutter are accepted into speech kindergartens

from two years old. The speech therapist conducts daily classes with them, the results of which must be consolidated by educators in the process of raising and training them according to the program of general preschool institutions.

The speech school has a special department for children who stutter

. The primary school program here must be completed in 5 years (one year for speech correction), and in the next four - year after year. This department is also distinguished from a mass school by a partial change in the curriculum (speech therapy classes, rhythmics were introduced, the number of hours in Russian was increased, etc.), a change in the duration of the lesson in 1st grade (30 minutes instead of 45), a smaller number of students in the class, the presence of staff of medical personnel: psychoneurologist, pediatrician, exercise therapy instructor, nurse.

Currently, the organization of assistance to children who stutter is widespread in medical hospitals, special departments are opened at children's hospitals or dispensaries. The main attractive property of this form of help is the opportunity to make maximum use of the therapeutic effect on a stuttering child

generally. A comprehensive study of it, a wide selection of medical means in combination with speech therapy techniques make it possible to create in practice the therapeutic and pedagogical complex necessary to overcome stuttering.

Treatment of children in a speech therapy hospital lasts on average 3-4 months. During this time, they receive daily appropriate treatment and speech therapy under the supervision of a speech therapist and staff. In addition, during treatment, school-age children study independently and with the help of a speech therapist and teachers in accordance with the school curriculum. Of course, the volume and quality of the educational material covered in this way do not sufficiently meet the requirements of this program. But nevertheless, educational classes in a hospital (in addition to helping to reinforce the correct speech and behavior of children on material that is close to them) to a certain extent make it possible for children being treated to reduce the gap in knowledge in comparison with their peers.

Comparing two types of inpatient settings for children who stutter

(boarding school and medical hospital), we see significant differences not only in the very form of these institutions, but also in the fundamental approach to solving the main problem - getting rid of a child from stuttering. At the boarding school they are trying to solve this problem by slightly modifying the school curriculum. In a medical hospital, the main thing is a therapeutic and pedagogical complex of measures aimed at improving and treating the body of a stuttering child, his nervous system, psyche and, in particular, speech function. The use of the school curriculum also takes place, but it is not of primary importance.

In recent years, a relatively broad organization of seasonal (summer) speech therapy sanatoriums and sanatorium-type pioneer camps for children who stutter has developed in our country. Their advantage is the comparative simplicity of organization (thousands of health camps for children are organized in our country in the summer) and the fact that during treatment, stuttering schoolchildren do not interrupt their studies at school and combine their treatment with rest. Here it is possible to widely use climatic and natural factors in the treatment of neurologically and somatically weakened children.

Familiarization with the work of specialized summer sanatoriums and sanatorium-type health camps shows that in the first case, attempts are made to organize comprehensive treatment for children with any form of stuttering

. In the second case, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the health camp (lack of the required number of specialists and medical equipment), there are not sufficient opportunities for comprehensive treatment of severe cases of stuttering. Therefore, the staff of these camps are faced with the tasks of the general health of children, strengthening their nervous system, preventing and eliminating mild forms of stuttering and its relapses.

If the indication for treatment in seasonal sanatoriums is the presence of stuttering in children to varying degrees, up to the most complex, as well as stuttering

in combination with other mild speech defects, then children are sent to health camps: 1) after a course of treatment for stuttering in specialized rooms or hospitals; 2) with mild forms of stuttering; 3) with other forms of disorders of fluency and tempo of speech (delayed physiological hesitation, battarism, tachylalia, bradilalia) and with other speech disorders.

Contraindications for referral to health camps for children who stutter are: 1) moderate and severe stuttering, as well as complicated by other speech defects, 2) severe hearing impairment; 3) speech disorders of central origin (alalia, aphasia, complex forms of dysarthria; 4) contraindications for ordinary children's health institutions (skin infectious diseases, organic lesions of the nervous system, urinary incontinence, etc.).

From the above it is clear that, despite the similarity of the two forms of organizing summer work with children who stutter,

, they have some differences both in the very form of organization and in the main tasks facing them. A seasonal sanatorium and a health camp for children who stutter not only do not exclude, but rather complement each other.

Thus, in our country for children who stutter

a diverse system of specialized offices and institutions has been organized. (Specific addresses of such offices and institutions are available in each regional or city department of health care and public education.)

The specialist decides which type of specialized institution to choose for the treatment of a stuttering child, based on the complexity of the stuttering, the age of the child, the conditions in which he lives, the remoteness of his place of residence, and, finally, the specifics of the speech therapy institution itself. Experience convinces us that there is no need in every case to strive only for a medical hospital, speech kindergarten or boarding school. Often, outpatient conditions are sufficient to eliminate stuttering in children, especially younger ones.

IN AND. Seliverstov “Stuttering in Children”

This is interesting:

Psychological characteristics of people who stutter

According to R.E. Levina, there is no speech disorder in itself; it always presupposes the personality and psyche of a particular individual with all its inherent characteristics. The role of speech deficiency in the development and fate of a child depends on the nature of the defect, its degree, and also on how the child relates to his defect. Understanding their speech defect, unsuccessful attempts to get rid of it on their own, or at least to disguise it, often give rise to certain psychological characteristics in people who stutter: shyness to the point of timidity, a desire for solitude, fear of speech, a feeling of oppression and constant worries about their speech. Sometimes it’s the other way around: disinhibition, ostentatious looseness and harshness.

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Manifestations of stuttering

In its manifestations, stuttering is a very heterogeneous disorder. It is naive to believe that it concerns only speech function. In the manifestations of stuttering, attention is drawn to disorders of the nervous system of stutterers, their physical health, general and speech motor skills, speech function itself, and the presence of psychological characteristics. The listed deviations in the psychophysical state of children who stutter manifest themselves differently in different cases. Nevertheless, one is closely connected with the other, feeds each other, and the complication of one of the listed deviations inevitably aggravates the other. Therefore, when eliminating stuttering, it is necessary to influence not only the speech of the stutterer, but also his personality and motor skills, nervous system and the body as a whole. In our country, influencing different aspects of the body, speech and personality of a stutterer using different means is called a comprehensive therapeutic and pedagogical approach to overcoming stuttering.

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Model of fixation on one's defect

Based on the general principles of the systems approach in psychology (L.S. Vygotsky, S.Ya. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, B.F. Lomov, A.V. Petrovsky, P.Ya. Galperin , V.D. Nebylitsyn, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) and our own observations, we make an attempt to consider the model of the emergence and development of the phenomenon of fixation from the position of the integral interaction of mental processes, states, properties and actions in people who stutter. The validity of this approach, in particular, is confirmed by the results of a comparative study of adolescents conducted under our leadership by G.I. Angushev. The study allowed him to conclude that the difference between those who stutter and those who speak fluently is expressed in the former not in the degree of productivity of a particular activity, but in the specifics of its course. This specificity is manifested not in any one separate function, but in the entire totality of mental processes.


Self-massage techniques to eliminate stuttering. General information

Massage is performed to relieve tension and stiffness of speech and facial muscles and, conversely, to increase the tone of weak and flaccid muscles. To relieve tension from your face and relax it, you can use so-called self-massage. Here we will get acquainted with its two types: hygienic and vibration. Hygienic massage is performed by stroking, which activates the nerve endings located close to the skin. This massage has a dual role: it relieves tension and stiffness in the facial and facial muscles and increases the tone of these muscles if they are weak.


Training speech muscles

Good diction is the basis for clear and intelligible speech. Clarity and purity of pronunciation depend on the active and correct functioning of the articulatory (speech) apparatus, especially on its moving parts - the tongue, lips, palate, lower jaw and pharynx. To achieve clarity of pronunciation, it is necessary to develop the articulatory apparatus with the help of special exercises (articulatory gymnastics). These exercises help create a neuromuscular background for the development of precise and coordinated movements necessary for the sound of a full voice, clear and precise diction, prevent the pathological development of articulation movements, as well as relieve excessive tension in the articulatory and facial muscles, develop the necessary muscle movements for free use and control of parts of the articulatory apparatus.


Muscle relaxation

Most people who stutter experience feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear in the process of verbal communication. They are characterized by an imbalance and mobility between the processes of excitation and inhibition, and increased emotionality. Any, even minor, stressful situations become excessive for their nervous system, cause nervous tension and intensify the external manifestations of stuttering. Many people who stutter are known to speak freely when they are calm. A state of calm is mainly ensured by general muscle relaxation. And vice versa, the more relaxed the muscles, the deeper the state of general peace. Emotional arousal weakens with sufficiently complete muscle relaxation.


Self-massage to eliminate stuttering

Relaxing the neck muscles Relaxing the neck muscles reflexively relaxes the muscles of the root of the tongue. Exercise 1 Slowly stroke your neck from top to bottom in the throat area with the palm of your right or left hand. Exercise 2 Slowly stroke the neck at the same time with the palms of both hands from above from the parotid area of ​​the face along the lateral surfaces of the neck to the armpits.


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