Correct speech
The basics of pronunciation of sounds, the formation of vocabulary, and familiarization with grammar occur through the process of imitating conversation
The article selected and developed didactic games and exercises for the formation of the morphological structure of speech:
Nikulina T.A., music director of the highest qualification category, preschool educational institution No. 8; Stepanova E.A., teacher-speech therapist of higher education
Master class for parents of the senior speech therapy group “Speech therapy games with mom” Spoon in front of pursed lips
The situation when a child began to speak, but suddenly stopped, is, unfortunately, familiar to many parents, it
Reasons for incorrect sound pronunciation There are several reasons why a baby may not be able to produce sound: Short
Introduction. Current problems of early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders Textbook on speech therapy
Determination of the level of speech development according to the method of O. A. Bezrukova, O. N. Kalenkova Yulia Savinova
1. Pronunciation of the sound [S] 2. The difference between the articulation of the sound [Z] and the sound [S] 3. Articulation
Classes for children 4 years old should be developmental and prepare the child for admission