Didactic aids for individual speech therapy sessions

In order for a child to attend speech therapy classes with pleasure and complete the tasks offered to him with interest, it is necessary to come up with new, interesting didactic games with different pictures, plots and material.

I bring to your attention didactic manuals for individual speech therapy classes on the automation of different sounds, the formation of intonation expressiveness, the development of hand-eye coordination, and so on.

These benefits help to diversify the lesson and increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

Homemade didactic game for automating sounds “Adventure Road”

Goal: consolidation and refinement of the skill of correct pronunciation of previously learned sounds.

Objectives: development of auditory and visual attention, perception; development of visual-motor coordination, orientation in space; vocabulary expansion

Materials: a large empty candy box, cut out pictures from old postcards and magazines, pictures with attached sound.

Homemade didactic game for automating sounds

Description of work with the manual:

The child is invited to go on a trip. Along the way, he will open magic doors and complete tasks. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the journey he will receive a small surprise.

At the end of the trip the child receives a small prize

For example, to automate the sound “r” you can take a small machine. Drive along the road, imitating the sound of a rrrrrrrrrr engine, drive up to the door, open it and say the names of the pictures. Behind the last door the child finds a surprise - it could be candy, a picture, etc.

Cards-tasks for joint activities of children and parents in a senior speech therapy group

The speech therapist’s task cards are compiled taking into account long-term planning in the senior speech therapy group. Speech therapy cards can be cut, multiplied for each child and given to parents along with a notebook of individual work at the end of the week. A total of twenty-eight tasks were developed, taking into account the survey in September and the New Year holidays in January.


Task No. 1

Be able to point out and name parts of the body: forehead, chin, elbows, nails, fingers, eyebrows, eyelashes, lips, stomach, chest, neck, shoulders, knees.

1. Didactic game “Show it on the doll and on yourself” (one or many)

Eye - eyes Ear - ears Mouth - Nose - Elbow - Arm - Leg - Eyebrow -

2. Didactic game “Say kindly”:

Leg - Cheek - Arm - Eyes - Nose - Ear - Finger - Mouth - Elbow - Tongue -

3. Know your left and right hand well. Game "Show it right."

a) show your right eye with your left hand b) your left eye with your right hand c) your right leg with your right hand e) your left ear with your right hand

4. “Guess the riddles.” Learn one of your choice, draw a picture - the answer:

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have said anything. (Language) Two restless neighbors, day at work and night at rest. (Eyes) Five brothers, all with the same name. (Fingers)

Task No. 2

1. Name what toys you know. Name your favorite toys.

2. Name it correctly: doll-dolls,

Ball - Pyramid - Cube - Flag - Ball - Matryoshka - Car - Mosaic -

3. Call it affectionately:

Ball - Ball - Flag - Doll - Car - Stroller -

4. Guess the riddles. Learn one of your choice:

If he falls, he jumps, if you hit him, he doesn’t cry. (Ball) I held your tail in my hand, it flew - I ran. (Balloon) There is skin on top, the same on the bottom, and the middle is empty. (Drum)

5. Draw a ball, a pyramid, color with colored pencils, consolidate knowledge of colors.


Task No. 3

Answer correctly: What vegetables do you know? Where do vegetables grow? When are vegetables harvested? What is salad made from? Soup? Borsch?

1. Call it this: cucumber-cucumbers, tomato-tomatoes, zucchini -..., eggplant -...

2. Name it this way: cucumber-cucumber, tomato-tomato, pea -..., radish -..., garlic -..., onion -..., potato-...

3. Select as many definitions for vegetables as possible: onion, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, tomato, answering the question: which one? which one?, which one? For example: a tomato (what is it?) – red, round, ripe, large, juicy, smooth, soft, tasty.

4. Guess riddles, learn one of your choice:

Seven clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage) No windows, no doors - the room is full of people. (Cucumber) The beautiful maiden is sitting in prison, and the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

5. Come up with 5 words starting with sound A. Write it down. Draw several pictures in your notebook for this sound.

6. Hatching of vegetables (circle the planar image along the contour and hatch it with a simple pencil)

Task No. 4

1. Answer correctly: what fruits do you know? Where do fruits grow? When are they collected? What is compote made from? What is juice made from?

2. Say correctly: apple juice - apple juice,

juice from pears -..., from grapes -..., from peaches -..., from plums -...,

3. Call it this: apple-apples,

pear - pears, lemon -..., orange -..., apricot -..., plum -..., peach -...,

4. Call it this: apple-apple, lemon-lemon, orange-...,

5. Select as many definitions for fruits as possible: apple, pear, grapes, lemon, plum, answering the question (which?, which? which?)

6. Guess the riddle, learn it by heart:

Balls hang on the branches, darkened by the heat. (Plums).

7. Come up with 5 words that begin with the sound U. Write them down and draw pictures.

8. Determine with what sound A or U the words begin: aster, duck, stork, snail, smart, alphabet, dinner.

9. Outlining, shading of fruits.

Task No. 5

1. Know and name autumn clothes and shoes.

2. Guess the riddle: who are we?

“On a clear day we sit at home, It’s raining - we have work: Stomp, splash through the swamps.” (Rubber boots)

3. Use the words correctly: dress, put on.

Dress your baby brother. To walk and not freeze, you need to wear a hat. The doll needs to be dressed. You need to wear a T-shirt. You need to know this for sure.

4. Call it affectionately: hat, scarf -..., boots -..., cap -..., jacket -..., boots -...

5. Call it this: hat-hat, scarf-..., boot-..., cap-..., jacket-..., jacket-..., raincoat-...

6. Answer, what is unnecessary? Why?

Jacket, raincoat, hat, boots. Boots, sweater, shoes, sandals.

Come up with 5 words that begin with the sound I. Draw several pictures.

7. Clap your hands when you hear a word with the sound O. House, roof, door, windows, subway, tram, train, coat, shirt, perch, smoke.

8. Hatching of clothing (circle the planar image along the contour and hatch it with a simple pencil)

Task No. 6

1. Talk to your child about autumn, pay attention to the weather, changes in nature, and the behavior of birds and animals. Remember what people do in their gardens in the fall. What are they collecting? (repeat task No. 3, 4 vegetables and fruits). Know what machines make people's work easier during harvesting.

2. Say this: watered, watered, collected, collected, carried, carried, dug, dug.

3. Answer: What can you buy at the grocery store? (reinforce the concepts of vegetables and fruits)

4. What's extra? Why?

Apple, carrot, tangerine, lemon. Beets, onions, pears, garlic. Turnip, peach, apricot, plum.

5. Come up with 5 words that begin with the sound E. Draw pictures.

6. Tell me, what vowel sounds do you know? (A, O, U, E, Y) Name words with these sounds.

7. Answer what sound the words begin with: autumn, Ira, duck, excavator, stork.

8. Determine by ear how many sounds the adult made, name the first and second sound.



Task No. 7

1. Answer, what trees grow on the site in the kindergarten, in your yard? Be able to show and name parts of a tree: trunk, branches, leaves, bark, buds.

2. Say this: tree-trees,

trunk -..., leaf -..., stump -..., branch -..., branch -..., root -...

3. Guess the riddle, learn it by heart: “They grow in summer, they fall in winter” (Leaves).

4. Choose actions for the word “leaves” (what do they do?) - turn yellow, fall, spin, fly, rustle, get wet, wither, dry, etc.

5. Say this: maple leaf - maple leaf,

birch leaf -..., aspen leaf -..., oak leaf -..., spruce branch -..., pine cone -..., willow twig -...

6. Come up with 5 words that begin with the sound M. Write it down. Draw pictures.

7. Tell me, how many sounds did you hear (la)? Name the first one? Second? How will it be together?


8. Stroke, shading of leaves (outline the plane image along the contour and shade it with a simple pencil)

Task No. 8

1. Repeat the signs of autumn. Know the names of the autumn months. Draw a picture “Autumn”. Write a short story about autumn. (5-6 sentences) based on your picture.

2. Answer: what are the names of birds that fly away to warmer climes? (migratory)

3. Say this: swallow, swallows,

stork-..., rook-..., starling-..., lark-..., crane-..., goldfinch-...

4. Form action words using various prefixes (u, at-, from-, pere-, in-, you-). What word will you get if you add u- (fly away), pri- (fly in), pere- (fly over), etc. to the word “fly”?

5. Come up with 5 words that begin with the sound P. Write it down. Draw pictures.

6. How many sounds did you hear (la?). Name the first one? Second? How will it be together?


7. Stroke, shading of the bird (trace the plane image along the contour and shade it with a simple pencil)

Task No. 9

1. Answer: what utensils do you know? Where are the dishes made? What are they made of? (glass, porcelain, metal, plastic). What kind of dishes are there? (tea room, kitchen, dining room).

2. Call it this: cup-cup,

saucer-saucer, pan-..., spoon-..., fork-..., grater-..., knife-...

3. Call it this: cup - cups,

pan-..., spoon-..., fork-..., grater-..., knife-..., plate-...

4. Say this: a glass glass is glass,

porcelain cup-..., metal knife-..., plastic grater-..., wooden stand-...

5. Match the signs to the words: cup, plate, glass, saucer. For example: a cup (what?) is porcelain, fragile, smooth, shiny, beautiful, large, deep, comfortable, etc.

6. Guess the riddle, learn it by heart:

Water flows from the hot well through the nose. (Kettle). Draw the answer and color it beautifully.

7. Come up with 5 words that begin with the sounds T, K. Write it down.

8. How many sounds do you hear? Name the first one? Second? How will it be together?


Task No. 10

1. Know your pets. Why are they called that? (they live next to a person, the person takes care of them, they are useful). Know what benefits each pet brings.

2. Know baby pets. The dog has a puppy, puppies. The cat has a kitten, kittens,

for a goat -..., for a cow -..., for a horse -..., for a pig -...

3. Guess the riddle, learn it by heart.

You stroke it and it caresses you, you tease it and it bites you, It sits on a chain and it guards the house.

Draw a dog, tell me what is the first sound in this word?

4. Clap your hands if you hear the sound C in a word: table, skates, milk, glass, forest, nose, lips, glass, catfish, cancer, socks, boots, sled.

5. Answer where in the word the sound C is heard (at the beginning, middle, end): glass, braid, nose.

6. How many sounds do you hear? Name the first one? Second? How will it be together?



Task No. 11

1. Repeat task No. 10

2. Say this: kitten - kittens,

puppy - ..., lamb - ..., kid - ..., foal - ..., calf - ..., pig - ...

3. Say this: kitten - many kittens,

puppy - ..., lamb - ..., kid - ..., foal - ..., calf - ..., piglet - ...

4. Didactic game “Who is screaming?” — clarify the names of animal actions.

The cat is meowing, the horse is..., the cow is..., the dog is..., the pig is..., the sheep is...

5. Didactic game “Who lives where?”

A dog lives in a kennel, a pig lives -..., a goat -..., a horse -...

6. Determine the place of the sound “C” (beginning, middle, end) in the words: bridge, sausage, fireworks, question, tail, salad, traffic light, snow, class.

7. Come up with 5 words with the sound “S” at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. Write it down.

8. Stroke, shading of pets (outline a plane image and shade it with a simple pencil)

Task No. 12

1. Name the wild animals of our forests. Know why they are called that (they live in the forest and get their own food)

2. Say this:

squirrel - a lot of squirrels, bear - ..., fox - ..., hedgehog - ..., wolf - ..., hare - ..., elk - ..., wild boar - ...

3. Name the cubs: the fox has a fox cub, the wolf has ...., the bear has ...

4. Guess riddles, learn one of your choice:

a) Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

b) Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf)

c) Under the pines, under the fir trees, there is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

5. Form words that answer the questions: whose, whose, whose, whose?

The hare has a hare's tail, a hare's paw, a hare's ear, and hare's tracks.

The fox..., the wolf..., the bear...

6. Determine the place of the sound “Z” (beginning, middle, end) in the words: lawn, Zoya, nest, hare, blacksmith, gold

7. Come up with 5 words with the sound “Z” at the beginning and in the middle of the word. Write it down. Draw 2-3 pictures with the sound “Z” at the beginning and in the middle of the word.

Task No. 13

1. Answer: what are the names of the birds that winter with us? (wintering) Name them (pigeons, bullfinches, jackdaws, crows, magpies, woodpeckers, tap dancers, sparrows). Why do they make feeders for birds in winter? What food do you give the birds?

2. Say this:

bullfinch - bullfinches - many bullfinches, tit - ..., woodpecker - ..., crow - ..., magpie - ..., sparrow - ....

3. Guess the riddle, be able to say it clearly:

What kind of table is there among the birches in the open air? In the frost he treats the birds with grain and bread. (Feeder).

4. Determine the place of the sound “Ш” (beginning, middle, end) in the words: scarf, bag, cherries, hat, lily of the valley, shower.

5. How many sounds are there in total? Name the first, second. How will it be together? SHA, SHU, ASH, OSH

6. Come up with 5 words with the sound “Ш” at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. Write it down. Draw a few pictures.

Task No. 14

1. What time of year is it now? After what time of year does winter begin? What time of year will it be after winter? How many months does winter last? What's the weather like in winter? What are rivers and lakes covered with?

2. Answer: what kind of ice? (smooth, fragile, slippery, etc.) What kind of snowflake? - ..., snow - ... Write down.

3. Guess the riddles:

a) Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, blizzards blowing - when does this happen?

b) Without arms, without legs, but he can draw.

4. Draw a picture “Winter” in your notebook. Make up a story based on the plot picture.

5. Be able to come up with words with the sounds “S” and “Sh” in different positions.

6. Determine the place of the sound “Ш” in the words: driver, scarf, reed, bear, hut. The sound “S” in the words: icicle, trolleybus, plum, sausage, snowflake, cable.

7. Parse the words SOUP and SOUP according to the scheme:

How many sounds are there in a word? Name the first, second, third. How will it be together? How many vowel sounds are there in this word? Name it. How many consonants? Name it.


Task No. 15

1. Compose and write down a short story “How we prepared and spent the New Year’s party”

a) How we prepared for the Christmas tree b) How we decorated the Christmas tree c) How we had fun at the New Year's tree d) What did I like most about the New Year's holiday?

2. Guess the riddle:

I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Dressy, funny, I’m in charge for the New Year.

3. Form words that answer the questions: which, which, which, which?

Made from cotton wool - a cotton snowman, a cotton toy, a cotton decoration, cotton toys.

From paper - ..., from cardboard - ..., from glass - ..., from plasticine - ..., from plastic - ..., from foam rubber - ...

4. Come up with 5 words with the sound “C” at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. Write it down. Draw 2-3 pictures with the sound “C” in different positions.

5. How many sounds are there in total? What is the 1st, 2nd? Say it together. Name the vowel, name the consonant sound.


6. Draw your favorite Christmas tree large and apply a pattern.

Task No. 16

1. Repeat task No. 15.

2. Tell me what games you can play in winter?

3. Write a story “How the guys made a snowman”

Plan: What day was it? What were the guys planning to do? How did they work? How did the snowman turn out? Write down the story.

4. Didactic game “Words scattered” (compose the sentence correctly):

Guys, on, sledding, mountains Made, in, girls, yard, a snowman On, love, riding, skiing, boys Having fun, playing, children, snowballs

5. Determine the place of the sound “Zh” in the words: beetle, knives, toad, pajamas, Zhora, Zhenya, ice cream, belly.

Parse the word BEETLE according to the diagram (see task No. 15)

Draw a snowman.


Task No. 17

1. Answer: What transport do you know? What is the name of the vehicle that carries passengers? (passenger), name it. What is the name of the vehicle for transporting goods? (freight), name it.

2. Know the parts of the car: body, cabin, wheels, seat, headlights, steering wheel, doors, wipers.

3. Assigning the names of professions in transport:

Answer: who drives the car? (driver, chauffeur)

— who drives the train? (driver) - who controls the plane? (pilot, pilot) - who controls the ship? (captain)

4. Come up with 5 words with the sound “Zh” at the beginning and in the middle of the word. Write it down. Draw pictures.

5. Parse the word HEAT according to the diagram (see task No. 15)

6. Practice the pronunciation of difficult words: policeman, traffic controller, cyclist, motorcyclist.

Task No. 18

1. Didactic game “Complete the sentence with the right word”:

- by air people move on ... - by land people move by ... - by water people move by ...

2. Say words with numbers 2 and 5:

Train – two trains, five trains,

tram - ..., car - ..., truck - ..., bus - ..., steamship - ..., trolleybus - ..., train - ..., plane - ...

3. Repeat the task with the sounds “Sh” and “Zh”

Learn the tongue twister by heart:

Zhenya and Shura lived with the crane Zhura.

4. Outlining, shading of transport (outline a plane image along the contour and shading it with a simple pencil).

Task No. 19

1. Name the furniture. Where is furniture made? What is furniture made of? Where do you buy furniture?

Call it this: closet - closets - many closets,

table - ..., chair - ..., bed - ..., sofa - ..., chair - ..., chest of drawers - ...

2. Say words with numbers 2 and 5: table, chair, armchair, sideboard, sofa

3. Guess the riddle, learn it by heart:

There are four legs under the roof, and on the roof there is soup and spoons. (Table)

4. Write a story about a piece of furniture (table, sofa, bed, wardrobe) of your choice.

Draw a picture.


—What piece of furniture will you talk about? - what shape, color, what does it have, what is it made of? — why is it needed in the room?

For example: This is a chair. The table has a back, a seat, and four legs. The chair is made of wood. The seat is covered with fabric. A chair is meant to be sat on.

5. Determine the place of the sound “Zh” in the words: beetle, knives, acorns, ice cream. The sound “Z” in the words: teeth, gum, vase, hare, basket.

Task No. 20

1. Know February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2. Say words with numbers 2 and 5:

sailor, infantryman, tanker, soldier, artilleryman, rocket man, pilot, border guard.

3. Complete the sentence with words from paragraph 2

“At the parade we admired the sailors, infantrymen...

4. Determine the place of the sound “Ch” in the words: tea, key, doctor, garlic, evening, cookies, stockings, ball, gloves.

5. Draw a festive picture.


Task No. 21

1. Know – March 8 – International Women’s Day.

Learn a poem. Pronounce sounds clearly. There are many kind words in the world, But one is kinder and more important than all of them: Of two syllables, the simple word “mother”, And there is no word more necessary than that.

2. Choose kind words for the words: “mother”, “grandmother”. Write it down.

3. Talk about your mother. Plan:

- how is your mother's name? - talk about your mother’s work (name where she works and who she works for, what she does at work). - why do you love your mother?

4. Draw flowers for mom and grandma.

Task No. 22

1. Answer correctly: What time of year is it? How did you guess? (the sun is shining brighter, warming up, the buds are swelling on the trees, the snow is melting, drops are dripping, the days have become longer and the nights are shorter).

2. Learn by heart I. Tokmakova’s poem “Spring”

Spring is coming towards us with quick steps And the snowdrifts are melting under its feet; Black thawed patches are visible in the fields, It can be seen that spring has very warm feet.

3. Draw a picture “Early Spring”. Make up a story based on this picture. (7-8 sentences). Write it down.

4. Choose definition words: snow in early spring (what kind?) – granular, heavy, dark, sticky. Sky - ..., sun - ..., air - ...

5. Form new words:

pure - pure, light - light, warm - ..., high - ..., light - ..., dark - ..., heavy - ..., cold - ...

6. Come up with 5 words with the sound “CH” at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. Write it down. Draw pictures with this sound.

Task No. 23

1. Repeat the topic “Clothing”.

Know sewing supplies: thread, needles, thimble, buttons, scissors, pins, measuring tape, sewing machine.

2. Form words that answer the questions which, which, which, which?

A chintz shirt is chintz, a silk robe is..., wool trousers are..., a drape coat is..., a nylon dress is..., a flannel jacket is...

3. Say words with numbers 2 and 5: button, needle, thimble, pin, centimeter.

4. Determine the place of the sound “Ш” in the words: lizard, bream, puppy, pike, crack, cloak, vegetables, grove, box.

5. Draw the dress large and decorate it with patterns.

Task No. 24

1. Know about the professions of a doctor, cook, driver, pilot, captain, janitor, salesman, dressmaker. Reply: What does a cook do? (cooks, bakes, fries, etc.) What does a teacher, nanny, dressmaker, doctor do?

2. To say correctly: tree - wooden,

glass - glass, leather - ..., iron - ..., plastic - ..., paper - ..., snow - ..., rubber - ..., fur - ..., sand - ..., brick - ...

3. Choose words about which you can say wooden, leather, paper.

Write it down.

For example: paper tissue, paper toy, paper napkins, paper towel.

4. Come up with 5 words with the sound “Ш” at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. Write it down.

5. Draw pictures with this sound.


Task No. 25

1. What construction professions do you know?

2. Guess the riddle, memorize:

Here on the edge he paints the iron with caution. He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted cunningly. (Painter)

3. Answer the questions with a sentence:

Who plasters the house? (The house is being plastered by a plasterer). Who paints the walls?.. Who installs the glass?.. Who works on the excavator?.. Who covers the roof?.. Who makes the doors? Frames?.. Who assembles the house?.. Who works on the crane?..

4. Determine the place of the sound “L” in the words: hall, onion, milk, pencil case, spoon, swallow, bottle, bee. Make out the words: bow, floor, forehead according to the diagram (see task No. 15). Write it down.

Task No. 26

1. Know – April 12 – Cosmonautics Day. Name the astronauts you know.

2. Learn the poem (pronounce all sounds correctly):

A Russian guy took off in a rocket - He saw the whole earth from above. Gagarin was the first in space What number will you be?

3. Say with numbers 2 and 5:

1 spaceship, 2 - 5 - 1 space lunar rover, 2 - 5 - 1 space rocket, 2 - 5 -

Make sentences with these words.

4. Come up with 5 words with the sound “L” in different positions. Draw pictures.

5. Stroke, shading of the rocket (outline the plane image along the contour and shading it with a simple pencil).

Task No. 27

1. Talk with your child about the signs of spring, about the life of plants and animals in spring.

2. Come up with as many words as possible that answer the questions: What to do? What are they doing? On the topic “Spring”: grass..., birds..., trees..., children...

3. Say this: one rook - two rooks - five rooks.

Starling - ..., seagull - ..., swallow - ... lark - ...

4. Determine the place of the sound “R” in the words: crayfish, axe, locomotive, rainbow, rocket, tomato, bucket, drum, samovar. Write it down.

5. Learn tongue twisters:

- grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. - on the mountain, on the mountain, our hero Yegorka. - Yegorka roars bitterly on the hill.

6. Outlining, shading of migratory birds: (outline a flat image along the contour and shade it with a simple pencil).

Task No. 28

1. Know your address.

2. Write a story “The Street Where I Live”


What is the name of the street where you live? What's on your street? What kind of transport goes on the street? What do you like about your street? Draw your street.

2. Match the signs to the words: the street (what?) is wide, spacious, beautiful, green, festive, etc.

Words: house (which?), room (which?), yard (which?).

3. Come up with 5 words with the sound “R” in different positions. Draw pictures.

Baranoshnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher-speech therapist Primary - school kindergarten No. 662, St. Petersburg

  1. Summary of the final lesson in the senior speech therapy group "Kolobok"
  2. Speech therapy session in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment of level III on the pronunciation of “Sound [I]”
  3. Thematic planning of speech therapy work in the senior group (OHG)
  4. Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic [Fruits] in the senior group for children with level 3 ODD
  5. Summary of an open speech therapy lesson in the senior group “The Magic Letter M”

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Homemade didactic game “Magic Bag”

Objectives: development of fine motor skills, spatial perception, strengthening the ability to coordinate numerals with a noun.

Description of work with the manual:

The child takes out a small bag from a large bag, which contains a ribbon with beads sewn to it. Slowly pulls out the ribbon and counts each bead. For example: one hat, two hats, three hats and so on.

The task can be complicated by performing the same exercise with your eyes closed.

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