Sounds [Х] [Х`]. Letters X, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)

Automation of sounds x, xx

Sound X – 1

1. “Gawker” (- Listen and clap, jump when you hear the sound X

) 3-5 times every day!
i, x,
y, p, o,
, a, n, x, s, p, f, x, v, l, x, k, x, n, a, o, f, x.

2. “Remember, repeat” - learn to memorize 3 (4) syllables. Watch for correct pronunciation. Sound X

pronounce, “stretching” it.

Ha-ha hy-hy ha-ho-hy hy-ha-hu
Ho-ho hu-hu hu-ha-ho ha-ho-hy-hu
3. Pronounce the words (3-5 times every day). The sound X in the words “stretch, sing”: khan = x-x-x-khan

x an x ata x bot x o-dun-ki
x aki x attack walk _ xo d - ba
x apat x ayat x o d -ka hockey _
x apuga x od x odoki hamster _

4. “15” - counting from 1 to 5 (10) and back: x both,
x ata. /one x robot, two (3.4) x robot , five (6.7...) x robot /
X - 2

1. “Gawker” (- Listen and clap, jump when you hear the sound X) a,
x , m, i, o, x , t, yu, k, i, s, x , y, f, x , n, p, p, ha , well, mo, ho .
2. “Remember and repeat clearly”

aha - aha oha - oha ear - aha - iha iha - ear - oha iha - iha ear - ear
aha - iha - oha oha - iha - aha
3. Speak (5-7 times every day). If you have difficulty pronouncing, clap the words syllable by syllable.

!!! The sound X in words should be pronounced X-X-X-X.

milestone _ _ loaf? a x at o x apka?
fly _ _ ma x at papakha? o x ota
y x a cake? ute x a o- x from-nick?
Mi x her rest _ _ a hindrance? mah o -vik?

??? Explain the meaning of the underlined words.

4. Counting from 1 to 5 (10) and back “15” - mu x a; o x apka

one fly ; _ _ d ve (3,4) flies ; five mu x .../
X – 3

1. "Gawker"

mo, ta,
hy , su, na, fi ho , py, la, ko, py, fu, hu , mho , tna, ply, ihn .
2. “Remember, repeat” (Remember 2-3 syllables)

a x
– o x – (uh) yuh – ah – okh o x – and x – (ah) uh – oh – them
3. Say (5-7 times)

ba x moss? catch x
rest x bird x breath x boot x cock x monk? Are you a fur groom ?
4. “Remember, repeat”

x both - hut - fly x a horse x
- rest x - hindrance o xota - fur - rooster x u ha - a hat - shoe x
5. Complete the sentences with the word “ pet x

"mu x a".

- Sitting on the bank... (mu x a).- A... flew into the window
- Sitting on the fence... (pet x ).Walking around the house...
-Crows loudly...Petya saw on the plate...
- Vika draws...A beautiful comb at...

1. "Gawker"

X - 4

ho , us, pa, ko, hy , fur , beads, catfish, cat, hut , poppy, rooster , trunk .
2. “Remember, repeat”

x ta –
x ​​ta xto – xto aht – oht uht – aht – oht khty-khty khtu – khtu icht – uht icht – oht – aht
3. Say (5-7 times)

wave bay swell relax
ottoman? watch puff needles?
fir? joke yacht? tail

4. “15 (10)” - I x ta, pi x ta

5. “I..., you..., he..., she..., we..., you..., they..." (change of verb by person: I go hiking. You go hiking)

go camping ; _ _ _ - vacation in the south.
1. "Gawker"

X - 5

on the move wrapper , broom, fur , about the hunt, weather, write, rest

2. “Remember, repeat”

hva - hwa -hvy a x wa- o xw a- y xw a wha- who- why hwo-hwo
-hwa ikhva- uhva- ikhva why- whu-vha
3. “Is this – These – Are there many people? What?"

mu x a – mu x i
– mu x _
Mona x
- ... - ...
I x ta - ...
robe - … - … pi x ta - ... - ... rooster -

4. “I.., you..., he..., she..., we..., you..., they...”

x put on while walking ; - x go to o x otu.
5. Pronounce (3-6 times), clapping the syllables.

H a- ha -ha- ha – it will be for lunch at xa , Hu-hu-hu - we eat fish soup for lunch,
Ha-ha-ha - very tasty fish soup, Hee-hee-hee - children don't
give up x and.

1. “Finish the word.”

X - 6

Explain the meaning of the underlined words!!!

rooster) shovel...(x) rest) city...
zapa... mo... lol... pasta

2. “I.., you..., he..., she..., we..., you..., they...”

- ma- kh- nut pa-pa-kh- oh ,
- rest x at i x - te
3. – Listen to the sentence and say it correctly.

— The hamster is chugging the oven.
- The hamster is in full swing . _ _ _ - children go to hockey games - ... - a rooster sits near a burdock - ... - hunters go hunting - ..
4. Say (5-7 times). Learn.

Ha-ha-ha - they give the children a rooster, Ha-ha-ha - we don't need a rooster,
Ha-ha-ha - we don’t want a rooster, Hoo-hoo-hoo - give the rooster some porridge.

Fragment 1. Automation of the sound [X] at the syllable level.

The squirrel and the hedgehog saw an elephant who could not collect a bouquet of flowers for his mother, because he was afraid of trampling them.

“We need to help the elephant,” said the hedgehog.

- But how? – the squirrel was surprised.

- If you correctly pronounce words with the sound [X], then we will collect a bouquet for the elephant.

“Thank you very much,” the elephant said when the friends collected a large beautiful bouquet for the elephant.

- You helped me a lot. Come with me to visit the frog.


The adult pronounces the syllables, the child repeats each syllable twice: ah, oh, uh, them, eh, ah, oh, uh, them, eh.

Fragment 2. Automation of sound [X] at the word level.

Squirrel Hana decided to treat her sisters to apples. But what is it? A big, big caterpillar lay in her path.

“I won’t let you in, Hana, until you go from my tail to my horns.”

“Don’t be afraid, Hana,” said the hedgehog, “you have already learned a lot, you will cope with this task.”

___ The child names the words from the pictures: fly, firecracker, perfume, persimmon, bread, nuts.

Fragment 3. Automation of sound [X] at the sentence level.

The friends had a lot of fun. But suddenly a cloud ran into the sun. One, then another. Soon the clouds covered the entire sky.

“We wanted to go to the river to swim, but now we have to return home,” sad squirrel Hana...

“Don’t be sad, squirrel,” answered the hedgehog. – After all, my needles are not simple, but magical. I'll give you some needles. If you take a needle in your paw and repeat the sentence, then the clouds will disperse and the sun will shine in the sky again.


The child repeats each phrase 2 times after the adult.

The soup is ready. The fly flies. Mom smells perfume. The fluff flies. The rooster crows. Moss is growing. A nut fell. Yellow house. A turtle crawls. Earache. We bought bread.

Fragment 3. Automation of sound [X] at the sentence level.

The squirrel and the hedgehog helped the hamster count his supplies. It seemed to the hedgehog that these products would not be enough for the hamster to last all winter. And he decided to treat his friend with delicious acorns. The hamster accepted the hedgehog's offer, but first decided to treat his guests. Tell me, what did the hamster make soups, fish soup and jam from? What kind of soup should you not eat?

Fish soup. Pea soup. Fly agaric soup. Nut jam.


What is the name of pea soup? (Pea soup). Fish soup? (Fish soup). Nut jam? (Nut jam). Close the book, remember and tell us what treat the hamster prepared for his guests.

Fragment 3. Differentiation of sounds [Х]-[Ф] at the word level.

The next time the hedgehog brought the squirrel an album with photographs of various objects.

— There is one “extra” item in each horizontal row. “Let’s find him and circle him,” said the hedgehog. – You need to think carefully and explain why the item is superfluous.

- So! Robe, T-shirt, sundress, scarf,” the squirrel listed. “I think there’s an extra scarf here,” said the squirrel Hana. — A scarf is worn when it gets cold, and all other clothes are worn in the warm season.

“Well done,” said the hedgehog. – You are reasoning correctly! Now think about what sound [F] or [X] is in these words.

“Ah, I understand,” exclaimed the squirrel. – Scarf, T-shirt, sundress – all words have the sound [F] and only the word “robe” has the sound [X]. So, “robe” is an extra word.

- Well done, squirrel! – the hedgehog praised Hana.


In each horizontal row, the child finds and colors an “extra” object. Explains why it is superfluous, highlighting the sounds [Х], [Ф] in words.

Robe, T-shirt, sundress, scarf.

Flag, lantern, camera, bread.

Traffic light, apron, candy, fly

X sound at the beginning of a word


Ha-ha, Khavronya, Khazars, Khakas, khaki, robe, negligent, halva, caliph, caliphate, hack, hack, hut, chalcedony, freebie, boor, chaos, chaotic, grab, grab, grab, character, cough, tavern, grub, kharcho, mug, hut, hahal, hakhanki, find fault, chameleon, be rude, be rude, boorish, anchovy, boorish, rudeness, khan, melancholy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, Khanty, Khatyn, proboscis, walker, stilts, shaker, walking, owner, hostess, hilly, chill, jellied, refrigerator, chill, chill, cold, chill, serf, owner, household, hockey player, hockey, sleek, cholera, choleric, chorale, Croatians, choreographer, ferret, chorister, round dance, mansions, bury, well, prettier, single, linen, canvas, collar, hamster, good, wanting, although, crested, crested, Khokhloma, Khokhly, hokhmach, crest, laugh, laughter, laughter, pelvis,


Hobby, hobbit, trunk, move, walkers, walks, walker, move, household..., groom, withers, hall, hill, cold, chord, chorus, chord, chorus, single, canvas, hop, chorus, polecat, at least, laugh, laugh, ho-ho, wants,


Hood, thin, artistic, thinness, thin, lose weight, hula-hoop, thin, thinness, artist, thin, artistic director, worst, thin, worse, hula, hooligan, blaspheme, junta, persimmon, farmstead, farmer,

X sound in the middle of a word


Ear, fly, hat, era, hindrance, spinner, shirt, alder, turtle, drought, stepmother, slob, cook, groan, sugar, waved, healer, reckless driver, loaf, potholes, plow, stuff, impudent, be rude, grab, to boast, to grab, nakhimovets, to swallow, parasite, to whip, to swallow, to rush, to frown, to find, to find, to sniff out, elongated, tub, potholes,


Dry, deaf, hunting, infantry, pedestrian, leaving, leaving, quiet, hunter, hike, steamship, all-terrain vehicle, slow-moving vehicle, laughter, quiet, arrival, find, resourceful, husked, seems, bad, chimney, ice drift,


Ear, nonsense, daughter-in-law, fly, slob, matchmaker, top, odorous, hat, turtle, era, hindrance, spinner, shirt, rumored, stepmother,

The sound X in a combination of consonants

Praise, laudable, vaunted, brag, brag, boastful, whine, henna, braggart, grab, grab, grab, grab, pine, sick, brushwood, sick, brushwood, sickness, tail, tailed, tail, horsetail, cold, cold... , trash, chlamys, bread, cotton, cotton, cotton picker, troublesome, busybody, troubles, cracker, cotton, flakes, chlorine, bleach, gush, whip, whip, squish, squish, whip, hops, frown, gloomy, frown, grunt . . , baker, bread-cutter, grain-grower, hospitable, barn, whip, whip, slurp, slurp, whip, clap, clap, lad, cotton, cotton grower,

Watch, ottoman, mine, bay, fir, whirlwind, smells, hoots, waves, in great demand

Suffocate, dead, shaggy, rags, sneezed, rudely, mine, chess, chess player, wave, expense, hopelessness, dune, velvet, horseback, from above, schooner, archaism, treatment, discrepancies, entrance, similarity, go, similar, grab, fight,

The X sound at the end of a word.

Moss, fur, fluff, bang, burdock, shepherd, rooster, verse, fear, smell, air, sucker, swing, swing, ah, swing, bird, cluck-tah-tah, monk, inhale, exhale, catch, in a hurry, their, uh, bang, spirit, butt, oh, puff, rest, groom, extinguished, swollen, laughter, died down, buffoon, thistle, two, three, hastily, staff, collapse, hands, words, strangers, colored, padishahs, in a hurry, out loud, firstly, secondly,

Collocations (184)

  • neglect
  • negligence
  • nature of manifestation
  • data characterization
  • characteristic feature
  • characteristic
  • characteristic feature
  • characteristics
  • character traits
  • eulogy
  • stop being sour
  • coniferous forest
  • chemical substances
  • chemical composition
  • chemical reaction
  • surgical intervention
  • Bestseller
  • the hit of the season
  • cleverly invented
  • cunning like a fox
  • giggles and giggles
  • bread and salt
  • daily bread
  • some bread
  • bread place
  • bakery products
  • don't feed me bread
  • don't feed me bread just to
  • it won't be a hassle
  • mouth full of troubles
  • passage of time
  • knight's move
  • The way of thinking
  • progress of work
  • progress
  • line of reasoning
  • course of events
  • beating around the bush
  • tiptoeing
  • walking to the left
  • shopping
  • walking on a knife's edge
  • walk on hind legs
  • walk on the edge of a knife
  • there are rumors
  • current coin
  • walking encyclopedia
  • walking misunderstanding
  • walking wallet
  • walking university
  • home owner
  • master of the situation
  • master of the taiga
  • lady of the house
  • economic activity
  • economic life
  • economic activity
  • economic connections
  • economic entity
  • economic entities
  • hills of feminine charms
  • Cold War
  • steel arms
  • cold look
  • cold as ice
  • homo sapiens
  • good looking
  • a good life
  • good idea
  • good book
  • good memory
  • good weather
  • good job
  • good price
  • Have a good day
  • good quality
  • a little bit of good stuff
  • good upbringing
  • good deal
  • good quality
  • good opinion
  • good mood
  • good attitude
  • wellness
  • good condition
  • good qualities
  • good manners
  • good deeds
  • good conditions
  • good taste
  • good friend
  • good result
  • good comrade
  • good tone
  • good man
  • it is good to
  • highly visible
  • well known
  • well known
  • good or bad
  • well dressed
  • well-paid
  • well organized
  • having a good time
  • well done
  • fits well
  • well built
  • he who laughs last laughs best
  • looks good
  • well preserved in memory
  • I would like to
  • I'd like to
  • would you like
  • I would like to
  • would like to note
  • I would like to know
  • even if
  • at least henna
  • at least something
  • at least get into a noose
  • at least hang yourself
  • even a wolf howls
  • at least poke out your eyes
  • even if you have an eye
  • at least bang your head against the wall
  • though
  • at least collect needles
  • at least some
  • at least shout the guard
  • at least a stake on your head
  • even a bloody nose
  • anywhere
  • at least burst
  • more than enough
  • at least cry
  • a dime a dozen
  • at least once
  • at least take out the saints
  • at least some
  • even stand, even fall
  • at least hang up the ax
  • even though the grass won't grow
  • at least crack it
  • for the life of me
  • at least something
  • at least roll a ball
  • at least
  • I'm hungry
  • I want to note
  • sleepy
  • Believe it or not
  • like it or not
  • I want to note
  • I want to say
  • I want to inform you
  • Temple of Melpomene
  • God bless
  • guarded like the apple of his eye
  • information repository
  • kept in the depths of one's soul
  • knowledge keeper
  • hell knows
  • damn understand that
  • horseradish is not sweeter than radish
  • horseradish from the mountain
  • to hell with it
  • fuck you
  • For Christ's sake
  • limps on both legs
  • lame duck
  • gymnastics
  • fiction
  • piece of art
  • artistic creativity
  • artistic disorder
  • artistic taste
  • artistic image
  • artist from the word bad
  • skinny as a sliver
  • bad world
  • skinny person
  • worse than bitter radish
  • it can't get any worse
  • worse than ever

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